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Last active February 4, 2020 20:50
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"""Functions to help setup poker tournaments."""
__author__ = 'Dave <>'
__date__ = '4 February 2020'
from itertools import product
# Constants:
CASE = 100
money = {'yellow': 1000,
'purple': 500,
'black': 100,
'green': 25,
'blue': 10,
'red': 5,
'white': 1
amounts = {'yellow': 2 * CASE,
'purple': 2 * CASE,
'black': 5 * CASE,
'green': 3 * CASE,
'blue': 2 * CASE,
'red': 4 * CASE,
'white': 2 * CASE
def combo_finder(starting_stack: int, players: int = 9, min_chip: int = 25, colors: bool = True,
ret_list: bool = False):
Prints possible combinations of poker chips that sum to `amount` using the amounts and money dicts.
:param starting_stack: desired starting stack value ($)
:param players: expected amount of players to determine max amount of each chip (Default value = 9)
:param min_chip: smallest value ($) chip in starting stack (Default value = 25)
:param colors: fancier print messages with colors instead of $ values (Default value = True)
:param ret_list: return the list of combinations instead of printing
combos = []
# find max chip counts: if chip value is >= the min, include it
maxes = {k: amounts[k] // players if money[k] >= min_chip else 0 for k in money}
# if chip value is >= the desired amount, DON'T include it
for i in maxes:
if money[i] >= starting_stack:
maxes[i] = 0
# optimize maxes: if chip value * max > starting stack, lower the max by 1
# i.e. maxes['purple'] = 22, starting_stack = 900 --> maxes['purple'] = 1
for i in maxes:
if maxes[i]:
while maxes[i] * money[i] > starting_stack:
maxes[i] -= 1
# for i in maxes
maxes_list = [maxes[i] + 1 for i in maxes.keys()]
product_list = [range(i) for i in maxes_list] # range(x), range(y) ... for product arguments
for pairs in product(*product_list):
total = sum([pairs[k] * v for k, v in enumerate(money.values())])
if total == starting_stack:
if ret_list:
combos.append(["{:02d} x ${}".format(amt, val) for amt, val in
[(pairs[k], v) for k, v in enumerate(money.values())]])
if colors:
# first we get the amount in `pairs` and the name from money's keys before formatting and printing
print(["{:02d} {} chips".format(amt, name) for amt, name in
[(pairs[k], v) for k, v in enumerate(money.keys())]])
print(["{:02d} x ${}".format(amt, val) for amt, val in
[(pairs[k], v) for k, v in enumerate(money.values())]])
if ret_list:
return combos
def prize_calculator(buy_in: int, players: int, entrance_fee: float = None, winners: int = None,
chips_per_dollar: int = 100, ret: bool = False):
"""Prints prizes and possible chip values for a standard freezeout poker tournament."""
prizes = []
# Entrance Fee Calculator
if entrance_fee is None:
if buy_in < 10:
entrance_fee = 0.25
elif buy_in < 25:
entrance_fee = 0.50
elif buy_in < 50:
entrance_fee = 1.00
elif buy_in < 100:
entrance_fee = 2.00
entrance_fee = 3.00
# Winners Calculator
if winners is None:
if players == 10:
winners = 4
elif 8 <= players <= 9:
winners = 3
elif players > 4:
winners = 2
winners = 1
worth = buy_in - entrance_fee
if winners == 4:
prizes.append(worth / 2) # 1/20 = 5 %
prizes.append(3 * worth / 2) # 3/20 = 15 %
prizes.append(5 * worth / 2) # 5/20 = 25 %
prizes.append(11 * worth / 2) # 11/20 = 55 %
elif winners == 3:
if players == 9:
prizes.append(worth) # 2/18 = 11.11 %
prizes.append(3 * worth) # 6/18 = 33.33 %
prizes.append(5 * worth) # 10/18 = 55.55 %
elif players == 8:
prizes.append(worth) # 2/16 = 12.5 %
prizes.append(5 * worth / 2) # 5/16 = 31.25 %
prizes.append(9 * worth / 2) # 9/16 = 56.25 %
elif winners == 2:
if players == 7:
prizes.append(2 * worth)
prizes.append(5 * worth)
elif players == 6:
prizes.append(3 * worth / 2)
prizes.append(9 * worth / 2)
elif players == 5:
prizes.append(3 * worth / 2)
prizes.append(7 * worth / 2)
prizes.append(players * worth)
for k, v in enumerate(prizes[::-1]):
print('Prize {}: ${:.2f}'.format(k + 1, v))
if not ret:
for i in [*map(int, [1E1, 2.5E1, 5E1, 1E2, 5E2, 1E3])]:
print('Possible chips: {}\n\t${:.2f} per chip -- {} chips per $'.format(int(worth * i), i ** -1, i))
return int(worth * chips_per_dollar)
def tournament():
# Players
players = int(input('How many players: '))
# Buy-in
buy_in = int(input('Tournament buy-in ($): '))
# Winners
winners = input('How many winners (leave blank to auto-calculate): ')
if not winners:
winners = None
winners = int(winners)
# Entrance-fee
fee = input('Entrance fee ($) (leave blank to auto-calculate): ')
if not fee:
fee = None
fee = float(fee)
# Chips per dollar
cpd = input('Chips per dollar (Default = 100): ')
if not cpd:
cpd = 100
cpd = int(cpd)
print('Starting stack: {}'.format(chips := prize_calculator(buy_in, players, fee, winners, cpd, True)))
if (stack := buy_in * cpd) <= 500:
minchip = 1
elif stack <= 2500:
minchip = 5
elif stack <= 7500:
minchip = 25
minchip = 100
return combo_finder(chips, players, minchip, False, True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
combos = tournament()
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