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Last active February 8, 2017 06:25
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  • Save Ou42/0ddd64c7fd0451d21897d35606ec1a05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ou42/0ddd64c7fd0451d21897d35606ec1a05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
adb logcat output - v41 - kivy, buildozer, plyer -> attempting to get it working on android 6
# (str) Title of your application
title = VMflash
# VMflash
# (str) Package name = vmflash
# vmflash
# (str) Package domain (needed for android/ios packaging)
package.domain = org.test
# (str) Source code where the live
source.dir = .
# (list) Source files to include (let empty to include all the files)
source.include_exts = py,png,jpg,kv,atlas
# (list) List of inclusions using pattern matching
#source.include_patterns = assets/*,images/*.png
# (list) Source files to exclude (let empty to not exclude anything)
#source.exclude_exts = spec,zip,URL
# (list) List of directory to exclude (let empty to not exclude anything)
#source.exclude_dirs = tests, bin, from-native-Mint-18, Kivy-Tutorials-master, not-working, old, VM-Mint-17
# (list) List of exclusions using pattern matching
#source.exclude_patterns = license,images/*/*.jpg
# (str) Application versioning (method 1)
version = 0.41
# 0.16
# (str) Application versioning (method 2)
# version.regex = __version__ = ['"](.*)['"]
# version.filename = %(source.dir)s/
# (list) Application requirements
# comma seperated e.g. requirements = sqlite3,kivy
requirements = kivy==master, plyer, python2
# (str) Custom source folders for requirements
# Sets custom source for any requirements with recipes
# requirements.source.kivy = ../../kivy
# (list) Garden requirements
#garden_requirements =
# (str) Presplash of the application
#presplash.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/presplash.png
# (str) Icon of the application
#icon.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/icon.png
# (str) Supported orientation (one of landscape, portrait or all)
orientation = landscape
# (list) List of service to declare
# OSX Specific
# author = © Copyright Info
# Android specific
# (bool) Indicate if the application should be fullscreen or not
fullscreen = 1
# (list) Permissions
#android.permissions = INTERNET
# (int) Android API to use
#android.api = 19
# (int) Minimum API required
#android.minapi = 9
# (int) Android SDK version to use
#android.sdk = 20
# (str) Android NDK version to use
#android.ndk = 9c
# (bool) Use --private data storage (True) or --dir public storage (False)
#android.private_storage = True
# (str) Android NDK directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.ndk_path =
# (str) Android SDK directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.sdk_path =
# (str) ANT directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.ant_path =
# (str) python-for-android git clone directory (if empty, it will be automatically cloned from github)
#android.p4a_dir =
# (str) The directory in which python-for-android should look for your own build recipes (if any)
#p4a.local_recipes =
# (list) python-for-android whitelist
#android.p4a_whitelist =
# (bool) If True, then skip trying to update the Android sdk
# This can be useful to avoid excess Internet downloads or save time
# when an update is due and you just want to test/build your package
# android.skip_update = False
# (str) Bootstrap to use for android builds (android_new only)
android.bootstrap = sdl2
# (str) Android entry point, default is ok for Kivy-based app
#android.entrypoint =
android.entrypoint =
# (list) List of Java .jar files to add to the libs so that pyjnius can access
# their classes. Don't add jars that you do not need, since extra jars can slow
# down the build process. Allows wildcards matching, for example:
# OUYA-ODK/libs/*.jar
#android.add_jars = foo.jar,bar.jar,path/to/more/*.jar
# (list) List of Java files to add to the android project (can be java or a
# directory containing the files)
#android.add_src =
# (str) python-for-android branch to use, if not master, useful to try
# not yet merged features.
#android.branch = master
# (str) OUYA Console category. Should be one of GAME or APP
# If you leave this blank, OUYA support will not be enabled
#android.ouya.category = GAME
# (str) Filename of OUYA Console icon. It must be a 732x412 png image.
#android.ouya.icon.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/ouya_icon.png
# (str) XML file to include as an intent filters in <activity> tag
#android.manifest.intent_filters =
# (list) Android additionnal libraries to copy into libs/armeabi
#android.add_libs_armeabi = libs/android/*.so
#android.add_libs_armeabi_v7a = libs/android-v7/*.so
#android.add_libs_x86 = libs/android-x86/*.so
#android.add_libs_mips = libs/android-mips/*.so
# (bool) Indicate whether the screen should stay on
# Don't forget to add the WAKE_LOCK permission if you set this to True
#android.wakelock = False
# (list) Android application meta-data to set (key=value format)
#android.meta_data =
# (list) Android library project to add (will be added in the
# automatically.)
#android.library_references =
# (str) Android logcat filters to use
#android.logcat_filters = *:S python:D
# (bool) Copy library instead of making a
#android.copy_libs = 1
# iOS specific
# (str) Path to a custom kivy-ios folder
#ios.kivy_ios_dir = ../kivy-ios
# (str) Name of the certificate to use for signing the debug version
# Get a list of available identities: buildozer ios list_identities
#ios.codesign.debug = "iPhone Developer: <lastname> <firstname> (<hexstring>)"
# (str) Name of the certificate to use for signing the release version
#ios.codesign.release = %(ios.codesign.debug)s
# (int) Log level (0 = error only, 1 = info, 2 = debug (with command output))
log_level = 1
# (int) Display warning if buildozer is run as root (0 = False, 1 = True)
warn_on_root = 1
# (str) Path to build artifact storage, absolute or relative to spec file
# build_dir = ./.buildozer
# (str) Path to build output (i.e. .apk, .ipa) storage
# bin_dir = ./bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List as sections
# You can define all the "list" as [section:key].
# Each line will be considered as a option to the list.
# Let's take [app] / source.exclude_patterns.
# Instead of doing:
#source.exclude_patterns = license,data/audio/*.wav,data/images/original/*
# This can be translated into:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Profiles
# You can extend section / key with a profile
# For example, you want to deploy a demo version of your application without
# HD content. You could first change the title to add "(demo)" in the name
# and extend the excluded directories to remove the HD content.
#title = My Application (demo)
# Then, invoke the command line with the "demo" profile:
#buildozer --profile demo android debug
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : Hello, World! --- testing for adb logcat python:D *:F or python:D *:S
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : --- on_pause() & on_resume() are NOT called!?
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:36.486 25354 25380 I python : ...
02-07 21:24:37.071 25354 25380 W PythonActivity: Accessing is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please switch to
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: static jfieldID 0xb1176060 not valid for class java.lang.Class<>
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] in call to GetStaticObjectField
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] from int
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=12 Runnable
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cd0b80 self=0xb4838d00
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25380 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa19bf930
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=285 stm=28 core=3 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa18bd000-0xa18bf000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0035ac39 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+116)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0033ba9b /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+146)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0024e84d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+752)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0024eeef /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+54)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000fba7d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+28)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0011215f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+442)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00113977 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+486)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 00113ec5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+24)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0003129b /data/data/org.test.vmflash/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/ (???)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at method)
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.111 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] Runtime aborting...
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] Aborting thread:
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=12 Native
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cd0b80 self=0xb4838d00
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25380 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa19bf930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=286 stm=30 core=3 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa18bd000-0xa18bf000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "abort lock"
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0035ac39 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+116)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0033ba9b /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+146)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0031fd73 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState10DumpThreadERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEPNS_6ThreadE+22)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0031fff3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+542)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000f37a9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2092)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0024eb57 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1530)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0024eeef /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+54)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 000fba7d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+28)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0011215f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+442)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 00113977 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+486)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 00113ec5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+24)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 0003129b /data/data/org.test.vmflash/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/ (???)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] Dumping all threads without appropriate locks held: thread list lock mutator lock
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] All threads:
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] DALVIK THREADS (13):
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=12 Runnable
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cd0b80 self=0xb4838d00
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25380 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa19bf930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=289 stm=31 core=3 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa18bd000-0xa18bf000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0035ac39 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+116)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0033ba9b /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+146)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00345425 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+432)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00345f89 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureE+200)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 003464db /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+138)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0031ff67 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+402)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 000f37a9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2092)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 0024eb57 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1530)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0024eeef /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+54)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 000fba7d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+28)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 0011215f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+442)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 00113977 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+486)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 00113ec5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+24)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 0003129b /data/data/org.test.vmflash/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/ (???)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x76ad9350 self=0xb4836500
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25354 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb6f6cd54
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=14 stm=14 core=1 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xbe4bd000-0xbe4bf000 stackSize=8MB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00041284 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001a887 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001a895 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012f2f /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000131af /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0008498d /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00000575 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "Signal Catcher" prio=5 tid=2 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12caa0a0 self=0xaef4c500
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25359 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3ec5930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3dc9000-0xb3dcb000 stackSize=1014KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00041558 /system/lib/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+12)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001d2b3 /system/lib/ (sigwait+22)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00326067 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13WaitForSignalEPNS_6ThreadERNS_9SignalSetE+62)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00327a05 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+244)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0003fe0f /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0001a55d /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "JDWP" prio=5 tid=3 WaitingInMainDebuggerLoop
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cc90a0 self=0xb42db500
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25360 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3dc6930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3cca000-0xb3ccc000 stackSize=1014KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00042338 /system/lib/ (recvmsg+8)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 003e806d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState15ReceiveClientFdEv+80)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 003e87f1 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState6AcceptEv+88)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0025a3af /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState3RunEv+222)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0025b267 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWPL15StartJdwpThreadEPv+10)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0003fe0f /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0001a55d /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=5 tid=4 Waiting
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12ca4640 self=0xb42dc900
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25361 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3cc7930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3bc5000-0xb3bc7000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017698 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f5b71 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+80)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002aeef7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1114)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002afbb3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+110)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002c0a15 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+32)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00000377 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x011ea40f> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - locked <0x011ea40f> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=5 tid=5 Waiting
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12ca46a0 self=0xb42dce00
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25362 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3bc2930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xb3ac0000-0xb3ac2000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017698 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f5b71 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+80)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002aeef7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1114)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002afbb3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+110)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002c0a41 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL13Object_waitJIEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectxi+36)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00000575 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+96)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x02a29c9c> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - locked <0x02a29c9c> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" prio=5 tid=6 Sleeping
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12ca4700 self=0xb42dd300
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25363 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb3aba930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xb39b8000-0xb39ba000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0001769c /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f5dcd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable9TimedWaitEPNS_6ThreadExi+104)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002aec4f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+434)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002afbb3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+110)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001c00b /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Thread_sleep__Ljava_lang_Object_2JI+126)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.sleep!(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - sleeping on <0x079c66a5> (a java.lang.Object)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.sleep(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - locked <0x079c66a5> (a java.lang.Object)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.sleep(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.sleepFor(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForFinalization(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=7 Blocked
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12ca4760 self=0xb42dd800
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25364 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xaf57a930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xaf478000-0xaf47a000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0001769c /system/lib/ (syscall+32)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f5dcd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable9TimedWaitEPNS_6ThreadExi+104)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 001cd741 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc13TaskProcessor7GetTaskEPNS_6ThreadE+208)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 001cdbcd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc13TaskProcessor11RunAllTasksEPNS_6ThreadE+60)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 00000377 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_runHeapTasks__+74)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - waiting to lock an unknown object
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "Binder_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cd00a0 self=0xaef4d900
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25365 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa2c77930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa2b7b000-0xa2b7d000 stackSize=1014KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 000413ac /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00047e25 /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001e965 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+132)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0001ee87 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001ef25 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+48)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00023871 /system/lib/ (???)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00010209 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 000606bf /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0003fe0f /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 0001a55d /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cd30a0 self=0xb42de200
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25366 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa2b78930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa2a7c000-0xa2a7e000 stackSize=1014KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 000413ac /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00047e25 /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001e965 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+132)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0001ee87 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001ef25 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+48)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00023871 /system/lib/ (???)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00010209 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 000606bf /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0003fe0f /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 0001a55d /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "AsyncTask #1" prio=5 tid=10 Waiting
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cc45e0 self=0xb42dfb00
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25369 nice=10 cgrp=bg_non_interactive sched=0/0 handle=0xa2a79930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa2977000-0xa2979000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017698 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f5b71 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+80)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002aeef7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1114)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002afbb3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+110)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002c0a41 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL13Object_waitJIEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectxi+36)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00000575 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+96)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x0d7c2a7a> (a java.lang.Object)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.parkFor$(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - locked <0x0d7c2a7a> (a java.lang.Object)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "RenderThread" prio=5 tid=11 Native
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cc9100 self=0xb4837400
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25370 nice=-4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa2974930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=2 core=2 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa2878000-0xa287a000 stackSize=1014KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00041284 /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001a887 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001a895 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012f2f /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000131af /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0002142d /system/lib/ (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread12RenderThread10threadLoopEv+44)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00010209 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 000606bf /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0003fe0f /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 0001a55d /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] "SDLThreadListener" prio=5 tid=13 Waiting
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12cd0ca0 self=0xb483a100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | sysTid=25381 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xa18ba930
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | stack=0xa17b8000-0xa17ba000 stackSize=1038KB
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] | held mutexes=
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017698 /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f5b71 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+80)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002aeef7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1114)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002afbb3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+110)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002c0a15 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+32)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00000377 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x072b722b> (a java.lang.Object)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at java.lang.Thread.join(
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] - locked <0x072b722b> (a java.lang.Object)
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at$
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/] at
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F art : art/runtime/]
02-07 21:24:37.211 25354 25380 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 25380 (SDLThread)
02-07 21:24:37.266 2208 2208 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
02-07 21:24:37.266 2208 2208 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/on5ltemtr/on5ltemtr:6.0.1/MMB29K/G550T1UVS2APL1:user/release-keys'
02-07 21:24:37.266 2208 2208 F DEBUG : Revision: '5'
02-07 21:24:37.266 2208 2208 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
02-07 21:24:37.266 2208 2208 F DEBUG : pid: 25354, tid: 25380, name: SDLThread >>> org.test.vmflash <<<
02-07 21:24:37.266 2208 2208 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
02-07 21:24:37.296 2208 2208 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: static jfieldID 0xb1176060 not valid for class java.lang.Class<>'
02-07 21:24:37.296 2208 2208 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00006324 r2 00000006 r3 a19bf978
02-07 21:24:37.296 2208 2208 F DEBUG : r4 a19bf980 r5 a19bf930 r6 00000002 r7 0000010c
02-07 21:24:37.296 2208 2208 F DEBUG : r8 fffff7f0 r9 b47ea800 sl 00000000 fp 00000000
02-07 21:24:37.296 2208 2208 F DEBUG : ip 00000006 sp a19bae68 lr b6ccb551 pc b6ccd940 cpsr 40070010
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG :
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : backtrace:
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #00 pc 00042940 /system/lib/ (tgkill+12)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0004054d /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+32)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0001cc5b /system/lib/ (raise+10)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00019ed9 /system/lib/ (__libc_android_abort+34)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00017560 /system/lib/ (abort+4)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0031fea9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+212)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000f37a9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2092)
02-07 21:24:37.321 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0024eb57 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1530)
02-07 21:24:37.326 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0024eeef /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+54)
02-07 21:24:37.326 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000fba7d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+28)
02-07 21:24:37.326 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #10 pc 0011215f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+442)
02-07 21:24:37.326 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00113977 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+486)
02-07 21:24:37.326 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00113ec5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+24)
02-07 21:24:37.326 2208 2208 F DEBUG : #13 pc 0003129b /data/data/org.test.vmflash/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/
02-07 21:24:37.846 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.193 0.192 9.427
02-07 21:24:37.931 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity org.test.vmflash/
02-07 21:24:37.931 2208 2208 F DEBUG :
02-07 21:24:37.931 2208 2208 F DEBUG : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_00
02-07 21:24:37.931 2208 2208 E DEBUG : AM write failed: Broken pipe
02-07 21:24:37.936 2604 2809 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
02-07 21:24:37.936 2208 2208 E : ro.product_ship = true
02-07 21:24:37.936 2208 2208 E : ro.debug_level = 0x4f4c
02-07 21:24:37.936 2208 2208 E : sys.mobilecare.preload = false
02-07 21:24:37.936 2604 25384 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:24:37.936 3860 3860 E audit : type=1701 msg=audit(1486531477.936:17445): auid=4294967295 uid=10146 gid=10146 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 pid=25380 comm="SDLThread" reason="memory violation" sig=6
02-07 21:24:37.946 2604 25384 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 25354
02-07 21:24:37.946 2604 2809 W DropBoxManagerService: Dropping: SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE (10 > 0 bytes)
02-07 21:24:37.946 2604 25385 W DropBoxManagerService: Dropping: data_app_native_crash (2093 > 0 bytes)
02-07 21:24:37.946 2604 25384 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:24:37.946 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:24:37.946 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:24:37.966 2604 25384 E JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!! (parcel size = 104)
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: Exception thrown during pause
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: android.os.DeadObjectException: Transaction failed on small parcel; remote process probably died
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 W ActivityManager: at$
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 I ActivityManagerServicePASS: =========switchBooster 500======
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1105000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
02-07 21:24:37.986 2604 25384 D ActivityManager: mDVFSHelper.acquire()
02-07 21:24:37.986 2195 2195 E lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/25354/oom_score_adj; errno=22
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 V WindowOrientationListener: setCurrentAppOrientation :1
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 V WindowOrientationListener: OrientationSensorJudge.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=1); user=0 sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false mMobileKeyboardEnabled=false displayId=0
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 V WindowOrientationListener: OrientationSensorJudge.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 D SamsungWindowManager: setRotationLw() : rotation=0
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1300000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 pkgName : ROTATION_BOOSTER@43
02-07 21:24:37.991 2604 3941 D InputDispatcher: setInputDispatchMode: enabled=1, frozen=1
02-07 21:24:37.991 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21773 createSurf (720x1280),2 flag=4, TcreenshotS
02-07 21:24:38.016 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.016 2604 2980 W InputDispatcher: channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
02-07 21:24:38.016 2604 2980 E InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
02-07 21:24:38.016 2604 3942 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 9
02-07 21:24:38.016 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f6fc
02-07 21:24:38.021 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: Disp[0] Orientation 1=>0
02-07 21:24:38.026 2226 2226 I Zygote : Process 25354 exited due to signal (6)
02-07 21:24:38.031 2604 3341 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel
02-07 21:24:38.031 2604 3341 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{dbac133 u0 d0 p25354 org.test.vmflash/}
02-07 21:24:38.031 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21768 Removed TurfaceView (2/9)
02-07 21:24:38.031 2604 25384 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 310mcc260mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h616dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.851}
02-07 21:24:38.031 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21768 Removed TurfaceView (-2/9)
02-07 21:24:38.031 2604 3341 W WindowManager: Force-removing child win Window{5f40269 u0 d0 p25354 SurfaceView} from container Window{dbac133 u0 d0 p25354 org.test.vmflash/}
02-07 21:24:38.031 2198 3717 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21767 Removed QythonActiv (2/8)
02-07 21:24:38.031 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21767 Removed QythonActiv (-2/8)
02-07 21:24:38.036 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21767 Removed QythonActiv (-2/8)
02-07 21:24:38.036 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21768 Removed TurfaceView (-2/8)
02-07 21:24:38.041 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:24:38.041 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 W WindowManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@fd3fcf0 does not exist
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 W WindowManager: at
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 W WindowManager: at
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 W WindowManager: at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 W WindowManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 3937 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: null
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 2981 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004
02-07 21:24:38.046 2604 2981 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=1, name='sec_touchscreen', size 720x1280, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
02-07 21:24:38.071 25080 25080 D GeckoApplication: onConfigurationChanged: en_US, background: false
02-07 21:24:38.071 25080 25080 D GeckoLocales: No selected locale. No correction needed.
02-07 21:24:38.071 9755 9755 E FullInputEventModel: onStartInput event aborted: could not obtain extracted text (class
02-07 21:24:38.091 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by BW check
02-07 21:24:38.091 2604 25384 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 2604) eventTime = 322816685
02-07 21:24:38.091 2604 25384 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock flags=0x2000000a tag=WindowManager uid=1000 pid=2604 (0x0)
02-07 21:24:38.091 2604 25384 D PowerManagerService: [api] applyWakeLockFlagsOnReleaseLocked : userActivityNoUpdateLocked is called : SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK 'WindowManager' ON_AFTER_RELEASE (uid=1000, pid=2604, ws=WorkSource{10146}) (elapsedTime=2658)
02-07 21:24:38.096 2604 2604 D GameManagerService: NotifyRunnable. pkg:, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false
02-07 21:24:38.096 2604 2604 D GameManagerService: unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1
02-07 21:24:38.101 3384 3384 D Launcher: onRestart, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:24:38.106 3089 3187 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
02-07 21:24:38.111 20088 20088 I VRVoiceNoteService: onReceive action : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, scene : 0
02-07 21:24:38.111 2604 2790 V MARsPolicyManager: updatePackagesScore PackageInfo name --
02-07 21:24:38.111 3089 3089 D Recents : handleProxyCall type=6
02-07 21:24:38.116 3171 3171 D Recents : handleProxyCall type=6
02-07 21:24:38.116 2604 3395 I ActivityManager: Process org.test.vmflash (pid 25354)(adj 1) has died(63,323)
02-07 21:24:38.116 2604 3395 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 25354
02-07 21:24:38.116 2604 3395 D ActivityManager: removeProcessNameLocked mProcessNames.remove pid=25354 ,hash=256163377 ,name=org.test.vmflash
02-07 21:24:38.116 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:24:38.116 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 756
02-07 21:24:38.121 3384 3384 D Launcher: onStart, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:24:38.121 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: onStart
02-07 21:24:38.121 3384 3384 D Launcher: onResume, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:24:38.121 3384 25388 D WallpaperManager: 1280 / 1280 / 0
02-07 21:24:38.121 2604 3639 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
02-07 21:24:38.121 2604 3639 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = kids_home_mode
02-07 21:24:38.121 2604 3639 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
02-07 21:24:38.126 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:24:38.121 2604 3639 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
02-07 21:24:38.126 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:24:38.121 2604 3639 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
02-07 21:24:38.121 2604 3639 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10052
02-07 21:24:38.126 3089 3089 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3639 D SettingsProvider: ret = -1
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = easy_mode_home
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10052
02-07 21:24:38.126 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: onResume
02-07 21:24:38.126 2604 3943 D SettingsProvider: ret = -1
02-07 21:24:38.126 3089 3089 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=false,preview=android.widget.RelativeLayout{91555d7 I.E...... ......I. 0,0-720,1280}
02-07 21:24:38.131 2604 2790 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{68323ab u0 android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{c84abe}
02-07 21:24:38.126 3384 3384 D capture : ---------checkFileExist land
02-07 21:24:38.136 2604 2793 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$2100:329$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:1265 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
02-07 21:24:38.126 3384 3384 D capture : currentOrientation: 1 mMainHomeScreenshot: false mMainHomeScreenshotLand: true
02-07 21:24:38.141 2604 5666 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage.
02-07 21:24:38.136 3057 4366 D TelephonyProvider: query: url=content://telephony/carriers, projectionIn=null, selection=numeric = '310260'selectionArgs=null, sort=null
02-07 21:24:38.141 2604 5666 D GameManagerService: GameService is not exist
02-07 21:24:38.136 3057 4366 D TelephonyProvider: query: match = 1
02-07 21:24:38.141 2604 2793 D ResourcesManager: For user 0 new overlays fetched Null
02-07 21:24:38.136 3057 4366 D TelephonyProvider: query: selection modified to numeric = '310260' and edited!=2 and edited!=3 and edited!=5 and edited!=6
02-07 21:24:38.141 3089 3089 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=true,preview=android.widget.AbsoluteLayout{f4e5965 I.E...... ......I. 0,0-720,1280}
02-07 21:24:38.156 3089 3450 D BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState : supported = true, enabled = false, enabling = false, connected = false, connecting = false, mController.getLastDeviceName() = null
02-07 21:24:38.166 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.166 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.166 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.176 2604 2793 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{e88d513 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:24:38.176 2604 2793 V MARsPolicyManager: handelAlertToastWindowStarted pkgName = android
02-07 21:24:38.176 2604 2793 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 2604
02-07 21:24:38.176 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:24:38.176 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:24:38.181 2604 2604 E Tethering: Dun type is exist
02-07 21:24:38.186 2604 3482 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{68323ab u0 android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{ec74a53}
02-07 21:24:38.186 2604 2604 W Settings: Setting tether_dun_required has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global
02-07 21:24:38.186 2604 2604 E Tethering: Set dun requiered as 1
02-07 21:24:38.186 2604 2604 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = tether_dun_required
02-07 21:24:38.186 3384 3384 D MenuAppsGridFragment: onResume
02-07 21:24:38.186 3384 3384 D MenuAppsGridFragment: changeState: (new)NORMAL(old)NORMAL(force)false
02-07 21:24:38.186 3089 3089 D vol.SecVolumeDialog: updateWindowWidth lp.width=700, mCurrentWindowWidth = 812
02-07 21:24:38.186 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: updateGridSize:GRID_4x4 cellWidth:174 cellHeight:220
02-07 21:24:38.186 3089 3089 D Clock : received broadcast android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
02-07 21:24:38.191 3089 14620 D vol.VolumeDialogControl.VC: setLayoutDirection
02-07 21:24:38.196 2604 3936 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{68323ab u0 android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{b83df1e}
02-07 21:24:38.196 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21774 createSurf (97x97),1 flag=4, wmflash
02-07 21:24:38.211 2604 3052 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x979497cc
02-07 21:24:38.211 2604 3052 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-07 21:24:38.216 2604 3942 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{225b47c u0 android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{c84abe}
02-07 21:24:38.216 3089 3089 D DateView: received broadcast android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
02-07 21:24:38.221 2604 3052 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [764x454]-format:1
02-07 21:24:38.221 3384 3384 D ResourcesManager: For user 0 new overlays fetched Null
02-07 21:24:38.221 2604 2793 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = true
02-07 21:24:38.221 2604 2793 D StatusBarManagerService: manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{62ee949 u0 d0 p2604 Application Error: org.test.vmflash}
02-07 21:24:38.226 25176 25176 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:606 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:606
02-07 21:24:38.226 3089 3450 D WifiCallingTile: getMode : false
02-07 21:24:38.231 3089 3450 D AirplaneModeTile: getQSTileMultiState 2
02-07 21:24:38.231 3089 3450 D FlashlightTile: handleUpdateState : MultiState[visible=true,icon=ResourceIcon[resId=0x7f02039e],label=Flashlight,contentDescription=Flashlight Button Off.,dualLabelContentDescription=null,autoMirrorDrawable=false,secondaryLabel=null,textTruncate=true,value=2,bgValue=0] arg : null
02-07 21:24:38.236 3384 3384 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:24:38.251 2604 3941 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{225b47c u0 android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{ec74a53}
02-07 21:24:38.261 2604 3639 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{225b47c u0 android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{b83df1e}
02-07 21:24:38.266 2604 2793 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{62ee949 u0 d0 p2604 Application Error: org.test.vmflash}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:24:38.266 2604 2793 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:24:38.271 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.271 2604 2793 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:24:38.281 3384 3384 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:24:38.286 2604 3639 V BroadcastQueue: [background] Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{96f9080 u0 qIdx=4}, state= (APP_RECEIVE) DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{f76c42b}
02-07 21:24:38.281 2604 2793 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{62ee949 u0 d0 p2604 Application Error: org.test.vmflash}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:24:38.291 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.291 2604 2815 V WindowManager: Dim Duration=200
02-07 21:24:38.301 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:24:38.306 3089 3331 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x48]-format:1
02-07 21:24:38.306 3089 3089 D KeyguardEffectViewController: onLayoutChange() v:{240110f I.E...... ......ID 0,0-720,48 #7f0e0387 app:id/keyguard_effect_behind}, bottom : 48, oldBottom : 48
02-07 21:24:38.306 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = true
02-07 21:24:38.306 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 756
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 756
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by{dbf8a1 V.E...... ......ID 0,232-720,514 #7f0e0217 app:id/quick_settings_container} during layout: running second layout pass
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 I ViewRootImpl: requestLayout is already in process
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:24:38.316 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:38.331 2604 3639 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{1fdaf6 u0 d0 p3089 StatusBar}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:24:38.341 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.341 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7444
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 3642 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() true
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 3642 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 3642 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: post home show event for user 0
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 3642 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 2604 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 2604 D KnoxKeyguardDelegate: clear Flag
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleHomeShow for 0 and current 0
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:24:38.341 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:24:38.346 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21775 createSurf (720x1280),1 flag=4, MauncherAct
02-07 21:24:38.346 3384 27702 V ViewRootImpl: dispatchResized mReportNextDraw cancel... mWinFrame : Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 720) frame : Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280) window
02-07 21:24:38.351 3384 3684 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:24:38.356 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.361 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:24:38.361 3384 3384 V LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize: (target widgetsize) using w/h 686 220 span 4 1 (widgetid 10) [current Gridsize : GRID_4x4]
02-07 21:24:38.361 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize() widget = Digital clock(widget id = 10) result hostview size = 686 x 220
02-07 21:24:38.361 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 686/ 220 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 10)
02-07 21:24:38.381 2604 3341 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{eaab681 u0 d0 p3384}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:24:38.381 3384 3384 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@43247cc time:322816979
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: updateSurface:[forceRelayout]false[redrawNeeded]false
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: onVisibilityChanged:true
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:false rotation:0 mLastRotation:1
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: getDisplayId:0
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: surfaceWidth:1280 surfaceHeight:1280 getDisplayID:0
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: updateSurfaceSize Width : 1280 Height: 1280
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: BaseSurfaceHolder:setFixedSize[width]1280 [height]1280
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: SurfaceSize not changed : Width : 1280 Height: 1280
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:[frame.width()]1280[frame.height()]1280
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: mScale:1.0
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: availw:0 availh:0
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: availwUnscaled:0 availhUnscaled:0
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame() mXOffset:0.0 mYOffset:0.0
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: forceDraw = false
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3089 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbecbabf4
02-07 21:24:38.386 3089 3102 D WallpaperService: resized:[frame]Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 1280) [newConfig]1
02-07 21:24:38.391 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.391 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:24:38.391 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:24:38.391 2604 2815 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1105000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7
02-07 21:24:38.391 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{437ada4 u0 t9081} time:322816989
02-07 21:24:38.391 2604 2815 D ActivityManager: mDVFSHelper.release()
02-07 21:24:38.391 2604 2790 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1105000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@15
02-07 21:24:38.396 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:24:38.396 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:24:38.396 3089 3089 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [1280x1280]-format:2
02-07 21:24:38.396 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawWallpaperWithOpenGL() w:0 h:0 left:0 top:0
02-07 21:24:38.396 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawWallpaperWithOpenGL frame.width() : 1280 frame.height:1280
02-07 21:24:38.396 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawWallpaperWithOpenGL bitmapWidth : 1280 bitmapHeight:1280
02-07 21:24:38.396 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawWallpaperWithOpenGL left : 0 top : 0 right : 1280.0 bottom : 1280.0
02-07 21:24:38.441 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:38.441 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7444
02-07 21:24:38.456 3089 3089 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbecbac4c
02-07 21:24:38.456 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: finish drawWallpaperWithOpenGL
02-07 21:24:38.456 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: MSG_WINDOW_RESIZED
02-07 21:24:38.456 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: updateSurface:[forceRelayout]true[redrawNeeded]true
02-07 21:24:38.456 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: currentWidth:1280 currentHeight:1280 requestedWidth:1280 requestedWidth:1280
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: relayout
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: relayout result: Surface(name=null)/@0x2e5d83f, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 1280),relayoutResult:1, mConfiguration{0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = -1 ?mcc?mnc en_US ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: Wallpaper size has changed: (1280, 1280)
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: onSurfaceRedrawNeeded: newRotation:1
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:false rotation:0 mLastRotation:0
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:[frame.width()]1280[frame.height()]1280
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: Suppressed drawFrame since redraw is not needed and offsets have not changed.
02-07 21:24:38.461 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: finishDrawing
02-07 21:24:38.461 2604 3937 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{823c947 u0 d0 p3089}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:24:38.476 2604 2815 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +484ms due to Window{823c947 u0 d0 p3089}
02-07 21:24:38.476 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21776 createSurf (2560x720),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
02-07 21:24:38.476 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21777 createSurf (1280x1440),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
02-07 21:24:38.476 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21778 createSurf (2560x720),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
02-07 21:24:38.481 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21779 createSurf (1280x1440),-1 flag=20004, ClackSurfac
02-07 21:24:38.481 2604 2815 D InputDispatcher: setInputDispatchMode: enabled=1, frozen=0
02-07 21:24:38.911 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21773 Removed TcreenshotS (9/13)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21773 Removed TcreenshotS (-2/13)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21776 Removed ClackSurfac (9/12)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21776 Removed ClackSurfac (-2/12)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21777 Removed ClackSurfac (9/11)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21777 Removed ClackSurfac (-2/11)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21778 Removed ClackSurfac (9/10)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21778 Removed ClackSurfac (-2/10)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21779 Removed ClackSurfac (9/9)
02-07 21:24:38.916 2198 3717 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21779 Removed ClackSurfac (-2/9)
02-07 21:24:38.926 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb744c
02-07 21:24:38.931 2604 2815 V WindowOrientationListener: OrientationSensorJudge.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1
02-07 21:24:38.931 2604 2815 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false mMobileKeyboardEnabled=false displayId=0
02-07 21:24:38.931 2604 2815 V WindowOrientationListener: OrientationSensorJudge.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1
02-07 21:24:39.116 2604 5670 D ResourcesManager: For user 0 new overlays fetched Null
02-07 21:24:39.211 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:24:39.211 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:24:39.226 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:24:39.226 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:24:39.256 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:39.256 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:39.261 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:39.261 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:39.261 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:39.391 2604 2604 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1105000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@15
02-07 21:24:39.621 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:24:39.811 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:24:39.811 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:24:39.991 2604 2604 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1300000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 tag : ROTATION_BOOSTER@43
02-07 21:24:40.421 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:24:40.481 2604 2815 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
02-07 21:24:40.716 2604 2815 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15956(1173KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(1164KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 42MB/58MB, paused 4.090ms total 233.419ms
02-07 21:24:42.371 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:42.371 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:42.381 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:42.381 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:42.381 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:42.391 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:42.391 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:42.396 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:42.396 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:42.396 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:42.476 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:42.476 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:42.486 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:42.486 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:42.486 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=322821556909000
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=322821556909000
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54003 ] when=322821556909000
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 322816643182343, currentThreadStartTime = 322816643188035, diff = 0
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (2604): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 2793 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:24:42.961 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:24:42.991 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:24:42.991 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:24:43.026 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=322821621944000
02-07 21:24:43.026 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=322821621944000
02-07 21:24:43.026 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=322821621944000
02-07 21:24:43.026 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (2604): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:24:43.031 2604 2793 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:24:43.066 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:24:43.066 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:24:43.066 2604 2793 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:24:43.066 2604 5666 D SSRM:s : SIOP:: AP = 350, LCD = 255
02-07 21:24:43.066 2604 5666 D ConnectivityService: returning getNetworkInfo for network type 1 : [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:24:43.071 2604 2793 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 2604
02-07 21:24:43.071 2604 2793 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 3384
02-07 21:24:43.071 2604 5666 D SSRM:T : reading: 35 35 0
02-07 21:24:43.071 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:24:43.071 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:24:43.076 2604 3395 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:24:43.076 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8600 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8000 newVal=8600 diff=600
02-07 21:24:43.076 2604 2793 D StatusBarManagerService: manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{eaab681 u0 d0 p3384}
02-07 21:24:43.076 2604 3052 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x97949834
02-07 21:24:43.076 2604 3395 W InputMethodManagerService: Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 25354 uid 10146
02-07 21:24:43.081 2604 2793 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null
02-07 21:24:43.241 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21774 Removed wmflash (7/8)
02-07 21:24:43.241 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21774 Removed wmflash (-2/8)
02-07 21:24:43.241 2604 2815 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0
02-07 21:24:43.256 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:24:43.626 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:24:43.971 2604 3942 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
02-07 21:24:43.971 2604 3942 D BatteryService: level:42, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 3824, temperature: 271, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303515, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0
02-07 21:24:43.971 2604 3942 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:136, charge type:2, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, current_now:136
02-07 21:24:43.971 2604 2604 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED.
02-07 21:24:43.976 2604 2604 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged
02-07 21:24:43.976 2604 2604 D MotionRecognitionService: cableConnection= 1
02-07 21:24:43.976 2604 2604 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected | current backoff = 1024 , state =1024
02-07 21:24:43.976 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 42lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:24:43.976 2604 2604 D MotionRecognitionService: skip setTransmitPower.
02-07 21:24:43.976 2604 2604 D GameManagerService: new battery level: 42
02-07 21:24:43.981 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:24:43.981 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:24:43.981 3089 3089 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2
02-07 21:24:43.981 3089 3089 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 5 currentChargingType : 5 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0
02-07 21:24:43.981 3089 3089 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return!
02-07 21:24:43.986 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 42
02-07 21:24:44.001 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:24:44.006 3089 3089 D BatteryMeterView: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:42 status:2 health:2
02-07 21:24:44.006 3089 3089 D BatteryMeterView: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:42 status:2 health:2
02-07 21:24:44.026 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:24:44.026 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:24:44.331 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:24:44.471 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:24:45.496 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:45.496 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:45.501 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:45.501 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:45.501 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:45.596 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:45.596 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:45.606 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:45.606 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:45.606 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:45.611 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:45.611 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:45.616 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:45.616 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:45.616 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:47.851 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.194 0.192 9.428
02-07 21:24:48.146 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:24:48.146 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 20 99 -20 -200 -20 -200 -1 39 -72 -10 200 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:24:48.146 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:24:48.146 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:24:48.286 2207 2943 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
02-07 21:24:48.286 2207 2943 E NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UID' not found
02-07 21:24:48.286 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: false
02-07 21:24:48.696 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:48.696 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:24:48.706 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:24:48.706 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:24:48.706 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
--------- beginning of main
02-07 21:32:14.616 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:14.636 24485 24485 D settings: onCreate()
02-07 21:32:14.641 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode()
02-07 21:32:14.641 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode() false
02-07 21:32:14.641 24485 24485 D Index : onCreate / initialFragmentName:
02-07 21:32:14.641 24485 24485 W ScoverManager: getCoverState : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:32:14.661 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:14.661 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:14.666 24485 24485 D SubSettings: Launching fragment
02-07 21:32:14.741 24485 24485 W System.err:$NameNotFoundException:
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at$1100(
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at$H.handleMessage(
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at$
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:14.746 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onCreate took: 105 ms
02-07 21:32:14.751 24485 24485 D AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
02-07 21:32:14.751 24485 24485 E MotionRecognitionManager: mSContextService = null
02-07 21:32:14.751 24485 24485 E MotionRecognitionManager: motionService =$Stub$Proxy@6778ae0
02-07 21:32:14.776 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mHasReceivedLoadEntries is : false
02-07 21:32:14.776 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mHasReceivedBridgeCallback is : false
02-07 21:32:14.781 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onResume finished
02-07 21:32:14.826 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:14.826 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:14.831 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:14.831 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:14.831 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:14.951 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mHasReceivedLoadEntries is : false
02-07 21:32:14.951 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mHasReceivedBridgeCallback is : false
02-07 21:32:14.951 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: updateLoading finish
02-07 21:32:14.956 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{b26530d I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:32:14.961 2604 3382 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:32:14.961 2604 3382 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:14.961 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:14.961 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:32:15.026 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21783 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, TubSettings
02-07 21:32:15.046 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:32:15.051 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:15.051 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:15.056 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:32:15.116 2604 3147 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{36949a u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:32:15.116 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:32:15.116 2604 2639 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:32:15.126 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:15.126 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:15.126 2604 2815 I ActivityManager: Displayed +501ms
02-07 21:32:15.126 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:15.126 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:15.136 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:15.141 2604 3007 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{36949a u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:32:15.146 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:15.161 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:15.181 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:32:15.181 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:32:15.181 24485 24535 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9e27ba00 (ListView) with handle 0x9ebf6680
02-07 21:32:15.186 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@c520936 time:323273782
02-07 21:32:15.381 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{f38d18d u0 t10326} time:323273978
02-07 21:32:15.381 2604 2790 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
02-07 21:32:15.386 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21782 Removed TubSettings (2/8)
02-07 21:32:15.386 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21782 Removed TubSettings (-2/8)
02-07 21:32:15.391 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:15.391 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:15.391 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:15.391 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:15.396 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:32:15.401 24485 24485 D Index : onSaveInstanceState / mNeedToRevertToInitialFragment: false
02-07 21:32:15.566 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.002 4.057 8.502
02-07 21:32:15.936 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:17.176 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=org.test.vmflash, bg=96-96, dr=256-256
02-07 21:32:17.181 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=256,256 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:17.181 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.196 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.196 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.196 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: eraseold : false
02-07 21:32:17.201 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.201 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.211 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.211 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.216 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mHasReceivedBridgeCallback is : false
02-07 21:32:17.216 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: List visible state is : 4
02-07 21:32:17.216 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.221 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.231 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-97
02-07 21:32:17.236 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0139326, size=97, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.236 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mSession.getAllApps().size() > 0
02-07 21:32:17.251 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.251 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.261 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.261 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.93866664, size=96, alpha=3, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.271 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.271 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=144-144
02-07 21:32:17.276 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.6445714, size=144, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.286 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.286 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.301 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.301 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.311 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.311 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.nuance.nmc.sihome.metropcs, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.311 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.316 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.321 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.321 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:32:17.326 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.surpax.ledflashlight.panel, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.326 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:32:17.326 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:32:17.326 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.326 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:32:17.341 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.341 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:32:17.341 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.351 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.automation, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.351 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.356 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.356 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.356 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.356 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.366 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.371 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.376 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.handmark.metro.launcher, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.376 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.376 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.touchtype.swiftkey, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.376 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.381 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.381 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.386 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.386 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.386 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.386 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.396 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.401 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.406 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.411 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.421 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.disney.wdpro.dlr, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.426 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.426 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.441 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.441 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.446 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.446 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.446 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.461 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.466 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.466 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.466 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.471 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.471 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.471 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.usbsettings, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.476 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.481 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=80-80
02-07 21:32:17.481 24485 24485 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:32:17.481 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.056, size=80, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.486 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.486 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.491 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.491 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.496 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.496 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.496 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.factory, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.501 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.501 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.501 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.506 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.506 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.511 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.511 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.516 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.521 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:17.526 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.whatsapp, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.526 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.531 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.531 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.531 24485 24485 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.531 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.536 24485 24485 D AbsListView: onsize change
02-07 21:32:17.541 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.541 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.546 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.546 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.561 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.566 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.576 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: eraseold : true
02-07 21:32:17.576 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.wsomacp, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.581 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.586 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.586 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.591 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: mHasReceivedBridgeCallback is : false
02-07 21:32:17.591 24485 24485 E ManageApplications: List visible state is : 0
02-07 21:32:17.626 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.631 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.636 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.641 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.661 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.661 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.666 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.666 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.671 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.671 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.691 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.691 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.696 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.696 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.701 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.701 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.711 24485 24485 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:32:17.711 24485 24485 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:32:17.716 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.716 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.721 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.726 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.731 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:32:17.731 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:32:17.731 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:32:17.731 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:32:17.736 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-64, WifiManager.getRssi()= -64
02-07 21:32:17.736 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:32:17.736 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:32:17.736 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-64
02-07 21:32:17.736 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:32:17.736 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): do not update wifi-state to controller. Same as before CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:32:17.751 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.751 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.756 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:32:17.756 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:32:17.766 24485 24485 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:32:17.766 24485 24485 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:32:17.766 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.ims, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.771 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.776 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.sve, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.776 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.786 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.786 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.806 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.806 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0026666, size=96, alpha=3, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.811 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.811 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.816 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.816 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.826 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.831 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.851 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.ipsec.service, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.856 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.871 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.881 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.896 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.mobileposse.client, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.901 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.901 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.906 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.916 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.916 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98232555, size=96, alpha=5, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.926 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:17.926 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:17.931 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.931 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.936 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:17.936 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:17.936 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:17.941 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:17.941 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:17.971 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:17.971 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:17.976 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:17.981 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:17.981 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:17.981 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=384-384
02-07 21:32:17.996 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=384,384 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:17.996 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.001 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.001 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.026 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.026 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.046 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.046 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.051 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.051 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.066 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=android, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.066 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0026666, size=96, alpha=3, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.086 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.086 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.106 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=128-128
02-07 21:32:18.111 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.705, size=128, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.131 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.131 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.146 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.knox.foldercontainer, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.146 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.151 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.151 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.161 2604 2619 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 123315(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 92(1832KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 43MB/59MB, paused 4.847ms total 321.588ms
02-07 21:32:18.171 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.171 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.191 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=384-384
02-07 21:32:18.191 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=384,384 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:18.196 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.206 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.211 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.221 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.pinterest, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.226 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.226 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.226 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.241 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.246 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0026666, size=96, alpha=3, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.276 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=592-592
02-07 21:32:18.281 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=592,592 - scaled=95,95
02-07 21:32:18.281 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.9498947, size=95, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.286 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.bcservice, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.286 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.291 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.modem.settings, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.291 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.301 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.301 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.311 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.316 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.326 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=68-68
02-07 21:32:18.326 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.5085714, size=68, alpha=6, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.326 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.331 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.331 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.336 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.336 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.336 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.341 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.346 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.366 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.366 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.371 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.imsservice, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.371 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.376 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.376 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.381 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.381 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.401 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=144-144
02-07 21:32:18.401 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.5949296, size=144, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.426 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.426 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.436 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.441 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.1004878, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.446 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.446 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.446 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.451 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.476 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.476 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.491 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.wb.headsup, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.491 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.496 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.496 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.521 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.esdk.elm, bg=96-96, dr=384-384
02-07 21:32:18.521 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=384,384 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:18.521 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.526 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.526 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.531 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.531 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.546 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=88-88
02-07 21:32:18.546 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=88, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.556 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.smartcard.manager, bg=96-96, dr=192-192
02-07 21:32:18.561 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=192,192 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:18.561 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.561 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.566 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.576 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.576 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.591 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.591 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.601 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.606 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.606 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.enterprise.mdm.vpn, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.611 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.631 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.631 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.661 24485 25672 D ApplicationPackageManager: we don't have package name. load it
02-07 21:32:18.731 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.731 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.756 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.756 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.766 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.imslogger, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.771 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0493023, size=96, alpha=5, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.771 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.771 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.786 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.786 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.801 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=288-288
02-07 21:32:18.801 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=288,288 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:18.806 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.826 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=72-72
02-07 21:32:18.826 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.2068571, size=72, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.831 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.836 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.866 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.866 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.871 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.871 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.881 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.886 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.886 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.891 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.901 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.901 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.906 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.906 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.921 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=288-288
02-07 21:32:18.921 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=288,288 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:18.926 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.936 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.941 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.966 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.spp.push, bg=96-96, dr=80-80
02-07 21:32:18.966 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.2533333, size=80, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:18.981 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:18.981 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.036 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.metro.simlock, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.036 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0742857, size=96, alpha=6, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.051 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.051 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.056 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.056 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.071 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.076 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.086 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.091 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.93866664, size=96, alpha=3, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.091 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.096 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.186 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.186 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.9182608, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.196 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.196 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98232555, size=96, alpha=5, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.221 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.226 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.231 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.231 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0742857, size=96, alpha=6, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.236 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.241 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.241 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.241 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.246 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.246 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.251 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.251 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.261 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.macropinch.swan, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.261 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.271 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.cleanmaster.sdk, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.276 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.286 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=144-144
02-07 21:32:19.286 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.5949296, size=144, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.296 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.296 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.306 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=80-80
02-07 21:32:19.306 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.056, size=80, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.311 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.311 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.321 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.321 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.1004878, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.346 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.facebook.orca, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.351 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.376 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.376 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.396 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=org.mozilla.firefox, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.396 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.406 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=72-72
02-07 21:32:19.406 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.2891428, size=72, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.411 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.411 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.416 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.416 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.426 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.431 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.431 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.431 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.441 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.knox.knoxsetupwizardclient, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.441 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.456 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=288-288
02-07 21:32:19.461 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=288,288 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:19.461 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.481 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.486 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.491 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=144-144
02-07 21:32:19.496 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.6211764, size=144, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.506 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.506 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.9182608, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.511 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.511 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.516 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.hearingadjust, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.516 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.531 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.531 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.536 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.536 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.541 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.wssnps, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.541 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.546 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.policydm, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.546 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.566 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:32:19.571 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=384-384
02-07 21:32:19.571 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: DR-icon scaling ori=384,384 - scaled=96,96
02-07 21:32:19.571 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.576 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.576 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.581 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.581 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.591 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.596 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0026666, size=96, alpha=3, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.601 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.606 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.606 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.606 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.621 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.621 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.626 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.626 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.636 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.enterprise.knox.cloudmdm.smdms, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.641 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.87999994, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.646 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.wssyncmldm, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.646 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.96, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.661 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.lookout, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.661 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.666 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.666 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.671 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.671 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.681 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.686 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0254545, size=96, alpha=4, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.696 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.696 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.706 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.706 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.706 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.711 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.711 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.716 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.716 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.716 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.726 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.726 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.736 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.736 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.761 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.761 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.771 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.771 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.94, size=96, alpha=0, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.776 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.776 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.786 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.metropcs.service.vvm, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.786 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.98086953, size=96, alpha=2, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.796 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.801 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.89872336, size=96, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.816 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.sec.enterprise.knox.shareddevice.keyguard, bg=96-96, dr=144-144
02-07 21:32:19.821 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=0.5949296, size=144, alpha=1, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.821 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager:, bg=96-96, dr=96-96
02-07 21:32:19.821 24485 25672 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=1.0302439, size=96, alpha=7, hold=26, target=96
02-07 21:32:19.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:19.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:19.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:19.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:19.886 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:19.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:19.911 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:19.916 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:19.916 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:19.931 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:19.931 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:19.946 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:19.951 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:19.961 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:19.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:19.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:19.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:19.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:20.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.121 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.121 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.121 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.121 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.121 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.121 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.136 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.136 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.136 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.136 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.136 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.136 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.181 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.231 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.231 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.256 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.336 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.366 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.371 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.396 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:20.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:20.496 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.501 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.501 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.501 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.501 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.501 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.511 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.511 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.511 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.511 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.511 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.511 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.541 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:20.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:20.581 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.651 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.656 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.681 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.726 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.731 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.731 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.731 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:20.731 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.816 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.846 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.846 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.846 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.876 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.881 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.881 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.906 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.906 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.936 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:20.936 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:20.936 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:20.936 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:20.936 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:20.961 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.961 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.961 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.961 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.961 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.961 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.966 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.966 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.966 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.966 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.966 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.966 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.981 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.981 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.981 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.981 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.981 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.981 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.986 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:20.986 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:20.986 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:20.986 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:20.986 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:20.986 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:21.006 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.036 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.036 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.036 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:21.036 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:21.051 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:21.051 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:21.051 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:21.061 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:21.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:21.091 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.106 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:21.106 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:21.111 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:21.116 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:21.116 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:21.126 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.206 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.231 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.231 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.236 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.639 4.741 8.092
02-07 21:32:21.236 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:32:21.246 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.251 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.251 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.266 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.266 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.266 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.266 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:21.266 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:21.266 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxTrustAgent/KnoxTrustAgent.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:21.281 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.281 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.291 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:21.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:21.351 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.366 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.371 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.371 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.381 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.386 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.386 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.396 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.426 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.446 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.451 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.466 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:21.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323280077569000
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323280077569000
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54013 ] when=323280077569000
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323273121372293, currentThreadStartTime = 323273121380101, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:21.481 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:21.481 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.486 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.486 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.511 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.521 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.541 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:32:21.551 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:32:21.551 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:32:21.551 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:32:21.551 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:32:21.551 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 18 0 0
02-07 21:32:21.551 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:32:21.551 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:32:21.551 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:32:21.551 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:32:21.556 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:32:21.556 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 19 0 0
02-07 21:32:21.556 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.566 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.581 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.596 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323280191658000
02-07 21:32:21.596 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323280191658000
02-07 21:32:21.596 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323280191658000
02-07 21:32:21.596 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:21.596 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:21.596 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:21.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:21.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.616 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:21.616 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:21.621 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.636 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.646 24485 24485 D AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
02-07 21:32:21.651 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.666 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{576bcbd V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:32:21.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.671 2604 3341 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:32:21.671 2604 3341 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:32:21.671 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8000 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8600 newVal=8000 diff=600
02-07 21:32:21.671 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:21.671 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:21.681 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.691 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21784 createSurf (33x33),1 flag=4, QopupWindow
02-07 21:32:21.701 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.706 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.706 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.716 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [583x444]-format:1
02-07 21:32:21.726 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.741 24485 24485 D AbsListView: onsize change
02-07 21:32:21.746 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.746 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.761 2604 3007 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{e8b1cf2 u0 d0 p24485 PopupWindow:e269c14}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:32:21.761 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.766 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:21.766 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:21.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.766 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:21.766 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:21.771 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:21.771 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:32:21.781 2604 3942 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{e8b1cf2 u0 d0 p24485 PopupWindow:e269c14}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:32:21.786 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:21.791 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.791 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.806 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:21.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:21.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:21.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:21.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:21.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:21.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:21.816 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:21.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:21.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:21.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:21.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:21.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:21.821 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:21.831 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.841 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.851 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.881 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.886 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.916 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.916 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.916 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.966 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.971 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:21.971 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:21.986 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:21.986 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.006 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.021 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.026 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.041 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.046 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.061 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.081 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:22.101 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.101 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.116 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.141 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.146 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:22.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:22.166 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/framework/framework-res.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:22.166 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.177 4.584 8.270
02-07 21:32:22.166 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:32:22.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.211 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.216 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.231 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.251 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.256 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.256 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.276 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.281 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.296 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.311 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.316 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.316 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.331 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:22.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.386 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.386 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.386 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.386 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.386 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.386 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.391 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.391 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.391 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.391 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.391 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.391 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.406 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.426 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:22.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:22.561 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.561 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.561 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.571 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.576 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.576 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.576 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:22.576 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:22.586 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.611 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.626 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.626 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.626 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.626 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.626 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.626 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.641 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.656 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.661 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.671 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:22.681 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.696 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.711 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.711 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.711 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.726 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.736 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.751 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.766 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:22.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.791 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.796 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.796 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.796 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.796 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.796 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.806 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.811 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.811 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.826 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.836 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.836 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.836 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.836 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.836 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.836 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.841 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:22.841 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:22.841 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.841 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.841 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.841 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.841 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.841 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.851 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.851 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.851 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.851 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.851 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.851 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.856 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.856 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.856 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.856 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.856 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.856 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.881 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.886 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.886 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.921 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.926 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.941 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.946 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.946 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:22.961 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.971 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.976 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.981 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:22.986 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:22.991 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.991 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:22.991 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:22.991 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:22.991 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:22.991 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:22.996 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:22.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.011 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.026 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.046 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.046 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.046 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.061 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.061 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.061 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.061 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.061 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.076 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.086 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.086 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.086 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.086 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.086 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.086 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.091 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.091 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.091 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.091 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.091 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.091 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.106 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.106 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.106 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.106 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.106 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.121 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.151 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.151 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.151 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.151 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.151 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxKeyguard/KnoxKeyguard.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:23.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.171 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:23.181 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.196 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.211 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.211 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.211 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.211 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.211 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.211 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.216 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.216 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.216 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.216 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.216 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.216 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.226 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:23.226 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:23.226 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.231 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.231 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.241 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.256 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.271 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.281 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.281 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.281 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.281 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.281 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.281 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.286 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.286 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.286 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.286 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.286 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.286 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.296 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.296 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.296 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.296 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.296 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.296 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.301 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.301 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.301 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.301 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.301 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.301 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.306 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:23.326 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.416 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.416 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.416 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.416 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.416 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.416 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:23.431 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:23.436 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.486 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.491 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.511 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.531 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.551 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.551 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.551 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.551 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.566 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.566 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.566 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.586 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.591 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.606 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.611 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.611 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.626 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.646 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:23.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:23.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:23.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:23.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:23.766 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:32:23.766 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:32:23.766 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:32:23.766 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-58, WifiManager.getRssi()= -58
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-58
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcService: updateWifiState(): wifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:32:23.771 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: processWifiState(): Change in WifiState: new state=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): !isRadioConnected()=false, (mWfcControlState.mWifiState == WifiStates.DISCONNECTED)=false, mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()=true
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast NOT in low signal
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast nothing changed
02-07 21:32:23.771 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkUpdate(): mWfcControlState=WfcController {mIsRegistered=false mIsInCall=false mCallDomain=2 mCurrentProfile=WIFI_PREFERRED mWifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN mGsmRadioState=0 mGsmSignalStrength=5 mRadioState=DISCONNECTED mIsLowSignal=false mSimState=VALID_SIM mIWLANMode=false mLowSignalAlertCount0}
02-07 21:32:23.781 3406 3406 D WfcController: isAllConditonsMetToProcessUpdate(): Do not register since user has disabled WFC
02-07 21:32:23.791 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:32:23.796 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:32:23.976 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:32:23.976 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:24.136 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.136 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.136 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.136 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.136 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.136 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.141 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.141 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.141 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.141 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.141 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.141 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.171 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:24.171 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:24.171 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:24.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:24.176 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:24.176 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:24.176 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:24.216 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.216 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:24.216 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:24.216 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.216 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.226 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:24.226 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:24.226 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:24.236 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.246 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:32:24.251 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.256 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.256 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.266 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:24.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:24.371 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.371 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.371 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.371 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.371 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.371 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.376 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.391 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.451 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.466 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.481 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.491 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.511 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.511 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.526 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.541 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.541 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:24.541 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:24.541 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:24.541 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:24.541 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:24.546 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.561 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.566 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.566 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.581 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.621 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.631 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:24.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:24.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:24.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:24.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.086 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.091 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.091 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.101 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.111 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.111 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.111 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.111 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.111 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.111 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.126 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.171 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:25.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.226 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.226 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.231 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:25.231 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:25.241 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.241 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.241 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.256 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.271 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.291 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:32:25.316 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:32:25.316 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 20 0 0
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:32:25.316 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:32:25.316 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 21 0 0
02-07 21:32:25.316 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.331 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.346 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.346 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.361 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.361 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.361 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.376 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.376 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.391 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.401 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:25.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.446 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.446 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.481 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.486 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.486 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.511 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.526 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.546 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:25.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.566 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.031 4.474 8.309
02-07 21:32:25.576 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.706 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.716 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.716 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.716 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.716 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.716 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.716 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.721 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.721 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.721 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.721 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.721 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.721 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.736 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.736 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.736 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.736 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.736 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.736 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.741 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.741 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.741 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.741 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.741 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.741 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.751 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:25.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.751 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxShortcuts/KnoxShortcuts.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:25.766 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.771 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.781 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.801 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.816 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:25.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.816 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/ContainerAgent2/ContainerAgent2.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:25.831 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:25.831 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:25.831 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:25.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:25.876 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.876 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.876 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.876 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.876 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.876 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.881 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.881 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.881 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.881 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.881 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.881 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.886 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec
02-07 21:32:25.886 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Current p2p state = IDLE
02-07 21:32:25.896 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
02-07 21:32:25.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.906 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.921 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.926 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.931 2604 3395 I AppOps : sendInfoToFLP, code=12 , uid=10012 , , type=noteOp
02-07 21:32:25.931 3850 25679 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
02-07 21:32:25.931 3850 25679 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
02-07 21:32:25.941 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:32:25.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.941 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10012
02-07 21:32:25.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.946 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.946 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:25.946 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:25.946 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:25.946 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:25.946 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:25.956 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:25.976 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.981 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:25.991 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:25.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.011 3850 25679 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 37 with tag 60000000000{1536,0} uid -1, pid: 3850, getuid(): 10012
02-07 21:32:26.011 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.031 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.046 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.051 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.066 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.071 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.086 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.101 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.101 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.101 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.116 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.116 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.131 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.151 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.166 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.176 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:32:26.181 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:26.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:26.181 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:26.206 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.211 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.211 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.231 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.231 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.246 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.261 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.281 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.281 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.281 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.301 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.316 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:26.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:26.321 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxBBCProvider/KnoxBBCProvider.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:26.336 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.351 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.361 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.366 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.376 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.391 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.406 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.426 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.426 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.426 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.446 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.461 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.476 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:32:26.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:26.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:26.511 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.511 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.511 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.511 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.511 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.511 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.531 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.536 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.536 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.536 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.536 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.536 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.576 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.626 2207 2944 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up
02-07 21:32:26.626 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (13 BSSes)
02-07 21:32:26.626 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface wlan0 link up
02-07 21:32:26.626 2604 3021 D EPDG -- [EPDGService]: Interface wlan0 link up
02-07 21:32:26.626 2604 3021 D EPDG -- [EPDGService]: mobileIntfPrefix is rmnet
02-07 21:32:26.626 2604 3021 D EPDG -- [EPDGService]: Not Mobile Interface. Ignoring Interface State Change Event
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.636 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.651 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.671 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.696 3850 28108 W ctxmgr : [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-821205466#
02-07 21:32:26.696 3850 28108 W ctxmgr : [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-821205466#,, vrsn=10084000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-821205466#
02-07 21:32:26.711 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.711 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.726 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.736 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.751 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.766 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.771 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.781 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.796 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.811 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.836 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.836 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:26.836 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:26.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.851 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.891 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:26.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:26.911 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.911 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.926 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.936 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.941 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.956 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.976 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.976 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:26.976 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:26.976 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:26.976 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:26.976 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:26.996 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:26.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:26.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:32:26.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:32:26.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:32:26.996 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/SharedDeviceKeyguard/SharedDeviceKeyguard.apk also system apk
02-07 21:32:27.026 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:27.026 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:32:27.046 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:32:27.181 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:27.366 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:27.366 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:27.376 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:27.376 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:27.376 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:27.406 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:32:27.411 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:32:27.411 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:32:27.416 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:32:27.431 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:32:27.456 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:27.456 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:27.786 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:28.276 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:28.276 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:28.586 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:28.946 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:32:28.946 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 36 -75 -8 210 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:32:28.946 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:28.946 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:30.401 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:30.401 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:30.411 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:30.411 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:30.411 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:30.461 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323289057153000
02-07 21:32:30.461 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323289057153000
02-07 21:32:30.461 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54014 ] when=323289057153000
02-07 21:32:30.461 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323287694796294, currentThreadStartTime = 323287694809679, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:30.461 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:30.461 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:30.466 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:30.466 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:30.466 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:30.466 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:30.466 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:32:30.466 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:32:30.466 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:32:30.471 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:30.471 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:30.471 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:30.471 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8600 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8000 newVal=8600 diff=600
02-07 21:32:30.471 2604 3382 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:32:30.471 2604 3382 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:32:30.471 2604 3382 D InputDispatcher: Cancel for WindowManager (server) because touched window was removed
02-07 21:32:30.476 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:30.476 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:30.481 24485 24485 W InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
02-07 21:32:30.486 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:30.486 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:30.486 2604 3937 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:32:30.486 24485 24485 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null
02-07 21:32:30.491 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:30.491 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:30.491 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:30.496 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:30.496 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:30.546 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323289141216000
02-07 21:32:30.546 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323289141216000
02-07 21:32:30.546 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323289141216000
02-07 21:32:30.701 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21784 Removed QopupWindow (5/8)
02-07 21:32:30.701 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21784 Removed QopupWindow (-2/8)
02-07 21:32:30.716 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:32:30.986 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:31.536 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323290129420000
02-07 21:32:31.536 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323290129420000
02-07 21:32:31.536 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54015 ] when=323290129420000
02-07 21:32:31.536 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323289141575986, currentThreadStartTime = 323289141583179, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:31.536 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:31.536 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:31.536 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:31.651 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:31.651 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:31.716 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:31.731 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:31.926 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323290523650000
02-07 21:32:31.926 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323290523650000
02-07 21:32:31.926 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323290523650000
02-07 21:32:31.926 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:31.926 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:32.476 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323291072481000
02-07 21:32:32.476 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323291072481000
02-07 21:32:32.476 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54016 ] when=323291072481000
02-07 21:32:32.476 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323290524119910, currentThreadStartTime = 323290524128448, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:32.476 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:32.476 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:32.476 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:32.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323291166912000
02-07 21:32:32.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323291166912000
02-07 21:32:32.571 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323291166912000
02-07 21:32:32.571 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:32.571 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:33.451 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:33.451 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:33.456 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:33.456 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:33.456 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:33.981 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:34.056 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:32:34.056 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 21 99 -21 -200 -21 -200 -1 40 -71 -9 220 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:32:34.056 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:34.056 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:35.001 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323293725731000
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323293725731000
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54017 ] when=323293725731000
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323291167221679, currentThreadStartTime = 323291167230256, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:35.131 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:35.131 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:35.216 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:35.216 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:35.271 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323293868388000
02-07 21:32:35.271 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323293868388000
02-07 21:32:35.271 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323293868388000
02-07 21:32:35.271 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:35.271 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:35.566 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.326 3.504 8.750
02-07 21:32:36.631 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:36.686 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:36.686 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:36.691 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:36.691 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:36.691 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:36.706 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:36.706 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:36.711 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:36.711 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:36.711 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323295470318000
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323295470318000
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54018 ] when=323295470318000
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323293868754410, currentThreadStartTime = 323293868761064, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:36.876 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:36.876 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:37.096 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] MCS_UNBIND
02-07 21:32:37.116 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323295709951000
02-07 21:32:37.116 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323295709951000
02-07 21:32:37.116 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323295709951000
02-07 21:32:37.116 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:37.116 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:37.476 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:32:37.476 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:32:37.476 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:32:37.481 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:32:37.491 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:32:37.831 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323296426296000
02-07 21:32:37.831 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323296426296000
02-07 21:32:37.831 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54019 ] when=323296426296000
02-07 21:32:37.831 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323295710363025, currentThreadStartTime = 323295710370910, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:37.831 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:37.831 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:37.831 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:37.896 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323296491581000
02-07 21:32:37.896 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323296491581000
02-07 21:32:37.896 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323296491581000
02-07 21:32:37.896 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:37.896 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:39.301 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:39.336 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:39.791 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:39.791 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:39.796 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:39.796 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:39.801 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:40.316 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:40.316 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:40.601 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323299526489000
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323299526489000
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54020 ] when=323299526489000
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323296491936525, currentThreadStartTime = 323296491945602, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:40.931 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:40.931 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:40.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:40.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:41.046 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323299639849000
02-07 21:32:41.046 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323299639849000
02-07 21:32:41.046 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323299639849000
02-07 21:32:41.046 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:41.046 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:42.076 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323300672862000
02-07 21:32:42.076 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323300672862000
02-07 21:32:42.076 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54021 ] when=323300672862000
02-07 21:32:42.076 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323299640238487, currentThreadStartTime = 323299640246064, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:42.076 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:42.076 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:42.076 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:42.151 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323300747583000
02-07 21:32:42.151 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323300747583000
02-07 21:32:42.151 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323300747583000
02-07 21:32:42.151 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:42.151 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:42.856 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:42.856 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:42.861 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:42.861 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:42.861 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:42.911 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:42.911 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:42.916 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:42.921 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:42.921 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:42.951 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:42.951 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:42.956 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:42.956 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:42.956 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:43.511 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:43.581 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323302330690000
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323302330690000
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54022 ] when=323302330690000
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323300747895910, currentThreadStartTime = 323300747903333, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:43.736 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:43.736 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:43.861 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:43.861 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:43.866 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323302463379000
02-07 21:32:43.866 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323302463379000
02-07 21:32:43.866 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323302463379000
02-07 21:32:43.866 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:43.866 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:43.886 24485 24485 D SubSettings: onNavigateUp() so finish
02-07 21:32:43.891 2604 3382 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:32:43.891 2604 3382 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:32:43.911 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onResume finished
02-07 21:32:43.911 24485 24485 D SettingsPreferenceFragment: intent.hasExtra(SettingsActivity.EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT : true
02-07 21:32:43.911 24485 24485 D SettingsPreferenceFragment: fragmentName :
02-07 21:32:43.911 2604 2639 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:32:43.911 2604 2639 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:43.911 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:43.916 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:32:43.921 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21785 createSurf (720x1280),1 flag=404, TubSettings
02-07 21:32:43.926 2604 3941 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:32:43.926 2604 3941 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:32:43.926 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:43.926 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:43.926 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:32:43.931 2604 3943 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:32:43.956 2604 3642 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{dbf7151 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:32:43.961 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:43.966 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:43.966 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:43.966 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:43.966 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:43.976 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:43.996 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:44.001 2198 3390 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3abf624
02-07 21:32:44.001 2198 3390 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3abf624
02-07 21:32:44.001 24485 24535 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9f98ae00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xa0008380
02-07 21:32:44.011 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@236e926 time:323302607
02-07 21:32:44.216 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3e0d0de u0 t10326} time:323302810
02-07 21:32:44.216 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21783 Removed TubSettings (6/8)
02-07 21:32:44.216 2198 3717 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21783 Removed TubSettings (-2/8)
02-07 21:32:44.221 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:44.221 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:44.221 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:44.221 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:44.226 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:32:44.231 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:32:45.236 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:45.566 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.923 3.804 8.595
02-07 21:32:45.931 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:45.931 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:45.941 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:45.941 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:45.941 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:46.001 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:46.001 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:46.006 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:46.006 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:46.006 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:46.026 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:46.026 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:46.036 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:46.036 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:46.036 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:46.116 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323304897964000
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323304897964000
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54023 ] when=323304897964000
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323302463710218, currentThreadStartTime = 323302463718103, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:46.301 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:46.301 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:46.396 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323304992398000
02-07 21:32:46.396 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323304992398000
02-07 21:32:46.396 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323304992398000
02-07 21:32:46.396 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:46.396 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:46.406 24485 24485 D SubSettings: onNavigateUp() so finish
02-07 21:32:46.406 2604 3382 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:32:46.411 2604 3382 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:32:46.421 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:46.421 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:46.421 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onResume finished
02-07 21:32:46.421 24485 24485 E AccessibilityManager: assistantMenuUpdate invoking from manager:
02-07 21:32:46.431 25637 25648 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null
02-07 21:32:46.436 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: Fota is disabled
02-07 21:32:46.446 2604 3382 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:32:46.446 2604 3382 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:46.446 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:46.446 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:32:46.476 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21786 createSurf (720x1280),1 flag=404, Tettings
02-07 21:32:46.481 2604 3401 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:32:46.481 2604 3401 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:32:46.481 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:46.481 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:46.481 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:32:46.536 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: loadCategoriesFromResource took: 45 ms
02-07 21:32:46.541 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode()
02-07 21:32:46.541 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode() false
02-07 21:32:46.541 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: updateTilesList(): memoryInfo.totalMem =1460088832
02-07 21:32:46.541 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: updateTilesList(): isMassProduct =false
02-07 21:32:46.586 24485 24485 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 96 ms
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: loadCategoriesFromResource took: 10 ms
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode()
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode() false
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: updateTilesList(): memoryInfo.totalMem =1460088832
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: updateTilesList(): isMassProduct =false
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.596 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.606 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.606 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.606 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.611 3057 30860 D TelephonyProvider: query: url=content://telephony/carriers, projectionIn=null, selection=numeric = '310260'selectionArgs=null, sort=null
02-07 21:32:46.611 3057 30860 D TelephonyProvider: query: match = 1
02-07 21:32:46.611 3057 30860 D TelephonyProvider: query: selection modified to numeric = '310260' and edited!=2 and edited!=3 and edited!=5 and edited!=6
02-07 21:32:46.621 2604 3482 E Tethering: Dun type is exist
02-07 21:32:46.621 2604 3482 W Settings: Setting tether_dun_required has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global
02-07 21:32:46.621 2604 3482 E Tethering: Set dun requiered as 1
02-07 21:32:46.621 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: mTetheredData: -1
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D CII : CommonIMSInterface: Interface for TOKEN_SERVICE_GENERAL Already Exists!
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D CII : IMSInterfaceForGeneralService: isVoWiFiSupported()
02-07 21:32:46.626 24485 24485 D CII : IMSInterfaceForBaseService: getIMSService [WAIT_FOR_READY] : Service Ready!
02-07 21:32:46.626 3306 3336 D EmulatedCommonImsService: isVoWiFiSupported modified
02-07 21:32:46.636 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: DmConfigProvider.query,160:query uri:xxxxx
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,354:path:omadm/*
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D ImsSettingsProvider: query Uri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/nvstorage/omadm/
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D ImsSettingsProvider: match 15
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 V ImsSettingsProvider: query Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/nvstorage/omadm/], selection [null]
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D NvStorage: query: omadm,null
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/vzw_eab_publish_fail:1
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED:1
02-07 21:32:46.641 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/nv_init_done:1
02-07 21:32:46.646 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/timer_vzw:6
02-07 21:32:46.646 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/VOLTE_ENABLED:1
02-07 21:32:46.646 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/t_delay:5
02-07 21:32:46.646 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/silent_redial:1
02-07 21:32:46.651 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/tvolte_hys_timer:60
02-07 21:32:46.651 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING:1
02-07 21:32:46.651 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/POLL_LIST_SUB_EXP:30
02-07 21:32:46.656 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG: StorageAdapter$,360:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/sms_over_ip_network_indication:1
02-07 21:32:46.656 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING : 1
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/EPDG_HANDOVER_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/EUC_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/FT_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/FTHTTP_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/IM_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/IMS_TEST_MODE : 0
02-07 21:32:46.661 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/IS_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.666 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.666 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/nv_init_done : 1
02-07 21:32:46.666 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/OPTIONS_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.666 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/POLL_LIST_SUB_EXP : 30
02-07 21:32:46.666 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/SHOW_REG_INFO_TO_SETTING_APP : 1
02-07 21:32:46.666 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/silent_redial : 1
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/SLM_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/sms_over_ip_network_indication : 1
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/SMSIP_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/SS_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/t_delay : 5
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/timer_vzw : 6
02-07 21:32:46.671 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/tvolte_hys_timer : 60
02-07 21:32:46.676 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/VOLTE_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.676 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/VOWIFI_SUPPORTED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.676 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/VS_ENABLED : 1
02-07 21:32:46.676 3306 3336 D RCS_CONFIG:,110:omadm/./3GPP_IMS/vzw_eab_publish_fail : 1
02-07 21:32:46.676 3306 3336 D DmConfigModule: result (122) ./3GPP_IMS/VOWIFI_SUPPORTED [ 1 ]
02-07 21:32:46.676 3306 3336 D EmulatedCommonImsService: isVoWiFiSupported [true]
02-07 21:32:46.676 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.676 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.676 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.676 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.676 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.681 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.686 24485 24485 E Current launcher Package Name::
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove : null
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 W ScoverManager: getCoverState : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:32:46.691 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.696 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: remove :
02-07 21:32:46.831 25637 25648 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null
02-07 21:32:46.841 24485 24485 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 256 ms
02-07 21:32:47.176 24485 24485 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:32:47.176 24485 24485 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:32:47.251 2604 3395 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{7cdf13a u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:32:47.256 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:47.256 2604 3147 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:32:47.256 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:47.256 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:47.261 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:47.261 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:47.286 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:47.321 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:32:47.321 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:32:47.321 24485 24535 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9c764c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x9fda9220
02-07 21:32:47.326 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@9d73978 time:323305923
02-07 21:32:47.506 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{5627dda u0 t10326} time:323306104
02-07 21:32:47.511 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21785 Removed TubSettings (6/8)
02-07 21:32:47.511 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21785 Removed TubSettings (-2/8)
02-07 21:32:47.511 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:47.511 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:47.516 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:47.516 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:47.521 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:32:47.541 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:47.541 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:32:47.541 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:32:47.541 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:32:47.541 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:32:47.546 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:32:47.561 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:32:47.806 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:48.136 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 36 -75 -8 180 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:32:48.136 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:32:48.136 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:48.136 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323306925132000
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323306925132000
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54024 ] when=323306925132000
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323304992750718, currentThreadStartTime = 323304992757026, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:48.331 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:48.331 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:49.121 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:49.121 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:49.126 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:49.126 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:49.126 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:49.136 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:49.136 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:49.146 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:49.146 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:49.146 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:49.196 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:49.196 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:49.201 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:49.201 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:49.201 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:49.331 2604 3007 D SensorService: SensorEventConnection::SocketBufferSize, SystemSocketBufferSize - 4096, 2097152
02-07 21:32:49.336 3850 25694 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 0, K2HH Acceleration , 20000, 0,
02-07 21:32:49.416 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 34 -77 -8 190 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:32:49.421 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:32:49.421 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:49.421 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:50.696 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:32:50.696 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 32 -79 -8 220 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:32:50.696 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:50.696 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:51.286 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.437 4.620 8.201
02-07 21:32:51.286 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:32:51.466 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.412 4.627 8.232
02-07 21:32:51.466 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:32:51.636 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323310231019000
02-07 21:32:51.636 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323310231019000
02-07 21:32:51.636 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323310231019000
02-07 21:32:51.636 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:51.636 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:51.976 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 30 -81 -9 190 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:32:51.976 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:32:51.976 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:51.976 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:32:52.106 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323310700600000
02-07 21:32:52.106 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323310700600000
02-07 21:32:52.106 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54025 ] when=323310700600000
02-07 21:32:52.106 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323310231362795, currentThreadStartTime = 323310231370411, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:52.106 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:52.106 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:52.106 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:52.176 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:52.176 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:52.186 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:52.186 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:52.186 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:52.206 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:52.206 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:52.211 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:52.211 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:52.211 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:52.771 3850 25694 D SensorManager: unregisterListener ::
02-07 21:32:53.011 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323311607413000
02-07 21:32:53.011 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323311607413000
02-07 21:32:53.011 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323311607413000
02-07 21:32:53.011 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:53.011 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:53.471 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323312067948000
02-07 21:32:53.471 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323312067948000
02-07 21:32:53.471 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54026 ] when=323312067948000
02-07 21:32:53.471 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323311607787295, currentThreadStartTime = 323311607796719, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:53.471 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:53.471 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:53.471 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:53.521 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:53.591 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:53.591 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:54.011 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323312606749000
02-07 21:32:54.011 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323312606749000
02-07 21:32:54.011 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323312606749000
02-07 21:32:54.011 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:54.011 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:54.506 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323313104052000
02-07 21:32:54.506 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323313104052000
02-07 21:32:54.506 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54027 ] when=323313104052000
02-07 21:32:54.511 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323312607108449, currentThreadStartTime = 323312607115449, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:54.511 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:54.511 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:54.511 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:54.606 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: false
02-07 21:32:54.941 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323313536635000
02-07 21:32:54.941 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323313536635000
02-07 21:32:54.941 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323313536635000
02-07 21:32:54.941 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:54.941 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:55.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.619 4.417 8.328
02-07 21:32:55.321 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.321 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.326 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:55.326 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.326 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.351 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.351 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.356 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:55.356 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.356 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.356 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.356 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.366 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:55.366 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.366 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.436 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.436 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.441 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:55.441 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:55.441 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:55.691 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323314288625000
02-07 21:32:55.691 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323314288625000
02-07 21:32:55.691 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54028 ] when=323314288625000
02-07 21:32:55.691 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323313537080911, currentThreadStartTime = 323313537090180, diff = 0
02-07 21:32:55.691 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:55.691 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:55.696 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:32:55.786 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323314383089000
02-07 21:32:55.786 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323314383089000
02-07 21:32:55.786 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323314383089000
02-07 21:32:55.786 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:32:55.786 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:32:55.801 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:323314399
02-07 21:32:55.816 2604 2638 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:32:55.816 2604 2638 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:32:55.821 2604 2638 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:32:55.821 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:55.821 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:55.826 24485 24485 E AccessibilityManager: assistantMenuUpdate invoking from manager:
02-07 21:32:55.846 24485 24485 D settings: onCreate()
02-07 21:32:55.846 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode()
02-07 21:32:55.846 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode() false
02-07 21:32:55.851 24485 24485 D Index : onCreate / initialFragmentName:
02-07 21:32:55.851 24485 24485 W ScoverManager: getCoverState : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:32:55.866 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:55.871 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:32:55.876 24485 24485 D SubSettings: Launching fragment
02-07 21:32:55.901 24485 24485 W System.err:$NameNotFoundException:
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at$1100(
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at$H.handleMessage(
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at$
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:32:55.906 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onCreate took: 58 ms
02-07 21:32:55.911 24485 24485 D AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
02-07 21:32:55.911 24485 24485 E MotionRecognitionManager: mSContextService = null
02-07 21:32:55.911 24485 24485 E MotionRecognitionManager: motionService =$Stub$Proxy@79f1f8e
02-07 21:32:55.926 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onResume finished
02-07 21:32:55.926 24485 24485 D SettingsPreferenceFragment: intent.hasExtra(SettingsActivity.EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT : true
02-07 21:32:55.926 24485 24485 D SettingsPreferenceFragment: fragmentName :
02-07 21:32:55.946 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:55.956 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:55.976 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:55.976 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:32:55.976 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:32:55.976 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:32:55.976 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:32:55.976 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:32:55.996 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{1c72943 I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:32:56.001 2604 3942 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:32:56.001 2604 3942 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:56.001 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:56.001 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:32:56.011 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21787 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, TubSettings
02-07 21:32:56.021 2604 3482 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:32:56.021 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:32:56.021 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:32:56.031 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:32:56.041 24485 24485 D AbsListView: onsize change
02-07 21:32:56.131 2604 2639 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{8a90677 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:32:56.131 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:32:56.136 2604 3341 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:32:56.136 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:56.141 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:56.141 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:56.141 2604 2815 I ActivityManager: Displayed +312ms
02-07 21:32:56.146 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:56.146 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:56.161 2604 3937 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{8a90677 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:32:56.171 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:56.196 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:32:56.196 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:32:56.196 24485 24535 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x99c48900 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x9fda91a0
02-07 21:32:56.201 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@4b39266 time:323314797
02-07 21:32:56.391 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{6c18b9e u0 t10326} time:323314986
02-07 21:32:56.391 2604 2790 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
02-07 21:32:56.391 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21786 Removed Tettings (2/8)
02-07 21:32:56.391 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21786 Removed Tettings (-2/8)
02-07 21:32:56.401 24485 24485 D Index : onSaveInstanceState / mNeedToRevertToInitialFragment: false
02-07 21:32:56.401 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:32:56.406 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:56.406 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:32:56.406 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:32:56.406 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:32:56.731 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:57.196 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:32:57.656 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:32:57.661 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:32:57.661 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:32:58.226 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:32:58.431 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:58.431 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:58.436 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:58.441 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:58.441 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:58.441 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:58.441 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:58.451 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:32:58.451 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:32:58.451 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:32:59.861 11485 11501 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ contacts(286) data(1284) accounts({ (1)=291, (2)=3, com.whatsapp (7)=103}) accounts deleted({}) calls([null, logtype:100 cnt:3, logtype:1000 cnt:497]) ]
02-07 21:32:59.861 11485 11501 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({[7 ,7]=1, [1 ,1 ,1]=1, [1 ,1 ,7]=1, [1]=190, [1 ,1 ,1 ,7 ,7]=2, [1 ,7]=80, [1 ,1 ,7 ,7]=2, [2]=3, [1 ,7 ,7]=6}) ]
02-07 21:32:59.991 11485 11501 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 8 size : 6Kb duration : 118ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60110 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 3272
02-07 21:32:59.996 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-07 21:32:59.996 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate
02-07 21:33:00.001 3089 3089 D Clock : received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-07 21:33:00.031 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:00.031 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:00.031 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:00.051 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:00.051 3089 3089 D DateView: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-07 21:33:00.071 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:33:00.071 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:00.331 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:33:00.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.858 4.640 8.220
02-07 21:33:00.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:00.586 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.868 4.553 8.311
02-07 21:33:00.586 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:01.531 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:01.531 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:01.541 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:01.541 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:01.541 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:01.576 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:01.576 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:01.586 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:01.586 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:01.586 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:01.656 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.775 4.606 8.225
02-07 21:33:01.656 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323320912860000
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323320912860000
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54029 ] when=323320912860000
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323317696535527, currentThreadStartTime = 323317696549103, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:02.321 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:02.321 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:02.441 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:02.441 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:02.451 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323321045771000
02-07 21:33:02.451 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323321045771000
02-07 21:33:02.451 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323321045771000
02-07 21:33:02.451 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.451 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.456 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:323321053
02-07 21:33:02.466 2604 3341 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:33:02.471 2604 3341 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:33:02.471 2604 3341 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:33:02.471 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:02.471 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:02.491 24485 24485 D settings: onCreate()
02-07 21:33:02.491 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode()
02-07 21:33:02.491 24485 24485 D isContainerOnlyMode: isContainerOnlyMode() false
02-07 21:33:02.496 24485 24485 D Index : onCreate / initialFragmentName:
02-07 21:33:02.496 24485 24485 W ScoverManager: getCoverState : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:33:02.511 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:33:02.531 24485 24485 I Switch : Immediately mode attached=false laidOut=false
02-07 21:33:02.536 24485 24485 D SubSettings: Launching fragment
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 E StorageSettings: getArguments() is not null
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 E StorageSettings: onCreate isUsedSpace1 : false
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.541 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err:$NameNotFoundException:
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at$1100(
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at$H.handleMessage(
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at$
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 W System.err: at
02-07 21:33:02.546 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onCreate took: 55 ms
02-07 21:33:02.551 24485 24485 D AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
02-07 21:33:02.551 24485 24485 E MotionRecognitionManager: mSContextService = null
02-07 21:33:02.551 24485 24485 E MotionRecognitionManager: motionService =$Stub$Proxy@b1ef10a
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D SettingsActivity: onResume finished
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D SettingsPreferenceFragment: intent.hasExtra(SettingsActivity.EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT : true
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D SettingsPreferenceFragment: fragmentName :
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.566 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.576 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{7b92829 I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:33:02.586 2604 2639 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:33:02.586 2604 2639 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:02.586 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:02.586 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:33:02.591 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21788 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, TubSettings
02-07 21:33:02.606 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:33:02.611 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:02.611 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:02.616 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:33:02.616 24485 24485 D AbsListView: onsize change
02-07 21:33:02.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones) returned 0
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Pictures) returned 4096
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.631 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.631 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.636 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.656 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/DCIM) returned 198041600
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.661 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts) returned 0
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.661 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Notifications) returned 0
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.666 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Music) returned 0
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.666 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Movies) returned 0
02-07 21:33:02.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.681 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Android) returned 111005696
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.686 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Download) returned 57991168
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.686 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Alarms) returned 0
02-07 21:33:02.711 2604 3639 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{4327b67 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:33:02.711 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:33:02.711 2604 3941 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:33:02.716 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:02.716 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:02.716 2604 2815 I ActivityManager: Displayed +241ms
02-07 21:33:02.726 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:02.726 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:02.726 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:02.751 2604 3401 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{4327b67 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:33:02.756 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:02.781 2198 2251 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb68c1624
02-07 21:33:02.781 2198 2251 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb68c1624
02-07 21:33:02.781 24485 24535 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9e6f4700 (ListView) with handle 0x95bb41d0
02-07 21:33:02.786 24485 24485 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@bb49762 time:323321380
02-07 21:33:02.786 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.786 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:02.786 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:02.786 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:02.786 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:02.786 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:02.826 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 511205376
02-07 21:33:02.976 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{5999950 u0 t10326} time:323321574
02-07 21:33:02.981 2604 2790 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
02-07 21:33:02.981 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21787 Removed TubSettings (2/8)
02-07 21:33:02.981 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21787 Removed TubSettings (-2/8)
02-07 21:33:02.981 24485 24485 D Index : onSaveInstanceState / mNeedToRevertToInitialFragment: false
02-07 21:33:02.986 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:02.986 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:02.986 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:02.986 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:02.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:02.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:02.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:02.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:02.991 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:33:03.026 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.041 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.056 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.056 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.066 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.081 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.081 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.081 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.081 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.081 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.091 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.091 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.091 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.091 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.091 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.091 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.096 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.101 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.101 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.101 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.101 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.101 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.101 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.136 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.146 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.146 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.156 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.166 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.176 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.186 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.201 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.201 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.201 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.201 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.201 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.201 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.206 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.246 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.256 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.271 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.281 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.281 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.291 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.296 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.296 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.296 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.296 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.296 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.296 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.301 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.311 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.311 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.311 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.311 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.311 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.311 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.316 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.316 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.316 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.316 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.316 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.316 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.336 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:03.346 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.346 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.346 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.356 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.366 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.366 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.366 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.376 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.376 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.376 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.376 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.376 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.386 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.411 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.421 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.431 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.441 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.451 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.451 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.461 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.461 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.471 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.481 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.491 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.491 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.501 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.511 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.516 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxTrustAgent/KnoxTrustAgent.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:03.521 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.897 4.466 8.284
02-07 21:33:03.521 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:03.521 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.526 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.531 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.546 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.556 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.566 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.566 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.566 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.576 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.576 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.586 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.596 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.596 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.596 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.606 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.616 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.626 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.636 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.636 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.646 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.646 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.656 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.656 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.656 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.666 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:03.671 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:03.671 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 22 0 0
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:03.671 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:03.671 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 23 0 0
02-07 21:33:03.671 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.681 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.691 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.701 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.711 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.721 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.736 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.736 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.746 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.746 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.746 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.756 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.761 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.776 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.776 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.786 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.796 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.796 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.806 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.816 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.821 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:03.826 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:03.846 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.861 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.861 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.871 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.881 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.881 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.886 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.896 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.916 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.916 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.916 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.926 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.926 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.936 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.936 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.936 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.946 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.946 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.956 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.956 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.966 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.976 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:03.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:03.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:03.986 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.986 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.996 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:03.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:03.996 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.006 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.021 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.021 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.021 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.021 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.021 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.021 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/framework/framework-res.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:04.031 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.041 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.056 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.056 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.066 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.076 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.081 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.091 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.091 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.101 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.101 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.101 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.111 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.111 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.111 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.111 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.111 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.126 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.131 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.136 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.136 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.136 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.136 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.136 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.166 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.176 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.186 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.186 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.201 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.211 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:04.216 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:04.216 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:04.246 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.261 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.276 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.286 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.301 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.341 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.341 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.356 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.371 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.371 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.401 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.416 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.436 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.436 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.436 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.461 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.461 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.481 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.491 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.491 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.491 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.491 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.491 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.491 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.496 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.496 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.496 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.496 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.496 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.496 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.526 2604 2619 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 237248(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 31(628KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 43MB/59MB, paused 6.282ms total 156.971ms
02-07 21:33:04.531 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.541 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.546 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.546 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.546 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.546 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.546 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.546 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.551 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.551 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.551 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.551 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.551 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.551 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.556 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.571 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.581 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.606 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.616 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.631 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.646 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.646 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.646 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.646 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.656 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:04.656 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.656 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.661 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.661 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.671 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.676 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.676 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.676 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.676 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxBluetooth/KnoxBluetooth.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:04.681 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.681 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.686 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:04.686 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.686 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.686 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.696 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.696 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.701 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.701 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:04.706 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.706 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.706 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.706 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.711 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:04.711 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:04.711 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:04.716 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.726 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.741 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:33:04.741 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.746 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.746 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.746 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.746 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.746 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.746 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.761 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.801 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.826 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.836 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.836 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxKeyguard/KnoxKeyguard.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:04.846 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.846 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.846 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.856 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.861 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.861 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.861 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.861 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.861 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.861 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.871 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.896 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.916 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.936 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.941 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.956 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:04.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:04.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:04.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:04.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:04.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.976 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.976 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.976 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.976 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.976 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.976 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.981 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.981 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.981 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.981 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.981 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.981 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.986 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:04.986 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:04.986 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:04.986 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:04.986 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:04.986 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.006 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.051 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.051 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.051 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.051 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.051 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.051 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.056 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.086 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.096 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.116 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.116 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.131 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.146 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.146 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.156 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.166 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.181 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.760 3.988 8.502
02-07 21:33:05.191 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.201 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.201 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.201 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.211 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.216 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.226 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.226 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.226 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.226 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.226 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.286 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.291 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.296 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.311 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.316 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.326 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.341 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.341 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.341 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.351 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.371 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.371 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.371 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.371 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.371 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.371 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.376 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.381 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.396 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.396 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.406 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.416 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.416 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.416 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.426 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.441 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.451 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.451 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.461 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.461 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.461 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.461 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.461 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.461 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.466 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.476 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.486 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.491 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.491 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.501 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.511 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.511 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.521 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.596 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.596 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.596 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.601 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.606 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.611 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.611 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.611 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.621 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.621 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.621 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.631 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.641 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.651 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.656 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.661 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.671 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.681 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.691 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.701 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.711 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.716 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:05.716 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:05.716 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:05.716 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:05.716 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:05.716 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 24 0 0
02-07 21:33:05.716 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:05.721 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:05.721 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:05.721 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:05.721 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:05.721 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 25 0 0
02-07 21:33:05.721 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.721 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.731 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.731 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.741 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.751 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.766 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.776 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.776 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.776 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.786 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.786 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.801 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.816 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.816 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.826 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.836 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.846 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.846 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.856 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.871 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.901 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.906 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.911 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.911 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.911 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.911 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.911 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.911 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.916 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.916 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.916 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.916 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.916 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.916 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:05.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:05.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:05.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:05.921 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:05.921 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.921 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxShortcuts/KnoxShortcuts.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:05.931 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.931 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.941 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.941 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.941 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.956 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.956 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.956 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.966 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:33:05.966 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:33:05.966 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:33:05.966 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-64, WifiManager.getRssi()= -64
02-07 21:33:05.971 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:33:05.971 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:33:05.971 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:33:05.971 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-64
02-07 21:33:05.971 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:05.971 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): do not update wifi-state to controller. Same as before CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:05.976 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:05.976 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/ContainerAgent2/ContainerAgent2.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:05.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:05.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:05.986 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:05.986 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:05.991 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:05.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:05.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:05.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:05.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:06.001 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.001 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.001 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.001 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.001 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.001 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.006 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.006 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.006 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.006 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.006 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.006 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.011 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.016 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.016 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.016 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.016 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.016 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.016 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.021 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.031 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.041 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.051 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.051 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.061 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.076 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.086 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.096 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.106 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.106 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.106 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.121 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.131 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.141 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.151 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.166 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.166 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.176 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.176 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.191 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:06.191 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:06.201 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.201 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.201 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.211 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.216 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.226 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.226 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.236 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.241 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:06.251 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.251 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.251 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.261 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.276 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.286 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:06.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:06.286 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxBBCProvider/KnoxBBCProvider.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:06.296 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.296 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.311 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.321 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.331 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.346 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.346 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.346 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.356 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.356 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.366 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.366 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.366 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.376 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.391 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.391 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.401 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.411 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:06.411 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:06.421 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.421 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.421 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.421 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.421 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.421 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.426 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.431 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.441 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.456 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.471 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.471 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.476 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.476 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.476 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.476 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.476 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.476 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.481 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.481 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.481 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.481 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.481 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.481 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.486 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.491 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.491 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.501 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.511 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.526 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.526 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.526 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.536 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.546 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.556 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.571 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.581 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.591 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.591 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.606 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.616 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.626 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.631 2604 2834 W System.err: statvfs failed: EACCES (Permission denied) : /storage/emulated/0
02-07 21:33:06.641 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:06.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:06.651 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.656 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.661 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.666 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.671 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.681 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.681 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:06.681 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:06.681 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:06.681 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:06.681 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:06.686 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:06.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:06.686 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:06.686 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/SharedDeviceKeyguard/SharedDeviceKeyguard.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:06.696 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:06.696 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:06.711 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:33:06.771 24485 25702 I StorageMeasurement: 1 : 8589934592 /2 : 395952128 /3 : 4428742656 /4 : 4792305 /5 : 17017959 /6 : 170153802 /7 : 170153802 /8 : 3033759759 /9 : 225644544
02-07 21:33:06.771 24485 25702 I StorageMeasurement: metaSize : 313871439 / userId 0
02-07 21:33:06.836 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:06.836 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:07.146 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:07.701 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:33:07.701 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:33:07.706 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:33:07.706 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:33:07.731 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:07.756 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:07.756 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:07.771 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:07.771 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:07.776 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:07.776 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:07.776 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:07.811 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:07.811 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:07.826 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:07.826 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:07.826 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:07.826 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:07.826 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:07.831 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:07.831 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:07.831 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:08.051 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:08.991 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:33:08.991 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:33:08.991 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-59, WifiManager.getRssi()= -59
02-07 21:33:08.996 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:33:08.996 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:33:08.996 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:33:08.996 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-59
02-07 21:33:08.996 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:08.996 3406 3406 D WfcService: updateWifiState(): wifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:08.996 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:33:09.001 3406 3406 D WfcController: processWifiState(): Change in WifiState: new state=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:09.001 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:33:09.006 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): !isRadioConnected()=false, (mWfcControlState.mWifiState == WifiStates.DISCONNECTED)=false, mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()=true
02-07 21:33:09.006 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:33:09.006 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast NOT in low signal
02-07 21:33:09.006 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast nothing changed
02-07 21:33:09.006 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkUpdate(): mWfcControlState=WfcController {mIsRegistered=false mIsInCall=false mCallDomain=2 mCurrentProfile=WIFI_PREFERRED mWifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN mGsmRadioState=0 mGsmSignalStrength=5 mRadioState=DISCONNECTED mIsLowSignal=false mSimState=VALID_SIM mIWLANMode=false mLowSignalAlertCount0}
02-07 21:33:09.016 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:09.016 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:09.016 3406 3406 D WfcController: isAllConditonsMetToProcessUpdate(): Do not register since user has disabled WFC
02-07 21:33:09.031 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:09.031 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:09.351 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:09.726 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: true
02-07 21:33:10.416 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:10.416 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:10.751 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:11.421 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:11.421 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:11.751 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323332374036000
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323332374036000
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54030 ] when=323332374036000
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323321046086950, currentThreadStartTime = 323321046093258, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:13.781 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:13.781 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:13.871 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323332467842000
02-07 21:33:13.871 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323332467842000
02-07 21:33:13.871 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323332467842000
02-07 21:33:13.871 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:13.871 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:13.896 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:13.896 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:13.976 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{fffac79 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:33:13.981 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:33:13.981 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:33:13.981 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8000 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8600 newVal=8000 diff=600
02-07 21:33:13.981 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:13.981 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:13.991 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21789 createSurf (97x97),1 flag=4, TubSettings
02-07 21:33:14.006 24485 24535 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [764x454]-format:1
02-07 21:33:14.006 24485 24485 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = true
02-07 21:33:14.016 2604 3937 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{f616703 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:33:14.021 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:33:14.021 24485 24485 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:14.026 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:14.026 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:14.026 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:14.026 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:14.026 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:14.026 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:14.031 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:14.031 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:14.031 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:14.031 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:14.036 2604 3943 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{f616703 u0 d0 p24485}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:33:14.036 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:14.036 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:14.041 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:14.041 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:14.041 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:14.046 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:15.161 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:15.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.718 3.944 8.557
02-07 21:33:15.281 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:15.616 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:15.621 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:15.621 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323334631565000
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323334631565000
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54031 ] when=323334631565000
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323332468140989, currentThreadStartTime = 323332468146989, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:16.036 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:16.036 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:16.071 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323334667013000
02-07 21:33:16.071 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323334667013000
02-07 21:33:16.071 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323334667013000
02-07 21:33:16.071 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:16.071 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:16.236 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{184496382}
02-07 21:33:16.236 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.246 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{34173023}
02-07 21:33:16.246 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.246 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{112982700}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{24269685}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{77160202}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{201241467}
02-07 21:33:16.251 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.256 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{38016408}
02-07 21:33:16.256 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.256 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{18985457}
02-07 21:33:16.256 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.256 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{16146902}
02-07 21:33:16.256 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{205196375}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{87094084}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{5162338}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{142847529}
02-07 21:33:16.261 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{198694318}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{9776975}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{168388316}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{184496382}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:16.266 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{226493413}
02-07 21:33:16.266 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{147824314}
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{204739784}
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{214022471}
02-07 21:33:16.271 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{148485492}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{34173023}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:16.276 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{95668893}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{129452818}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{104531550}
02-07 21:33:16.276 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{231115327}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{123879180}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{112982700}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:16.281 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{55750741}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{44903018}
02-07 21:33:16.281 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{107709238}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{260407863}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{24269685}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:16.286 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{118449060}
02-07 21:33:16.286 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{113349901}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{109016329}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{132367118}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{77160202}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{205291823}
02-07 21:33:16.291 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.296 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{242844476}
02-07 21:33:16.296 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.296 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{203512005}
02-07 21:33:16.296 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.296 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{10289690}
02-07 21:33:16.296 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{60424523}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{268015400}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{172211265}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{226043366}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{201680679}
02-07 21:33:16.301 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.306 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{48561620}
02-07 21:33:16.306 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.306 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{114219901}
02-07 21:33:16.306 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.306 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{211925618}
02-07 21:33:16.306 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{232214211}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{209593152}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{66237049}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{55380926}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{72750111}
02-07 21:33:16.311 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{29504364}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{216202549}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{30025162}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{248632123}
02-07 21:33:16.316 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{139795032}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{39008177}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{206361750}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{125855767}
02-07 21:33:16.321 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{170755076}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{45260269}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{75080738}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{202993331}
02-07 21:33:16.326 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{134274160}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{170404841}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{263315566}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{70402831}
02-07 21:33:16.331 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{107958172}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{105815461}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{102733178}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{22675755}
02-07 21:33:16.336 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{32491912}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{162557729}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{109154118}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{83199239}
02-07 21:33:16.341 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{92010036}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{268190112}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{203874649}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{151863582}
02-07 21:33:16.346 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{263196159}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{74700748}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{81476117}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{239620394}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{234982171}
02-07 21:33:16.351 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{15508664}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{222454417}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{208819702}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{86228471}
02-07 21:33:16.356 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{136533092}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{68785869}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{174447490}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{248267411}
02-07 21:33:16.361 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{166941392}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{213242569}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{1715662}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{7238895}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{109235196}
02-07 21:33:16.366 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.371 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{12571269}
02-07 21:33:16.371 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.371 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{196040922}
02-07 21:33:16.371 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.371 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{156725515}
02-07 21:33:16.371 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{137276392}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{28316161}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{188360870}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{109712103}
02-07 21:33:16.376 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.381 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{3579540}
02-07 21:33:16.381 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.381 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{101371197}
02-07 21:33:16.381 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.381 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{122693938}
02-07 21:33:16.381 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.386 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{140179075}
02-07 21:33:16.386 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.386 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{36245504}
02-07 21:33:16.386 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.386 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{240910393}
02-07 21:33:16.386 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{173254270}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{97286111}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{168766508}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{234055413}
02-07 21:33:16.391 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.396 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{8367242}
02-07 21:33:16.396 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.396 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{162181883}
02-07 21:33:16.396 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.396 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{156819224}
02-07 21:33:16.396 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{56655217}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{213124950}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{90670039}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{109630660}
02-07 21:33:16.401 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.406 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{212762541}
02-07 21:33:16.406 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.406 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{234963682}
02-07 21:33:16.406 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.406 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{95848051}
02-07 21:33:16.406 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.411 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{195066160}
02-07 21:33:16.411 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.411 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{56650153}
02-07 21:33:16.411 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.411 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{32811822}
02-07 21:33:16.411 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{82384591}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{256637020}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{204273509}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{262425658}
02-07 21:33:16.416 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{118116587}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{80625224}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{108700897}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{125497862}
02-07 21:33:16.421 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.426 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{196808903}
02-07 21:33:16.426 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.426 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{246216436}
02-07 21:33:16.426 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.426 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{127643165}
02-07 21:33:16.426 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{63187090}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{30274147}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{1871456}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{231345945}
02-07 21:33:16.431 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{100154334}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{144921023}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{153890956}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{115573717}
02-07 21:33:16.436 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{214448106}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{189090523}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{162646392}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{115705937}
02-07 21:33:16.441 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.446 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{250210486}
02-07 21:33:16.446 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.446 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{21215671}
02-07 21:33:16.446 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.446 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{116786468}
02-07 21:33:16.446 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{170481805}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{111401538}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{22035027}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{2117520}
02-07 21:33:16.451 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.456 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{257945737}
02-07 21:33:16.456 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.456 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{169433230}
02-07 21:33:16.456 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.456 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{26880175}
02-07 21:33:16.456 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.461 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{224580796}
02-07 21:33:16.461 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.461 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{89001029}
02-07 21:33:16.461 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.461 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{206991258}
02-07 21:33:16.461 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.466 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{32153803}
02-07 21:33:16.466 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.466 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{98992296}
02-07 21:33:16.466 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.466 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{138946497}
02-07 21:33:16.466 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.471 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{52161382}
02-07 21:33:16.471 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.471 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{192970407}
02-07 21:33:16.471 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.471 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{142016340}
02-07 21:33:16.471 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.476 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{191790845}
02-07 21:33:16.476 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.476 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{225138674}
02-07 21:33:16.476 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.476 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{44850755}
02-07 21:33:16.476 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.481 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{49200320}
02-07 21:33:16.481 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.481 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{162074105}
02-07 21:33:16.481 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.481 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{114491710}
02-07 21:33:16.481 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.486 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{103586719}
02-07 21:33:16.486 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.486 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{73589996}
02-07 21:33:16.486 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.486 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{174297269}
02-07 21:33:16.486 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.491 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{58323786}
02-07 21:33:16.491 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.491 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{139023035}
02-07 21:33:16.491 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.491 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{101671896}
02-07 21:33:16.491 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.496 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{101286705}
02-07 21:33:16.496 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.496 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{15464982}
02-07 21:33:16.496 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.496 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{229662615}
02-07 21:33:16.496 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.501 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{117630340}
02-07 21:33:16.501 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.501 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{104997229}
02-07 21:33:16.501 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.501 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{128295330}
02-07 21:33:16.501 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.506 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{236019251}
02-07 21:33:16.506 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.506 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{109762032}
02-07 21:33:16.506 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.506 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{233596777}
02-07 21:33:16.506 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.511 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{157300206}
02-07 21:33:16.511 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.511 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{41527951}
02-07 21:33:16.511 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.511 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{157245724}
02-07 21:33:16.511 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.516 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{81465637}
02-07 21:33:16.516 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.516 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{136168186}
02-07 21:33:16.516 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.516 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{225468587}
02-07 21:33:16.516 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.521 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{93287176}
02-07 21:33:16.521 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.521 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{55614113}
02-07 21:33:16.521 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.521 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{32838854}
02-07 21:33:16.521 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.526 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{148003975}
02-07 21:33:16.526 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.526 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{19707828}
02-07 21:33:16.526 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.526 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{154877917}
02-07 21:33:16.526 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.531 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{228439890}
02-07 21:33:16.531 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.531 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{91109923}
02-07 21:33:16.531 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.531 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{263691040}
02-07 21:33:16.531 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.536 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{221314265}
02-07 21:33:16.536 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.536 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{62650014}
02-07 21:33:16.536 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.536 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{140531071}
02-07 21:33:16.536 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.541 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{172706124}
02-07 21:33:16.541 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.541 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{254512533}
02-07 21:33:16.541 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.541 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{15523498}
02-07 21:33:16.541 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.546 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{36620955}
02-07 21:33:16.546 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.546 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{243904056}
02-07 21:33:16.546 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.551 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{184839697}
02-07 21:33:16.551 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.551 2604 3642 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{210910070}
02-07 21:33:16.551 2604 3642 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.551 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{195392887}
02-07 21:33:16.551 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.556 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{4683236}
02-07 21:33:16.556 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.556 2604 3007 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{112253517}
02-07 21:33:16.556 2604 3007 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.556 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{6199554}
02-07 21:33:16.556 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.561 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{74576403}
02-07 21:33:16.561 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.561 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{167251024}
02-07 21:33:16.561 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.561 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{138268233}
02-07 21:33:16.561 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.566 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{211895118}
02-07 21:33:16.566 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.566 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{260021359}
02-07 21:33:16.566 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.566 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{131702140}
02-07 21:33:16.566 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.571 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{260834821}
02-07 21:33:16.571 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.571 2604 3936 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{89278042}
02-07 21:33:16.571 2604 3936 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.571 2604 3943 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{152277131}
02-07 21:33:16.571 2604 3943 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 3937 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{165746024}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 3937 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 3147 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{265026945}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 3147 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 3482 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{64908838}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 3482 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 2638 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{44608103}
02-07 21:33:16.576 2604 2638 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.581 2604 3401 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{140910612}
02-07 21:33:16.581 2604 3401 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.581 2604 3382 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{79294653}
02-07 21:33:16.581 2604 3382 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.581 2604 3341 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{162743986}
02-07 21:33:16.581 2604 3341 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{9143811}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3941 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{126822784}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3941 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3942 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{261741497}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3942 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3395 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{260774910}
02-07 21:33:16.586 2604 3395 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.591 2604 2639 D PackageManager: START DELETE APPLICATION CACHE FILES: observer{87457631}
02-07 21:33:16.591 2604 2639 D PackageManager: pkg{<packageName>}
02-07 21:33:16.591 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:33:16.591 2198 4820 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3700624
02-07 21:33:16.596 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:33:16.596 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8600 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8000 newVal=8600 diff=600
02-07 21:33:16.596 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:33:16.596 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24485
02-07 21:33:16.601 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:16.601 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:16.601 24485 24485 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
02-07 21:33:16.601 2604 3642 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:33:16.601 24485 24485 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null
02-07 21:33:16.621 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:16.621 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:16.776 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21789 Removed TubSettings (5/8)
02-07 21:33:16.776 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21789 Removed TubSettings (-2/8)
02-07 21:33:16.791 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:33:17.106 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{201241467}
02-07 21:33:17.106 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.111 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{38016408}
02-07 21:33:17.111 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.116 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{18985457}
02-07 21:33:17.116 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.116 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.116 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.126 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{16146902}
02-07 21:33:17.126 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.126 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.126 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.131 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{205196375}
02-07 21:33:17.131 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.131 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.131 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{87094084}
02-07 21:33:17.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{5162338}
02-07 21:33:17.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{142847529}
02-07 21:33:17.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{198694318}
02-07 21:33:17.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.166 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:17.166 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:17.166 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:17.166 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{9776975}
02-07 21:33:17.166 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.171 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/com.sec.automation/cache: No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.171 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: com.sec.automation u0
02-07 21:33:17.176 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{168388316}
02-07 21:33:17.176 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.196 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{226493413}
02-07 21:33:17.196 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.201 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{147824314}
02-07 21:33:17.201 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.211 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{204739784}
02-07 21:33:17.211 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.211 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.211 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.216 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{214022471}
02-07 21:33:17.216 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.221 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{148485492}
02-07 21:33:17.221 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.241 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{95668893}
02-07 21:33:17.241 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.251 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{129452818}
02-07 21:33:17.251 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.251 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.251 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.256 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{104531550}
02-07 21:33:17.256 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.261 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{231115327}
02-07 21:33:17.261 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.271 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{123879180}
02-07 21:33:17.271 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.276 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{55750741}
02-07 21:33:17.276 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.276 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.276 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.281 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{44903018}
02-07 21:33:17.281 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{107709238}
02-07 21:33:17.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.296 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{260407863}
02-07 21:33:17.296 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.296 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.296 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.301 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{118449060}
02-07 21:33:17.301 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.306 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{113349901}
02-07 21:33:17.306 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.306 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.306 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.316 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{109016329}
02-07 21:33:17.316 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.321 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{132367118}
02-07 21:33:17.321 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.321 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.321 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.326 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{205291823}
02-07 21:33:17.326 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.326 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.326 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.331 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{242844476}
02-07 21:33:17.331 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.341 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{203512005}
02-07 21:33:17.341 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.341 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.341 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.346 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{10289690}
02-07 21:33:17.346 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.351 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{60424523}
02-07 21:33:17.351 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.356 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{268015400}
02-07 21:33:17.356 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.366 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{172211265}
02-07 21:33:17.366 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.371 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{226043366}
02-07 21:33:17.371 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.371 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.371 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.376 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{201680679}
02-07 21:33:17.376 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.381 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{48561620}
02-07 21:33:17.381 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.381 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.386 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.391 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{114219901}
02-07 21:33:17.391 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.396 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:17.396 2172 2379 E epmd : Couldn't opendir /data/enc_user/0/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.396 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:17.396 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:17.396 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 281 26 failed
02-07 21:33:17.396 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:17.401 2172 2379 E epmd : Couldn't opendir /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.401 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:17.401 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:17.401 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 281 27 failed
02-07 21:33:17.406 2604 2834 E SdpManagerService: Failed to clear data part!!
02-07 21:33:17.406 2604 2834 E PackageManager: Failed to clear cache for enc pkg..
02-07 21:33:17.406 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{211925618}
02-07 21:33:17.406 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{232214211}
02-07 21:33:17.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{209593152}
02-07 21:33:17.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.426 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{66237049}
02-07 21:33:17.426 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.431 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{55380926}
02-07 21:33:17.431 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.436 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{72750111}
02-07 21:33:17.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.446 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{29504364}
02-07 21:33:17.446 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.446 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.446 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.451 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{216202549}
02-07 21:33:17.451 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.451 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.451 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{30025162}
02-07 21:33:17.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.456 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.456 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{248632123}
02-07 21:33:17.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{139795032}
02-07 21:33:17.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.476 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{39008177}
02-07 21:33:17.476 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.476 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/com.sec.ims/cache: No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.476 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: com.sec.ims u0
02-07 21:33:17.481 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{206361750}
02-07 21:33:17.481 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.486 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{125855767}
02-07 21:33:17.486 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.486 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation/cache: No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.486 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation u0
02-07 21:33:17.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{170755076}
02-07 21:33:17.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.501 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{45260269}
02-07 21:33:17.501 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.501 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.501 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{75080738}
02-07 21:33:17.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.516 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{202993331}
02-07 21:33:17.516 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.521 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{134274160}
02-07 21:33:17.521 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.526 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{170404841}
02-07 21:33:17.526 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.531 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{263315566}
02-07 21:33:17.531 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.536 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/com.mobileposse.client/cache: No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.536 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: com.mobileposse.client u0
02-07 21:33:17.536 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:17.541 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{70402831}
02-07 21:33:17.541 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.546 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{107958172}
02-07 21:33:17.546 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.546 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.546 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{105815461}
02-07 21:33:17.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.556 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{102733178}
02-07 21:33:17.556 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.561 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.561 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.566 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{22675755}
02-07 21:33:17.566 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.571 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{32491912}
02-07 21:33:17.571 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.576 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{162557729}
02-07 21:33:17.576 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.586 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{109154118}
02-07 21:33:17.586 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.591 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{83199239}
02-07 21:33:17.591 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.596 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{92010036}
02-07 21:33:17.596 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{268190112}
02-07 21:33:17.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.606 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{203874649}
02-07 21:33:17.606 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.611 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{151863582}
02-07 21:33:17.611 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{263196159}
02-07 21:33:17.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.616 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.616 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.621 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{74700748}
02-07 21:33:17.621 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.626 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{81476117}
02-07 21:33:17.626 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.631 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.631 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.631 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{239620394}
02-07 21:33:17.631 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.641 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{234982171}
02-07 21:33:17.641 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.641 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.641 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.646 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{15508664}
02-07 21:33:17.646 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{222454417}
02-07 21:33:17.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.671 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{208819702}
02-07 21:33:17.671 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.676 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{86228471}
02-07 21:33:17.676 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.686 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{136533092}
02-07 21:33:17.686 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.821 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{68785869}
02-07 21:33:17.821 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.821 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.821 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.826 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{174447490}
02-07 21:33:17.826 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.831 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{248267411}
02-07 21:33:17.831 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.831 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.831 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.836 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{166941392}
02-07 21:33:17.836 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.836 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/com.sec.bcservice/cache: No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.836 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: com.sec.bcservice u0
02-07 21:33:17.841 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{213242569}
02-07 21:33:17.841 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.861 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{1715662}
02-07 21:33:17.861 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{7238895}
02-07 21:33:17.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.866 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.866 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.871 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{109235196}
02-07 21:33:17.871 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.876 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{12571269}
02-07 21:33:17.876 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.876 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.876 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.881 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{196040922}
02-07 21:33:17.881 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.886 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{156725515}
02-07 21:33:17.886 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.891 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{137276392}
02-07 21:33:17.891 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{28316161}
02-07 21:33:17.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.906 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{188360870}
02-07 21:33:17.906 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.906 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:17.911 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:17.916 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{109712103}
02-07 21:33:17.916 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:17.961 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:17.961 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:17.961 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:17.961 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:17.961 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:18.406 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{3579540}
02-07 21:33:18.406 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.406 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.406 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{101371197}
02-07 21:33:18.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.416 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{122693938}
02-07 21:33:18.416 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{140179075}
02-07 21:33:18.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.426 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.426 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.431 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{36245504}
02-07 21:33:18.431 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.431 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.431 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.436 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{240910393}
02-07 21:33:18.436 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.436 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.436 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{173254270}
02-07 21:33:18.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.446 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{97286111}
02-07 21:33:18.446 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{168766508}
02-07 21:33:18.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.456 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.456 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{234055413}
02-07 21:33:18.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.466 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{8367242}
02-07 21:33:18.466 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.466 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.466 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{162181883}
02-07 21:33:18.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.491 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{156819224}
02-07 21:33:18.491 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.491 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.496 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.501 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{56655217}
02-07 21:33:18.501 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{213124950}
02-07 21:33:18.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.516 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{90670039}
02-07 21:33:18.516 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.536 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{109630660}
02-07 21:33:18.536 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.546 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{212762541}
02-07 21:33:18.546 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{234963682}
02-07 21:33:18.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.551 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.551 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.556 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{95848051}
02-07 21:33:18.556 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.576 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{195066160}
02-07 21:33:18.576 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.641 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{56650153}
02-07 21:33:18.641 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.641 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/com.sec.enterprise.mdm.vpn/cache: No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.641 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: com.sec.enterprise.mdm.vpn u0
02-07 21:33:18.646 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{32811822}
02-07 21:33:18.646 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.651 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{82384591}
02-07 21:33:18.651 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.651 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.651 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.656 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{256637020}
02-07 21:33:18.656 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.661 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{204273509}
02-07 21:33:18.661 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{262425658}
02-07 21:33:18.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.671 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.671 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.671 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{118116587}
02-07 21:33:18.671 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.676 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.676 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.676 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{80625224}
02-07 21:33:18.676 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.681 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:18.681 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:18.681 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{108700897}
02-07 21:33:18.686 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.691 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{125497862}
02-07 21:33:18.691 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.696 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{196808903}
02-07 21:33:18.696 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.701 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{246216436}
02-07 21:33:18.701 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:18.756 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:18.756 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:18.756 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:19.036 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{127643165}
02-07 21:33:19.036 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.041 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{63187090}
02-07 21:33:19.041 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.046 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{30274147}
02-07 21:33:19.051 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.051 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{1871456}
02-07 21:33:19.056 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.061 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{231345945}
02-07 21:33:19.061 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.066 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{100154334}
02-07 21:33:19.066 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.081 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{144921023}
02-07 21:33:19.081 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.086 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{153890956}
02-07 21:33:19.086 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.086 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.086 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.091 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{115573717}
02-07 21:33:19.091 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.096 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{214448106}
02-07 21:33:19.096 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.096 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.096 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.101 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{189090523}
02-07 21:33:19.106 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.111 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{162646392}
02-07 21:33:19.111 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.116 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{115705937}
02-07 21:33:19.116 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.116 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.116 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.121 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{250210486}
02-07 21:33:19.121 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.121 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.121 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.126 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{21215671}
02-07 21:33:19.126 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{116786468}
02-07 21:33:19.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.141 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{170481805}
02-07 21:33:19.141 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.141 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.141 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{111401538}
02-07 21:33:19.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.146 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.146 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{22035027}
02-07 21:33:19.151 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{2117520}
02-07 21:33:19.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{257945737}
02-07 21:33:19.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.386 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{169433230}
02-07 21:33:19.386 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.396 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{26880175}
02-07 21:33:19.396 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.396 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.396 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.401 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{224580796}
02-07 21:33:19.401 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{89001029}
02-07 21:33:19.411 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.411 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.411 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.416 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{206991258}
02-07 21:33:19.416 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{32153803}
02-07 21:33:19.421 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.421 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.421 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.426 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{98992296}
02-07 21:33:19.426 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.431 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.431 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.436 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{138946497}
02-07 21:33:19.436 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:19.441 2172 2379 E epmd : Couldn't opendir /data/enc_user/0/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 281 28 failed
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:19.441 2172 2379 E epmd : Couldn't opendir /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 281 29 failed
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 E SdpManagerService: Failed to clear data part!!
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 E PackageManager: Failed to clear cache for enc pkg..
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{52161382}
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.441 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.441 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.451 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{192970407}
02-07 21:33:19.451 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.451 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.451 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{142016340}
02-07 21:33:19.456 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.456 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.456 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{191790845}
02-07 21:33:19.461 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.461 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.461 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.466 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{225138674}
02-07 21:33:19.466 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{44850755}
02-07 21:33:19.471 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.471 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.471 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.476 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{49200320}
02-07 21:33:19.481 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{162074105}
02-07 21:33:19.496 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{114491710}
02-07 21:33:19.506 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.511 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{103586719}
02-07 21:33:19.516 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.516 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.516 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.521 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{73589996}
02-07 21:33:19.521 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.531 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{174297269}
02-07 21:33:19.531 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.531 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.531 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.541 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{58323786}
02-07 21:33:19.541 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{139023035}
02-07 21:33:19.551 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{101671896}
02-07 21:33:19.601 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.606 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{101286705}
02-07 21:33:19.606 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.611 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{15464982}
02-07 21:33:19.611 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{229662615}
02-07 21:33:19.616 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.631 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{117630340}
02-07 21:33:19.631 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.661 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{104997229}
02-07 21:33:19.661 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{128295330}
02-07 21:33:19.666 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.666 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.666 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.676 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{236019251}
02-07 21:33:19.676 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.686 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{109762032}
02-07 21:33:19.686 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.686 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.686 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.696 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{233596777}
02-07 21:33:19.696 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.696 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.696 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.706 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{157300206}
02-07 21:33:19.706 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.711 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{41527951}
02-07 21:33:19.716 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.721 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{157245724}
02-07 21:33:19.721 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.726 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.726 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.731 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{81465637}
02-07 21:33:19.731 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.741 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{136168186}
02-07 21:33:19.741 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.741 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.741 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.751 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{225468587}
02-07 21:33:19.751 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.761 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{93287176}
02-07 21:33:19.761 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.761 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.761 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.771 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{55614113}
02-07 21:33:19.771 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.781 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{32838854}
02-07 21:33:19.781 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.781 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.781 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.786 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{148003975}
02-07 21:33:19.791 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.801 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{19707828}
02-07 21:33:19.801 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.811 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{154877917}
02-07 21:33:19.811 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.811 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.811 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.821 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{228439890}
02-07 21:33:19.821 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.826 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{91109923}
02-07 21:33:19.826 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.831 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.831 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.836 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{263691040}
02-07 21:33:19.836 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.846 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{221314265}
02-07 21:33:19.846 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.856 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{62650014}
02-07 21:33:19.856 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{140531071}
02-07 21:33:19.866 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.866 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.866 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.876 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{172706124}
02-07 21:33:19.876 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.876 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.876 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.886 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{254512533}
02-07 21:33:19.886 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.886 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.886 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.891 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{15523498}
02-07 21:33:19.896 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.896 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.896 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{36620955}
02-07 21:33:19.901 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.911 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{243904056}
02-07 21:33:19.911 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.921 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{184839697}
02-07 21:33:19.921 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.931 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{210910070}
02-07 21:33:19.931 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.931 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.931 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:19.941 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{195392887}
02-07 21:33:19.941 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.951 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{4683236}
02-07 21:33:19.951 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.961 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{112253517}
02-07 21:33:19.961 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.996 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{6199554}
02-07 21:33:19.996 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:19.996 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:19.996 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.006 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{74576403}
02-07 21:33:20.006 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.016 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{167251024}
02-07 21:33:20.016 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.046 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{138268233}
02-07 21:33:20.051 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.051 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.051 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.056 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{211895118}
02-07 21:33:20.061 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.061 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.061 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.071 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{260021359}
02-07 21:33:20.071 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.071 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.071 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.081 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{131702140}
02-07 21:33:20.081 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.081 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.081 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.091 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{260834821}
02-07 21:33:20.096 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.106 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{89278042}
02-07 21:33:20.106 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.121 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{152277131}
02-07 21:33:20.121 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{165746024}
02-07 21:33:20.136 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{265026945}
02-07 21:33:20.146 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{64908838}
02-07 21:33:20.161 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.171 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{44608103}
02-07 21:33:20.171 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{140910612}
02-07 21:33:20.186 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.186 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.186 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.196 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{79294653}
02-07 21:33:20.196 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.211 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{162743986}
02-07 21:33:20.211 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.211 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.211 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.221 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{9143811}
02-07 21:33:20.221 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.231 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{126822784}
02-07 21:33:20.231 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.271 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{261741497}
02-07 21:33:20.271 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.271 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:20.271 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:20.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: true{260774910}
02-07 21:33:20.286 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] DELETE_APPLICATION_CACHE_FILES
02-07 21:33:20.286 2213 2213 E installd: Couldn't opendir /data/data/ No such file or directory
02-07 21:33:20.286 2604 2834 W PackageManager: Couldn't remove cache files for package: u0
02-07 21:33:20.296 2604 2834 D PackageManager: resultl of deleteCacheFile: false{87457631}
02-07 21:33:20.296 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] MCS_UNBIND
02-07 21:33:20.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.306 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.306 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones) returned 0
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.311 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Pictures) returned 4096
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.311 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.321 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.321 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.321 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.321 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.321 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.321 24485 24485 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.326 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/DCIM) returned 198041600
02-07 21:33:20.326 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.326 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.326 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.326 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.326 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.326 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.326 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts) returned 0
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.331 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Notifications) returned 0
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.331 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.331 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Music) returned 0
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.336 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Movies) returned 0
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.336 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.346 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Android) returned 30138368
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.346 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Download) returned 57991168
02-07 21:33:20.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.351 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.351 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.351 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.351 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.351 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.351 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Alarms) returned 0
02-07 21:33:20.386 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:20.386 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:20.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.391 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.416 24485 25702 D StorageMeasurement: getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 430338048
02-07 21:33:20.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.586 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.611 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.611 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.626 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.636 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.651 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.666 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.666 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.666 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.666 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.666 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.666 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:33:20.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.671 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.676 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.676 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.676 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.676 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.676 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.676 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.681 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.696 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.696 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.706 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.706 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.706 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.711 2604 2834 W System.err: statvfs failed: EACCES (Permission denied) : /storage/emulated/0
02-07 21:33:20.716 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.726 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.736 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.736 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.736 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.736 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.736 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.751 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.756 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.756 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.766 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.781 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.781 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.781 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.791 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.791 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.801 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.811 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.811 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.811 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.811 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.811 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.811 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.821 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.831 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.841 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.841 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.841 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.851 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.866 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.866 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.866 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.876 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.886 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.886 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.886 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.886 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.886 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.886 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.891 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.891 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:20.891 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:20.891 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:20.891 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:20.891 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:20.896 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.896 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.896 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.906 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.906 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.921 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:20.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:20.931 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.931 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.941 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.946 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.956 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.956 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.966 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.966 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.981 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.981 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:20.981 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:20.991 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:20.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.006 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.016 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.016 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxTrustAgent/KnoxTrustAgent.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:21.026 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.041 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.056 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.056 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.056 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.071 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:33:21.071 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.071 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:33:21.071 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:33:21.071 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-67, WifiManager.getRssi()= -67
02-07 21:33:21.076 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:33:21.076 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:33:21.076 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:33:21.076 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-67
02-07 21:33:21.076 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:21.076 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): do not update wifi-state to controller. Same as before CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:21.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.091 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.106 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:21.106 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:21.106 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:21.106 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:21.111 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.111 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.121 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.131 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.146 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.146 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.156 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.161 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.161 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.161 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.161 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.171 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.181 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.196 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.196 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.206 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.206 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:21.221 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:21.221 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 30 0 0
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:21.221 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:21.221 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 31 0 0
02-07 21:33:21.221 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.221 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.221 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.236 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.246 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.261 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.271 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.286 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.286 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.301 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.311 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.321 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.336 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.336 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.346 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.346 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.361 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.361 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.371 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:21.371 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.376 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.386 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.386 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.401 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.401 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.411 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.421 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.431 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.441 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.456 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.466 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.481 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.481 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.496 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.496 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.506 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.506 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.521 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.531 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.546 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.556 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.566 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.581 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.596 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.596 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.596 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.606 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.606 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.616 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.616 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/framework/framework-res.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:21.631 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.641 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.656 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.656 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.666 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.666 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.666 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.681 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.691 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.706 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.706 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.706 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.716 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.736 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.736 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.736 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.736 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.736 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.736 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.741 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.741 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.741 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.741 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.741 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.741 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.746 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.746 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.746 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.761 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.781 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.781 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.781 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.801 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.801 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.821 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.836 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.836 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.851 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.856 2604 2619 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 233685(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 17(340KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 44MB/59MB, paused 4.385ms total 132.672ms
02-07 21:33:21.866 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.866 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.876 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.891 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.901 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.911 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.911 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.921 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.931 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.931 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.931 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.941 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.941 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.941 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.951 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.951 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.961 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:21.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.971 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.976 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.976 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.991 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:21.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:21.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:21.996 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:21.996 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:21.996 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:21.996 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:21.996 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:21.996 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.001 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.001 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.001 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.001 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.001 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.001 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.006 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.006 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.016 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.016 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.026 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.031 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.031 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.041 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.041 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.051 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.051 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.066 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.071 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.071 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.071 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.071 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.071 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.071 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.076 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.086 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.086 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxBluetooth/KnoxBluetooth.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:22.096 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.096 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.106 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.111 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.121 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.121 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.131 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.131 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.141 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.141 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.146 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.151 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.221 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.221 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.221 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.231 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.231 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.241 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.241 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.241 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.241 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.241 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.241 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxKeyguard/KnoxKeyguard.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:22.251 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.251 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.251 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.261 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.261 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.271 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.276 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.276 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.291 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.301 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.311 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.316 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.321 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.326 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.326 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.341 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.341 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.341 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.341 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.341 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.341 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.346 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.351 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.361 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.361 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.371 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.371 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.381 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.396 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.396 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.406 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.416 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.421 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.431 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.441 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.441 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.456 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.466 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.476 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.511 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.511 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.511 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.511 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.511 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.511 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.516 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.516 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.521 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.531 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.531 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.541 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.541 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.551 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.551 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.551 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.561 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.561 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.561 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.571 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.591 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.601 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.616 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.626 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.626 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.636 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.651 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.661 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.661 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.661 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.676 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.676 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.686 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.691 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.701 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.716 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.716 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.726 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.726 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.736 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.741 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.751 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.826 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.826 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.831 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.836 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.836 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.836 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.836 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.836 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.836 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.841 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.841 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.841 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.851 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.851 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.861 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.861 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.861 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.871 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:22.876 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:22.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.881 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.886 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.891 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.891 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.901 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.901 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.911 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.911 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.911 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.921 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.921 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.931 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.931 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.941 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.941 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:22.941 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:22.941 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:22.941 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:22.941 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:22.946 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:22.946 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /data/enc_user/0/
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 32 0 0
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: SND -> {handle_enc_pkg 0}
02-07 21:33:22.946 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:22.946 2172 2379 E epmd : Failed to open /mnt/shell/enc_emulated/0/Android/data/
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2838 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RCV <-
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: RMV <-
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 D EnterprisePartitionManager: event : 200 33 0 0
02-07 21:33:22.946 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.946 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.956 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.961 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.971 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.971 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.981 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.981 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:22.981 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:22.991 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:22.991 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.001 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.001 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.001 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.011 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.011 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.026 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.026 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.026 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.036 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.036 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.036 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.046 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.046 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.046 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.056 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.056 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.066 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.066 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.076 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.076 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.086 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.086 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.111 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.116 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.121 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.121 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.121 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.121 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.121 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.121 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.126 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.126 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.126 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.126 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.126 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.126 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.126 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.126 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.126 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.126 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.126 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.126 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxShortcuts/KnoxShortcuts.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:23.136 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.136 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.146 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.146 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.146 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.156 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.156 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.171 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.171 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.171 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/ContainerAgent2/ContainerAgent2.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:23.181 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.181 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.196 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.201 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.201 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.211 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.211 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.211 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.211 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.211 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.211 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.216 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.216 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.216 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.216 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.216 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.216 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.221 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.221 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.221 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.231 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.236 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.246 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.246 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.256 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.256 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.266 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.271 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.281 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.281 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.291 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.291 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.301 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.301 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.311 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.311 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.321 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:23.321 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.321 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.321 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.321 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.321 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.321 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.326 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:23.326 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.326 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.331 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.331 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.341 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.341 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.351 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.351 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.366 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.366 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.376 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.376 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.376 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:23.376 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.376 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.381 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.381 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.396 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.396 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.396 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.406 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.406 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.416 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.416 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.431 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.431 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.436 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.436 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.441 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.441 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:23.441 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.441 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.446 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.446 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.456 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.456 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.466 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.466 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.476 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.476 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.476 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/KnoxBBCProvider/KnoxBBCProvider.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:23.486 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.486 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.501 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.501 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.516 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.516 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.516 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.516 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.521 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:23.521 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:23.521 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:23.531 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.531 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.531 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.531 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.531 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.531 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.536 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.536 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.546 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.546 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.556 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.556 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.566 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.571 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.581 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.581 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.591 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.591 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.601 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.601 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.611 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.616 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.621 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.626 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.631 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.631 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.641 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.641 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.651 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.651 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.661 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.666 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.671 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.681 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.681 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.691 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.691 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.701 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.701 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.711 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.711 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.721 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.721 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.736 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.736 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.751 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.751 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.766 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.766 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.781 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.781 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.796 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.796 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.796 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.806 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.806 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.816 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.821 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.831 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.831 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.831 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.831 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.831 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.841 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.841 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25597 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.851 25587 25704 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.856 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.856 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id public:179,33 ,type 0 ,disk DiskInfo{disk:179,32}:
02-07 21:33:23.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: flags=SD size=31914983424 label=
02-07 21:33:23.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: sysPath=/sys//devices/13560000.dwmmc2/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:aaaa/block/mmcblk1
02-07 21:33:23.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo:
02-07 21:33:23.866 25587 25598 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null
02-07 21:33:23.871 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 1 : /system/priv-app/
02-07 21:33:23.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 2 : /vendor/app/
02-07 21:33:23.871 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 3 : /oem/app/
02-07 21:33:23.871 2213 2213 E installd: this /system/container/SharedDeviceKeyguard/SharedDeviceKeyguard.apk also system apk
02-07 21:33:23.881 2604 2834 I PackageManager: Posting MCS_BOUND for next work in MCS_BOUND
02-07 21:33:23.881 2213 2213 E installd: system dir 0 : /system/app/
02-07 21:33:23.891 2604 2834 D PackageManager: remove MCS_UNBIND message and Posting MCS_UNBIND 10 secs later
02-07 21:33:23.946 24485 25702 I StorageMeasurement: 1 : 8589934592 /2 : 621481984 /3 : 4428742656 /4 : 4792305 /5 : 17017959 /6 : 170153802 /7 : 170153802 /8 : 3033202703 /9 : 0
02-07 21:33:23.946 24485 25702 I StorageMeasurement: metaSize : 314543183 / userId 0
02-07 21:33:24.016 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:24.016 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:24.086 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:33:24.091 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:33:24.091 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-63, WifiManager.getRssi()= -63
02-07 21:33:24.091 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:33:24.091 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:33:24.091 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:33:24.096 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-63
02-07 21:33:24.096 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:24.096 3406 3406 D WfcService: updateWifiState(): wifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:24.096 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: processWifiState(): Change in WifiState: new state=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): !isRadioConnected()=false, (mWfcControlState.mWifiState == WifiStates.DISCONNECTED)=false, mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()=true
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast NOT in low signal
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast nothing changed
02-07 21:33:24.101 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkUpdate(): mWfcControlState=WfcController {mIsRegistered=false mIsInCall=false mCallDomain=2 mCurrentProfile=WIFI_PREFERRED mWifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN mGsmRadioState=0 mGsmSignalStrength=5 mRadioState=DISCONNECTED mIsLowSignal=false mSimState=VALID_SIM mIWLANMode=false mLowSignalAlertCount0}
02-07 21:33:24.116 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:24.116 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:24.116 3406 3406 D WfcController: isAllConditonsMetToProcessUpdate(): Do not register since user has disabled WFC
02-07 21:33:24.276 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:33:24.281 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(7)
02-07 21:33:24.571 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:24.766 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: false
02-07 21:33:25.191 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.672 3.904 8.570
02-07 21:33:26.496 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:26.496 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:26.501 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:26.501 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:26.501 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:26.636 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:26.636 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:26.641 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:26.641 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:26.641 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:27.846 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:33:27.846 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:33:27.851 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:33:27.851 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:33:27.871 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:27.896 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:27.896 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:28.186 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:29.686 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:29.686 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:29.696 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:29.696 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:29.696 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:29.751 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:29.751 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:29.761 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:29.761 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:29.761 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:30.136 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:33:30.136 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:33:30.136 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-64, WifiManager.getRssi()= -64
02-07 21:33:30.141 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:33:30.141 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:33:30.141 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:33:30.141 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:33:30.141 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-64
02-07 21:33:30.141 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:30.141 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): do not update wifi-state to controller. Same as before CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:30.171 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:30.171 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:30.186 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:30.186 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:30.491 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323350108279000
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323350108279000
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54032 ] when=323350108279000
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323347698179451, currentThreadStartTime = 323347698192067, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:31.516 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:31.516 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:31.641 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:31.641 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:31.701 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323350299402000
02-07 21:33:31.701 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323350299402000
02-07 21:33:31.701 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323350299402000
02-07 21:33:31.701 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:31.706 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:32.321 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.674 6.966 5.607
02-07 21:33:32.321 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:32.796 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:32.861 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:32.861 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:32.866 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:32.866 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:32.866 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:32.941 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:33:32.941 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 15 99 -15 -200 -15 -200 -1 28 -83 -11 130 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:33:32.941 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:32.941 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:32.991 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.925 3.785 9.280
02-07 21:33:32.991 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:33.016 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:33.156 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:33:33.156 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:33:33.156 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-57, WifiManager.getRssi()= -57
02-07 21:33:33.161 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:33:33.161 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:33:33.161 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:33:33.161 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-57
02-07 21:33:33.161 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:33.161 3406 3406 D WfcService: updateWifiState(): wifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:33.161 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: processWifiState(): Change in WifiState: new state=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): !isRadioConnected()=false, (mWfcControlState.mWifiState == WifiStates.DISCONNECTED)=false, mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()=true
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast NOT in low signal
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast nothing changed
02-07 21:33:33.166 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkUpdate(): mWfcControlState=WfcController {mIsRegistered=false mIsInCall=false mCallDomain=2 mCurrentProfile=WIFI_PREFERRED mWifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN mGsmRadioState=0 mGsmSignalStrength=5 mRadioState=DISCONNECTED mIsLowSignal=false mSimState=VALID_SIM mIWLANMode=false mLowSignalAlertCount0}
02-07 21:33:33.181 3406 3406 D WfcController: isAllConditonsMetToProcessUpdate(): Do not register since user has disabled WFC
02-07 21:33:33.196 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:33.196 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:33.196 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:33:33.196 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323351802151000
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323351802151000
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54033 ] when=323351802151000
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323350299705259, currentThreadStartTime = 323350299712336, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:33.206 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:33.206 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:33.331 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323351925422000
02-07 21:33:33.331 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323351925422000
02-07 21:33:33.331 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323351925422000
02-07 21:33:33.331 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:33.331 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:33.491 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:33:33.496 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(7)
02-07 21:33:33.731 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323352329632000
02-07 21:33:33.736 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323352329632000
02-07 21:33:33.736 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54034 ] when=323352329632000
02-07 21:33:33.736 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323351925700798, currentThreadStartTime = 323351925705836, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:33.736 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:33.736 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:33.736 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:33.791 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:33.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323352471788000
02-07 21:33:33.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323352471788000
02-07 21:33:33.876 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323352471788000
02-07 21:33:33.876 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:33.876 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:33.896 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:33.896 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:33.941 2604 2834 D PackageManager: [MSG] MCS_UNBIND
02-07 21:33:34.081 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323352672203000
02-07 21:33:34.081 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323352672203000
02-07 21:33:34.081 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54035 ] when=323352672203000
02-07 21:33:34.081 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323352472126336, currentThreadStartTime = 323352472131529, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:34.081 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:34.081 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:34.081 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:34.171 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323352766622000
02-07 21:33:34.171 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323352766622000
02-07 21:33:34.171 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323352766622000
02-07 21:33:34.171 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24485): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:34.171 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:34.196 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:34.216 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:33:34.216 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 31 -80 -11 190 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:33:34.216 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:34.216 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:35.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.394 3.084 9.081
02-07 21:33:35.241 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:35.951 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:35.951 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:35.961 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:35.961 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:35.961 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:35.961 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:35.961 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:35.971 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:35.971 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:35.971 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:36.001 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:36.001 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:36.011 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:36.011 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:36.011 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:37.921 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:33:37.921 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:33:37.921 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:33:37.926 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:33:37.951 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:37.976 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:37.976 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:38.311 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:39.071 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:39.071 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:39.081 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:39.081 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:39.081 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:39.341 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:33:39.341 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 15 99 -15 -200 -15 -200 -1 29 -82 -11 210 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:33:39.341 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:39.341 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:41.261 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.151 4.702 7.964
02-07 21:33:41.261 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:41.901 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:33:41.901 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 30 -81 -10 170 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:33:41.901 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:41.901 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:33:42.156 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:42.156 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:42.161 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:42.161 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:42.161 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:42.181 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:42.181 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:42.191 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:42.191 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:42.191 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:42.191 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:42.196 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:42.201 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:42.206 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:42.206 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.227 4.797 8.066
02-07 21:33:45.211 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.211 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.216 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:45.216 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.216 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.301 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.301 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.306 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:45.311 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.311 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.351 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.351 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.356 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:45.356 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.356 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.366 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.366 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.371 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:45.371 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:45.371 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:45.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.327 4.596 8.236
02-07 21:33:45.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:45.686 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323364281093000
02-07 21:33:45.711 2604 3942 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : does not exist in mServices
02-07 21:33:45.711 2604 3942 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : does not exist in mProviders
02-07 21:33:45.711 2604 3942 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : does not exist in mReceivers
02-07 21:33:45.786 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.290 4.706 8.170
02-07 21:33:45.786 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:45.846 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323364441460000
02-07 21:33:45.851 3089 3187 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 2604 2604 D GlobalActions: mBroadcastReceiver : onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 2604 2604 D GlobalActions: mBroadcastReceiver : onReceive : sendEmptyMessage(MESSAGE_DISMISS) reason #1
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D vol.SecVolumeDialog: dismissH reason: 2
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D vol.SecVolumeDialog: dismissH : false
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D ToggleSlider: onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D ToggleSlider: onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 25605 25605 I VRVoiceNoteService: onReceive action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS, scene : 0
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D ToggleSlider: onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D LocationTile: onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D WifiCallingTile: onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D AirplaneModeTile: onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: animateCollapsePanels, state: 0, QSexpanded: false, QSdetailsShowing: false
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=2
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D StatusBar-Window: fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D CoverUI : applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D StatusBarWindowManager: forceCollapsed : false isKeyguardShowingAndNotOccluded() : false panelVisible : false keyguardFadingAway : false bouncerShowing : false headsUpShowing : false
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D CoverUI : applyHeight h = 48, oc = false, fa = false, ac = false, sc = false
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D PanelView: updateQsState
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D KeyguardSwipeHelper: reset()
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D KeyguardUnlockEventHandler: reset()
02-07 21:33:45.856 3089 3089 D KeyguardSwipeHelper: resetChildViewVI()
02-07 21:33:45.891 2604 2639 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:33:45.891 2604 2639 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 24485
02-07 21:33:45.891 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:45.891 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:45.891 2604 2639 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:33:45.916 2604 2790 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
02-07 21:33:45.916 24485 24485 D Index : onSaveInstanceState / mNeedToRevertToInitialFragment: false
02-07 21:33:45.926 2198 3390 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3abf624
02-07 21:33:45.926 2198 3390 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb3abf624
02-07 21:33:45.941 3171 3171 D ScoverManager: registerListener
02-07 21:33:45.941 3171 3171 W ScoverManager: registerListener : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:33:45.941 2604 2638 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:33:45.941 2604 2638 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:45.941 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:45.941 3171 3171 D ScoverManager: unregisterListener
02-07 21:33:45.941 3171 3171 W ScoverManager: unregisterListener : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:33:45.941 3171 3171 D ScoverManager: registerListener
02-07 21:33:45.941 3171 3171 W ScoverManager: registerListener : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:33:45.946 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:33:45.971 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21790 createSurf (720x1280),1 flag=4, TeparatedRe
02-07 21:33:45.971 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8700 mask=ffffffff oldVal=c600 newVal=8700 diff=4100
02-07 21:33:45.976 2604 3341 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 3171
02-07 21:33:45.976 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:45.976 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:45.976 3171 22895 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xa19ff7cc
02-07 21:33:45.976 3171 22895 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-07 21:33:45.981 3171 22895 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:33:45.986 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.032 4.568 8.270
02-07 21:33:45.986 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:45.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:45.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:46.011 2604 3942 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{d729a87 u0 d0 p3171}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:33:46.016 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: updateSurface:[forceRelayout]false[redrawNeeded]false
02-07 21:33:46.016 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: onVisibilityChanged:true
02-07 21:33:46.016 2604 3639 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:33:46.016 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:false rotation:0 mLastRotation:0
02-07 21:33:46.016 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:[frame.width()]1280[frame.height()]1280
02-07 21:33:46.016 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: Suppressed drawFrame since redraw is not needed and offsets have not changed.
02-07 21:33:46.016 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21791 createSurf (638x99),1 flag=4, uhumbnail a
02-07 21:33:46.021 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:46.021 3089 3743 D WallpaperService: resized:[frame]Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 1280) [newConfig] is null
02-07 21:33:46.021 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: MSG_WINDOW_RESIZED
02-07 21:33:46.021 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: updateSurface:[forceRelayout]true[redrawNeeded]false
02-07 21:33:46.021 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false
02-07 21:33:46.021 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: currentWidth:1280 currentHeight:1280 requestedWidth:1280 requestedWidth:1280
02-07 21:33:46.021 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: relayout
02-07 21:33:46.021 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:46.026 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: relayout result: Surface(name=null)/@0x2e5d83f, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 1280),relayoutResult:1, mConfiguration{0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = -1 ?mcc?mnc en_US ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
02-07 21:33:46.026 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: Wallpaper size has changed: (1280, 1280)
02-07 21:33:46.031 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:46.031 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:46.036 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:46.036 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:46.036 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:46.036 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:46.041 3089 3089 D PanelView: updateQsState
02-07 21:33:46.041 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:46.041 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:46.041 3089 3089 D KeyguardSwipeHelper: reset()
02-07 21:33:46.041 3089 3089 D KeyguardUnlockEventHandler: reset()
02-07 21:33:46.041 3089 3089 D KeyguardSwipeHelper: resetChildViewVI()
02-07 21:33:46.061 3171 3171 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@19bdd87 time:323364654
02-07 21:33:46.071 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:46.086 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:46.471 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21788 Removed TubSettings (6/9)
02-07 21:33:46.471 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21788 Removed TubSettings (-2/9)
02-07 21:33:46.476 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21791 Removed uhumbnail a (6/8)
02-07 21:33:46.476 2198 4820 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21791 Removed uhumbnail a (-2/8)
02-07 21:33:46.491 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:33:46.491 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:33:46.491 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{38b4ad9 u0 t9090} time:323365088
02-07 21:33:46.496 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:46.496 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:46.496 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:46.496 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:46.916 2604 3941 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : does not exist in mServices
02-07 21:33:46.916 2604 3941 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : does not exist in mProviders
02-07 21:33:46.916 2604 3941 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : does not exist in mReceivers
02-07 21:33:47.026 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323365858975000
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323365858975000
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54036 ] when=323365858975000
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323364442826760, currentThreadStartTime = 323364442832722, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3171): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:47.266 3171 3171 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:47.266 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:47.291 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:47.291 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:47.376 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323365972911000
02-07 21:33:47.376 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323365972911000
02-07 21:33:47.376 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323365972911000
02-07 21:33:47.376 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3171): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:47.376 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:47.391 3171 3171 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:47.416 24485 24485 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:33:47.511 2604 3147 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 8
02-07 21:33:47.531 2604 3147 D ActivityManager: removeProcessNameLocked mProcessNames.remove pid=24485 ,hash=211137241 ,
02-07 21:33:47.541 2604 2790 D ActivityManager: removeProcessNameLocked mProcessNames.remove pid=25404 ,hash=211774788 ,
02-07 21:33:47.776 2604 3147 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:33:47.776 2604 3147 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 3171
02-07 21:33:47.781 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:47.781 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:47.781 2604 3147 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:33:47.781 3171 3171 D ScoverManager: unregisterListener
02-07 21:33:47.781 3171 3171 W ScoverManager: unregisterListener : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:33:47.796 3089 18984 D WallpaperService: resized:[frame]Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 1280) [newConfig] is null
02-07 21:33:47.796 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: MSG_WINDOW_RESIZED
02-07 21:33:47.796 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: updateSurface:[forceRelayout]true[redrawNeeded]false
02-07 21:33:47.796 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false
02-07 21:33:47.796 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: currentWidth:1280 currentHeight:1280 requestedWidth:1280 requestedWidth:1280
02-07 21:33:47.796 3089 3089 D WallpaperService: relayout
02-07 21:33:47.801 3384 3384 D Launcher: onNewIntent()
02-07 21:33:47.801 3384 3384 D Launcher: onNewIntent mPendingIntent is null startingSetting is false!!
02-07 21:33:47.801 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: performOnHomePressed
02-07 21:33:47.806 3384 3384 D HomeScreenOptionMenu: onHomePressed() : false
02-07 21:33:47.806 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: relayout result: Surface(name=null)/@0x2e5d83f, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1280, 1280),relayoutResult:1, mConfiguration{0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = -1 ?mcc?mnc en_US ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
02-07 21:33:47.806 3089 3089 V WallpaperService: Wallpaper size has changed: (1280, 1280)
02-07 21:33:47.806 3384 3384 D MenuAppsGridFragment: changeState: (new)NORMAL(old)NORMAL(force)false
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 3384 D capture : currentOrientation: 1 mMainHomeScreenshot: false mMainHomeScreenshotLand: true
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 3384 D Launcher.Workspace: exitWidgetResizeMode. isClearResizeFrame is false
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 3384 D Launcher: onRestart, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 3384 D Launcher: onStart, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: onStart
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 3384 D Launcher: onResume, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:33:47.811 2604 3007 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
02-07 21:33:47.811 3384 25714 D WallpaperManager: 1280 / 1280 / 0
02-07 21:33:47.816 2604 3942 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
02-07 21:33:47.816 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: onResume
02-07 21:33:47.886 3384 3384 D capture : ---------checkFileExist
02-07 21:33:47.886 3384 3384 D capture : ---------checkFileExist land
02-07 21:33:47.886 3384 3384 D capture : currentOrientation: 1 mMainHomeScreenshot: true mMainHomeScreenshotLand: true
02-07 21:33:47.896 3384 3384 D MenuAppsGridFragment: onResume
02-07 21:33:47.896 3384 3384 D MenuAppsGridFragment: changeState: (new)NORMAL(old)NORMAL(force)false
02-07 21:33:47.901 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: updateGridSize:GRID_4x4 cellWidth:174 cellHeight:220
02-07 21:33:47.926 3384 3384 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:33:47.951 3384 3384 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:33:47.981 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:33:47.981 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:33:47.981 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:33:47.986 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:33:47.996 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 3147 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() true
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 3147 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 3147 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: post home show event for user 0
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 2604 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 3147 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 2604 D KnoxKeyguardDelegate: clear Flag
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleHomeShow for 0 and current 0
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:48.001 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:33:48.001 3384 3384 V LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize: (target widgetsize) using w/h 686 220 span 4 1 (widgetid 10) [current Gridsize : GRID_4x4]
02-07 21:33:48.001 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize() widget = Digital clock(widget id = 10) result hostview size = 686 x 220
02-07 21:33:48.001 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 686/ 220 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 10)
02-07 21:33:48.006 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21792 createSurf (720x1280),1 flag=4, MauncherAct
02-07 21:33:48.006 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8600 mask=ffffffff oldVal=c700 newVal=8600 diff=4100
02-07 21:33:48.006 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 3384
02-07 21:33:48.011 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:33:48.011 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:33:48.011 3384 3684 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:33:48.016 2604 3382 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:33:48.041 2604 2638 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{eaab681 u0 d0 p3384}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:33:48.046 3384 3384 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@43247cc time:323366640
02-07 21:33:48.046 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:48.051 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:48.051 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:48.051 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:48.051 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:48.061 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:48.376 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.376 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.381 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:48.381 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.381 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.401 2198 2251 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb68c1624
02-07 21:33:48.401 2198 2251 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb68c1624
02-07 21:33:48.401 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21790 Removed TeparatedRe (5/8)
02-07 21:33:48.401 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21790 Removed TeparatedRe (-2/8)
02-07 21:33:48.411 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.411 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.411 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:33:48.416 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:48.416 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.416 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.431 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{437ada4 u0 t9081} time:323367026
02-07 21:33:48.431 2604 2790 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
02-07 21:33:48.436 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.436 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.436 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:48.436 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:33:48.441 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:33:48.441 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:33:48.441 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:48.441 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.441 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.446 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.446 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.451 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:48.451 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.451 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.476 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.476 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.481 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:48.486 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:48.486 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:48.726 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:48.766 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323367944789000
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323367944789000
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54037 ] when=323367944789000
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323365973224760, currentThreadStartTime = 323365973230799, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:49.351 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:49.351 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:49.351 3384 3384 D capture : ----destroy
02-07 21:33:49.351 3384 3384 I Launcher.HomeView: stopCaptureByItemClick
02-07 21:33:49.381 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:33:49.386 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:49.386 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:49.431 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323368029031000
02-07 21:33:49.431 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323368029031000
02-07 21:33:49.431 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323368029031000
02-07 21:33:49.431 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:49.431 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:49.431 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:49.436 3384 3384 D capture : ----destroy
02-07 21:33:49.436 3384 3384 D Launcher.Workspace: exitWidgetResizeMode. isClearResizeFrame is false
02-07 21:33:49.436 3384 3384 D MenuView: MenuView collectShowAllAppsAnimators
02-07 21:33:49.436 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: HomeView collectShowAllAppsAnimators
02-07 21:33:49.436 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: updateGridSize:GRID_4x4 cellWidth:174 cellHeight:220
02-07 21:33:49.451 3384 3384 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:33:49.491 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: handleStateChange: (new)NORMAL(old)UNKNOWN
02-07 21:33:49.886 3384 3384 D Launcher: finishShowAllApps
02-07 21:33:50.326 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.111 4.641 8.191
02-07 21:33:50.326 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:50.326 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:50.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.067 4.644 8.220
02-07 21:33:50.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:50.456 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.101 4.659 8.181
02-07 21:33:50.456 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:50.856 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:51.126 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.062 4.612 8.185
02-07 21:33:51.126 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:51.191 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.026 4.620 8.161
02-07 21:33:51.191 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:51.256 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.080 4.539 8.236
02-07 21:33:51.256 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:51.516 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:51.516 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:51.521 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:51.526 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:51.526 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323370211877000
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323370211877000
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54038 ] when=323370211877000
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323368029307683, currentThreadStartTime = 323368029313222, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:51.621 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:51.621 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:51.646 3384 3384 I Launcher.PagedView: determineScrollingStart : mTouchState=2, mIsPageMoving=true
02-07 21:33:51.656 3384 3384 I Launcher.PagedView: determineScrollingStart : mTouchState=1, mIsPageMoving=true
02-07 21:33:51.656 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:51.656 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:51.721 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323370315511000
02-07 21:33:51.721 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323370315511000
02-07 21:33:51.721 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323370315511000
02-07 21:33:51.721 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:51.721 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:51.721 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323371220960000
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323371220960000
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54039 ] when=323371220960000
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323370315885530, currentThreadStartTime = 323370315892760, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:52.626 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:52.626 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:52.631 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:52.646 3384 3384 I Launcher.PagedView: determineScrollingStart : mTouchState=0, mIsPageMoving=false
02-07 21:33:52.666 3384 3384 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has class. reuse it
02-07 21:33:52.686 3384 3384 I Launcher.PagedView: determineScrollingStart : mTouchState=1, mIsPageMoving=true
02-07 21:33:52.711 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323371305502000
02-07 21:33:52.711 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323371305502000
02-07 21:33:52.711 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323371305502000
02-07 21:33:52.711 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:52.711 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:52.711 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:52.726 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:52.726 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:53.281 3384 3384 D MenuAppsGridFragment: onPageSwitch - newPageIndex = 0
02-07 21:33:53.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.214 4.654 8.157
02-07 21:33:53.386 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Context(-1354962688) Damaged Report-Shader
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Shaders(5):
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 0) DAMAGED Handle(10)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 1) Handle(15)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 2) Handle(17)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 3) Handle(19)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 4) Handle(21)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libGLESv2: HWUI Protection: wrong calling from app context F:ES2-glDeleteShader, handle(10)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Context(-1354962688) Damaged Report-Shader
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Shaders(5):
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 0) Handle(10)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 1) Handle(15)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 2) Handle(17)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 3) Handle(19)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 4) DAMAGED Handle(21)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libGLESv2: HWUI Protection: wrong calling from app context F:ES2-glDeleteShader, handle(21)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Context(-1354962688) Damaged Report-Shader
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Shaders(5):
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 0) Handle(10)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 1) DAMAGED Handle(15)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 2) Handle(17)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 3) Handle(19)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 4) Handle(21)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libGLESv2: HWUI Protection: wrong calling from app context F:ES2-glDeleteShader, handle(15)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Context(-1354962688) Damaged Report-Shader
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Shaders(5):
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 0) Handle(10)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 1) Handle(15)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 2) DAMAGED Handle(17)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 3) Handle(19)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 4) Handle(21)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libGLESv2: HWUI Protection: wrong calling from app context F:ES2-glDeleteShader, handle(17)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Context(-1354962688) Damaged Report-Shader
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Shaders(5):
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 0) Handle(10)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 1) Handle(15)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 2) Handle(17)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 3) DAMAGED Handle(19)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : HWUI Unit 4) Handle(21)
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libEGL : ------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:33:53.446 3171 22895 E libGLESv2: HWUI Protection: wrong calling from app context F:ES2-glDeleteShader, handle(19)
02-07 21:33:53.456 3171 22895 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xa19ff834
02-07 21:33:53.636 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323372452089000
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323372452089000
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54040 ] when=323372452089000
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323371305855107, currentThreadStartTime = 323371305861107, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:53.856 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:53.856 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:53.881 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:53.881 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:53.921 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323372517391000
02-07 21:33:53.921 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323372517391000
02-07 21:33:53.921 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323372517391000
02-07 21:33:53.921 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:53.921 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:53.921 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:53.931 3384 3384 D skia : ---- fAsset->read(0) returned 0
02-07 21:33:53.996 3384 3384 D skia : ---- fAsset->read(0) returned 0
02-07 21:33:54.011 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: onFolderOpen, duration = 0
02-07 21:33:54.016 3384 3384 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = true
02-07 21:33:54.391 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.072 4.640 8.225
02-07 21:33:54.391 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:54.636 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:54.701 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:54.701 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:54.716 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:54.716 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:54.716 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:54.786 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.090 4.632 8.169
02-07 21:33:54.786 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:33:54.791 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:54.791 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:54.796 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:54.796 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:54.796 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:54.856 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.061 4.603 8.322
02-07 21:33:54.856 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:33:55.191 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.219 4.551 8.268
02-07 21:33:55.366 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:55.641 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:55.641 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:56.241 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323376471887000
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323376471887000
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54041 ] when=323376471887000
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323372517712607, currentThreadStartTime = 323372517718761, diff = 0
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:57.876 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:33:57.876 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:57.881 3384 3384 D Launcher.Folder: close true true
02-07 21:33:57.881 3384 3384 D Launcher.Folder: hideSearchAppList 0
02-07 21:33:57.886 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: onFolderClose, duration = 280
02-07 21:33:57.911 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:33:57.911 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:33:57.951 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323376546950000
02-07 21:33:57.951 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323376546950000
02-07 21:33:57.951 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323376546950000
02-07 21:33:57.951 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:57.951 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:33:57.966 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:33:58.056 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:33:58.056 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:33:58.056 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:33:58.061 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:33:58.086 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:33:58.181 3384 3384 D Launcher.MenuAppsGrid: onAnimationEnd, Alpha = 1.0
02-07 21:33:58.641 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:33:59.096 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:59.096 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:59.096 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:59.096 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:59.096 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:59.096 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:59.096 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:59.101 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:33:59.101 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:33:59.101 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:33:59.381 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:33:59.996 11485 11501 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ contacts(286) data(1284) accounts({ (1)=291, (2)=3, com.whatsapp (7)=103}) accounts deleted({}) calls([null, logtype:100 cnt:3, logtype:1000 cnt:497]) ]
02-07 21:33:59.996 11485 11501 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({[7 ,7]=1, [1 ,1 ,1]=1, [1 ,1 ,7]=1, [1]=190, [1 ,1 ,1 ,7 ,7]=2, [1 ,7]=80, [1 ,1 ,7 ,7]=2, [2]=3, [1 ,7 ,7]=6}) ]
02-07 21:33:59.996 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-07 21:33:59.996 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate
02-07 21:33:59.996 3089 3089 D Clock : received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-07 21:34:00.021 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:00.021 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:00.021 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:00.036 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:00.036 3089 3089 D DateView: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-07 21:34:00.061 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:00.061 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:00.071 3384 3384 V LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize: (target widgetsize) using w/h 686 220 span 4 1 (widgetid 10) [current Gridsize : GRID_4x4]
02-07 21:34:00.071 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize() widget = Digital clock(widget id = 10) result hostview size = 686 x 220
02-07 21:34:00.071 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 686/ 220 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 10)
02-07 21:34:00.086 3384 3384 V LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize: (target widgetsize) using w/h 686 220 span 4 1 (widgetid 10) [current Gridsize : GRID_4x4]
02-07 21:34:00.086 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize() widget = Digital clock(widget id = 10) result hostview size = 686 x 220
02-07 21:34:00.086 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 686/ 220 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 10)
02-07 21:34:00.106 3384 3384 V LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize: (target widgetsize) using w/h 686 220 span 4 1 (widgetid 10) [current Gridsize : GRID_4x4]
02-07 21:34:00.106 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize() widget = Digital clock(widget id = 10) result hostview size = 686 x 220
02-07 21:34:00.106 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 686/ 220 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 10)
02-07 21:34:00.121 3384 3384 V LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize: (target widgetsize) using w/h 686 220 span 4 1 (widgetid 10) [current Gridsize : GRID_4x4]
02-07 21:34:00.121 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: calculateWidgetSize() widget = Digital clock(widget id = 10) result hostview size = 686 x 220
02-07 21:34:00.121 3384 3384 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 686/ 220 scaleToResize = 1.0(widget id = 10)
02-07 21:34:00.121 11485 11501 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 8 size : 6Kb duration : 114ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60131 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 3272
02-07 21:34:00.451 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323379397053000
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323379397053000
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54042 ] when=323379397053000
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323377698542069, currentThreadStartTime = 323377698547530, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:00.806 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:00.806 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:00.841 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:00.841 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:00.856 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323379452354000
02-07 21:34:00.856 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323379452354000
02-07 21:34:00.856 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323379452354000
02-07 21:34:00.856 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3384): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:00.856 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:00.856 3384 3384 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:00.861 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.861 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.866 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:00.866 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.866 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.876 3384 3384 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:323379474
02-07 21:34:00.886 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.886 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.921 2604 2639 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:34:00.926 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:00.926 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.926 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.926 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.926 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.926 2604 2639 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:34:00.926 2604 2639 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 3384
02-07 21:34:00.926 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:34:00.926 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:34:00.931 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:00.931 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.931 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.931 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.931 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.931 3384 3384 D Launcher: onPause, Launcher: 226241146
02-07 21:34:00.931 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: onPause
02-07 21:34:00.931 3384 3384 D Launcher.Workspace: exitWidgetResizeMode. isClearResizeFrame is false
02-07 21:34:00.941 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:00.941 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:00.941 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:00.981 24319 24319 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.006 24319 24319 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:323379603
02-07 21:34:01.021 2604 2639 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
02-07 21:34:01.021 2604 2639 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
02-07 21:34:01.126 24319 24319 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.136 24319 24319 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.141 24319 24319 W Finsky : [1] No LoggingContext in the bundle, which breaks event chain!. Creating a new logging context.
02-07 21:34:01.151 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:34:01.241 24319 24359 D Volley : [48899] g.b: Cache cleared.
02-07 21:34:01.241 24319 24369 D Volley : [48908] g.b: Cache cleared.
02-07 21:34:01.296 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.296 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.401 24319 24319 D AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
02-07 21:34:01.411 24319 24319 E MotionRecognitionManager: mSContextService = null
02-07 21:34:01.411 24319 24319 E MotionRecognitionManager: motionService =$Stub$Proxy@f30b562
02-07 21:34:01.516 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.516 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.536 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.536 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.616 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.616 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:01.641 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Starting LocationRefresher
02-07 21:34:01.666 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{6156279 I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:34:01.666 24319 25718 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false
02-07 21:34:01.676 2604 3639 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-07 21:34:01.676 2604 3639 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:34:01.676 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:34:01.676 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Shared devices show user statefalse
02-07 21:34:01.691 2604 3401 D LocationManagerService: getLastLocation: Request[ACCURACY_FINE gps requested=0 fastest=0 num=1]
02-07 21:34:01.696 24319 24319 E Finsky : [1] No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
02-07 21:34:01.741 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21793 createSurf (720x1280),1 flag=404, NainActivit
02-07 21:34:01.751 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=8700 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8600 newVal=8700 diff=100
02-07 21:34:01.751 2604 3936 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 24319
02-07 21:34:01.751 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:2604 uid:1000
02-07 21:34:01.751 2604 2815 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-07 21:34:01.761 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:01.761 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:01.761 24319 25718 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x9e0ff7cc
02-07 21:34:01.761 24319 25718 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-07 21:34:01.776 24319 25718 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
02-07 21:34:01.841 24319 24319 D AbsListView: onsize change
02-07 21:34:01.861 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: true
02-07 21:34:01.886 2604 3341 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{75ee738 u0 d0 p24319}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:34:01.891 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:34:01.891 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:34:01.891 2604 2815 I ActivityManager: Displayed +864ms (total +956ms)
02-07 21:34:01.891 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:34:01.891 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:34:01.891 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:01.896 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:34:01.896 2198 2253 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb667f624
02-07 21:34:01.941 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:34:01.941 2604 3943 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-07 21:34:01.966 2604 3395 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{75ee738 u0 d0 p24319}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:34:01.971 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Connection with LocationServices established
02-07 21:34:01.976 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:01.981 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Requesting Location Updates; Interval: 300000
02-07 21:34:01.991 24319 24319 W Finsky : [1] No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: Client must have ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to perform any location operations.
02-07 21:34:02.001 24319 24319 W Finsky : [1] No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: Client must have ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to perform any location operations.
02-07 21:34:02.011 24319 24319 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@597aa72 time:323380609
02-07 21:34:02.021 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.021 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.041 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:02.041 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:02.051 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:02.051 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:02.066 24319 24371 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 50 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.071 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 55 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.151 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.151 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.156 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80741200] >= Server Version [-1]
02-07 21:34:02.171 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] TOS is accepted (pref)
02-07 21:34:02.201 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Updated 0 MarketWidgetProvider widgets (
02-07 21:34:02.201 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Updated 0 RecommendedWidgetProvider widgets (
02-07 21:34:02.206 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Updated 0 NowPlayingWidgetProvider widgets (
02-07 21:34:02.216 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.216 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] has_fop=false cache invalid. (account=[QqTufD1yL8GDVid2GEt8n-pdw7k])
02-07 21:34:02.216 24319 24319 W Finsky : [1] No LoggingContext in the bundle, which breaks event chain!. Creating a new logging context.
02-07 21:34:02.221 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.251 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.251 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.251 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.251 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.256 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:02.256 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:02.266 2604 2815 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{62840b4 u0 t10327} time:323380861
02-07 21:34:02.266 2198 3717 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21792 Removed MauncherAct (1/8)
02-07 21:34:02.266 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21792 Removed MauncherAct (-2/8)
02-07 21:34:02.271 2604 2790 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger
02-07 21:34:02.271 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: onVisibilityChanged:false
02-07 21:34:02.271 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:false rotation:0 mLastRotation:0
02-07 21:34:02.271 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: drawFrame:[frame.width()]1280[frame.height()]1280
02-07 21:34:02.271 3089 3089 D ImageWallpaper: Suppressed drawFrame since redraw is not needed and offsets have not changed.
02-07 21:34:02.276 3384 3384 D Launcher.HomeView: onStop
02-07 21:34:02.276 3384 3384 D capture : ----destroy
02-07 21:34:02.276 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:34:02.276 2604 2815 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:34:02.276 2604 2604 D KnoxTimeoutHandler: activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-07 21:34:02.281 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: SD activityfalse
02-07 21:34:02.281 2604 2604 I KnoxTimeoutHandler: Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
02-07 21:34:02.286 3384 3384 D Launcher: onTrimMemory. Level: 20
02-07 21:34:02.286 24319 24360 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 60 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.291 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.291 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.301 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 62 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.306 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:02.306 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.306 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.311 24319 24371 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 61 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.316 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] FamilyOptions=30011=>[3]
02-07 21:34:02.346 24319 24360 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 65 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.351 24319 24361 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.351 24319 24361 D Volley : [48901] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.366 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.371 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.401 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 0 widgets.
02-07 21:34:02.411 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.411 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.456 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 0 widgets.
02-07 21:34:02.481 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.481 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.496 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:02.496 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 0 widgets.
02-07 21:34:02.541 24319 24361 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 70 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.556 24319 24360 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 69 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.591 24319 24361 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 74 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.616 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] has_fop cache updated to: false (account=[QqTufD1yL8GDVid2GEt8n-pdw7k])
02-07 21:34:02.616 24319 24360 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 71 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:02.761 24319 24361 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.761 24319 24361 D Volley : [48901] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.776 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.776 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.911 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.916 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.916 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.916 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.916 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:02.916 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.126 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.126 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.136 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.136 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.496 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.496 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.521 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.571 4.620 8.176
02-07 21:34:03.521 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:34:03.566 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.566 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.586 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.499 4.587 8.195
02-07 21:34:03.586 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:34:03.646 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 50 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:03.676 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.676 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.696 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 61 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:03.746 24319 24361 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.746 24319 24361 D Volley : [48901] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.766 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 75 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:03.786 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.747 4.742 8.151
02-07 21:34:03.786 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [255 -> 0]
02-07 21:34:03.796 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.796 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.806 24319 24319 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by{bc9c640 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0f04e2 app:id/page_indicator} during layout: running second layout pass
02-07 21:34:03.806 24319 24319 I ViewRootImpl: requestLayout is already in process
02-07 21:34:03.821 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.821 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.826 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 53 with tag daddf21100000000{3671978513,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:03.831 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.831 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.851 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.851 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.931 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.931 2604 3055 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/system/recent_tasks/10327_task.xml.bak
02-07 21:34:03.931 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.956 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.956 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.976 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:03.976 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:03.981 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:03.981 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:03.981 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:03.986 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:03.986 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.001 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:04.001 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:04.016 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:04.016 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:04.016 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:04.046 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.046 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.061 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.061 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.061 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.061 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.071 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.076 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.081 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.081 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.091 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:04.091 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:04.106 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.106 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.111 24319 24371 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 69 with tag 5caeaa7b00000000{1554950779,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:04.141 24319 24319 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by{8e74c78 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0f04e2 app:id/page_indicator} during layout: running second layout pass
02-07 21:34:04.141 24319 24319 I ViewRootImpl: requestLayout is already in process
02-07 21:34:04.151 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:34:04.191 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.191 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.196 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.196 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.231 24319 25718 V RenderScript: 0x9d644000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 4
02-07 21:34:04.236 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.236 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.271 24319 24371 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 83 with tag 5caeaa7b00000000{1554950779,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:04.286 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:04.286 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:04.311 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.311 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.321 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.321 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.331 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.331 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.336 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.341 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.351 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.351 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.361 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.361 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.371 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.371 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.486 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.486 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.496 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:04.496 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:04.516 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 40 with tag 9e00923800000000{2650837560,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:04.526 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.526 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.536 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.536 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.661 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 42 with tag 9e00923800000000{2650837560,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:04.706 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.706 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323383362620000
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323383362620000
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54043 ] when=323383362620000
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323379452631723, currentThreadStartTime = 323379452637876, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:04.766 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:04.766 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:04.911 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323383505777000
02-07 21:34:04.911 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323383505777000
02-07 21:34:04.911 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323383505777000
02-07 21:34:04.911 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:04.911 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:04.926 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.926 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:04.956 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:04.991 24319 24319 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:34:04.991 24319 24319 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:34:05.001 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:05.001 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:05.046 24319 24319 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:34:05.046 24319 24319 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:34:05.091 2604 3937 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = android,userId = -1
02-07 21:34:05.166 3089 3089 D KnoxNotification: ----- inflateViews : modified publicViewLocal -----
02-07 21:34:05.186 3089 3089 D KnoxNotification: ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal -----
02-07 21:34:05.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -1.682 5.610 7.357
02-07 21:34:05.206 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setAreThereNotifications: N=8 any=true clearable=true
02-07 21:34:05.211 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:05.211 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:05.211 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:05.211 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:05.221 9755 9755 D AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager
02-07 21:34:05.226 9755 9764 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 54225(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(416KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 9MB/16MB, paused 8.444ms total 203.021ms
02-07 21:34:05.361 2604 3401 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = android,userId = -1
02-07 21:34:05.366 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21794 createSurf (720x1232),1 flag=4, JnputMethod
02-07 21:34:05.376 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setAreThereNotifications: N=8 any=true clearable=true
02-07 21:34:05.376 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:05.376 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:05.416 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21795 createSurf (720x432),1 flag=4, TurfaceView
02-07 21:34:05.416 2604 3007 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{e8b2b18 u0 d0 p9755 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:34:05.421 9755 25750 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x994ff4c4
02-07 21:34:05.431 9755 25750 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0x994ff464
02-07 21:34:05.436 9755 25750 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [720x432]-format:1
02-07 21:34:05.456 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:05.551 2604 3401 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{ea6b1ab u0 d0 p9755 InputMethod}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:34:05.556 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:05.556 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED: ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 518) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 518) or=1
02-07 21:34:05.561 2604 3936 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{e8b2b18 u0 d0 p9755 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:34:05.606 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:05.636 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:05.721 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] -0.454 4.580 8.170
02-07 21:34:05.721 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] [0 -> 255]
02-07 21:34:06.141 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:06.141 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:06.221 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 33 -78 -10 160 2 2147483647 0x5000 gsm|lte level=5
02-07 21:34:06.221 3406 3406 D WfcPhoneStateListener: onSignalStrengthsChanged(): signal strength did not change
02-07 21:34:06.226 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:34:06.226 3089 3360 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): updateTMOMobileIconGroup(): 13
02-07 21:34:06.256 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:06.271 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:06.456 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:06.456 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:06.601 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323385194665000
02-07 21:34:06.601 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323385194665000
02-07 21:34:06.601 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54044 ] when=323385194665000
02-07 21:34:06.601 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323383506134723, currentThreadStartTime = 323383506141877, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:06.601 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:06.601 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:06.601 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:06.606 2604 3007 D SamsungWindowManager: f.b. a = true psme = false hdpsm = false hd = true lpm = false eme = false ksno = false ps = false
02-07 21:34:06.606 2604 3007 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(long) API!
02-07 21:34:06.606 2604 3007 V Vibrator: vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null
02-07 21:34:06.606 2604 3007 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android
02-07 21:34:06.606 2604 3007 V Vibrator: vibrate - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1
02-07 21:34:06.621 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{393ed1e V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:34:06.636 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21796 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, QopupWindow
02-07 21:34:06.651 2604 3942 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{80d3356 u0 d0 p9755 PopupWindow:f2cbd59}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:34:06.651 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:34:06.656 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:06.661 2604 3936 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{80d3356 u0 d0 p9755 PopupWindow:f2cbd59}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
02-07 21:34:06.791 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:06.811 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:06.926 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:34:06.926 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21796 Removed QopupWindow (7/10)
02-07 21:34:06.926 2198 3717 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21796 Removed QopupWindow (-2/10)
02-07 21:34:06.941 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:34:07.091 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:07.091 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:07.101 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:07.101 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:07.101 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:07.106 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:07.106 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:07.111 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:07.111 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:07.111 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:07.186 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:07.186 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:07.191 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:07.191 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:07.191 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:08.146 24319 24353 E PlayCommon: [48896] Metalog directories were deleted unexpectedly, recreating...
02-07 21:34:08.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323387165179000
02-07 21:34:08.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323387165179000
02-07 21:34:08.571 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323387165179000
02-07 21:34:08.571 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:08.571 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:08.666 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:08.666 24319 24319 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:34:08.666 24319 24319 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
02-07 21:34:08.681 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:08.976 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:08.976 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:09.561 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:09.621 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:09.621 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:09.966 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:34:10.171 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:10.171 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:10.186 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:10.186 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:10.186 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:10.186 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:10.186 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:10.191 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:10.191 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:10.196 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:10.196 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:10.196 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:10.461 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:10.546 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323389144172000
02-07 21:34:10.546 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323389144172000
02-07 21:34:10.546 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54045 ] when=323389144172000
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323387165561454, currentThreadStartTime = 323387165571531, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:10.551 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 3401 D SamsungWindowManager: f.b. a = true psme = false hdpsm = false hd = true lpm = false eme = false ksno = false ps = false
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 3401 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(long) API!
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 3401 V Vibrator: vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 3401 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android
02-07 21:34:10.551 2604 3401 V Vibrator: vibrate - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1
02-07 21:34:10.571 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:10.571 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:10.641 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323389238502000
02-07 21:34:10.641 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323389238502000
02-07 21:34:10.641 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323389238502000
02-07 21:34:10.641 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:10.646 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:10.846 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:10.846 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:10.961 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323389554940000
02-07 21:34:10.961 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323389554940000
02-07 21:34:10.961 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54046 ] when=323389554940000
02-07 21:34:10.961 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323389238867454, currentThreadStartTime = 323389238874492, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:10.961 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:10.961 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:10.971 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:10.971 2604 3942 D SamsungWindowManager: f.b. a = true psme = false hdpsm = false hd = true lpm = false eme = false ksno = false ps = false
02-07 21:34:10.971 2604 3942 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(long) API!
02-07 21:34:10.971 2604 3942 V Vibrator: vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null
02-07 21:34:10.971 2604 3942 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android
02-07 21:34:10.971 2604 3942 V Vibrator: vibrate - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1
02-07 21:34:10.986 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323389581633000
02-07 21:34:10.986 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323389581633000
02-07 21:34:10.986 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323389581633000
02-07 21:34:10.986 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:11.001 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:11.246 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:11.246 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:11.966 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:12.046 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:12.046 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:12.366 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:12.561 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:12.561 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:12.866 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:34:13.066 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:13.066 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323391764630000
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323391764630000
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54047 ] when=323391764630000
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323389581976915, currentThreadStartTime = 323389581983415, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:13.171 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 3382 D SamsungWindowManager: f.b. a = true psme = false hdpsm = false hd = true lpm = false eme = false ksno = false ps = false
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 3382 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(long) API!
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 3382 V Vibrator: vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 3382 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android
02-07 21:34:13.171 2604 3382 V Vibrator: vibrate - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1
02-07 21:34:13.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323391800893000
02-07 21:34:13.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323391800893000
02-07 21:34:13.206 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323391800893000
02-07 21:34:13.206 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:13.206 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:13.296 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:13.296 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:13.306 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:13.306 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:13.306 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:13.331 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:13.331 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:13.336 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:13.336 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:13.336 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:13.391 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:13.391 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:13.406 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:13.406 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:13.406 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:13.411 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:13.411 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:14.071 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:14.266 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:14.266 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:14.571 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:14.651 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:14.656 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:14.971 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:34:14.986 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323393782269000
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323393782269000
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54048 ] when=323393782269000
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323391801211569, currentThreadStartTime = 323391801217762, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:15.191 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.330 4.335 8.308
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 3943 D SamsungWindowManager: f.b. a = true psme = false hdpsm = false hd = true lpm = false eme = false ksno = false ps = false
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 3943 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(long) API!
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 3943 V Vibrator: vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 3943 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android
02-07 21:34:15.191 2604 3943 V Vibrator: vibrate - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1
02-07 21:34:15.196 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{a0e79f7 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}
02-07 21:34:15.211 2198 2198 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21797 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, QopupWindow
02-07 21:34:15.226 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:34:15.241 2604 3937 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{ba45f4a u0 d0 p9755 PopupWindow:f2cbd59}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-07 21:34:15.256 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xbedb73e4
02-07 21:34:15.261 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323393857069000
02-07 21:34:15.261 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323393857069000
02-07 21:34:15.261 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323393857069000
02-07 21:34:15.261 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:15.261 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:15.411 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: #3 mView = null
02-07 21:34:15.416 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21797 Removed QopupWindow (7/10)
02-07 21:34:15.416 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21797 Removed QopupWindow (-2/10)
02-07 21:34:15.421 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:34:15.531 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:15.531 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:15.976 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(3)
02-07 21:34:15.991 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(7)
02-07 21:34:16.276 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:16.341 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:16.341 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:16.421 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:16.421 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:16.426 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:16.426 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:16.426 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:16.676 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:16.861 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:16.861 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:17.181 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:17.196 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323395790171000
02-07 21:34:17.196 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323395790171000
02-07 21:34:17.196 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54049 ] when=323395790171000
02-07 21:34:17.196 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323393857378339, currentThreadStartTime = 323393857384916, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:17.196 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:17.196 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:17.196 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:17.201 2604 2639 D SamsungWindowManager: f.b. a = true psme = false hdpsm = false hd = true lpm = false eme = false ksno = false ps = false
02-07 21:34:17.201 2604 2639 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(long) API!
02-07 21:34:17.201 2604 2639 V Vibrator: vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null
02-07 21:34:17.201 2604 2639 V Vibrator: Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android
02-07 21:34:17.201 2604 2639 V Vibrator: vibrate - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, ms: 50, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1
02-07 21:34:17.226 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:17.226 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:17.276 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323395874738000
02-07 21:34:17.276 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323395874738000
02-07 21:34:17.281 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323395874738000
02-07 21:34:17.281 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (9755): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:17.281 9755 9755 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:17.286 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.286 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.291 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.291 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.296 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: endBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.311 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.311 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.311 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.316 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.316 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.326 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.326 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.391 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.391 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.391 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.391 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.391 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.391 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.396 24319 24319 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
02-07 21:34:17.481 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:34:17.496 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(6)
02-07 21:34:17.526 24319 24328 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3953(284KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(868KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 23MB/38MB, paused 10.057ms total 67.318ms
02-07 21:34:17.601 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.631 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.671 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextAfterCursor on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.676 9755 9755 E FullInputEventModel: selectionUpdated event aborted: Could not create selection changed event (class
02-07 21:34:17.676 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:17.676 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:17.681 24319 24360 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 70 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:17.681 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.691 24319 24378 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.696 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.701 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.701 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.706 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.706 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.711 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.711 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextAfterCursor on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.711 9755 9755 E FullInputEventModel: selectionUpdated event aborted: Could not create selection changed event (class
02-07 21:34:17.721 24319 24319 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
02-07 21:34:17.731 24319 24378 D DynamitePackage: Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
02-07 21:34:17.736 24319 24378 D DynamitePackage: Instantiating
02-07 21:34:17.746 2198 3717 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb37ff624
02-07 21:34:17.746 2198 3717 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb37ff624
02-07 21:34:17.751 24319 24360 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 71 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:17.751 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21795 Removed TurfaceView (5/9)
02-07 21:34:17.751 2198 2253 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21795 Removed TurfaceView (-2/9)
02-07 21:34:17.756 9755 25750 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0x994ff4bc
02-07 21:34:17.761 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb7464
02-07 21:34:17.781 2604 3482 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = android,userId = -1
02-07 21:34:17.786 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.791 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.791 2604 2604 W CoverManager: getCoverState : This device is not supported cover
02-07 21:34:17.791 2604 2604 D EdgeLight: Turning off
02-07 21:34:17.801 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.801 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.806 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setAreThereNotifications: N=8 any=true clearable=true
02-07 21:34:17.811 9755 9755 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
02-07 21:34:17.811 2198 3390 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21794 Removed JnputMethod (4/8)
02-07 21:34:17.811 2198 2251 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21794 Removed JnputMethod (-2/8)
02-07 21:34:17.816 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb744c
02-07 21:34:17.816 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb744c
02-07 21:34:17.816 2198 2198 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xbedb744c
02-07 21:34:17.821 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:17.821 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:17.841 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED: ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
02-07 21:34:17.856 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.856 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.871 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: removeNotification key=-1|android|17040379|InputMethodManagerService_Noti|1000 old=StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040379 tag=InputMethodManagerService_Noti score=-20 key=-1|android|17040379|InputMethodManagerService_Noti|1000: Notification(pri=-2 contentView=android/0x10900ad vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x1002 color=0x00000000 category=sys vis=PRIVATE secFlags=0x0 secPriority=0))
02-07 21:34:17.871 3089 3089 D PhoneStatusBar: setAreThereNotifications: N=7 any=true clearable=true
02-07 21:34:17.871 3089 3089 D NotificationStackScrollLayout: scroll range should be extended : 708
02-07 21:34:17.871 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:17.911 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:17.911 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.016 9755 9790 W KeyPressModelHandlerImpl: Attempted to save before layout configured.
02-07 21:34:18.141 2604 2619 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 179645(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 46(1044KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 43MB/59MB, paused 4.552ms total 338.329ms
02-07 21:34:18.206 24319 24361 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.206 24319 24361 D Volley : [48901] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.221 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:34:18.221 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:34:18.221 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:34:18.226 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.226 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.226 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.226 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.226 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:34:18.236 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:18.306 25763 25763 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed --dex-file=/data/user/0/ --oat-file=/data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.336 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:18.336 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:18.356 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 74 with tag c7c9f7ba00000000{3351902138,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:18.366 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.366 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.381 25763 25763 I dex2oat : --------CPUSET is not enabled--------
02-07 21:34:18.431 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.431 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.471 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.471 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.476 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:18.476 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:18.476 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.476 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.481 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 72 with tag 5caeaa7b00000000{1554950779,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:18.516 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.516 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:34:18.516 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.531 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 90 with tag c7c9f7ba00000000{3351902138,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:18.536 25763 25768 W libc : It seems that pthread_join() is not invoked or PTHREAD_ATTR_FLAG_DETACHED is not set.
02-07 21:34:18.536 25763 25768 W libc : pthread tid : 25768
02-07 21:34:18.536 25763 25768 W libc : pthread start_routine: 0xb6961805
02-07 21:34:18.536 25763 25769 W libc : It seems that pthread_join() is not invoked or PTHREAD_ATTR_FLAG_DETACHED is not set.
02-07 21:34:18.536 25763 25769 W libc : pthread tid : 25769
02-07 21:34:18.536 25763 25769 W libc : pthread start_routine: 0xb6961805
02-07 21:34:18.541 25763 25763 I dex2oat : ----------------------------------------------------
02-07 21:34:18.541 25763 25763 I dex2oat : <SS>: S T A R T I N G . . .
02-07 21:34:18.541 25763 25763 E dex2oat : <SS>: oat location is not valid /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.541 25763 25763 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 239.410ms (threads: 4) arena alloc=425KB java alloc=54KB native alloc=1757KB free=1570KB
02-07 21:34:18.546 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 82 with tag 5caeaa7b00000000{1554950779,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:18.551 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:18.551 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:18.571 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.571 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.671 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:18.671 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:19.381 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:19.561 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:19.561 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:19.571 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:19.571 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:19.571 5945 18755 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:19.591 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:19.591 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:19.601 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:19.601 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:19.601 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:20.476 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:20.476 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:20.691 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:20.691 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:20.991 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:21.436 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:34:21.436 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:34:21.441 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:34:21.441 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-69, WifiManager.getRssi()= -69
02-07 21:34:21.441 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:34:21.441 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:34:21.441 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:34:21.446 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-69
02-07 21:34:21.446 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:34:21.446 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): do not update wifi-state to controller. Same as before CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:34:21.461 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:21.461 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:21.461 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:34:21.461 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:21.791 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:22.656 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:22.656 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:22.671 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:22.671 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:22.671 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:22.716 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:22.716 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:22.996 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:23.716 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:23.716 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:23.996 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323402798501000
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323402798501000
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54050 ] when=323402798501000
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323395875094877, currentThreadStartTime = 323395875100070, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:24.206 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:24.206 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:24.336 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:24.336 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:24.531 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:24.531 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:24.696 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:24.701 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:24.741 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323403337109000
02-07 21:34:24.741 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323403337109000
02-07 21:34:24.741 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323403337109000
02-07 21:34:24.741 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:24.751 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:25.186 2604 2959 D SensorService: [SO] 0.396 3.535 8.736
02-07 21:34:25.501 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:25.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323404164991000
02-07 21:34:25.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323404164991000
02-07 21:34:25.571 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54051 ] when=323404164991000
02-07 21:34:25.571 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323403337495839, currentThreadStartTime = 323403337506032, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:25.571 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:25.571 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:25.571 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:25.691 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:25.691 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:25.711 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:25.711 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:25.741 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 70 with tag 32e544f900000000{853886201,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:25.771 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:25.771 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:25.776 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:25.776 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:25.776 5969 6060 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:25.776 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:25.776 5945 5957 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:25.781 5969 22511 D BtGatt.ContextMap: sendClientScanResult for app id 5
02-07 21:34:25.781 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: parseFromBytes
02-07 21:34:25.781 5945 5956 D ScanRecord: first manudata for manu ID
02-07 21:34:25.931 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec
02-07 21:34:25.931 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Current p2p state = IDLE
02-07 21:34:25.931 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
02-07 21:34:25.981 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323404578294000
02-07 21:34:25.981 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323404578294000
02-07 21:34:25.981 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323404578294000
02-07 21:34:25.981 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:25.986 2604 3482 I AppOps : sendInfoToFLP, code=12 , uid=10012 , , type=noteOp
02-07 21:34:25.986 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:25.986 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:25.991 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 40 with tag 9e00923800000000{2650837560,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:25.996 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:26.046 24319 24372 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 86 with tag 32e544f900000000{853886201,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:26.166 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 76 with tag 9e00923800000000{2650837560,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:26.176 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:26.176 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:26.441 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:26.441 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:26.666 29547 29547 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (11 BSSes)
02-07 21:34:26.666 2207 2944 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up
02-07 21:34:26.666 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface wlan0 link up
02-07 21:34:26.671 2604 3021 D EPDG -- [EPDGService]: Interface wlan0 link up
02-07 21:34:26.671 2604 3021 D EPDG -- [EPDGService]: mobileIntfPrefix is rmnet
02-07 21:34:26.671 2604 3021 D EPDG -- [EPDGService]: Not Mobile Interface. Ignoring Interface State Change Event
02-07 21:34:26.726 25781 25781 E Zygote : v2
02-07 21:34:26.736 25781 25781 W SELinux : Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, index[1], priority [2], priority version is VE=SEPF_SECMOBILE_6.0.1_0013
02-07 21:34:26.741 25781 25781 E Zygote : accessInfo : 0
02-07 21:34:26.741 25781 25781 W SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=default, level=s0:c512,c768,
02-07 21:34:26.751 3850 28108 W ctxmgr : [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-821205466#
02-07 21:34:26.751 3850 28108 W ctxmgr : [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-821205466#,, vrsn=10084000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-821205466#
02-07 21:34:26.806 25781 25781 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaSignature is unavailable
02-07 21:34:26.806 25781 25781 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider
02-07 21:34:26.871 25781 25781 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
02-07 21:34:26.886 25781 25781 W InstanceID/Rpc: Found 10012
02-07 21:34:26.886 25781 25781 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
02-07 21:34:26.906 25781 25781 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 9877
02-07 21:34:26.906 25781 25781 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
02-07 21:34:26.926 25781 25781 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
02-07 21:34:26.926 25781 25781 I FA : adb shell setprop
02-07 21:34:26.951 25781 25781 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
02-07 21:34:27.026 25781 25781 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
02-07 21:34:27.071 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:27.096 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:27.226 25781 25820 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:27.236 25781 25811 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
02-07 21:34:27.236 25781 25811 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
02-07 21:34:27.246 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:27.246 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10133
02-07 21:34:27.291 25781 25781 D Taplytics: Starting taplytics version 1.11.7
02-07 21:34:27.326 3850 1338 W GCM : Register request missing messenger
02-07 21:34:27.346 3850 1338 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
02-07 21:34:27.346 3850 1338 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
02-07 21:34:27.351 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:27.351 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10012
02-07 21:34:27.351 3850 1338 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 243 with tag 3000040700000000{805307399,0} uid -1, pid: 3850, getuid(): 10012
02-07 21:34:27.386 3850 1338 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: null
02-07 21:34:27.426 25781 25835 D Carnival: Device registered with GCM
02-07 21:34:27.456 2604 3019 E CSLegacyTypeTracker: add() : Adding agent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE_IMS, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: ims, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{663} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet1 LinkAddresses: [2607:fb90:48ee:4ddb:0:47:d98:3001/64,] Routes: [::/0 -> fe80::2 rmnet1,] DnsAddresses: [fd00:976a::9,fd00:976a::10,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2560000,524288,1048576,2560000}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} } for legacy network type 11
02-07 21:34:27.461 3089 3360 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 bqHint=4 (has extras) }
02-07 21:34:27.461 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: onReceive(): action=WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION
02-07 21:34:27.461 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): rssi=-63, WifiManager.getRssi()= -63
02-07 21:34:27.461 3406 3406 I WfcConnectivityReceiver: notifyRssiChange(): networkInfo=[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "dlink-8B24", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
02-07 21:34:27.461 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: parseWifiConnectivity(): connected=true
02-07 21:34:27.461 3089 3450 D QSTile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState cb.changed 4 wifiEnabled : ON cb.enabledDesc dlink-8B24
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): rssi=-63
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcConnectivityReceiver: calculateRssi(): returning CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcService: updateWifiState(): wifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: processWifiState(): Change in WifiState: new state=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): !isRadioConnected()=false, (mWfcControlState.mWifiState == WifiStates.DISCONNECTED)=false, mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()=true
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: isRadioConnected(): radio is connected
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast NOT in low signal
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkAndUpdateLowSignal(): Broadcast nothing changed
02-07 21:34:27.466 3406 3406 D WfcController: checkUpdate(): mWfcControlState=WfcController {mIsRegistered=false mIsInCall=false mCallDomain=2 mCurrentProfile=WIFI_PREFERRED mWifiState=CONNECTED_ROVE_IN mGsmRadioState=0 mGsmSignalStrength=5 mRadioState=DISCONNECTED mIsLowSignal=false mSimState=VALID_SIM mIWLANMode=false mLowSignalAlertCount0}
02-07 21:34:27.481 3406 3406 D WfcController: isAllConditonsMetToProcessUpdate(): Do not register since user has disabled WFC
02-07 21:34:27.496 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:27.496 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:27.496 3089 3089 D ScrollView: onsize change changed = false
02-07 21:34:27.496 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:27.511 3850 1338 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: null
02-07 21:34:27.581 25781 25847 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:27.596 25781 25849 D FirebaseInstanceId: topic sync succeeded
02-07 21:34:27.601 3850 1338 I qtaguid : Untagging socket 243
02-07 21:34:27.801 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(0)
02-07 21:34:28.146 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.146 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.301 2604 2604 I Tethering: BATTERY_CHANGED, level = 43lowBatteryThreshold = 15
02-07 21:34:28.306 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-07 21:34:28.306 3089 3089 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
02-07 21:34:28.306 3306 3306 D BatteryMonitor: new battery level: 43
02-07 21:34:28.326 3089 3089 D QSPanel : getMultiTileLineHeight = 12
02-07 21:34:28.351 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] first frame after HWC_2_GLES
02-07 21:34:28.351 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(5)
02-07 21:34:28.356 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323406954377000
02-07 21:34:28.356 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=1 when=323406954377000
02-07 21:34:28.356 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54052 ] when=323406954377000
02-07 21:34:28.356 2604 2981 D InputReader: lastThreadEndTime = 323404578628609, currentThreadStartTime = 323404578636763, diff = 0
02-07 21:34:28.361 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (3089): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:28.361 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:28.361 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
02-07 21:34:28.361 2604 3049 E lights : write_int failed to open -1
02-07 21:34:28.451 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323407048744000
02-07 21:34:28.451 2604 2981 D InputReader: Input event(1): value=0 when=323407048744000
02-07 21:34:28.451 2604 2981 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=323407048744000
02-07 21:34:28.451 2604 2980 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (24319): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
02-07 21:34:28.451 24319 24319 D ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
02-07 21:34:28.471 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.471 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.476 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.476 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.521 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.526 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.526 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.526 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.571 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Page [class=ao] loaded in [94 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? false)
02-07 21:34:28.601 2198 22474 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] HWC_2_GLES by low FPS(4)
02-07 21:34:28.616 2198 2198 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] [DYNAMIC_RECOMP] GLES_2_HWC by high FPS(7)
02-07 21:34:28.666 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:28.666 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:28.671 24319 24363 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 50 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:28.691 24319 24362 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 56 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:28.716 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.716 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.731 24319 24363 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 69 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:28.741 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.741 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.746 24319 24362 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 89 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:28.836 24319 24319 I PlayCommon: [1] is not cached
02-07 21:34:28.866 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.866 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.976 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:28.976 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.076 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.076 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.076 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.076 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.081 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.081 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.091 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.091 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.106 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.106 24319 24353 W System.err: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.126 24319 24319 I Finsky : [1] Page [class=ao] loaded in [647 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? true)
02-07 21:34:29.221 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:29.221 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:29.226 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 55 with tag 32e544f900000000{853886201,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.256 24319 24372 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.256 24319 24372 D Volley : [48911] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.261 24319 24362 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 71 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.286 24319 24370 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 87 with tag 32e544f900000000{853886201,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.296 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:29.296 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:29.296 24319 24373 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 88 with tag 9e00923800000000{2650837560,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.301 24319 24371 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 91 with tag 32e544f900000000{853886201,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.306 24319 24363 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 93 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.316 24319 24362 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 94 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.346 24319 24360 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.346 24319 24360 D Volley : [48900] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.351 2604 2795 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface wlan0 limitName globalAlert
02-07 21:34:29.356 2604 3009 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
02-07 21:34:29.361 24319 24373 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.361 24319 24373 D Volley : [48912] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.366 24319 24371 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.366 24319 24371 D Volley : [48910] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.371 24319 24363 I qtaguid : Tagging socket 74 with tag e8d195d100000000{3906049489,0} uid -1, pid: 24319, getuid(): 10025
02-07 21:34:29.391 24319 24361 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.391 24319 24361 D Volley : [48901] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.411 2604 3009 D NetworkStats: IMS LinkProperties is not null
02-07 21:34:29.431 24319 24370 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.431 24319 24370 D Volley : [48909] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.461 2604 3009 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
02-07 21:34:29.481 24319 24362 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.481 24319 24362 D Volley : [48902] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.486 2604 3010 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
02-07 21:34:29.526 2604 3010 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
02-07 21:34:29.576 24319 24363 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.576 24319 24363 D Volley : [48903] g.a: Could not clean up file /data/user/0/
02-07 21:34:29.586 2207 2947 D EnterpriseController: netId is 0
02-07 21:34:29.586 2207 2947 D Netd : getNetworkForDns: using netid 709 for uid 10025
02-07 21:34:29.
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