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Created July 22, 2013 20:02
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Toy scripting language with C-like syntax
Program = _ (DeclareVar | Function { printf("good\n"); }
| . { printf("bad\n"); exit(1); }
| !. { printf("done\n"); exit(0); }
DeclareVar = type VarInit ( "," _ VarInit )* ";" _
VarInit = identifier ( "=" _ Expression )?
Function = t:type i:identifier "(" _ Parameters? ")" _ Compound {
t = NULL;
i = NULL;
Parameter = type identifier
Parameters = Parameter ( "," _ Parameter )*
Statement = Compound | DeclareVar | IfStmt | WhileStmt | AssignStmt | CallStmt
Compound = "{" _ Statement* "}" _
IfStmt = "if" _ "(" _ Expression ")" _ Compound ( "else" _ Compound )?
WhileStmt = "while" _ "(" _ Expression ")" _ Compound
AssignStmt = identifier ( "[" _ Expression "]" _ )? "=" _ Expression ";" _
CallStmt = v:Var ";" _
Expression = Condition ( ( "<" | ">" | "==" | "<=" | ">=" | "!=" ) _ Condition )?
Condition = Term ( ( "+" | "-" | "&" | "|" | "<<" | ">>" ) _ Term )*
Term = Factor ( ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) _ Factor )*
Var = i:identifier ( "(" _ Arguments? ")" _ )? {
i = NULL;
Factor = number | string | Var | "*" _ Factor | "&" _ identifier | "(" _ Expression ")" _
Arguments = Expression ( "," _ Expression )*
type = < "int" | "void" > _ { $$ = type_new(yytext); }
number = "0x" < [0-9A-Fa-f]+ > { $$ = number_new(yytext, 16); }
| "0b" < [01]+ > { $$ = number_new(yytext, 2); }
| "0" < [0-7]+ > { $$ = number_new(yytext, 7); }
| < [0-9]+ > _ { $$ = number_new(yytext, 10); }
identifier = < [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* > _ { $$ = ident_new(yytext); }
string = '"' < [^"]* > '"' _ { $$ = string_new(yytext); }
_ = [ \t\r\n]*
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