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Last active August 12, 2020 04:07
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A simple crop tracker on when to water plants according to
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<title>Doraemon Story of Seasons</title>
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const SEASONS = [
const CROPS = {
"Bell Pepper": { days: 10, price: 80, sell: 130, multi: true, season: "Summer" },
"Broccoli": { days: 8, price: 60, sell: 90, multi: true, season: "Winter" },
"Burdock": { days: 9, price: 50, sell: 240, multi: false, season: "Autumn" },
"Cabbage": { days: 13, price: 90, sell: 410, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Campanula": { days: 11, price: 70, sell: 320, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Carnation": { days: 12, price: 80, sell: 360, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Carrot": { days: 12, price: 80, sell: 360, multi: false, season: "Autumn" },
"Cauliflower": { days: 12, price: 80, sell: 360, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Corn": { days: 14, price: 140, sell: 220, multi: true, season: "Summer" },
"Cucumber": { days: 9, price: 80, sell: 120, multi: true, season: "Spring" },
"Daikon": { days: 4, price: 20, sell: 90, multi: false, season: "Winter" },
"Eggplant": { days: 11, price: 70, sell: 320, multi: false, season: "Autumn" },
"Gerbera": { days: 14, price: 90, sell: 450, multi: false, season: "Autumn" },
"Green Pepper": { days: 12, price: 90, sell: 140, multi: true, season: "Autumn" },
"Hibiscus": { days: 7, price: 40, sell: 170, multi: false, season: "Summer" },
"Lily": { days: 11, price: 70, sell: 320, multi: false, season: "Summer" },
"Melon": { days: 18, price: 140, sell: 660, multi: true, season: "Summer" },
"Morning Glory": { days: 7, price: 80, sell: 170, multi: false, season: "Summer" },
"Napa Cabbage": { days: 12, price: 80, sell: 360, multi: false, season: "Winter" },
"Onion": { days: 6, price: 30, sell: 140, multi: false, season: "Summer" },
"P. Daisy": { days: 8, price: 40, sell: 170, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Peas": { days: 10, price: 40, sell: 130, multi: true, season: "Spring" },
"Pineapple": { days: 13, price: 100, sell: 380, multi: true, season: "Summer" },
"Pink": { days: 8, price: 50, sell: 210, multi: false, season: "Autumn" },
"Potato": { days: 8, price: 50, sell: 210, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Pumpkin": { days: 4, price: 20, sell: 90, multi: false, season: "Summer" },
"S. Potato Slip": { days: 5, price: 40, sell: 60, multi: true, season: "Autumn" },
"Snowdrop": { days: 9, price: 50, sell: 240, multi: false, season: "Winter" },
"Spinach": { days: 5, price: 30, sell: 110, multi: false, season: "Autumn" },
"Strawberry": { days: 15, price: 150, sell: 240, multi: true, season: "Spring" },
"Sunflower": { days: 12, price: 80, sell: 360, multi: false, season: "Summer" },
"Tomato": { days: 12, price: 110, sell: 180, multi: true, season: "Summer" },
"Turnip": { days: 5, price: 30, sell: 110, multi: false, season: "Spring" },
"Watermelon": { days: 7, price: 40, sell: 170, multi: true, season: "Summer" },
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<h1 class="text-center font-weight-light">Doraemon Story of Seasons</h1>
<div class="row align-items-center">
<div class="col">
<p class="lead m-0"><span id="day"></span></p>
<div class="col text-right">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#mdlDayChange"> Change day</button>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="card mb-2">
<div class="card-body">
<form class="form-inline">
<div class="form-group mr-3 mb-0">
<select id="selCrops" class="form-control"></select>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick="addCropToPlot()">Add crop to plot</button>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-sm text-center">
<th>What to do</th>
<tbody id="plotsData"></tbody>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-block" onclick="nextDay()">Next day</button>
<div class="modal fade" id="mdlDayChange" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
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<h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Modal title</h5>
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<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-row">
<div class="form-group col-sm-8">
<label for="selSeason">Season</label>
<select id="selSeason" class="form-control">
<option value="Spring">Spring</option>
<option value="Summer">Summer</option>
<option value="Autumn">Autumn</option>
<option value="Winter">Winter</option>
<div class="form-group col-sm-4">
<label for="txtDay">Day</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control" id="txtDay" placeholder="1-30">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<button type="button" onclick="changeDay()" class="btn btn-danger">Change Day</button>
let season = localStorage.getItem("DORAEMON_STORY_OF_SEASONS_SEASON") || "Spring";
let day = Number(localStorage.getItem("DORAEMON_STORY_OF_SEASONS_DAY")) || 1;
let waterCrop = 0;
let currentPlots = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('DORAEMON_STORY_OF_SEASONS_PLOTS')) || [];
const selCrops = document.getElementById('selCrops');
const setWhenToWaterCrop = () =>{
case 'Spring': waterCrop = 4; break;
case 'Summer': waterCrop = 3; break;
case 'Autumn': waterCrop = 4; break;
case 'Winter': waterCrop = 4; break;
const nextDay = () => {
day += 1;
if (day > 30) { // Change Season
let seasonIndex = SEASONS.indexOf(season)
seasonIndex = (seasonIndex == 3) ? 0 : seasonIndex + 1
document.getElementById("day").innerText = `${season}, Day ${day}`;
const checkTodo = dayNo => (dayNo % waterCrop == 1) ? "Fancy fertilizer, water" : "Fancy fertilizer";
const addCropToPlot = () => {
let selCrops = document.getElementById("selCrops");
crop: selCrops.value,
start: day - 1
const refreshCropsSelector = () =>{
let seasonCrops = Object.keys(CROPS).filter(crop => CROPS[crop].season == season)
seasonCrops.forEach(crop => {
let opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.value = crop;
const refreshTableData = () => {
let oldTBody = document.getElementById("plotsData")
let newTbody = document.createElement("tbody");
let toDelete = []
newTbody.setAttribute("id", "plotsData")
currentPlots.forEach((plot, i) => {
let crop = CROPS[plot.crop]
let dayNo = day - plot.start
let row = newTbody.insertRow();
let cellCrop = row.insertCell()
let cellDay = row.insertCell()
let cellDoWhat = row.insertCell()
let cellDelete = row.insertCell()
cellCrop.innerHTML = plot.crop
cellDay.innerHTML = dayNo
cellDoWhat.innerHTML = checkTodo(dayNo)
cellDelete.innerHTML = `<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm" onclick="deleteCrop(${i})">Delete</button>`
oldTBody.parentNode.replaceChild(newTbody, oldTBody)
const deleteCrop = index =>{
var res = confirm(`Are you sure you want to delete "${currentPlots[index].crop}"?`)
if(res === true){
currentPlots.splice(index, 1)
const changeDay = () =>{
let newSeason = document.getElementById('selSeason').value
let newDay = Number(document.getElementById('txtDay').value)
newDay = 1
if(newDay < 1 || newDay > 30){
newDay = 1
resetData(newSeason, newDay - 1)
const saveData = () => {
localStorage.setItem("DORAEMON_STORY_OF_SEASONS_SEASON", season)
localStorage.setItem("DORAEMON_STORY_OF_SEASONS_DAY", day)
localStorage.setItem("DORAEMON_STORY_OF_SEASONS_PLOTS", JSON.stringify(currentPlots))
const resetData = (newSeason = "Spring", newDay = 0) => {
if(season != newSeason){
season = newSeason
day = newDay
currentPlots = []
document.getElementById("day").innerText = `${season}, Day ${day}`;
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