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Last active February 8, 2024 08:36
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Quick hack to post to Mastodon from the command line
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim: ft=perl
use Modern::Perl;
use Mastodon::Client;
use Config::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long;
use JSON::PP 'decode_json';
use File::HomeDir;
use utf8::all;
use autodie ':all';
use Term::ANSIColor 'colored';
use Const::Fast;
use experimental 'signatures';
GetOptions( 'verbose' => \( my $verbose = 0 ), )
or die "Bad options";
my $mastodon = get_mastodon_client();
my $max_characters = eval {
# this should fetch the data from /api/va/instance, but in case
# it's malformed, we use an eval to trap and ignore the error
my $config = decode_json( $mastodon->latest_response->content );
# don't use // in case we have an empty string
const my $MAX_POST_LENGTH => $max_characters || 500;
const my $POST_LENGTH => $MAX_POST_LENGTH - 6;
my $post = get_post_raw_text(@ARGV);
my @posts = rewrite_raw_text_into_posts($post);
if ( @posts > 1 ) {
my $total = @posts;
my $count = 1;
foreach (@posts) {
$_ .= " $count/$total";
if ( adjusted_length($_) > $MAX_POST_LENGTH ) {
my $postlength = length($_);
"bad line. Post length of $postlength is greater than $MAX_POST_LENGTH: $_";
say colored( ['white on_black'], "\nYour posts will read as follows\n" );
foreach (@posts) {
my $length = length($_);
print colored( ['white on_black'], $_ );
say $verbose ? " length: $length characters\n" : "\n";
print "Is this OK? [y/N] ";
my $response = <STDIN>;
exit unless $response =~ /^\s*[yY]/;
my $last_id;
my $count = @posts;
my $current = 1;
foreach (@posts) {
say colored( ['bright_red on_black'], "Sending post $current of $count" );
my $response =
defined $last_id
? $mastodon->post_status( $_,
{ in_reply_to_id => $last_id, visibility => 'unlisted' } )
: $mastodon->post_status($_);
$last_id = $response->{id};
say "Last id: $last_id" if $verbose;
sub rewrite_raw_text_into_posts ($text) {
# Lingua::EN::Sentence appears to discard the newlines,
# so we use this, er, heuristic.
my @sentences = split /((?<=[.!?])\s+|\n)/, $text;
my @chunks;
my $chunk = '';
foreach my $sentence (@sentences) {
# Check for a line of dashes, forcing a new chunk
if ( $sentence =~ /^[-–]+\n?$/ ) {
# Save the current chunk and start a new one, if there's content
push @chunks, $chunk if $chunk ne '';
$chunk = '';
next; # Skip adding the dash line to any chunk
# Calculate adjusted length considering URLs
my $adjusted_length = adjusted_length($sentence);
if ( length($chunk) + $adjusted_length > $POST_LENGTH ) {
# Save the current chunk and start a new one, if there's content
push @chunks, $chunk if $chunk ne '';
$chunk = $sentence;
else {
# Add the part to the current chunk
$chunk .= $sentence;
# Don't forget the last chunk!
push @chunks, $chunk if $chunk ne '';
@chunks = grep { /\S/ } # Sometimes we get whitespace-only chunks:w
map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//r } # trim our chunks
return @chunks;
sub get_post_raw_text (@argv) {
my $post = '';
if (@argv) {
# This is a better way of handling multi-line posts because I can more
# easily edit what I'm writing.
my $file = shift @argv;
open my $fh, '<', $file;
$post = do { local $/; <$fh> };
else {
say colored( ['white on_black'], 'Enter post stream:' );
while ( chomp( my $input = <STDIN> ) ) {
last unless $input =~ /\w/;
$post .= " $input";
say "Raw input: $post";
return $post;
sub get_mastodon_client ( $config_file = undef ) {
$config_file =
File::HomeDir->my_home . ( $config_file // "/.config/toot/config.ini" );
die "$config_file is missing\n" if not -e $config_file;
my $config = Config::Tiny->read( $config_file, 'utf8' );
my $mastodon = Mastodon::Client->new(
instance => $config->{mastodon}{instance},
name => 'masto',
client_id => $config->{mastodon}{client_id},
client_secret => $config->{mastodon}{client_secret},
access_token => $config->{mastodon}{access_token},
coerce_entities => 1,
sub adjusted_length {
my ($text) = @_;
my $length = length($text);
# Find all URLs in the text
while ( $text =~ m!(https?://[^\s]+)!g ) {
my $url = $1;
# Subtract the actual URL length, then add 23
$length -= length($url);
$length += 23;
return $length;
=head1 NAME
posts - A tool to post "streams" of posts to Mastodon
perl masto filename # reads text in file
perl masto # reads from standard input
The first version reads your posts from a file. The second version allows you
to type your posts and accepts input until it encounters a line not matching
The text is then broken up into one or more posts. If more than one post,
each post will be numbered C<$post_number/$total_posts>. Assumes you don't
have more than 99 posts in a single stream.
If you have a line with only one or more dashes on it, it will force a break
into a new Mastodon post:
This is my first post.
This is my second post.
If posts are more than 500 characters, will create a follow-up post, with
posts numbered sequentially as C<$index/$total>. Note that URLs are only
23 characters in length, regardless of the length of the URL.
Requires a configuration file at C<~/.config/toot/config.ini> with the
following structure:
instance = $instance_name
username = $username
client_id = $client_id
client_secret = $client_secret
access_token = $access_token
To get that information, click on "Settings", "Development", and then the "New
Application" button. Fill in the info and you'll get the the information above.
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