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Lovelace Migration Script

Home Assistant Lovelace Migrator

Do you want to try out this experimental (!) new lovelace UI stuff in Home Assistant but don't want to migrate your entire configuration? This script is here to help! It reads in your Home Assistant configuration (specifically the group: section) and creates a matching ui-lovelace.yaml file in your Home Assistant configuration folder (of course backing up any previous file at that path).

To use this script, you first need to have python and home assistant installed where you plan to run this script. Do so using virtual environments and the pip3 install -U homeassistant command. Then copy below file to (any location should work) and run:


Then navigate to the dev-info page in your Home Assistant instance (last icon in the "Developer Tools" in the side panel) and press "Try out the new Lovelace UI (experimental)". You should now see your existing configuration in the lovelace UI format 🎉🎉🎉

🚨 This script is quite ugly code, but it should get the job done.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import homeassistant.core
from homeassistant.config import find_config_file, get_default_config_dir, load_yaml_config_file
from homeassistant.util import yaml
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def convert_all_group(obj_id):
lovelace = OrderedDict()
lookup = {
'all_lights': 'light',
'all_automations': 'automation',
'all_devices': 'device_tracker',
'all_fans': 'fan',
'all_locks': 'lock',
'all_covers': 'cover',
'all_remotes': 'remote',
'all_switches': 'switch',
'all_vacuum_cleaners': 'vacuum',
'all_scripts': 'script',
if obj_id not in lookup:
_LOGGER.warning("Unknown group.all_* group 'group.{}'".format(obj_id))
return None
lovelace['type'] = 'entity-filter'
lovelace['card_config'] = {'title': obj_id.replace('_', ' ').title()}
lovelace['filter'] = [{'domain': lookup[obj_id]}]
return lovelace
def convert_card(entity_id):
domain, obj_id = entity_id.split('.')
if domain == 'group':
if obj_id not in GROUP_CONFIG:
if obj_id.startswith('all_'):
return convert_all_group(obj_id)
_LOGGER.error("Couldn't find group with entity id {}".format(entity_id))
return None
return convert_group(GROUP_CONFIG[obj_id], entity_id)
elif domain == 'camera':
return OrderedDict([
('type', 'camera-preview'),
('entity', entity_id)
elif domain == 'history_graph':
return OrderedDict([
('type', 'history-graph'),
('entity', entity_id)
elif domain == 'media_player':
return OrderedDict([
('type', 'media-control'),
('entity', entity_id)
elif domain == 'plant':
return OrderedDict([
('type', 'plant-status'),
('entity', entity_id)
elif domain == 'weather':
return OrderedDict([
('type', 'weather-forecast'),
('entity', entity_id)
_LOGGER.error("Cannot determine card type for entity id '{}'. Maybe it is unsupported?"
return None
def convert_group(config, name):
if config.get('view', False):
_LOGGER.error("Cannot have view group '{}' inside another group".format(name))
return None
lovelace = OrderedDict()
lovelace['type'] = 'entities'
if 'name' in config:
lovelace['title'] = config['name']
entities = lovelace['entities'] = []
extra_cards = []
for entity_id in config.get('entities', []):
domain, obj_id = entity_id.split('.')
if domain in ['group', 'media_player', 'camera', 'history_graph',
'media_player', 'plant', 'weather']:
_LOGGER.warning("Cannot have domain '{}' within a non-view group {}! "
"I will put it into the parent view-type group.".format(
domain, name))
card = convert_card(entity_id)
if card is not None:
return lovelace, extra_cards
def convert_view(config, name):
lovelace = OrderedDict()
if 'name' in config:
lovelace['name'] = config['name']
if 'icon' in config:
lovelace['tab_icon'] = config['icon']
cards = lovelace['cards'] = []
for entity_id in config.get('entities', []):
card = convert_card(entity_id)
if card is None:
if isinstance(card, tuple):
return lovelace
def main():
from colorlog import ColoredFormatter
"%(log_color)s%(levelname)s %(message)s%(reset)s",
'DEBUG': 'cyan',
'INFO': 'green',
'WARNING': 'yellow',
'ERROR': 'red',
'CRITICAL': 'red',
except ImportError:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Check Home Assistant configuration.")
'-c', '--config',
help="Directory that contains the Home Assistant configuration")
args = parser.parse_args()
config_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.config)
hass = homeassistant.core.HomeAssistant()
hass.config.config_dir = config_dir
config_path = find_config_file(config_dir)
config = load_yaml_config_file(config_path)
GROUP_CONFIG = config['group']
name = config['homeassistant'].get('name', 'Home')
lovelace = OrderedDict()
lovelace['name'] = name
views = lovelace['views'] = []
if 'default_view' in GROUP_CONFIG:
views.append(convert_view(GROUP_CONFIG['default_view'], 'default_view'))
for name, conf in GROUP_CONFIG.items():
if name == 'default_view':
if not conf.get('view', False):
views.append(convert_view(conf, name))
'name': "All Entities",
'tab_icon': "mdi:settings",
'cards': [{
'type': 'entity-filter',
'filter': [{}],
'card_config': {
'title': 'All Entities'
lovelace_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'ui-lovelace.yaml')
if os.path.exists(lovelace_path):
i = 0
while os.path.exists(lovelace_path + '.bkp.{}'.format(i)):
i += 1
bkp_path = lovelace_path + '.bkp.{}'.format(i)
shutil.move(lovelace_path, bkp_path)
_LOGGER.error("The lovelace configuration already exists under %s! "
"I will move it to %s", lovelace_path, bkp_path)
with open(lovelace_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(lovelace) + '\n')"Successfully migrated lovelace configuration to %s", lovelace_path)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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mkono87 commented Jul 11, 2018

Running HA docker in unraid. When trying to run it I get
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in
import homeassistant.core
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'homeassistant'"

Tried the shell_command but get the return code: 1 error too. Any ideas?

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Add: sys.path.append('/usr/src/app')

import sys

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