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Last active March 3, 2023 08:59
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Save OysteinAmundsen/f39370098e66bfc51f6cea7f0b70507d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This will pick up all client requests, and make them poor-network-connection safe.
import { Injectable, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpSentEvent, HttpHeaderResponse, HttpProgressEvent, HttpResponse, HttpUserEvent, HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable, Observer, Subscription, throwError, timer } from 'rxjs';
import { retryWhen, mergeMap, finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
export class NetworkQueueInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
onChanges = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
private lastValue = this.isOnline();
queue = new Map<string, {req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler, subscriber: Observer<any>}>();
get pending() { return this.queue.size; }
isQueued = false;
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
// Monitor network state. Emit event on changes.
// 1. Online/Offline events Will work in IE. Chrome will ignore these unless we put the event listener on the window object. But then IE will ignore them.
document.body.addEventListener('offline', () => this.fireChange(this.isOnline()));
document.body.addEventListener('online', () => this.fireChange(this.isOnline()));
// 2. Online/Offline events is only triggered on the window object in chrome. Theses events do not bubble up to window object on IE, so we need both until point 3 is implemented as a standard.
window.addEventListener('offline', () => this.fireChange(this.isOnline()));
window.addEventListener('online', () => this.fireChange(this.isOnline()));
// 3. Test if client supports Network Information API:
// [INFO]: Removed as Network Information API is in proposal only. It's implemented in Chrome, but Typescript wont compile with this in.
// if (navigator.connection) {
// navigator.connection.addEventListener('change', () => this.fireChange(this.isOnline()));
// }
* Event fire debouncer.
private fireChange(val) {
if (this.lastValue !== val) { // Do not emit events when status has not changed.
this.lastValue = val; // Cache last emitted value.
this.onChanges.emit(val); // Emit the event
* Check the current network state
isOnline(): boolean {
return !!window.navigator.onLine;
displayToast() {
// Suggest using a MatSnackbar here for this, but keep the reference so we can close it later.
// this.toastRef ='We are offline...', 'WAIT', {});
dismissToast() {
// If using a MatSnackbar, here is the place you should dismiss the reference.
// this.toastRef.dismiss();
* Wrap our queue around any requests going out
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpSentEvent | HttpHeaderResponse | HttpProgressEvent | HttpResponse<any> | HttpUserEvent<any>> {
// Wrap the request in our own observable. This gains us total control over when and how we return.
return new Observable((subscriber: Observer<any>) => {
// Add request to the queue, identified by our own UUID implementation
this.queue.set(NetworkQueueInterceptor.fakeUuid(), {req: req, next: next, subscriber: subscriber});
// Try to process queue immediately
* Process the current network queue.
* This will perform a test of network state for each item in the queue. If we are online, we process
* immediately. If we are offline, we defer to when we are online again.
* We also generate a unique identifier for the requests and attach this to the header.
* This is something we can use to identify if the request was performed backend or not, in case our
* network die in mid-flight.
processQueue() {
if (this.pending === 0) { return; } // Just exit if queue is empty
// We have queued up requests. Go through each of them.
this.queue.forEach((q, uuid) => {
if (!this.isOnline()) { // We are offline
if (this.isQueued) { return; } // Die fast here if we enter multiple times...
this.isQueued = true; // ... because there should only be one process listener.
// Notify user of network state
// Listen to connectivity changes and defer queue to when we are online again
const connectivity = this.onChanges.subscribe(online => {
if (online) {
connectivity.unsubscribe(); // Should only process once
return; // Exit loop
// We are online
this.isQueued = false;
// Attach uuid to original request header only if we have not previously added.
if (!q.req.headers.has('n-uuid')) {
// We have to clone the request in order to attach headers, because they are immutable: ref.
q.req = q.req.clone({headers: q.req.headers.append('n-uuid', uuid)});
// Try request immediately
const req =;
if (['GET', 'DELETE'].includes(q.req.method)) {
// This will retry the request once every other second, 5 times.
req.pipe(retryWhen(retryStrategy({maxRetryAttempts: 5, scalingDuration: 2000, excludedStatusCodes: [400, 401, 403, 404]})));
// Return the response to our observer
let connectivity: Subscription;
const onSuccess = res => {; // This will just push data into the pipeline. It will not complete the request.
const onError = err => {
q.subscriber.error(err); // Inform subscriber on error
const onCompleted = () => {
q.subscriber.complete(); // Notify original subscriber
this.queue.delete(uuid); // Request processed successfully. Remove from queue.
if (connectivity) { connectivity.unsubscribe(); } // Cleanup
const reqSubscription = req.subscribe(onSuccess, onError, onCompleted);
// Check online status during the request transmission
if (['POST', 'PUT'].includes(q.req.method)) {
connectivity = this.onChanges.subscribe(online => {
if (!online) {
// We've died mid-flight!!
reqSubscription.unsubscribe(); // Timeout original request, but do not throw yet.
} else {
// We are back online, ask server to verify that the request was received.
this.http.get(`/api/verify/${uuid}`).subscribe(val => {
if (!!val) { // Request went through. We have no official response, but we can at least return truthy.
} else { // Server has not received our request. We start over.
* Generate a UUID for the request. This will be attached to the header of the request and
* can be used to verify if a request is processed or not.
private static fakeUuid() {
const r = (new Date()).getTime().toString(16) + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2) + '0'.repeat(16);
return r.substr(0, 8) + '-' + r.substr(8, 4) + '-4000-8' + r.substr(12, 3) + '-' + r.substr(15, 12);
export interface RetryOptions {
maxRetryAttempts?: number;
scalingDuration?: number;
excludedStatusCodes?: number[];
* Retry helper.
* This is just an extra safety precausion. If request is sent, but is corrupted along the way resulting
* in obscure errors, we can retry the same request hoping for better results.
* Now we would not want to do this for POST or PUT requests, as we cannot guarantee that the errors occur
* from network instability. But for GET and DELETE requests it's absolutely safe to retry several times
* if we experience obscure errors.
* BTW: This piece of code is stolen from
export const retryStrategy = ({ maxRetryAttempts = 4, scalingDuration = 1000, excludedStatusCodes = [400] }: RetryOptions = {}) => (errors: Observable<any>): Observable<any> => {
return errors.pipe(
mergeMap((error, i) => {
const retryAttempt = i + 1;
if (retryAttempt > maxRetryAttempts || excludedStatusCodes.find(e => e === error.status)) {
// if maximum number of retries have been met
// or response is a status code we don't wish to retry, throw error
return throwError(error);
console.log(`Attempt ${retryAttempt}: retrying in ${retryAttempt * scalingDuration}ms`);
// retry after 1s, 2s, etc...
return timer(retryAttempt * scalingDuration);
finalize(() => console.log('We are done!'))
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vkyeswa commented Mar 3, 2023

Hello, I've tried to understand your work here though it seems after applying this interceptor a post request is sent 3 times to the it that the endpoint #L145 should have an actual implementation on the server side

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