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Last active May 5, 2023 14:21
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  • Save OrionNavattan/ca1c451587cb3c9f16fb8650101bb7df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Rough code for an extension to Vladikcomper's error handler that adds support for handling sub CPU exceptions in Mega CD Mode 1.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; Exception entry points on sub CPU. Identical to those used on
; main CPU with the exception of noting that they originated
; from the sub CPU. These are not pointed to directly by the
; vector table, but rather via the user jump table. Bus Error has
; been removed, as there is no jump table entry for it.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
__ErrorMessage "SUB: ADDRESS ERROR", _eh_show_sr_usp|_eh_address_error
__ErrorMessage "SUB: ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: ZERO DIVIDE", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: CHK INSTRUCTION", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: TRAPV INSTRUCTION", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: PRIVILEGE VIOLATION", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: TRACE", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: LINE 1010 EMULATOR", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: LINE 1111 EMULATOR", _eh_show_sr_usp
__ErrorMessage "SUB: ERROR EXCEPTION", _eh_show_sr_usp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; The user init routine of the sub CPU program will need to set
; up the jump table entries for the exception vectors. The
; following is an example of how to do this.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
lea ExceptionPointers(pc),a0 ; pointers to exception entry points
lea (_AddressError+2).w,a1 ; first error vector in jump table ($5F42)
moveq #10-1,d0 ; 10 vectors total
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; set table entry to point to handler
addq.l #2,a1 ; skip over instruction opcode
dbf d0,.vectorloop ; repeat for all exception vectors
dc.l AddressError
dc.l IllegalInstr
dc.l ZeroDivide
dc.l ChkInstr
dc.l TrapvInstr
dc.l PrivilegeViol
dc.l Trace
dc.l Line1010Emu
dc.l Line1111Emu
dc.l ErrorExcept
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; Sub CPU error handler module. About all it does is dump the
; registers and signal the main CPU that it has crashed.
; Identical in both Mode 1 and 2.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
move #$2700,sr ; disable all interrupts
st.b (mcd_sub_flag).w ; set flag to let main CPU know we've crashed (assumes communication protocol includes checking this flag for $FF before sending commands or while waiting for responses)
movem.l d0-a6,-(sp) ; dump all registers
move.l usp,a0
move.l a0,-(sp) ; dump USP (unnecessary if BIOS is being used, as user mode can not be used with it)
cmpi.b #$FF,(mcd_main_flag).w ; has the main CPU noticed?
bne.s .waitmain ; if not, branch
; Main CPU has noticed
move.l sp,(mcd_subcom_0).w ; get address of bottom of stack (including dumped registers) for main CPU
sf.b (mcd_sub_flag).w ; clear flag to let main CPU know we are done
stop #$2700 ; halt execution
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; Main CPU handler for sub CPU exceptions. Entered by means of
; one of the trap vectors when it detects that the sub CPU has
; crashed. Nearly the same as that used for processing main
; CPU exceptions, except it is reading the exception arguments,
; register dump and stack frame from the sub CPU's stack.
; This assumes that the initial stack set by the BIOS is
; still being used, and that the stack is in the first program
; RAM bank (which it is by default). Both Mode 1 and Mode 2 should
; be supported; the only change being the value of 'program_ram'.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
move #$2700,sr ; disable interrupts
move.b (mcd_sub_flag).l,(mcd_main_flag).l ; let sub CPU know we've noticed
tst.b (mcd_sub_flag).l ; is the sub CPU done?
bne.s .waitsub ; if not, branch
bset #1,(mcd_reset).l ; request the sub CPU bus
bne.s .waitsubbus ; if it has not been granted, wait
lea -sizeof_Console_RAM(sp),sp ; allocate memory for console on main CPU stack
jsr ErrorHandler_SetupVDP(pc)
lea 4(sp),a3
jsr Error_InitConsole(pc)
lea Str_SetErrorScreen(pc),a0
jsr Console_Write(pc)
movea.l (mcd_subcom_0).l,a4 ; get sub CPU stack bottom address (the start of the dumped registers)
adda.l #program_ram,a4 ; a4 = main CPU address for bottom of sub CPU stack
move.b (mcd_mem_mode).l,d3
andi.b #(~program_ram_bank)&$FF,d3 ; set program ram bank to 0
move.b d3,(mcd_mem_mode).l
; The following code would allow the use of a stack anywhere in program RAM. However,
; the custom initial stack pointer value would need to be passed n one of the command
; registers instead of read from the sub CPU vector table.
; lea (program_ram).l,a4
; movea.l (mcd_subcom_0).l,d1 ; get sub CPU stack bottom address (the start of the dumped registers)
; move.l d1,d2
; andi.l #sizeof_prgram-1,d2 ; d2 = offset in program ram window
; adda.l d2,a1 ; a1 = main CPU address of stack
; move.b (mcd_mem_mode).l,d2 ; get current memory settings
; andi.b #(~program_ram_bank)&$FF,d2 ; clear program ram bank bits
; swap d1
; ror.b #3,d1
; andi.b #program_ram_bank,d1
; or.b d2,d1 ; d2 = program ram bank where bottom of stack is
; move.b d1,(mcd_mem_mode).l
move.l a4,-(sp) ; back up sub CPU stack bottom for later
lea $40(a4),a4 ; a4 = arguments and exception stack frame ($40 = d0-a6+usp)
; Print error description
movea.l (a4)+,a1 ; get error text pointer
adda.l #program_ram,a1 ; convert to main CPU address
lea (a4),a2 ; a2 = load arguments buffer (if present)
jsr Console_WriteLine_Formatted(pc)
jsr Console_StartNewLine(pc)
lea (a2),a4 ; a4 = sub CPU stack frame (after arguments buffer was processed by Console_Write)
; Load screen configuration bitfield
move.b (a1)+,d6 ; d6 = configuration bitfield
bpl.s .align_ok ; if "_eh_align_offset" is not set, branch
addq.w #1,a1 ; skip a byte to avoid address error on reading the next word
lea (a1),a3 ; a3 may be used to fetch console program address later
; Print error address (for address error only)
btst #0,d6 ; does error has extended stack frame (Address Error only)?
beq.s .skip1 ; if not, branch
lea Str_Address(pc),a1 ; a1 = formatted string
lea 2(a4),a2 ; a2 = arguments buffer
jsr Console_WriteLine_Formatted(pc)
addq.w #8,a4
; Print error location
lea Str_Location(pc),a1 ; a1 = formatted string
lea 2(a4),a2 ; a2 = arguments buffer
jsr Console_WriteLine_Formatted(pc)
; Print module name error occured in
lea Str_Module(pc),a1 ; a1 = formatted string
lea 2(a4),a2 ; a2 = arguments buffer
jsr Console_WriteLine_Formatted(pc)
; Print caller
movea.l (program_ram),a1 ; a1 = sub CPU initial stack pointer value
lea 6(a4),a2 ; a2 = call stack (after exception stack frame)
jsr Error_MaskStackBoundaries(pc)
jsr Error_GuessCaller(pc) ; d1 = caller
lea Str_Caller(pc),a1 ; a1 = formatted string
move.l d1,-(sp)
lea (sp),a2 ; a2 = arguments buffer
jsr Console_WriteLine_Formatted(pc)
jsr Console_StartNewLine(pc)
addq.w #4,sp ; free argument
movea.l (sp)+,a4 ; restore sub stack bottom address
lea 4(a4),a2 ; use register buffer as arguments
; Print data registers
jsr Console_GetPosAsXY(pc) ; d0/d1 = XY-pos
move.w d1,-(sp) ; remember line
moveq #3,d0 ; left margin for data registers
jsr Console_SetPosAsXY(pc)
move.w #'d0',d0 ; d0 = 'd0', what a twist !!!
moveq #8-1,d5 ; number of registers - 1
jsr Error_DrawRegisters(pc)
; Print address registers
move.w (sp)+,d1 ; restore line
moveq #$11,d0 ; left margin for address registers
jsr Console_SetPosAsXY(pc)
move.w #'a0',d0
moveq #7-1,d5 ; number of registers - 1
jsr Error_DrawRegisters(pc)
; Special case : stack pointer (SP)
move.w #'sp',d0
moveq #0,d5 ; number of registers - 1
lea $40(a4),a2 ; a2 = top of stack frame
move.l a2,d4
andi.l #$FFFF,d4 ; convert to sub CPU address
move.l d4,-(sp)
lea (sp),a2 ; a2 = pointer to where address of frame bottom is written
jsr Error_DrawRegisters(pc)
addq.w #4,sp
; Display USP and SR (if requested)
btst #1,d6
beq.s .skip2
; Draw 'USP'
lea Str_USP(pc),a1
lea (a4),a2 ; a2 = USP dumped by sub CPU
jsr Console_Write_Formatted(pc)
; Draw 'SR'
lea Str_SR(pc),a1
lea $44(a4),a2 ; a2 = top of exception frame
btst #0,d6 ; does error has extended stack frame (Address Error only)?
beq.s .notaddrerr ; if not, branch
addq.w #8,a2 ; skip extended frame
jsr Console_WriteLine_Formatted(pc)
jsr Console_GetPosAsXY(pc) ; d0/d1 = XY-pos
addq.w #1,d1 ; skip a line
moveq #1,d0 ; left margin for data registers
jsr Console_SetPosAsXY(pc)
jsr Console_StartNewLine(pc)
; -----------------
; Stack contents
; -----------------
movea.l (program_ram).l,a1
adda.l #program_ram,a1 ; a1 = stack top address in program ram window
lea $44(a4),a2 ; a2 = stack bottom
;subq.l #1,a1 ; unnecessary here as sub CPU stack top can never be zero
bsr.w Error_MaskStackBoundaries
jsr Console_GetPosAsXY(pc) ; d0/d1 = XY-pos
moveq #28-3,d5
sub.w d1,d5
bmi.s .stack_done
bsr.w Error_DrawStackRow_First
jsr Error_DrawStackRow(pc)
dbf d5,.stack_loop
bra.w Error_IdleLoop
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