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Created August 2, 2018 05:52
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IfWinExist Arch Linux x64 [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox
MouseClick, Left, 200, 200, 2, 10
;^!x::ControlSend, Qt5QWindowIcon, {F5}
<^>!x::Send {F5}
; Vim stuff
<^>!q::Send {~}{Space}
<^>!w::Send {Up}
<^>!a::Send {Left}
<^>!s::Send {Down}
<^>!d::Send {Right}
<^>!Space::Send {Space}
; Get rid of Narrator
return WinActive("ahk_class Console_2_Main")
OR WinActive("ahk_class Vim")
OR WinActive("ahk_class KiTTY")
OR WinActive("ahk_class PuTTY")
OR WinActive("ahk_class mintty")
OR WinActive("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon")
;Stuff() {
; if (TermyActive()) {
; MsgBox Term active
; }
; else {
; MsgBox Term not active
; }
#IfWinNotActive ahk_class MultitaskingViewFrame
!Space::Send {Media_Play_Pause}
!Up::Send {Volume_Up}
!Down::Send {Volume_Down}
#If NOT(WinActive("ahk_class MultitaskingViewFrame") OR TermyActive())
!Left::Send {Media_Prev}
!Right::Send {Media_Next}
#If NOT(TermyActive())
^w::Send ^{Backspace}
^u::Send {Shift Down}{Home}{Shift Up}{Delete}
; Mad leet caps lock stuff for the win but not VirtualBox
; #IfWinNotActive ahk_exe VirtualBox.exe
LControl::Send {Escape}
; #If
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