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Last active August 2, 2019 07:12
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ImageMagick Bash Scripts
# flatColourConvert image.png red
function flatColourConvert() {
magick convert "$1" -fill "$2" -colorize 100% x.png
# replaceColours "#1B3057" "#2B373D"
# replaceColours red "#2B373D" 70%
function replaceColours() {
magick convert *.png -set filename:original %t -channel RGB -fuzz ${3:-25%} -fill $1 -opaque $2 %[filename:original].png
# smartResize "2400x2400>"
function smartResize() {
find ./ \( -name "*.[Jj][Pp][Gg]" -o -name "*.[Jj][Pp][Ee][Gg]" \) -exec magick mogrify -resize $1 -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace JPEG -quality 85 -colorspace RGB {} \;
find ./ \( -name "*.[Pp][Nn][Gg]" \) -exec magick mogrify -strip -resize $1 '{}' \;
# makeThumbPng 100x100>
function makeThumbPng() {
find ./ \( -name "*.[Pp][Nn][Gg]" \) -exec sh -c 'magick convert -strip -resize $1 "$0" "${0%.*}-$1.png"' {} $1 \;
# makeThumbJpg 2400x2400>
function make-thumb-jpg() {
find ./ \( -name "*.[Jj][Pp][Gg]" -o -name "*.[Jj][Pp][Ee][Gg]" \) -exec sh -c 'magick convert -resize $1 -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -interlace JPEG -quality 85 -colorspace RGB "$0" "${0%.*}-$1.jpg"' {} $1 \;
# stackHoverOvers
# Expects files named like icon-off.png and icon-on.png
# Combines and stacks vertically for smooth rollovers
function stackHoverOvers() {
for i in *-off.png ;
magick convert -append $OFF $ON $NAME".png"
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