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Created May 25, 2015 09:30
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Generation of wave from dynamic mesh in Unity
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MeshWave : MonoBehaviour {
private MeshFilter MeshF;
private Mesh DynamicMesh;
//Arrays for mesh geometry
public GameObject MeshObject;
private Vector3[] MeshVertices = new Vector3[4];
private Vector3[] MeshNormals = new Vector3[4];
private Vector2[] UV = new Vector2[4];
private int[] Tri = new int[4];
//Size of mesh parts
private float mesh_scale = 10f;
public int MeshLength;
public float WaveDeep=1f;
public float WaveLength;
float Alpha;
//this move sin wave function
private float counter = 0f;
public float WaveSpeed = 1f;
//Speed of cycle. 25 looks smooth and good for performance
public float RefreshRate = 25f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
//Wave parameter to save wave form independent from mesh size
Alpha = 1f / MeshLength*WaveLength;
//Generating mesh
//Run cicle that update mesh
InvokeRepeating("MoveMesh", 1f, 1f/RefreshRate);
void LoadMesh()
Vector3 pos =;
pos.z = 0.01f;
float x = 0f;
float y = 0f;
int quad_count = 0;
//Init arrays- size depends from mesh size
Tri = new int[MeshLength * 6];
MeshVertices = new Vector3[MeshLength * 4];
UV = new Vector2[MeshLength * 4];
//Calculate texture coordinates scale
float texture_part = (float)1f / MeshLength;
//Generates mesh : one loop - one quad
for (int w = 0; w < MeshLength; w++)
int index = quad_count * 4;
MeshVertices[index] = new Vector3(x, y, pos.z);
MeshVertices[index + 1] = new Vector3(x + mesh_scale, y, pos.z);
MeshVertices[index + 2] = new Vector3(x, y + mesh_scale, pos.z);
MeshVertices[index + 3] = new Vector3(x + mesh_scale, y + mesh_scale, pos.z);
//Calculate texture cordinates
UV[index] = new Vector2(w * texture_part,0f);
UV[index + 1] = new Vector2(w * texture_part, texture_part);
UV[index + 2] = new Vector2((w + 1) * texture_part, 0f);
UV[index + 3] = new Vector2((w + 1) * texture_part, texture_part);
int tri_index = quad_count * 6;
//Assign vertex indexes to trianles array.
//Every triangle polygon = 3 vertices.
//Every quad polygon= 6 vertices.
Tri[tri_index] = index;
Tri[tri_index + 1] = index + 1;
Tri[tri_index + 2] = index + 2;
Tri[tri_index + 3] = index + 1;
Tri[tri_index + 4] = index + 3;
Tri[tri_index + 5] = index + 2;
//Increase our wave in Y direction
y += mesh_scale;
//Create new mesh
DynamicMesh = new Mesh(); = "DynamicMesh";
DynamicMesh.vertices = MeshVertices;
DynamicMesh.uv = UV;
DynamicMesh.triangles = Tri;
MeshF = MeshObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
//Assign mesh to MeshFilter and MeshCollider of our GameObject
MeshF.sharedMesh = DynamicMesh;
MeshObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = DynamicMesh;
//Update circle
public void MoveMesh()
if (DynamicMesh != null)
//Get vertices from mesh
MeshVertices = DynamicMesh.vertices;
int w = 0;
float deep0;
float deep1;
int quad_count = 0;
// Move every vertex
for (w = 0; w < MeshLength; w++)
//Get depth value from wave function
deep0 = RockNRoll(w+counter); // depth of polygon edge 1
deep1 = RockNRoll(w+1+counter); //depth of polygon edge 2
//Assign deep values
int index = quad_count * 4;
MeshVertices[index].z = deep0;
MeshVertices[index + 1].z = deep0;
MeshVertices[index + 2].z = deep1;
MeshVertices[index + 3].z = deep1;
//This move wave function
counter += WaveSpeed;
//Assign all calculates vertices to our mesh
DynamicMesh.vertices = MeshVertices;
//After this mesh reflect light properly
//Wave function
float RockNRoll(float x)
//Use Sin function for wave movement. You can also play with other math functions and parameters )
return Mathf.Sin(x * 2f * Mathf.PI * Alpha*WaveLength) * WaveDeep;
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