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Created March 23, 2017 15:04
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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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"nonbuiltins": "winreg select26 ecdsa Crypto stackless epoll nose MySQLdb event http pysqlite2 zmq _winreg itimer dns benchmarks requests tests selectors OpenSSL py html psycopg2 gunicorn idna java greenlet"
"CaoE": {
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"sisu-cache-tools": {
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "Products plone zope collective"
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"nonbuiltins": "html5lib chardet tests premailer charade Milter pyflakes requests dns lxml DNS dkim cssutils"
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"nonbuiltins": "setuptools;"
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"nonbuiltins": "Zope2 collective Products AccessControl Acquisition Testing zope plone pyes transaction"
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"nonbuiltins": "unittest2 dateutil jmespath docutils mock msvcrt colorama modify_list_clusters_argument rsa yaml pyasn1 s3transfer botocore six py2exe"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"Propeller": {
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"django-ccgallery": {
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"SRPAstro.REM": {
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
"formly": {
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"nonbuiltins": "django jsonfield account"
"lovely.remotetask": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.5.2",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "pkg_resources os time datetime xml unittest logging random threading setuptools doctest",
"nonbuiltins": "lovely transaction persistent zope zc BTrees"
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"nonbuiltins": "yaml"
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"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "tar",
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": "psycogreen psycopg2"
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"SRPAstro": {
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": "builtins nose tables Cython simtk numpy simplejson scipy pandas"
"butterknife": {
"source": "pypi",
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"rtyaml": {
"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": "lino_xl unipath tidylib future elementtree conf six xhtml2odt bs4 pyPdf babel dateutil socketserver feedparser yaml pyratemp atelier docutils odf pytz ho sphinx django_site lxml appy openpyxl daemon html bleach Cheetah past schedule django builtins clint chardet"
"softwarefabrica.django.crud": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "sflib softwarefabrica django"
"django-uwsgi-cache": {
"source": "pypi",
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"slc.shoppinglist": {
"source": "pypi",
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"Escher": {
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"CUBRID-Python": {
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"nonbuiltins": "_cubrid django_cubrid django CUBRIDdb"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": "good flake8 mod"
"pyChapel": {
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"Flask-Genshi": {
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"nonbuiltins": "_winreg util cx_Freeze bitarray rapid PyQt4"
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"DARE": {
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"django-multiupload": {
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"nonbuiltins": "kazoo queue"
"TowelStuff": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.1",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": "collective Products Testing zope plone archetypes"
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"nonbuiltins": "_win32_getrefresh VisionEgg _darwin_sync_swap dlportio _win32_maxpriority py2exe Pyro the _imaging _posix_maxpriority MacOS _gl_qt SGIS darwin_maxpriority Image OpenGL _vegl ImageDraw zc synclync winioport _darwin_getrefresh pygame numarray numpy Numeric"
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"nonbuiltins": "flask h5py scipy natsort jinja2 matplotlib dateutil flask_bootstrap lasagne nose PIL six IPy nntoolkit theano requests tests mock future yaml pymysql numpy builtins"
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"nonbuiltins": "pybel OWWidget singledispatch Bio configparser six OWGUI orangecontrib pyqtgraph orangene concurrent requests PyQt4 Orange orange PIL proteins\"\"\") pygraphviz Meda slumber numpy networkx oasa openbabel genesis statc Dicty matplotlib scipy"
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"CoffeeScript": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"Mopidy-Beets": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"PyMongo-Frisk": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"MeasurementValueLogging": {
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"nonbuiltins": "Testing persistent Products transaction plone OFS collective zope Acquisition App zc simplejson z3c"
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"nonbuiltins": "PyQt5 your dateutil etmQt pytz PyQt4 {0}:\"\"\" html pyreadline yaml icalendar sip"
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"Demoize": {
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"nonbuiltins": "gpw DateTime ZODB DocumentTemplate webdav AccessControl Globals Testing persistent Missing transaction bika Acquisition archetypes App OFS openpyxl collective zExceptions Products zope plone magnitude"
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"django-plainpasswordhasher": {
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"Eggcelerator": {
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"version": "",
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"nonbuiltins": "devpi_server queue pluggy devpi_common _pytest passlib webtest http itsdangerous pyramid waitress argcomplete repoze webob execnet requests weberror mock py yaml bs4 pytest"
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"nonbuiltins": "celery socialregistration local_settings pykeg django_nose google gflags imagekit django Image ImageStat PIL oauth2 foursquare httplib2 pytz ImageEnhance storages ImageDraw requests raven tweepy mock crispy_forms redis ImageColor isodate south ImageFile ImageFilter ImageChops"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"z3c.recipe.template": {
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"nonbuiltins": "Testing zope plone Products redomino"
"iencode-ng": {
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"archetypes.clippingimage": {
"source": "pypi",
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"pyage-forams": {
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"nonbuiltins": "pyage pyage_forams paver Pyro4"
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"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.4.0.dev4",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "numpy tornado mmh3"
"monet.calendar.location": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.4.1",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "zope plone Products monet"
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"nonbuiltins": "matplotlib collada networkx Cython ImageDraw Image ImageFile simplejson pdae_utils panda3d ipdb direct ImageOps numpy PIL"
"httpdebug": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "30",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "quintagroup BaseFieldSchemaStringDefault Products Testing zope plone transaction"
"pydosh": {
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"pypi-stat": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "matplotlib numpy archery"
"pyldap": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "Globals Products App ZODB zope z3c sc collective AccessControl Testing Acquisition plone"
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "executor deb_pkg_tools six pip_accel humanfriendly coloredlogs cached_property pkginfo"
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "http openid finddata formencode pyPgSQL flup _systemrestart OpenSSL six mod_python"
"master-sake": {
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"nonbuiltins": "pygments baron pypandoc"
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"source": "pypi",
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"Flask-RAML": {
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"file_type": "zip",
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"nonbuiltins": "raml flask distribute_setup werkzeug stdeb"
"Flask-PyMemcache": {
"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "flask pymemcache"
"pyScanMaster": {
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "sqlalchemy scanmaster"
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"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "factory mock social_api django picklefield pytz odnoklassniki annoying south simplejson"
"falkolab.resource": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.0.3",
"file_type": "egg",
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"nonbuiltins": "zope z3c falkolab"
"tagcube-cli": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "yaml ci tagcube_cli http tagcube requests"
"collective.ptg.galleriffic": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "paramiko requests django django_medusa"
"bx-python": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "binned_array _pwm bx LinearAlgebra Cython cookbook Numeric _position_weight_matrix _nib psyco_full fpconst _twobit _epo cluster _cpg lzo numpy _seekbzip2 _core bx_extras _seqmapping align Cheetah psyco; psyco ez_setup rpy"
"ftw.tagging": {
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "txjsonrpc zope treq certifi riak pytz twisted txssmi txtwitter txamqp OpenSSL yaml iso8601 raven redis txredis smpp wokkel hyperloglog confmodel"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "web stub gearman dogpile sqlalchemy pygeoip gfal2 pysftp S3 sphinx rucio jsonschema arc paste requests geoip2 progressbar requests_kerberos boto ez_setup pystatsd"
"Flask-UUID": {
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"nonbuiltins": "the setuptools;"
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"django-slow-log": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "IPython ipdb;"
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"version": "",
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"tornado-celery": {
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"TwitterDataMiner": {
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"Products.OFolder": {
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"os-brick": {
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"nonbuiltins": "rados fixtures rbd requests os_brick oslo_utils oslo_i18n retrying mock eventlet testtools os_win oslo_vmware oslo_concurrency pylint oslo_service six oslo_log"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"Flask-Stats": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"switch2bill-common": {
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"nonbuiltins": "OFS transaction DateTime Globals simplejson pytz import babble Acquisition AccessControl zope dateutil zLOG Products zExceptions Testing ZODB"
"bashplotlib": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": "hachoir_core paramiko exifread gdata hachoir_metadata atom hachoir_parser iptcinfo django mathfilters massmedia hachoir PIL simplejson south"
"sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain": {
"source": "pypi",
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"Downpy": {
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"nonbuiltins": "iconv_codec ui beautifulsoup chardet cjkcodecs"
"wallaby-backend-couchdb": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.39",
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"source": "pypi",
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"Eve-SQLAlchemy": {
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"nonbuiltins": "Testing simplejson requests Products Acquisition persistent zope z3c plone medialog"
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"source": "pypi",
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"source": "pypi",
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"MultiMapping": {
"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "zip",
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"nonbuiltins": "MultiMapping ExtensionClass"
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"nonbuiltins": "DateTime plone ComputedAttribute Acquisition App iw zope collective archetypes AccessControl Products Testing ZODB"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "entity mock entity_emailer django bs4 django_dynamic_fixture uuidfield entity_event freezegun"
"pyramid_jinja2": {
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"redhawk": {
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"nonbuiltins": "yaml Image pygraphviz lxml g f IPython pp pycparser"
"minion": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "future six routes cached_property werkzeug characteristic zope"
"Products.membrane": {
"source": "pypi",
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"django-aesfield": {
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"Hoboken": {
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"PyBarobo": {
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"source": "pypi",
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"APNSWrapper": {
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"nonbuiltins": "Globals collective plone Products AccessControl Testing zope kss OFS Missing"
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"BreakfastSerial": {
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"version": "",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"nonbuiltins": ""
"Oktest": {
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"ErepMessenger": {
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"version": "",
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"ztfy.sendit": {
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"nonbuiltins": "traceback;"
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"nonbuiltins": "TestEvalChecklist junitxml TestRdfReport ro_prefixes iaeval MiscUtils simplejson httplib2 RdfReport TestEvalQueryMatch xlrd django TestGridMatch TestMinimAccess TestMkMinim ro_namespaces rdflib ro_evo checklist ROSRS_Session uritemplate rocommand httpretty rovserver TrafficLightReports pyramid ro_utils TestMinimAccess2"
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"Flickr.API": {
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"nonbuiltins": "Image oauth flickr_api flickr_keys"
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "lxml zope zc persistent z3c"
"jingo": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "monotime winkerberos _thread gridfs kerberos wincertstore queue bson backports certifi"
"django-bootlog": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.0.2",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "haystack django ckeditor"
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"version": "0.15.0",
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"nonbuiltins": "IPython redis gevent raven sphinx psutil docopt werkzeug monotime mock hamcrest iso8601 blessings semantic_version yaml netifaces kazoo setproctitle msgpack six zmq"
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"pyblish": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.4.3",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"python-lametro-api": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.2.0",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "cx_Freeze wheel"
"Hatak_Formskit": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "setuptools",
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"": {
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"nonbuiltins": "zExceptions persistent Acquisition five Products z3c zc zope plone"
"edgegrid-python": {
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"nonbuiltins": "configparser urllib3 requests"
"APScheduler": {
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"version": "3.3.1",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "PyQt5 bson pytz trollius tzlocal funcsigs mock PySide PyQt4 pymongo kazoo concurrent six pytest"
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "optimizations production south django cms"
"plone.recipe.command": {
"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "zip",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.4.0",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "future past requests MySQLdb builtins"
"danga-gearman": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "2.0.0",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "twisted dangagearman"
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"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.0a10",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "dateutil messytables"
"drf-haystack": {
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"version": "1.6.1",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "drf_haystack django tests dateutil nose haystack ez_setup rest_framework"
"pytracts": {
"source": "pypi",
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"livestreamer-curses": {
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"nonbuiltins": "livestreamer_curses livestreamer queue"
"ignore": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.4",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"version": "0.6.1",
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"nonbuiltins": "blueprint six"
"pestotools.genshi": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.2.3",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "os setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.20",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "Queue zlib urllib random string json hashlib hmac math thread base64 dummy_thread io mimetypes ssl errno struct codecs datetime StringIO contextlib binascii socket os unittest warnings operator itertools _abcoll email threading sys gzip setuptools __future__ types functools uuid logging select time collections",
"nonbuiltins": "unittest2 nose ipaddress OpenSSL tornado idna dummyserver cryptography google six ntlm"
"galileo": {
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"version": "0.5.1",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "distribute_setup html yaml usb requests"
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"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "sys colorsys pprint __future__ collections functools setuptools os json codecs",
"nonbuiltins": "webencodings pytest"
"kforgeinstall": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.9",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "shutil os pipes traceback sys unittest optparse tempfile setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": "pexpect"
"wrangler": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "shutil time traceback SocketServer shelve json itertools subprocess pprint sys types glob errno unicodedata logging os copy setuptools SimpleHTTPServer",
"nonbuiltins": "jinja2 blinker markdown yaml docutils watchdog"
"django_client_data": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.9",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "sys os json setuptools datetime",
"nonbuiltins": "django"
"apt-wrapper": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.12",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "distutils",
"nonbuiltins": ""
"pytimeparse": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.1.5",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "sys setuptools __future__ codecs doctest os unittest",
"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.1.4",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "os setuptools contextlib inspect threading",
"nonbuiltins": ""
"Moka": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.0.5",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "os setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": ""
"django-calendarium": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.3.4",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "django mixer django_libs dateutil filer south calendarium"
"trapperkeeper": {
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "trapdoor pytz expvar yaml jinja2 pyasn1 sqlalchemy pysnmp oid_translate tornado trapperkeeper_dde_plugin"
"DrAdm": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1-0.3.3-alpha",
"file_type": "egg",
"builtins": "sys optparse shutil random subprocess",
"nonbuiltins": "pgdb mod MySQLdb utils"
"gamefaqs-py": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.2.8",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "bs4 requests gamefaqs"
"django-cms-storelocator": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.10.0",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "urllib shutil datetime json math urllib2 StringIO setuptools os tarfile",
"nonbuiltins": "cms south django store_locator"
"netcdf": {
"source": "pypi",
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"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "numpy ipdb tests netCDF4 pandoc"
"newspaper3k": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.9",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "feedparser lxml http jieba bs4 tldextract html nltk dateutil requests PIL queue"
"pydap.responses.kml": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.4.6",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "paver"
"python-documentcloud": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.0.4",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": ""
"SaladeDeFruits": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.8",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "urlparse os setuptools unittest",
"nonbuiltins": "lxml webtest pyquery webob paste restkit"
"redmine-cmd": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.0.1",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": ""
"django-clickbank": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.2.8",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "names south django simplejson django_clickbank"
"iterutils": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.1.6",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": ""
"not-so-tuf": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.5.5",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "msvcrt bsdiff4 _winreg not_so_tuf boto3 cli cryptography win32api boto Crypto com paramiko win32com"
"d9t.gis": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.4",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "math os csv unittest logging setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": "Testing zope d9t Products BTrees"
"classh": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.093",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "os string time sys optparse signal subprocess",
"nonbuiltins": "import"
"PyUblas": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "2013.1",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "optparse shutil distutils subprocess copy time imp sys tarfile traceback fnmatch tempfile site urllib2 pkg_resources urllib operator setuptools glob os",
"nonbuiltins": "sample_ext numpy"
"django-data-tools": {
"source": "pypi",
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"sortpythonmethods": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "47",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "setuptools __future__",
"nonbuiltins": "future"
"boopyboop": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.0.8",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": ""
"zstat": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.0.9",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "MySQLdb pyrabbit"
"django-portlets": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "1.4",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "django portlets"
"python-cloudlb": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.6.2",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "json sys os datetime time urllib pprint setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": "dateutil httplib2 jacobian cloudlb"
"pivotal_tools": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.14",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "os urllib datetime webbrowser xml itertools setuptools",
"nonbuiltins": "requests docopt termcolor dicttoxml"
"itty": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.8.2",
"file_type": "tar",
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"nonbuiltins": "http tornado gunicorn twisted flup google diesel paste cherrypy eventlet gevent"
"django-cerial": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.0.4",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "os datetime sys setuptools cPickle imp",
"nonbuiltins": "cerial testapp django south"
"django-sproutcore": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.7.3",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "inspect pkg_resources datetime sys easy_install setuptools distutils",
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"WTForms-ParsleyJS": {
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"RecordSilo": {
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"nonbuiltins": "paste xmlrpc transaction tw2 webtest backlash nose formencode pymongo tw repoze tgming bson zope ming crank tests jinja2 tg sha1 pylons sqlalchemy markupsafe webob beaker builtins"
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"djangorestframework-filters": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"builtins": "",
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"Werkzeug": {
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"Desire2Download": {
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"nonbuiltins": "PyInstaller pdb;"
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"source": "pypi",
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"django-gwo": {
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"nonbuiltins": "yaml muranoclient horizon oslo django six iso8601 glanceclient bs4 unittest2 openstack_dashboard netaddr selenium babel testtools floppyforms muranodashboard yaql config oslo_config keystoneclient"
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"rainbow_logging_handler": {
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"nonbuiltins": ""
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"source": "pypi",
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"johnny-cache": {
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"django-cms": {
"source": "pypi",
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"nonbuiltins": "Image oauth flickr_keys"
"pushnotify": {
"source": "pypi",
"version": "0.5.1",
"file_type": "tar",
"builtins": "
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