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Created January 15, 2020 05:12
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import itertools
import random
from fractions import Fraction
import functools
intact = [Fraction(76, 100), Fraction(22, 100), Fraction(2 , 100)]
exceptional = [Fraction(70, 100), Fraction(26, 100), Fraction(4 , 100)]
flawless = [Fraction(60, 100), Fraction(34, 100), Fraction(6 , 100)]
radiant = [Fraction(50, 100), Fraction(40, 100), Fraction(10, 100)]
rarities = [intact, exceptional, flawless, radiant]
rarity_names = {0: 'Common', 1: 'Uncommon', 2: 'Rare'}
refinement_names = {0: 'Intact', 1: u'\u2605Exceptional', 2: u'\u2605\u2605Flawless', 3: u'\u2605\u2605\u2605Radiant'}
refinement_costs = {0: 0, 1: 25, 2: 50, 3: 100}
sub_intact = [intact [0]/3, intact [1]/2, intact [2]]
sub_exceptional = [exceptional[0]/3, exceptional[1]/2, exceptional[2]]
sub_flawless = [flawless [0]/3, flawless [1]/2, flawless [2]]
sub_radiant = [radiant [0]/3, radiant [1]/2, radiant [2]]
sub_rarities = [sub_intact, sub_exceptional, sub_flawless, sub_radiant]
def _rarity(ref: int, sub: bool=False):
"""returns float values of chances based on refinement level"""
rar = rarities if not sub else sub_rarities
if ref == 0: return [*map(float, rar[0])]
elif ref == 1: return [*map(float, rar[1])]
elif ref == 2: return [*map(float, rar[2])]
elif ref == 3: return [*map(float, rar[3])]
class Relic:
def __init__(self, refinement: int):
self.refinement = refinement
self.common, self.uncommon, self.rare = _rarity(refinement)
self.scommon, self.suncommon, self.srare = _rarity(refinement, sub=True)
def run(refinement_levels: list, specific: bool=False):
players, rewards = [], []
for r in refinement_levels:
if specific:
for p in players:
rewards.append(random.choices(list(range(6)),weights=[p.scommon, p.scommon, p.scommon, p.suncommon, p.suncommon, p.srare])[0])
for p in players:
rewards.append(random.choices(list(range(3)),weights=[p.common, p.uncommon, p.rare])[0])
return rewards
def auto():
start = '\n--> '
player_count = int(input('How many players: '))
print('{}Player count: {}\n'.format(start, player_count))
# int list 0 - 3
refinement_levels = list(map(int, input('Refinement levels of each relic: ').strip().split()))[:player_count]
level_names = [refinement_names[i] for i in refinement_levels]
print('{}Refinement Levels: {}'.format(start, ', '.join(level_names)))
# number of void traces per run
print('{}Void traces spent per run: {}\n'.format(start, traces := sum(map(lambda i: refinement_costs[i], refinement_levels))))
# rarity 0 - 2
rarity = int(input('What rarity: '))
print('{}Rarity: {}\n'.format(start, rarity_names[rarity]))
if rarity != 2:
goal_type = input(r'Trying for a specfic item? [Y/n] ')
specific = True if goal_type == 'Y' else False
else: specific = False
# chance of getting AT LEAST one
p_nots = []
for i in range(player_count):
p_nots.append(1 - _rarity(refinement_levels[i], specific)[rarity])
p_not = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, p_nots)
print(u'\t\u2605\u2605\u2605 Chance per run of getting {}{} loot: {:.2%}'.format('the specific ' if specific else '',rarity_names[rarity], chance := 1 - p_not))
print(u'\t\u2605\u2605\u2605 Number of runs to get {}{} loot: {:.2f}'.format('the specific ' if specific else '',rarity_names[rarity], runs := chance**-1))
print(u'\t\u2605\u2605\u2605 Number of void traces to get {}{} loot: {}\n'.format('the specific ' if specific else '',rarity_names[rarity], int(traces * runs)))
for i in range(player_count):
print('\t\u2605\u2605 Number of void traces for player # {}: {}'.format(i+1, int(runs*refinement_costs[refinement_levels[i]])))
# chance of getting an exact number
# lists of combinations of receiving goal X number of times
one, two, three, four = [], [], [], []
prod = [i for i in itertools.product([True, False], repeat=player_count)]
for i in prod:
if i.count(True) == 1:
one.append(i) # [False, True, False, False]
elif i.count(True) == 2:
elif i.count(True) == 3:
elif i.count(True) == 4:
four.append(i) # [True, ...]
possibilities = [one, two, three, four]
# probability of EXACTLY 1
count_rarity = {}
for amount, pos_list in enumerate(possibilities):
if pos_list:
B = []
for combo_list in pos_list:
C = []
for player_n in range(player_count):
if combo_list[player_n]:
C.append(_rarity(refinement_levels[player_n], specific)[rarity])
C.append(1 - _rarity(refinement_levels[player_n], specific)[rarity])
B.append(functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, C))
count_rarity[amount+1] = sum(B)
for i in range(player_count):
print('\t\u2605 The chance of getting the {}{} loot exactly {} time(s) is {:.4%}'.format('the specific ' if specific else '', rarity_names[rarity], i+1, count_rarity[i+1]))
print('\n\t The chance of wasting a relic therefore is {:.4%}'.format(sum(list(count_rarity.values())[1:])))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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