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Last active June 1, 2024 15:36
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Save Overemployed/6c9e9a7ac0efc0324adda1d047e925dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Listen for a live recording and transcribe the file. Send a notification when YOUR_NAME is called
const pathParser = require("path");
const { MODEL_PATH, HOME, YOUR_NAME, FILE_GLOB } = process.env;
const chokidar = require('chokidar');
const vosk = require('vosk');
const wav = require("wav");
const { Readable } = require("stream");
const { notify } = require('node-notifier');
const TailingReadableStream = require('tailing-stream');
const recordingsDir = `${HOME}/recordings/`
const model = new vosk.Model(MODEL_PATH)
const listenPath = `${recordingsDir}${FILE_GLOB}`
console.log('listenPath', listenPath)
const watcher =, { persistent: true });
// const Speaker = require('speaker');
const audioStreams = {}
let startup = true;
.on('add', async (path) => {
if (startup) console.log('skipping due to startup ')
if (startup) return
const file = pathParser.parse(path)
// expects files to be named with J prefix eg. J2-blah-blah.wav
const [jHost] ='-')
console.log(`New recording ${jHost} ${file.base}`)
const wfReader = new wav.Reader();
const wfReadable = new Readable().wrap(wfReader);
console.log(`about to setup ${jHost} ${file.base}`)
wfReader.on('format', async (format) => {
const { audioFormat, sampleRate, channels } = format
const rec = new vosk.Recognizer({ model: model, sampleRate: sampleRate });
// const speaker = new Speaker(format)
if (audioFormat != 1 || channels != 1) {
console.error("Audio file must be WAV format mono PCM.");
for await (const data of wfReadable) {
const end_of_speech = await rec.acceptWaveformAsync(data)
if (end_of_speech) {
const { partial } = rec.partialResult()
if (partial && partial.includes(YOUR_NAME)) {
message: `${jHost} said your name`,
sound: 'Glass'
// hear the output
// wfReader.pipe(speaker)
// nodejs fs module will stop when it gets to EOF, so we use TailingReadableStream to follow the tail of the file
const stream = TailingReadableStream.createReadStream(path, { timeout: 0, highWaterMark: 4096 });
audioStreams[path] = stream
.on('change', async path => {
// file changed, likey finished with the file
if (audioStreams[path]) audioStreams[path].destroy()
setTimeout(() => {
startup = false
}, 5000)
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Overemployed commented Jun 21, 2022

This will listen for changes in your recordings directory and transcribe wav files as they are being written to. Listens for YOUR_NAME and pops up with an alert of which Job said your name.

Install dependencies:

npm install chokidar vosk wav node-notifier tailing-stream stream speaker

You'll also need to save the model to the model directory in the same directory as trasnscribe.js. Find the models here

Record audio using timemachine. I have a custom build using PCM 16 bit audio as the output which would be required for this to work properly.

timemachine -t 1 -T 15 -p $HOME/recordings/J1/J1- -o 7132 -n J1_record -f wav -a J1:receive_1
timemachine -t 1 -T 15 -p $HOME/recordings/J2/J2- -o 7132 -n J2_record -f wav -a J2:receive_1

Files require a particular format to identify which job is saying your name.


Run like this

MODEL_PATH="model" YOUR_NAME="nathan" FILE_GLOB="**/*.wav" node transcribe.js

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