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Created July 26, 2016 20:40
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set serveroutput on
update dd_members
set location = null
where location is not null;
delete from dd_locations
where location_name = 'dino-island';
v_dino_island sdo_geometry;
type t_member_location is record (member_id dd_members.member_id%type,
new_location sdo_geometry);
type t_member_ids is table of t_member_location
index by pls_integer;
l_member_ids t_member_ids;
v_dino_island := dd.generate_polygon_rad(100000, 50, p_lat => 26.846786, p_lon => -69.322920);
insert into dd_locations (location_name,
values ('dino-island', v_dino_island);
select member_id,
bulk collect into l_member_ids
from dd_members
fetch next 1000 rows only;
forall indx in 1 .. l_member_ids.count
update dd_members_t
set location = l_member_ids (indx).new_location
where member_id = l_member_ids (indx).member_id;
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