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Last active January 22, 2016 17:47
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Hitbot #devmke commands
11:51 <pushbot> <Project Key>-<Issue ID> - Displays information about the JIRA ticket (if it exists)
11:51 <pushbot> <anything> - pushbot will take note of what you said. This is unique per name/room
11:51 <pushbot> <name>++
11:51 <pushbot> <name>--
11:51 <pushbot> <user>: 1/10 - rate the comment 1/10
11:51 <pushbot> <user>: s/find/replace/modifier - pushbot will apply a regex to the last thing the user said and output the result
11:51 <pushbot> Events:
11:51 <pushbot> best/worst rating - displays top/bottom X users
11:51 <pushbot> botsnack - give the bot a food
11:51 <pushbot> deal with it - display a "deal with it" gif
11:51 <pushbot> debug - {user: <user object to send message to>}
11:51 <pushbot> graphite list - list all available graphs
11:51 <pushbot> graphite search <string> - search for graph by name
11:51 <pushbot> graphite show <> - output graph
11:51 <pushbot> http(s)://<site> - prints the title for site linked
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot <user> doesn't have <role> role - Removes a role from a user
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot <user> has <role> role - Assigns a role to a user
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot <user> is a badass guitarist - assign a role to a user
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot <user> is not a badass guitarist - remove a role from a user
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot <what did i say> - shows what pushbot has stored for that user
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot animal me - Grab a random gif from
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot animate me <query> - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot ascii me <text> - Show text in ascii art
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot bottom <amount>
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot c <input>
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot corgi bomb N - get N corgis
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot corgi me - Receive a corgi
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot die - End pushbot process
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot echo <text> - Reply back with <text>
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot erase <user> [<reason>]
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot eval cancel - cancel recording
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot eval list - list available languages
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot eval me <lang> <code> - evaluate <code> and show the result
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot eval off|finish|done - evaluate recorded <code> and show the result
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot eval on <lang> - start recording
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot fake event <event> - Triggers the <event> event for debugging reasons
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot flip <text> - express your anger
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot forecast <city> - Get the 3 day forecast for a location.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot help - Displays all of the help commands that pushbot knows about.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot help <query> - Displays all help commands that match <query>.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot image me <query> - The Original. Queries Google Images for <query> and returns a random top result.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot map me <query> - Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot mustache me <query> - Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot mustache me <url> - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot ping - Reply with pong
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot pug bomb N - get N pugs
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot pug me - Receive a pug
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot rage flip <text> - express your anger with rage
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot save filter <JQL> as <name> - Save JIRA JQL query as filter in the brain
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot score <name> [for <reason>]
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot search for <JQL> - Search JIRA with JQL
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot show filter <name> - Show a specific JIRA filter
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot show filter(s) - Show all JIRA filters
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot show storage - Display the contents that are persisted in the brain
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot show users - Display all users that pushbot knows about
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot show watchers for <Issue Key> - Shows watchers for the given JIRA issue
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot simpsons <quote|image> - A Great Simpsons Quote or Image
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot the rules - Make sure pushbot still knows the rules.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot time - Reply with current time
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot top <amount>
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot translate me <phrase> - Searches for a translation for the <phrase> and then prints that bad boy out.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot translate me from <source> into <target> <phrase> - Translates <phrase> from <source> into <target>. Both <source> and <target> are optional
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot unflip <text>
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot use filter <name> - Use a JIRA filter from the brain
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot weather <city> - Get the weather for a location.
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot what role does <user> have - Find out what roles are assigned to a specific user
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot who has admin role - Find out who's an admin and can assign roles
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot who is <user> - see what roles a user has
11:51 <pushbot> pushbot youtube me <query> - Searches YouTube for the query and returns the video embed link.
11:51 <pushbot> it's a trap - Display an Admiral Ackbar piece of wonder
11:51 <pushbot> rate <user> - query a user's rating
11:51 <pushbot> s/find/replace/modifier - pushbot will apply a regex to the last thing you said and output the result
11:51 <pushbot> ship it - Display a motivation squirrel
11:51 <pushbot> thanks obama - A random image from
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