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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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  • Save OrganicIrradiation/e8cda31673fc12509fd0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save OrganicIrradiation/e8cda31673fc12509fd0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Arduino FIO LCD Oscilloscope
void setup() {
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
int i = 0;
void loop() {
digitalWrite(2, bitRead(i, 0));
digitalWrite(3, bitRead(i, 1));
digitalWrite(4, bitRead(i, 2));
digitalWrite(5, bitRead(i, 3));
digitalWrite(6, bitRead(i, 4));
digitalWrite(7, bitRead(i, 5));
digitalWrite(8, bitRead(i, 6));
digitalWrite(9, bitRead(i, 7));
digitalWrite(10, bitRead(i, 8));
digitalWrite(11, bitRead(i, 9));
digitalWrite(12, bitRead(i, 10));
digitalWrite(13, bitRead(i, 11));
if (i >= 4096) {
i = 0;
#include "U8glib.h"
const byte lcdLED = 6; // LED Backlight
const byte lcdA0 = 7; // Data and command selections. L: command H : data
const byte lcdRESET = 8; // Low reset
const byte lcdCS = 9; // SPI Chip Select (internally pulled up), active low
const byte lcdMOSI = 11; // SPI Data transmission
const byte lcdSCK = 13; // SPI Serial Clock
// SW SPI:
//U8GLIB_MINI12864 u8g(lcdSCK, lcdMOSI, lcdCS, lcdA0, lcdRESET);
// HW SPI:
U8GLIB_MINI12864 u8g(lcdSCK, lcdMOSI, lcdCS, lcdA0, lcdRESET);
void draw(void) {
// graphic commands to redraw the complete screen should be placed here
u8g.drawStr( 0, 20, "Hello World!");
void setup() {
void loop() {
// picture loop
do {
} while( u8g.nextPage() );
// rebuild the picture after some delay
#include "U8glib.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>
// Variables you might want to play with
byte useThreshold = 1; // 0 = Off, 1 = Rising, 2 = Falling
byte theThreshold = 128; // 0-255, Multiplied by voltageConst
unsigned int timePeriod = 200; // 0-65535, us or ms per measurement (max 0.065s or 65.535s)
byte voltageRange = 1; // 1 = 0-3.3V, 2 = 0-1.65V, 3 = 0-0.825V
byte ledBacklight = 100;
boolean autoHScale = true; // Automatic horizontal (time) scaling
boolean linesNotDots = true; // Draw lines between data points
// Variables that can probably be left alone
const byte vTextShift = 3; // Vertical text shift (to vertically align info)
const byte numOfSamples = 100; // Leave at 100 for 128x64 pixel display
unsigned int HQadcReadings[numOfSamples];
byte adcReadings[numOfSamples];
byte thresLocation = 0; // Threshold bar location
float voltageConst = 0.052381; // Scaling factor for converting 0-63 to V
float avgV = 0.0;
float maxV = 0.0;
float minV = 0.0;
float ptopV = 0.0;
float theFreq = 0;
const byte theAnalogPin = 7; // Data read pin
const byte lcdLED = 6; // LED Backlight
const byte lcdA0 = 7; // Data and command selections. L: command H : data
const byte lcdRESET = 8; // Low reset
const byte lcdCS = 9; // SPI Chip Select (internally pulled up), active low
const byte lcdMOSI = 11; // SPI Data transmission
const byte lcdSCK = 13; // SPI Serial Clock
// SW SPI:
//U8GLIB_MINI12864_2X u8g(lcdSCK, lcdMOSI, lcdCS, lcdA0, lcdRESET);
// HW SPI:
U8GLIB_MINI12864_2X u8g(lcdCS, lcdA0, lcdRESET);
// High speed ADC code
// From:
#define FASTADC 1
// defines for setting and clearing register bits
#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#ifndef sbi
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
void collectData(void) {
unsigned int tempThres = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
if (autoHScale == true) {
// With automatic horizontal (time) scaling enabled,
// scale quickly if the threshold location is far, then slow down
if (thresLocation > 5*numOfSamples/8) {
timePeriod = timePeriod + 10;
} else if (thresLocation < 3*numOfSamples/8) {
timePeriod = timePeriod - 10;
} else if (thresLocation > numOfSamples/2) {
timePeriod = timePeriod + 2;
} else if (thresLocation < numOfSamples/2) {
timePeriod = timePeriod - 2;
// Enforce minimum time periods
if (timePeriod < 35) {
timePeriod = 35;
// Adjust voltage constant to fit the voltage range
if (voltageRange == 1) {
voltageConst = 0.0523810; // 0-3.30V
} else if (voltageRange == 2) {
voltageConst = 0.0261905; // 0-1.65V
} else if (voltageRange == 3) {
voltageConst = 0.0130952; //0-0.825V
// If using threshold, wait until it has been reached
if (voltageRange == 1) tempThres = theThreshold << 2;
else if (voltageRange == 2) tempThres = theThreshold << 1;
else if (voltageRange == 3) tempThres = theThreshold;
if (useThreshold == 1) {
i = 0; while ((analogRead(theAnalogPin)>tempThres) && (i<32768)) i++;
i = 0; while ((analogRead(theAnalogPin)<tempThres) && (i<32768)) i++;
else if (useThreshold == 2) {
i = 0; while ((analogRead(theAnalogPin)<tempThres) && (i<32768)) i++;
i = 0; while ((analogRead(theAnalogPin)>tempThres) && (i<32768)) i++;
// Collect ADC readings
for (i=0; i<numOfSamples; i++) {
// Takes 35 us with high speed ADC setting
HQadcReadings[i] = analogRead(theAnalogPin);
if (timePeriod > 35)
for (i=0; i<numOfSamples; i++) {
// Scale the readings to 0-63 and clip to 63 if they are out of range.
if (voltageRange == 1) {
if (HQadcReadings[i]>>4 < 0b111111) adcReadings[i] = HQadcReadings[i]>>4 & 0b111111;
else adcReadings[i] = 0b111111;
} else if (voltageRange == 2) {
if (HQadcReadings[i]>>3 < 0b111111) adcReadings[i] = HQadcReadings[i]>>3 & 0b111111;
else adcReadings[i] = 0b111111;
} else if (voltageRange == 3) {
if (HQadcReadings[i]>>2 < 0b111111) adcReadings[i] = HQadcReadings[i]>>2 & 0b111111;
else adcReadings[i] = 0b111111;
// Invert for display
adcReadings[i] = 63-adcReadings[i];
// Calculate and display frequency of signal using zero crossing
if (useThreshold != 0) {
if (useThreshold == 1) {
thresLocation = 1;
while ((adcReadings[thresLocation]<(63-(theThreshold>>2))) && (thresLocation<numOfSamples-1)) (thresLocation++);
while ((adcReadings[thresLocation]>(63-(theThreshold>>2))) && (thresLocation<numOfSamples-1)) (thresLocation++);
else if (useThreshold == 2) {
thresLocation = 1;
while ((adcReadings[thresLocation]>(63-(theThreshold>>2))) && (thresLocation<numOfSamples-1)) (thresLocation++);
while ((adcReadings[thresLocation]<(63-(theThreshold>>2))) && (thresLocation<numOfSamples-1)) (thresLocation++);
theFreq = (float) 1000/(thresLocation * timePeriod) * 1000;
// Average Voltage
avgV = 0;
for (i=0; i<numOfSamples; i++)
avgV = avgV + adcReadings[i];
avgV = (63-(avgV / numOfSamples)) * voltageConst;
// Maximum Voltage
maxV = 63;
for (i=0; i<numOfSamples; i++)
if (adcReadings[i]<maxV) maxV = adcReadings[i];
maxV = (63-maxV) * voltageConst;
// Minimum Voltage
minV = 0;
for (i=0; i<numOfSamples; i++)
if (adcReadings[i]>minV) minV = adcReadings[i];
minV = (63-minV) * voltageConst;
// Peak-to-Peak Voltage
ptopV = maxV - minV;
void handleSerial(void) {
char inByte;
char dataByte;
boolean exitLoop = false;
do {
// Clear out buffer
do {
inByte =;
} while (Serial.available() > 0);
Serial.print("\nArduino LCD Oscilloscope\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - Change threshold usage (currently: ");
if (useThreshold == 0) Serial.print("Off)\n");
else if (useThreshold == 1) Serial.print("Rise)\n");
else if (useThreshold == 2) Serial.print("Fall)\n");
Serial.print(" 2 - Change threshold value (currently: ");
Serial.print(theThreshold, DEC); Serial.print(")\n");
Serial.print(" 3 - Change sampling period (currently: ");
Serial.print(timePeriod, DEC); Serial.print(")\n");
Serial.print(" 4 - Change voltage range (currently: ");
if (voltageRange == 1) Serial.print("0-3.3V)\n");
else if (voltageRange == 2) Serial.print("0-1.65V)\n");
else if (voltageRange == 3) Serial.print("0-0.825V)\n");
Serial.print(" 5 - Toggle auto horizontal (time) scaling (currently: ");
if (autoHScale == true) Serial.print("On)\n");
else if (autoHScale == false) Serial.print("Off)\n");
Serial.print(" 6 - Toggle line/dot display (currently: ");
if (linesNotDots == true) Serial.print("Lines)\n");
else if (linesNotDots == false) Serial.print("Dots)\n");
Serial.print(" 8 - Exit\n");
// Wait for input/response, refresh display while in menu
do {
// Picture Display Loop
do { draw(); } while( u8g.nextPage() );
} while (Serial.available() == 0);
inByte =;
if (inByte == '1') {
Serial.print("Change threshold usage\n");
Serial.print(" 0 - Off\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - Rise\n");
Serial.print(" 2 - Fall\n");
do { } while (Serial.available() == 0);
dataByte =;
if (dataByte == '0') useThreshold = 0;
else if (dataByte == '1') useThreshold = 1;
else if (dataByte == '2') useThreshold = 2;
} else if (inByte == '2') {
Serial.print("Change threshold value (thresholds for 0-3.3V,0-1.65V,0-0.825V ranges)\n");
Serial.print(" 0 - 32 (0.41V, 0.21V, 0.10V)\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - 80 (1.04V, 0.52V, 0.26V)\n");
Serial.print(" 2 - 128 (1.66V, 0.83V, 0.41V)\n");
Serial.print(" 3 - 176 (2.28V, 1.14V, 0.57V)\n");
Serial.print(" 4 - 224 (2.90V, 1.45V, 0.72V)\n");
do { } while (Serial.available() == 0);
dataByte =;
if (dataByte == '0') theThreshold = 32;
else if (dataByte == '1') theThreshold = 80;
else if (dataByte == '2') theThreshold = 128;
else if (dataByte == '3') theThreshold = 176;
else if (dataByte == '4') theThreshold = 224;
} else if (inByte == '3') {
Serial.print("Change sampling frequency\n");
Serial.print(" 0 - 28 kHz (35 us/sample)\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - 20 kHz (50 us/sample)\n");
Serial.print(" 2 - 10 kHz (100 us/sample)\n");
Serial.print(" 3 - 5 kHz (200 us/sample)\n");
Serial.print(" 4 - 2.5 kHz (400 us/sample)\n");
do { } while (Serial.available() == 0);
dataByte =;
if (dataByte == '0') timePeriod = 35;
else if (dataByte == '1') timePeriod = 50;
else if (dataByte == '2') timePeriod = 100;
else if (dataByte == '3') timePeriod = 200;
else if (dataByte == '4') timePeriod = 400;
} else if (inByte == '4') {
Serial.print("Change voltage range\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - 0-3.3V\n");
Serial.print(" 2 - 0-1.65V\n");
Serial.print(" 3 - 0-0.825V\n");
do { } while (Serial.available() == 0);
dataByte =;
if (dataByte == '1') voltageRange = 1;
else if (dataByte == '2') voltageRange = 2;
else if (dataByte == '3') voltageRange = 3;
} else if (inByte == '5') {
Serial.print("Toggle auto horizontal (time) scaling\n");
Serial.print(" 0 - Off\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - On\n");
do { } while (Serial.available() == 0);
dataByte =;
if (dataByte == '0') autoHScale = false;
else if (dataByte == '1') autoHScale = true;
} else if (inByte == '6') {
Serial.print("Toggle line/dot display\n");
Serial.print(" 0 - Lines\n");
Serial.print(" 1 - Dots\n");
do { } while (Serial.available() == 0);
dataByte =;
if (dataByte == '0') linesNotDots = true;
else if (dataByte == '1') linesNotDots = false;
} else if (inByte == '8') {
exitLoop = true;
} while (exitLoop == false);
void draw(void) {
int i;
char buffer[16];
// Draw static text
u8g.drawStr(0, 5+vTextShift, "Av");
u8g.drawStr(0, 11+vTextShift, "Mx");
u8g.drawStr(0, 17+vTextShift, "Mn");
u8g.drawStr(0, 23+vTextShift, "PP");
u8g.drawStr(0, 29+vTextShift, "Th");
u8g.drawStr(24, 35+vTextShift, "V");
u8g.drawStr(0, 41+vTextShift, "Tm");
u8g.drawStr(4, 47+vTextShift, "ms/div");
u8g.drawStr(20, 53+vTextShift, "Hz");
u8g.drawStr(0, 59+vTextShift, "R");
// Draw dynamic text
if (autoHScale == true) u8g.drawStr(124, 5, "A");
dtostrf(avgV, 3, 2, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(12, 5+vTextShift, buffer);
dtostrf(maxV, 3, 2, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(12, 11+vTextShift, buffer);
dtostrf(minV, 3, 2, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(12, 17+vTextShift, buffer);
dtostrf(ptopV, 3, 2, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(12, 23+vTextShift, buffer);
dtostrf(theFreq, 5, 0, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(0, 53+vTextShift, buffer);
if (useThreshold == 0) {
u8g.drawStr(12, 29+vTextShift, "Off");
} else if (useThreshold == 1) {
u8g.drawStr(12, 29+vTextShift, "Rise");
dtostrf((float) (theThreshold>>2) * voltageConst, 3, 2, buffer);
} else if (useThreshold == 2) {
u8g.drawStr(12, 29+vTextShift, "Fall");
dtostrf((float) (theThreshold>>2) * voltageConst, 3, 2, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(8, 35+vTextShift, buffer);
// Correctly format the text so that there are always 4 characters
if (timePeriod < 400) {
dtostrf((float) timePeriod/1000 * 25, 3, 2, buffer);
} else if (timePeriod < 4000) {
dtostrf((float) timePeriod/1000 * 25, 3, 1, buffer);
} else if (timePeriod < 40000) {
dtostrf((float) timePeriod/1000 * 25, 3, 0, buffer);
} else { // Out of range
dtostrf((float) 0.00, 3, 2, buffer);
u8g.drawStr(12, 41+vTextShift, buffer);
if (voltageRange == 1) {
u8g.drawStr(4, 59+vTextShift, "0-3.30");
} else if (voltageRange == 2) {
u8g.drawStr(4, 59+vTextShift, "0-1.65");
} else if (voltageRange == 3) {
u8g.drawStr(4, 59+vTextShift, "0-0.83");
// Display graph lines
if (useThreshold != 0)
for (i=29; i<127; i+=3)
for (i=0; i<63; i+=5) {
// Threshold bar
for (i=0; i<63; i+=3)
// Draw ADC readings
if (linesNotDots == true) {
for (i=1; i<numOfSamples; i++) // Draw using lines
} else {
for (i=2; i<numOfSamples; i++) // Draw using points
void setup() {
// Turn on LED backlight
analogWrite(lcdLED, ledBacklight);
// set prescale to 16
void loop() {
// Picture Display Loop
do { draw(); } while( u8g.nextPage() );
// If user sends any serial data, show menu
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// rebuild the picture after some delay
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