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Created December 7, 2012 08:47
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Save Ovid/4231878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find Duplicate Code in Perl (a hack)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.12.0;
use autodie;
use Carp;
use utf8::all;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile catdir);
use File::Find::Rule;
use Getopt::Long;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
use File::Slurp;
use Term::ANSIColor ':constants';
local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET = 1;
'window=i' => \( my $window = 5 ),
'dir=s' => \( my $dir = 'lib' ),
'ignore=s@' => \my @ignore,
) or die "Bad options";
my $IGNORE = join '|' => @ignore;
my $CACHE_DIR = catdir( $ENV{HOME}, '.find_cnp' );
if ( -d $CACHE_DIR ) {
my @cached = File::Find::Rule->file->in($CACHE_DIR);
unlink $_ for @cached;
else {
mkdir $CACHE_DIR;
unless ( -d $dir ) {
croak("Cannot find dir $dir");
my @files = File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.pm')->in($dir);
my $num_files = @files;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#files - 1 ) {
my $next = $i + 1;
print WHITE "Processing $next out of $num_files files ";
for my $j ( $next .. $#files ) {
print '.';
my ( $first, $second ) = @files[ $i, $j ];
search_for_dups( $first, $second, $window );
print "\n";
sub search_for_dups {
my ( $first, $second, $window ) = @_;
my $code1 = get_text($first);
my $code2 = get_text($second);
my %in_second = map { $_->{key} => 1 } @$code2;
my $matches_found = 0;
my $last_found = 0;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$code1 ) {
if ( $in_second{ $code1->[$i]{key} } ) {
if ( $i == $last_found + 1 ) {
$last_found = $i;
if ( $matches_found < $window ) {
# brute force is bad!
LINE: foreach ( my $i = 0; $i < @$code1 - $window; $i++ ) {
next LINE unless $in_second{ $code1->[$i]{key} };
my @code1 = @{$code1}[ $i .. $#$code1 ];
foreach my $j ( 0 .. $#$code2 - $window ) {
my @code2 = @{$code2}[ $j .. $#$code2 ];
my $matches = 0;
my $longest = 0;
WINDOW: foreach my $k ( 0 .. $#code1 ) {
if ( $code1[$k]{key} eq $code2[$k]{key} ) {
my $length1 = length( $code1[$k]{code} );
if ( $length1 > $longest ) {
$longest = $length1;
my $length2 = length( $code2[$k]{code} );
if ( $length1 > $longest ) {
$longest = $length1;
else {
last WINDOW;
if ( $matches >= $window ) {
my $line1 = 0 + $code1[0]{line};
my $line2 = 0 + $code2[0]{line};
my $code_to_print = '';
for ( 0 .. $matches - 1 ) {
my ( $line1, $line2 ) =
map { chomp; $_ } ( $code1[$_]{code}, $code2[$_]{code} );
.= $line1 . ( ' ' x ( $longest - length($line1) ) );
$code_to_print .= " | $line2\n";
$i += $window;
if ( $IGNORE and $code_to_print =~ /$IGNORE/ ) {
next LINE;
"\nPossible match ($first near line $line1) ($second near line $line2)\n",
"Begining at:";
print WHITE $code_to_print;
sub get_text {
my $file = shift;
my $filename = $file;
$filename =~ s/\W/_/g;
$filename = catfile( $CACHE_DIR, $filename );
my @contents;
if ( -f $filename ) {
@contents = split /(\n)/ => read_file($filename);
else {
( undef, undef, @contents ) = capture {qx($^X -MO=Deparse,-l $file)};
write_file( $filename, @contents );
return add_line_numbers( \@contents );
sub add_line_numbers {
my $contents = prefilter(shift);
my @contents;
my $line = 1;
foreach (@$contents) {
next if /^\s*\$\^H{/; # skip those damned strict lines
if (/^#line\s+([0-9]+)/) {
$line = $1;
push @contents => {
line => $line,
key => munge_line($_),
code => $_,
return postfilter( \@contents );
sub postfilter {
my $contents = shift;
my @contents;
INDEX: for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$contents; $i++ ) {
if ( $contents->[$i]{code} =~ /^(\s*)BEGIN\s*{/ ) { # BEGIN {
my $padding =~ $1;
if ( $contents->[ $i + 1 ]{code} =~ /^$padding}/ ) {
$DB::single = 1;
next INDEX;
push @contents => $contents->[$i];
#my $lines = join '' => map { $_->{code}} @contents;
#say BLUE $lines;
return \@contents;
sub prefilter {
my $contents = shift;
my @contents;
my %skip = (
sub_begin => 0,
my $skip = 0;
LINE: for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$contents; $i++ ) {
local $_ = $contents->[$i];
next if /^\s*(?:use|require)\b/; # use/require
next if /^\s*$/; # blank lines
next if /^#(?!line\s+[0-9]+)/; # comments which aren't line directives
# Modules which import things create code like this:
# sub BEGIN {
# require strict;
# do {
# 'strict'->import('refs')
# };
# }
# $skip{sub_begin} filters this out
if (/^sub BEGIN {/) {
$skip{sub_begin} = 1;
elsif ( $skip{sub_begin} and /^}/ ) {
$skip{sub_begin} = 0;
# Modules which use strict often have blocks like this:
# $^H{'indirect'} = q(31664984);
# $^H{'feature_unicode'} = q(1);
# $^H{'autodie'} = q(Fatal :lexical :all);
# $^H{'feature_say'} = q(1);
# $^H{'guard Fatal'} = q(ARRAY(0x2300d20));
# $^H{'feature_state'} = q(1);
# $^H{'autovivification'} = q(52);
# $^H{'utf8::all'} = q(1);
# $^H{'feature_switch'} = q(1);
# }
# $skip{strict_begin} filters this out
if (/^(\s*)BEGIN {/) {
my $padding = $1;
my $next = $contents->[ $i + 1 ];
if ( $next =~ /^\s+\$\^H{/ ) {
my $index = $i + 2;
STRICT_SEARCH: while ( $index++ ) {
next if $contents->[$index] =~ /^\s+\$\^H{/; # $^H{'...'}
if not /^$padding}/
; # the block did not terminate as we expect
$i = $index;
next LINE;
push @contents => $_ unless $skip;
return \@contents;
sub munge_line {
local $_ = shift;
return $_;
=head1 NAME
find_duplicate_code --window 7 --dir lib/ --ignore 'catch {'
This program searches for cut-n-paste code. It does not (at the present time)
try to account for cases where people may have changed variable names, but it
applies a heuristic process for finding duplicate code and works moderately
well. It's also slow.
For every file in the target directory, C<--dir> (defaults to C<lib/>), it
runs the code through L<B::Deparse>, caches it, and then walks through that
code comparing C<--window> number of lines (default 5). If that many lines
matches, as determined by stripping all whitespace and doing an C<eq>, then we
have duplicated code.
Blank lines are skipped, as are C<use> and C<require>. This may be
configurable in the future.
=head1 OPTIONS
--window,-w Minimum number of lines to needed for a match (default 5)
--dir,-d Directory of .pm files to search through (default 'lib/')
--ignore,-i Duplicates to ignore (may be repeated).
The C<--ignore> switch may be useful if you are repeatedly getting "duplicate"
sections of code that you aren't interested in refactoring right now. The
values of C<--ignore> are joined with a pipe and the check looks like this:
if ( $ignore and $duplicate_code =~ /$ignore/ ) {
# don't report this chunk of code as a duplicate
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Ko1203 commented Sep 6, 2017

Hi Thank you for sharing the valuable input and i have a question here. is it possible to pass this duplication to Sonarqube server. Kindly advise.

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nigelhorne commented Nov 8, 2017

Thank you for this great idea. Remember that all of the '{' characters in regexes need to be escaped to avoid this error:

Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^\s*$^H{ <-- HERE / at line 144.

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