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Created October 1, 2020 05:20
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function component(width, height, color, x, y, type) {
this.type = type; = COMPONENT_IDS++;
this.CollidingWithColletion = {};
this.score = 0;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.speedX = 0;
this.speedY = 0;
this.x = x;
this.oldx = this.x;
this.oldy = this.y;
this.clip = true;
this.y = y;
this.gravity = 0;
this.update = function () {
ctx = myGameArea.context;
if (this.type == "text") {
ctx.font = this.width + " " + this.height;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillText(this.text, this.x, this.y);
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
this.logic = function () {}
this.newPos = function () {
//this.gravitySpeed += this.gravity;
this.oldx = this.x;
this.oldy = this.y;
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
this.hitBoundaries = function () {
var maxy = myGameArea.canvas.height - this.height;
var maxx = myGameArea.canvas.width - this.width;
var miny = 0
var minx = 0
if (this.y > maxy) {
this.y = maxy;
this.speedY = 0;
} else if (this.y < miny) {
this.y = miny
this.speedY = 0;
//if this would be object collision force needs to be applied to object
//objects can have deceleration variable that multiplies plr speed 0 is rigid unmovable 0.5 slows, 2 is slippery
if (this.x > maxx) {
this.x = maxx;
this.speedX = 0;
} else if (this.x < minx) {
this.x = minx
this.speedX = 0;
//if this would be object collision force needs to be applied to object
//objects can have deceleration variable that multiplies plr speed 0 is rigid unmovable 0.5 slows, 2 is slippery
this.crashWith = function (otherobj) {
// make direction of movement remove uncertainty if speed is large so object overshoots
let goingDown = this.speedY > 0
let goingUp = this.speedY < 0
let goingRight = this.speedX > 0
let goingLeft = this.speedX < 0
const o = otherobj;
const myx = this.x;
const myy = this.y;
const ox = o.x;
const oy = o.y;
const myoldleft = this.oldx;
const myoldright = this.oldx + (this.width);
const myoldtop = this.oldy;
const myoldbottom = this.oldy + (this.width);
const myleft = this.x;
const myright = this.x + (this.width);
const mytop = this.y;
const mybottom = this.y + (this.height);
const moldy = this.oldy;
const otherleft = o.x;
const otherright = o.x + (o.width);
const othertop = o.y;
const otherbottom = o.y + (o.height);
crash = true;
let fromTop = (mybottom < othertop)
let fromBottom = (mytop > otherbottom)
let fromRight = (myright < otherleft)
let fromLeft = (myleft > otherright)
let wasfromTop = (myoldbottom < othertop)
let wasfromBottom = (myoldtop > otherbottom)
let wasfromRight = (myoldright < otherleft)
let wasfromLeft = (myoldleft > otherright)
// what if object spped is so large that next calculated position is over this constraints?
let colTop = wasfromTop && goingDown && !fromTop && !fromRight && !fromLeft
if (colTop) {
this.speedY = 0
let colBottom = (mytop > otherbottom)
let colRight = (myright < otherleft)
let colLeft = (myleft > otherright)
if (!fromTop || !fromBottom || !fromRight || !fromLeft) {
crash = false; = ""
} else {
crash = true;
this.CollidingWithColletion[] = otherobj = "blue"
bubu.innerText = JSON.stringify({
}, null, 2)
return crash;
this.crashReaction = function (otherobj) {}
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