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Last active August 27, 2021 12:45
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A simple Streamlit form that provides three options using checkboxes.
import streamlit as st
import time
form = st.sidebar.form("form", clear_on_submit=True)
with form:
form.write("**`Choose a box :`**")
tick_boxes = form.columns(3)
col_labels = [col.write(f"`Option {idx + 1}`") for idx, col in enumerate(tick_boxes)]
values = [
col.checkbox(f"{idx + 1}", key=f"{idx+1}", value=False)
for idx, col in enumerate(tick_boxes)
submit = form.form_submit_button("Submit")"**Choose an option using the boxes in the sidebar.**")
if submit:
list_values = [int(i) for i in values]
if sum(list_values) == 0:
st.error("**Choose an option!**")
elif sum(list_values) > 1:
st.error("**You can only tick one box!**")
elif sum(list_values) == 1:
# --->
# the 'value' variable is the one you then use in if-statements:
# >>> if value == 1:
value = list_values.index(1) + 1
# --->
st.success(f"**Player choose option << {value} >>.**")
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