This list contains some random resources I encoutered, probably on Twitter on too long research break.
How to Give an Applied Micro Talk - Jesse M. Shapiro
Beamer's tips- Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
The discussants art - Christopher Blattman
Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide - Gentzkow & Shapiro
Causal Inference: The Mixtape - Scott Cunningham
PhD course in environmental economics and data science - Grant McDermott
Causal Inference -- Online Lectures (M.Sc/PhD Level) - Ben Elsner
The Ten Most Important Rules of Writing Your Job Market Paper - Goldin & Katz
So you want to go on the job market - Alex Albright
There are so many resources out there, however, I find myself going back to these resources over and over
Translating Stata to R - Huntington-Klein, Butts, & McDermott
A comprehensive guide to "Data.table", "fixest", and "ggplot2", which are the packages I use to data wrangling, estimation and making figures (respectively) -
Remedy - provides addins to facilitate writing in markdown with RStudio
geomtextpath - Adding text to ggplot2 curves