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Last active September 2, 2022 20:01
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A script to test Haiku's pidof command.
Test bench for Haiku's `pidof` command.
Requires at least Python 3.5 (for
python3 [path_to_pidof]
If no "path_to_pidof" is given, the one in $PATH, if any, will be used.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Not using "pidof" as a name for an existent process, because the "pidof" binary under test might be named differently.
# [args_for_pidof, expected_rc]
# Explicit -h succeeds even with extra options or too many/few parameters.
['-h', 0],
['-hv', 0],
['-vh', 0],
['-hsv', 0],
['-hsv kernel_team', 0], # Existent process name
['-hsv foobar', 0], # Nonexistent process name
['-hsv bash bash', 0], # Too many parameters
['-hsv foo bar', 0],
['-hsv', 0], # Not enough parameters
['-hx', 0], # invalid options
['-hx bash', 0],
['-hx bash pidof', 0],
# Invalid options, valid params
['- kernel_team', 1],
['-x kernel_team', 1],
['-xh kernel_team', 1],
['-x -h kernel_team', 1],
['-sxv kernel_team', 1],
['-123b kernel_team', 1],
# Not enough parameters
['', 1],
['-v', 1],
['-s', 1],
# Too many parameters with an existent process name
['bash bash', 1],
['bash bash bash', 1],
['-v bash bash', 1], # With valid options
['-sx bash bash', 1], # With invalid options
['-v bash kernel_team -v', 1], # With repeated options
# Existent process name
['kernel_team', 0],
['input_server', 0],
# Now with valid options or repeated ones
['-v kernel_team', 0],
['-v input_server', 0],
['-s bash', 0],
['-v kernel_team -v', 0],
['-s kernel_team -s', 0],
# Now with invalid options
['-x kernel_team', 1],
['-xv input_server', 1],
['-xz bash', 1],
# Nonexistent process name
['input_serve', 1],
['input_servea', 1],
['123', 1],
# Now with valid options or extra args
['-v input_serve', 1],
['-s input_servea', 1],
['-v 123', 1],
['foo bar', 1],
def run_tests(pidof):
numTests = len(TEST_CASES)
testPassed = 0
for i, (t, r) in enumerate(TEST_CASES):
t = '"%s" %s' % (pidof, t)
p =, shell=True, capture_output=True)
rc = p.returncode
if (r == rc):
testPassed += 1
print('=' * 80)
print('FAILED Test #%d: "rc of \'%s\' == %d" | Got: rc = %s' % (i + 1, t, r, rc))
print('- stdout ' + '-' * 71)
print('- stderr ' + '-' * 71)
if testPassed == numTests:
print("All tests PASSED")
print('=' * 80)
print("\nTotal # of tests = %d." % numTests)
print("\tPASSED = %d" % testPassed)
print("\tFAILED = %d" % (numTests - testPassed))
if __name__ == '__main__':
pidof = 'pidof' # assume it's on PATH by default
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
pidof = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[-1])
try:, capture_output=True)
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Can\'t find "%s". Aborting.' % pidof)
print('Usage: python3 [path_to_pidof]')
print('Using "%s" for testing' % pidof)
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