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Last active May 22, 2020 08:49
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  • Save OwenMelbz/af6c3ebbf0df728f3633468a5ce6e3b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save OwenMelbz/af6c3ebbf0df728f3633468a5ce6e3b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds className support to React Native for Tailwind CSS Only
"plugins": ["./transformwind.js"]
  • Install tailwind-rn with yarn add tailwind-rn css postcss tailwindcss css-to-react-native.
  • Update your babel config to point to the plugin.


<View className="w-10 bg-red-400">

Or if you don't want to use className you can use tailwind

<View tailwind="w-10 bg-red-400">
// yarn add css postcss tailwindcss css-to-react-native
const fs = require('fs');
const css = require('css');
const postcss = require('postcss');
const tailwind = require('tailwindcss');
const cssToReactNative = require('css-to-react-native').default;
const remToPx = value => `${Number.parseFloat(value) * 16}px`;
const getStyles = rule => {
const styles = rule.declarations
.filter(({property, value}) => {
// Skip line-height utilities without units
if (property === 'line-height' && !value.endsWith('rem')) {
return false;
return true;
.map(({property, value}) => {
if (value.endsWith('rem')) {
return [property, remToPx(value)];
return [property, value];
return cssToReactNative(styles);
const supportedUtilities = [
// Flexbox
// Display
// Position
// Top, right, bottom, left
// Z Index
// Padding
// Margin
// Width
// Height
// Min/Max width/height
// Font size
// Font style
// Font weight
// Letter spacing
// Line height
// Text align, color, opacity
// Text transform
// Background color
// Background opacity
// Border color, style, width, radius, opacity
// Opacity
// Pointer events
const isUtilitySupported = utility => {
// Skip utilities with `currentColor` values
if (['border-current', 'text-current'].includes(utility)) {
return false;
for (const supportedUtility of supportedUtilities) {
if (typeof supportedUtility === 'string' && supportedUtility === utility) {
return true;
if (supportedUtility instanceof RegExp && supportedUtility.test(utility)) {
return true;
return false;
const build = ({ css: source }) => {
const {stylesheet} = css.parse(source);
// Mapping of Tailwind class names to React Native styles
const styles = {};
for (const rule of stylesheet.rules) {
if (rule.type === 'rule') {
for (const selector of rule.selectors) {
const utility = selector.replace(/^\./, '').replace('\\/', '/');
if (isUtilitySupported(utility)) {
styles[utility] = getStyles(rule);
// Additional styles that we're not able to parse correctly automatically
styles.underline = {textDecorationLine: 'underline'};
styles['line-through'] = {textDecorationLine: 'line-through'};
styles['no-underline'] = {textDecorationLine: 'none'};
return styles;
(async () => {
const postCssPlugins = [
const css = await postcss(...postCssPlugins).process(`
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
`, {
from: undefined
fs.writeFileSync('tailwind-styles.json', JSON.stringify(build(css), null, '\t'));
const tailwind = require('tailwind-rn');
const convertClassNameIntoTailwindStyles = ({types: t}) => {
return {
visitor: {
JSXOpeningElement(path) {
let foundAttribute = false;
let styles = {};
path.get('attributes').forEach(attribute => {
// First we need to find the attributes called className or tailwind
if ( === 'className' || === 'tailwind') {
// We compile the style using tailwind-rn
const compiledStyle = tailwind(attribute.node.value.value);
// We then have to generate the definitions for the AST
styles = Object.keys(compiledStyle).map(cssProperty => {
const value = compiledStyle[cssProperty];
return t.ObjectProperty(
(isNaN(value) ? t.StringLiteral(value) : t.NumericLiteral(value))
// We don't need the element anymore, so we remove it.
foundAttribute = true;
if (foundAttribute) {
// Now we need to merge any existing styles with the classes we've just generated.
path.get('attributes').forEach((attribute) => {
if ( === 'style') { => {
// Remove the old style attribute so it doesn't clash.
// We can now add our new style object with our compiled classes.
module.exports = convertClassNameIntoTailwindStyles;
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