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Last active September 6, 2021 06:07
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This code below fixes the bug where the program crashes if the zoomed image moves out of the webcam image's bounds. The zoomed image slice is updated to show the visible part.
# %%
# [Virtual Zoom Gesture using OpenCV Python | CVZone](
# --- Murtaza Hassan ---
# Code & Resources: n/a
# %%
# [start]____________________________________________________________
import cv2 as cv
from cvzone.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
cap = cv.VideoCapture(0, cv.CAP_DSHOW)
cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720)
cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280)
detector = HandDetector(detectionCon=0.7)
initialDist = None
scale, scale_buffer = -100, 2
cx = int(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) / 2)
cy = int(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) / 2)
while True:
success, imgw =
imgw = cv.flip(imgw, 1)
imgz = cv.imread(r"resources/pc.jpg")
allHands, imgw = detector.findHands(imgw, flipType=True, draw=False)
if len(allHands) == 2:
fingers = detector.fingersUp(allHands[0]), detector.fingersUp(allHands[1])
# print(fingers)
if fingers[0] == fingers[1] == [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]:
lmlist0 = allHands[0]["lmList"]
lmlist1 = allHands[1]["lmList"]
if initialDist is None:
# find the distance between the index fingers
indexDists = detector.findDistance(lmlist0[8], lmlist1[8])[0]
initialDist = indexDists
indexDists, info = detector.findDistance(lmlist0[8], lmlist1[8])[:2]
scale = int((indexDists - initialDist) // scale_buffer)
cx, cy = info[4:]
# reset the initial index fingers distance
initialDist = None
# the new height and width is being divided and multiplied by 2 consecutively to prevent the loss of single pixels if the new values are odd
# losing pixels gives error such as below when slicing `imgz` with `imgw`:
# ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (447,661,3) into shape (446,660,3)
izh, izw = imgz.shape[:2]
n_izh, n_izw = ((izh + scale) // 2) * 2, ((izw + scale) // 2) * 2
imgz = cv.resize(imgz, dsize=(n_izw, n_izh))
# [start slicing]____________________________________________________________
# [BUG FIXED!!] the code below fixes the bug where the program crashes if the zoomed image moves out of the webcam image's bounds
# the zoomed image slice is updated to show the visible part
imgw_h_s = cy - n_izh // 2
imgz_h_s = 0
if imgw_h_s < 0:
imgz_h_s = abs(imgw_h_s)
imgw_h_s = 0
imgw_h_e = cy + n_izh // 2
imgz_h_e = n_izh
if imgw_h_e > imgw.shape[0]:
imgz_h_e -= imgw_h_e - imgw.shape[0]
imgw_h_e = imgw.shape[0]
imgw_w_s = cx - n_izw // 2
imgz_w_s = 0
if imgw_w_s < 0:
imgz_w_s = abs(imgw_w_s)
imgw_w_s = 0
imgw_w_e = cx + n_izw // 2
imgz_w_e = n_izw
if imgw_w_e > imgw.shape[1]:
imgz_w_e -= imgw_w_e - imgw.shape[1]
imgw_w_e = imgw.shape[1]
# print(imgw_h_s, imgw_h_e, imgw_w_s, imgw_w_e)
# print(imgz_h_s, imgz_h_e, imgz_w_s, imgz_w_e)
imgw[imgw_h_s:imgw_h_e, imgw_w_s:imgw_w_e] = imgz[
imgz_h_s:imgz_h_e, imgz_w_s:imgz_w_e
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[end slicing]
cv.imshow("Virtual Zoom Gesture", imgw)
cv.moveWindow("Virtual Zoom Gesture", 0, 0)
if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF in [27, 32]:
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