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Last active May 18, 2024 04:22
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c++ header for discount -- trivially tested (the header compiles, a open/format test program works)
#ifndef _MKDIO_CXX
#define _MKDIO_CXX
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mkdio.h>
class MKIOT {
void *mmiot;
MKIOT() { mmiot=0;} /* dummy initializer */
MKIOT(FILE* in, mkd_flag_t flags) { mmiot = mkd_in(in,flags); }
MKIOT(const char *text, int size, mkd_flag_t flags)
{ mmiot = mkd_string(text, size, flags); }
~MKIOT() { mkd_cleanup(mmiot); }
void basename(char* name) { mkd_basename(mmiot,name); }
int compile(mkd_flag_t flags) { return mkd_compile(mmiot,flags); }
int dump(FILE *out, int flags, char *text)
{ return mkd_dump(mmiot,out,flags,text); }
int format(FILE *out, int flags) { return this->compile(flags)
&& this->generatehtml(out); }
int xhtmlpage(mkd_flag_t flags, FILE *out)
{ return mkd_xhtmlpage(mmiot,flags,out); }
char *doc_title() { return mkd_doc_title(mmiot); }
char *doc_author() { return mkd_doc_author(mmiot); }
char *doc_date() { return mkd_doc_date(mmiot); }
int document(char **buf_p) { return mkd_document(mmiot, buf_p); }
int toc(char **buf_p) { return mkd_toc(mmiot, buf_p); }
int css(char **buf_p) { return mkd_css(mmiot, buf_p); }
int generatehtml(FILE *out) { return mkd_generatehtml(mmiot, out); }
int generatetoc(FILE *out) { return mkd_generatetoc(mmiot, out); }
int generatecss(FILE *out) { return mkd_generatecss(mmiot, out); }
int style(FILE *out) { return this->generatecss(out); }
void e_url(mkd_callback_t f) { mkd_e_url(mmiot, f); }
void e_flags(mkd_callback_t f) { mkd_e_flags(mmiot, f); }
void e_free(mkd_free_t f) { mkd_e_free(mmiot, f); }
void e_data(void *ptr) { mkd_e_data(mmiot, ptr); }
char *version() { return markdown_version; }
void mmiot_flags(FILE *out, int html)
{ mkd_mmiot_flags(out,mmiot,html); }
void ref_prefix(char *pfx) { mkd_ref_prefix(mmiot, pfx); }
} ;
class GFIOT: MKIOT {
GFIOT(FILE *in, mkd_flag_t flags) { mmiot = gfm_in(in,flags); }
GFIOT(const char *text, int size, mkd_flag_t flags)
{ mmiot = gfm_string(text, size, flags); }
} ;
/* test program for the mkdio.h++ binding
* compiled (on macos) with the command line
* c++ -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include -o trivial -lmarkdown
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mkdio.h++"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if ( argc < 2 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s file\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
FILE *foo = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if ( !foo ) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
MKIOT blob(foo, 0);
printf("<!-- discount %s -->\n", blob.version() );
blob.format(stdout, 0);
blob.dump(stdout, 0, argv[1]);
return 0;
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