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Created September 8, 2017 03:24
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CS50 pset6 Sentiments/smile
import nltk
class Analyzer():
"""Implements sentiment analysis."""
def __init__(self, positives, negatives):
"""Initialize Analyzer."""
# load list of positive words in memory
self.positives = set()
file1 = open(positives, "r")
for line in file1:
if not line.startswith(";") and not line.startswith("\n"):
# load list of negative words in memory
self.negatives = set()
file2 = open(negatives, "r")
for line in file2:
if not line.startswith(";") and not line.startswith("\n"):
def analyze(self, text):
"""Analyze text for sentiment, returning its score."""
# declare a variable to store total score of a given text(list of strings)
# instantiate TweetTokenizer and tokenize given text
tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.TweetTokenizer()
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
# iterate over each string in tokens and checking if it is in
# the list of positive or negative words
for word in tokens:
if str.lower(word) in self.positives:
score = 1
elif str.lower(word) in self.negatives:
score = -1
score = 0
return self.total_score
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# a program that categorizes a word as positive or negative
import os
import sys
from analyzer import Analyzer
from termcolor import colored
def main():
# ensure proper usage
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit("Usage: ./smile word")
# absolute paths to lists
# Dr. Minqing Hu and Prof. Bing Liu of the University of Illinois at Chicago
# kindly put together lists of 2006 positive words and 4783 negative words
positives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "positive-words.txt")
negatives = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "negative-words.txt")
# instantiate analyzer
analyzer = Analyzer(positives, negatives)
# analyze word
score = analyzer.analyze(sys.argv[1])
if score > 0.0:
print(colored(":)", "green"))
elif score < 0.0:
print(colored(":(", "red"))
print(colored(":|", "yellow"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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