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Last active April 16, 2017 17:34
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(ns probe.components.editable
(:require [rum.core :as rum]))
; Component that will replace itself with an input
; When user clicks on it and back to span when it loses focus
(rum/defcs editable-ui
< rum/reactive (rum/local false ::focused)
[react-state value-atom on-change]
(let [local (::focused react-state)
value (rum/react value-atom)
focused (rum/react local)]
(if focused
[:input {:autoFocus true
:value value
:on-change #(on-change (aget % "target" "value"))
:on-blur #(reset! local false)}]
[:span {:on-click #(reset! local true)} "value: " value])))
; input[type=text] that autoresises itself based on the length
; of it's content, provided by external atom
(rum/defc input-ui < rum/reactive
[value-atom on-change]
(let [value (rum/react value-atom)
size (count value)]
{:value value
:size (if (= size 0) 1 size)
:on-change #(on-change (aget % "target" "value"))}]))
; input[type=text] that autoresises itself based on the length
; of it's content, which is kept in component's state
(rum/defcs input-local-ui < rum/reactive (rum/local nil ::value)
[react-state placeholder]
(let [state (::value react-state)
value (rum/react state)
size (count value)]
{:placeholder placeholder
:value value
:size (if (= size 0)
(count placeholder) size)
:class (if (or (nil? value) (= placeholder value))
"unchanged" "changed")
:on-click #(do (.stopPropagation %)
(doto (aget % "target")
:on-change #(reset! state (aget % "target" "value"))}]))
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