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Created September 27, 2019 23:05
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FutureLearn: Functional Programming in Haskell - Speller
Write a Spelling Book Generator
. Are you familiar with children’s alphabetical spelling books?
They say things like: a is for apple, b is for baby, and c is for cat
. Now that you know about Haskell list functions, you can develop a function
to generate the text for a spelling book, given a list of words.
. Your task is to develop the Haskell speller function. You are allowed to
define small helper functions, perhaps to generate a single letter’s phrase
from a word: f "zoo" -- > "z is for zoo". You are also allowed to use the
standard Haskell list functions like map and foldr if appropriate.
-- word
-- helper function to take a string & return a string
-- in the format like, "apple" -> "a is for apple"
word :: [Char] -> [Char]
word [] = []
word xs = (head xs) : " is for " ++ xs
-- appendCommaAndAnd
-- helper function that takes a word & a list of words & returns a word
-- if it's the last word in the list, prepend "and "
-- otherwise, append ", "
appendCommaAndAnd :: [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
appendCommaAndAnd w [] = "and " ++ w
appendCommaAndAnd w _ = w ++ ", "
-- acaa
-- assign shorter function name to appendCommaAndAnd
acaa = appendCommaAndAnd
-- speller
-- function that takes a list of words and returns a String
-- take a list of words and convert them to the "a is for apple" format
-- separate words by ", "
-- if > 1 words, include "and " before last word
speller :: [[Char]] -> [Char]
speller [] = []
speller [w] = word w
speller ws = concat $ foldr (\w acc -> (acaa (word w) acc) : acc) [] ws
-- explanation:
-- . foldr returns a list of Strings
-- . concat take a list of Strings and returns a concatenated String
-- . :load Speller.hs
-- . then run it via, speller ["almost", "beautiful", "code"]
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