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Created August 23, 2024 13:20
Using DeArrow for YouTube in Newsboat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
# This script allows you to use the DeArrow YouTube extension in Newsboat. Simply save this file
# under ~/.local/bin/yt_dearrow_rss and preprend `filter:~/.local/bin/yt_dearrow_rss:` to an entry in your `urls` file, e.g.
# filter:~/.local/bin/yt_dearrow_rss: MinuteEarth
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys
def fetch_dearrow_title(video_id) -> str | None:
"""Get best non-clickbaity title from DeArrow's community database"""
r = requests.get(f"{video_id}").json()
if not r["titles"]:
return None
best = r["titles"][0]
if best["locked"] or best["votes"] >= 0:
return best["title"]
return None
tree = ET.parse(sys.stdin)
root = tree.getroot()
namespaces = {
"yt": "",
"media": "",
"": "",
for k, v in namespaces.items():
ET.register_namespace(k, v)
for entry in root.findall("entry", namespaces):
if new_title := fetch_dearrow_title(entry.find("yt:videoId", namespaces).text):
title_element = entry.find("title", namespaces)
if title_element is not None:
title_element.text = f"{new_title} ◎ {title_element.text}"
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