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Created June 9, 2020 09:38
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an error in roblox-ts refactor
const data = [3, 225, 1, 225, 6, 6, 1100, 1, 238, 225, 104, 0, 1101, 32, 43, 225, 101, 68, 192, 224, 1001, 224, -160, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 1001, 224, 2, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1001, 118, 77, 224, 1001, 224, -87, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 1001, 224, 6, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1102, 5, 19, 225, 1102, 74, 50, 224, 101, -3700, 224, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 1001, 224, 1, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1102, 89, 18, 225, 1002, 14, 72, 224, 1001, 224, -3096, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 101, 5, 224, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1101, 34, 53, 225, 1102, 54, 10, 225, 1, 113, 61, 224, 101, -39, 224, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 101, 2, 224, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1101, 31, 61, 224, 101, -92, 224, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 1001, 224, 4, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1102, 75, 18, 225, 102, 48, 87, 224, 101, -4272, 224, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 1001, 224, 7, 224, 1, 224, 223, 223, 1101, 23, 92, 225, 2, 165, 218, 224, 101, -3675, 224, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 101, 1, 224, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1102, 8, 49, 225, 4, 223, 99, 0, 0, 0, 677, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1105, 0, 99999, 1105, 227, 247, 1105, 1, 99999, 1005, 227, 99999, 1005, 0, 256, 1105, 1, 99999, 1106, 227, 99999, 1106, 0, 265, 1105, 1, 99999, 1006, 0, 99999, 1006, 227, 274, 1105, 1, 99999, 1105, 1, 280, 1105, 1, 99999, 1, 225, 225, 225, 1101, 294, 0, 0, 105, 1, 0, 1105, 1, 99999, 1106, 0, 300, 1105, 1, 99999, 1, 225, 225, 225, 1101, 314, 0, 0, 106, 0, 0, 1105, 1, 99999, 1107, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 329, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1007, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 344, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 108, 677, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 359, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 7, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 374, 101, 1, 223, 223, 107, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 389, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1007, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 404, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1107, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 419, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 108, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 434, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1108, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 449, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1108, 677, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 464, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 107, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 479, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1008, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 494, 101, 1, 223, 223, 7, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 509, 101, 1, 223, 223, 8, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 524, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1007, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 539, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1008, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 554, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1108, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 569, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1107, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 584, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 8, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 599, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1008, 677, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 614, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 7, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 629, 101, 1, 223, 223, 107, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 644, 101, 1, 223, 223, 8, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 659, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 108, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 674, 101, 1, 223, 223, 4, 223, 99, 226]
const programInput = 0;
* Solves an opcode given the index of opcode and the data input
* @param opcodeIndex The array index of the opcode
* @param input The program input
* @param programData the data for the program
* @returns The solved opcode array, and the next opcode address (if -1 program finished)
function solveOpcode(opcodeIndex: number, input: number, programData: Array<number>): [Array<number>, number] {
programData = programData.copy();
const startInstruction = programData[opcodeIndex];
const opcode = tonumber(tostring(startInstruction).slice(-2))!;
const paramTypes = [...tostring(startInstruction).sub(0, tostring(startInstruction).size() - 2)];
if (opcode === 1) {
const num1 = programData[opcodeIndex + 1];
const num2 = programData[opcodeIndex + 2];
const savePos = opcodeIndex + 3;
programData[savePos] = num1 + num2;
return [programData, opcodeIndex + 4];
} else if (opcode === 2) {
const num1 = programData[opcodeIndex + 1];
const num2 = programData[opcodeIndex + 2];
const savePos = opcodeIndex + 3;
programData[savePos] = num1 * num2;
return [programData, opcodeIndex + 4];
} else if (opcode === 3) {
const savePos = programData[opcodeIndex + 1];
programData[savePos] = input;
return [programData, opcodeIndex + 2];
} else if (opcode === 4) {
const toOut = programData[opcodeIndex + 1];
return [programData, opcodeIndex + 2];
} else if (opcode === 99) {
return [programData, -1];
throw `Unprogrammed opcode: ${opcode}`;
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