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Last active November 21, 2023 23:57
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A list of autocorrections I have witnessed my telephone make on my behalf.


being a list of instances where autocorrect has mangled my meaning

  • if to orb
  • of to if
  • ill to i’ll
  • reindexes to Reindeer’s
  • already visited to pressured visiting
  • colour to collie
  • this to these
  • kitchen to kit hung
  • the extra to the time xtra
  • sunset to subset
  • fiddly to cuddly
  • absorbent to absorb ant
  • bike to back
  • spot checked to spit checked
  • :) to dog
  • playing to flaying
  • talk to y’all
  • to to your
  • food to good
  • ice cream to i’ve cream
  • potatoes to tâte de
  • now to no
  • horribly to horrible
  • huffing to hugging
  • reckon to track on
  • talk to y’all (again)
  • beats to beaks
  • mead to ned
  • ned to bed
  • bao to nap
  • cooker to cooler
  • gantt chart to can’t chart
  • knew one to one wine
  • to to time
  • burger to burder
  • lost to list
  • appealing to appalling
  • modality to morality
  • ad hoc to ad box
  • ad hoc to ad gif
  • see to are
  • juddery to huddersfield w
  • figured to figures
  • fingers to figg biggers
  • fingers to if by ers
  • fix to fox
  • three rows to theee twos can u
  • bin to bunch
  • of to if
  • kindof to londonderry
  • kindof to london
  • ui to history
  • buy to but
  • node to more
  • owned to owner
  • if to of
  • tinning to running
  • joy to hot
  • jpeg to borg
  • config to confit
  • yaml to tamil
  • font to don’t
  • horde to horse
  • amusing to a music
  • rearing to tearing
  • neato to beating
  • rube to river
  • them to then
  • mist to most
  • mist to must
  • hnnng to hmmm good
  • there are to there’s are
  • code to god
  • forms to firms
  • timestamp to timed ramp
  • param to paean
  • param to parma
  • spooling to spoiling
  • obsolete to i delete
  • entered to new
  • Rob’s to Ron’s
  • whinge to who he
  • moby dick to mint rick
  • instantiated to instant oats
  • Hornsea to hot sea
  • forking to forming
  • Gesha to Graham
  • bot to not
  • bot to boy
  • thanks to that is
  • buy to but
  • fuck to yuck
  • cocktails to contrails
  • popup to pious
  • remembrance to remember an ex
  • gender to gene set
  • null to bill
  • fiddly to godly
  • tis to it’s
  • e2e to r2-d2
  • good to god
  • next to too
  • app to a`p
  • fig to dog
  • geocities to groceries
  • wegmans to wet man’s
  • facepalm to faceapp
  • unexploded to unexplored
  • scollops to scoliosis
  • in to i’m
  • what that means to wat that meanwhile
  • walked to wanted
  • ah to are
  • shed to she’d
  • pullies to puppies
  • pullies to pillows
  • bit to but
  • eurgh to eyeful
  • nuggets to biggest
  • ball to hall
  • long to king
  • not to bit
  • mythos to method
  • hog wild to gif wolf
  • in to i’m
  • walks to walls
  • void to good
  • trove to tribe
  • right to tight
  • ideating to is eating
  • tour to your
  • gig to gif
  • that to a hat
  • leek to peel
  • exactly to extra toy
  • fried to friend
  • because to be gad
  • file to feel
  • gathers to fathers
  • bulk to bill
  • fix to fox
  • changed to changes
  • gone to fine
  • satanic to arabic
  • undo to info
  • fucking hell to fucking he’ll
  • hollandaise to holla dais’s
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