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Last active August 10, 2016 09:55
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  • Save Orange168/c391645022c584c094e28135f4978838 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Orange168/c391645022c584c094e28135f4978838 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
android {
buildTypes {
debug {
applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
jnidebug {
applicationIdSuffix ".jnidebug"
jniDebuggable true
android {
`./gradlew :app:dependencies and ./gradlew :app:androidDependencies.`
#### Filtering Variants
android {
productFlavors {
variantFilter { variant ->
def names = variant.flavors*.name
if (names.contains("fakeData") && == "release") {
variant.ignore = true
android {
lintOptions {
// turn off checking the given issue id's
disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes'
// turn on the given issue id's
enable 'RtlHardcoded','RtlCompat', 'RtlEnabled'
// check *only* the given issue id's
check 'NewApi', 'InlinedApi'
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