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Last active February 26, 2019 21:57
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  • Save OterLabb/4fcf6615bcf3169b5ba6df56e85765ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save OterLabb/4fcf6615bcf3169b5ba6df56e85765ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sc = arcpy.SearchCursor(selectFishnets)
# Create empty list for kmz names
kmzList = []
# Download for each feature in selected fishnets feature
for row in sc:
# Get extent for each feature
geom = row.shape
extents = []
# Find extents of each feature in selected fishnets
XMin = min([e.XMin for e in extents])
XMax = max([e.XMax for e in extents])
YMin = min([e.YMin for e in extents])
YMax = max([e.YMax for e in extents])
line = str(XMin) + ',' + str(YMin) + ',' + str(XMax) + ',' + str(YMax)
x_pixel_size = (XMax - XMin) / inImageWidth
y_pixel_size = ((YMax - YMin) / inImageHeight) * -1
# Set the download url format
imageFormat = 'png'
urlGetImage = '{0}/export?bbox={1}&bboxSR=&format={2}&f=kmz&dpi={3}&size={4},{5}'.format(inUrl, line,
imageFormat, inDPI, inImageWidth, inImageHeight)
# Print status of downloading status
arcpy.AddMessage("Downloading {0} of {1}".format(firstCount,count))
firstCount += 1
# Downloading .kmz files
randomFileName = str(uuid.uuid4())
kmzFile = os.path.join(tempFolder, randomFileName + '.kmz')
urllib.request.urlretrieve(urlGetImage, kmzFile)
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