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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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JavaScript - Understanding Context {this} - Object Literals and global functions
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>"this" context explained - object literals</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
* * 1. "this" context and object literals
* * When creating objects via object literals, "this" context is
* * bound to the object instantiating it which, in this example
* * is "user".
* * {Pro}: Object literals are good for containing data
* * {Con}: Object properties are mutable (can be changed)
var user = {
"id": 24679613,
"firstname": "Chris",
"lastname": "Anderson",
"email": "",
"getFullname": function () {
return this.lastname + " :: " + this.firstname;
"getEmail": function () {
console.log( user.getFullname() );//returns "Anderson :: Chris"
console.log( user.getEmail() );//returns ""
user.firstname = "Peter";
console.log( user.getFullname() );//returns "Anderson :: Peter"
* * 2. "this" context and global functions
* * Whether it be function expressions of function statements
* * functions created in global scope will most likely have
* * their "this" context point to the global window object by
* * default.
//Example #1: function expression
var whatsMyName = function () {
return this.firstname + "||" + this.lastname;
console.log( whatsMyName() );
* * returns "undefined||undefined" as firstname and lastname
* * do not exist in the global scope
* * Example #2: Assigning the user.getFullname method to a function
* * expression in the global scope
var whoAmI = user.getFullname;
console.log( whoAmI() );
* * returns "undefined::undefined" for the same reason
* * even though it's pointing to the user.getFullname method
//Example #3: function declarations
function rememberMe () {
return "Your full name is " + this.lastname + " -- " + this.firstname;
console.log( rememberMe() );
* * returns "Your full name is undefined -- undefined" for the same reason
* * {Pro}: globally accessible from anywhere in your script
* * {Con}: Creating the needed variables in the global scope is NOT
* * ADVISED as it pollutes the global object; its easy to forget the
* * declaration of a variable already created earlier in a script
* * only to accidentally re-declare it somewhere else and override
* * it's initial value. Even worse still worse with implied globals
* * (e.g. when you say someVar = someValue without declaring someVar
* * with the var keyword).
* * {Con}: Secondly performance which, although slight, does slow
* * the look up of a global variable compared to a local one.
* *
* * Solution: DON'T CODE THIS WAY!!!
* * But just in case someone does and such functions need to be used
* * the bind() method can be used to provide context to each of these
* * functions provided the object being bound has the properties
* * required by the function
//All three variables below return new functions with added context {user}
var bindWhatsMyNameToUserLiteral = whatsMyName.bind( user );
var bindWhoAmIToUserLiteral = whoAmI.bind( user );
var bindRememberMeToUserLiteral = rememberMe.bind( user );
console.log( bindWhatsMyNameToUserLiteral() );//returns "Peter//Anderson"
console.log( bindWhoAmIToUserLiteral() );//returns "Anderson :: Peter"
console.log( bindRememberMeToUserLiteral() );//returns "Your full name is Anderson -- Peter"
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