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Last active May 21, 2024 09:19
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CH examples
(* CH examples *)
(* projection *)
let e1q1 = fun x y -> x;;
(* application twist *)
let e1q2 = fun x f -> f x;;
(* application *)
let e1q2v = fun f x -> f x;;
(* composition *)
let e1q3 = fun f g x -> g(f(x));;
let e1q3bonus = fun (f:'a -> 'b) (g:'c -> 'd) (h:'b -> 'c) : ('a -> 'd) -> fun (x:'a) : 'd -> g (h (f x));;
let e1q4 = fun f g x -> f x (g x);;
(* ignore then const from fst *)
let e2q1 = fun x ->
let e2q1h1 = (true, 0) in (* hypothèse : on a une paire d'habitants de deux types *)
let e2q1h1f = fst e2q1h1 in
let e2q1h1s = snd e2q1h1 in
if x == e2q1h1f then e2q1h1s else e2q1h1s
(* version abstraite *)
let e2q1v = fun x ->
let e2q1h1 = (`A, `B) in
let e2q1h1f = fst e2q1h1 in
let e2q1h1s = snd e2q1h1 in
if x == e2q1h1f then e2q1h1s else e2q1h1s
(* one-liner variant, kind of *)
let e2q1w = function |`A -> `B;;
(* version implication *)
let e2q1i = fun (x:'a * 'b) -> match x with | (a,b) -> fun (x:'a) -> b;;
(* curry or not *)
let e2q2p1 = fun f -> fun (x,y) -> f x y;;
let e2q2p2 = fun f -> fun x y -> f (x,y);;
(* swap two args *)
let e2q3 = fun f -> fun x y -> f y x;;
(* version réifiée *)
let e2q4 =
let e2q4h1 = fun x -> if x == 0. then (0, false) else (1, true) in (* hypothèse *)
let e2q4p1 = fun x -> fst (e2q4h1 x) in
let e2q4p2 = fun x -> snd (e2q4h1 x) in
(e2q4p1, e2q4p2)
(* version abstraite *)
let e2q4v =
let e2q4h1 = function | `A -> (`B, `C) in (* hypothèse *)
let e2q4p1 = fun x -> fst (e2q4h1 x) in
let e2q4p2 = fun x -> snd (e2q4h1 x) in
(e2q4p1, e2q4p2)
(* version implication *)
let e2q4i = fun (f:'a -> ('b * 'c)) ->
let fa = fun (x:'a) -> fst (f x) in
let fb = fun (x:'a) -> snd (f x) in
(* version réifiée *)
type e3t1 = A1 of int | BC1 of (bool * float) (* A v (B ^ C) *)
type e3t2 = A2 of int | B2 of bool (* A v B *)
type e3t3 = A3 of int | C3 of float (* A v C *)
let e3p1 = function
| A1(a) -> (A2(a), A3(a))
| BC1(b, c) -> (B2(b), C3(c))
let e3p2 = function
| (A2(a2), A3(a3)) -> A1(a2)
| (A2(a2), C3(c3)) -> A1(a2)
| (B2(b2), A3(a3)) -> A1(a3)
| (B2(b2), C3(c3)) -> BC1(b2,c3)
(* version abstraite *)
type e3vt1 = Av1 of [`A] | BCv1 of ([`B] * [`C])
type e3vt2 = Av2 of [`A] | Bv2 of [`B]
type e3vt3 = Av3 of [`A] | Cv3 of [`C]
let e3vp1 = function
| Av1(a) -> (Av2(a), Av3(a))
| BCv1(b, c) -> (Bv2(b), Cv3(c))
let e3vp2 = function
| (Av2(a2), Av3(a3)) -> Av1(a2)
| (Av2(a2), Cv3(c3)) -> Av1(a2)
| (Bv2(b2), Av3(a3)) -> Av1(a3)
| (Bv2(b2), Cv3(c3)) -> BCv1(b2,c3)
(* version polymorphe *)
type ('a, 'b, 'c) e3wt1 = Aw1 of 'a | BCw1 of ('b * 'c)
type ('a, 'b) e3wt2 = Aw2 of 'a | Bw2 of 'b
type ('a, 'c) e3wt3 = Aw3 of 'a | Cw3 of 'c
let e3wp1 = function
| Aw1(a) -> (Aw2(a), Aw3(a))
| BCw1(b, c) -> (Bw2(b), Cw3(c))
let e3wp2 = function
| (Aw2(a2), _) -> Aw1(a2)
| (_, Aw3(a3)) -> Aw1(a3)
| (Bw2(b2), Cw3(c3)) -> BCw1(b2,c3)
(* types pour la négation *)
type empty = |
type 'a not = 'a -> empty
(* exemple 8 *)
let ex8 = fun (x:'a) -> fun(f:'a -> empty) -> f x;;
let ex8v = fun(x:'a) : 'a not not -> fun(f:'a not) -> f x;;
(* contraposition *)
(* aussi exercice 7 q.2 gauche à droite *)
let contra = fun (f:'a -> 'b) : ('b not -> 'a not) -> fun (g:'b not) -> fun (x:'a) -> g(f x);;
(* exercice 4 *)
(* shown as implications *)
let e4q1 = fun (x:'a * 'a not) : empty -> (snd x) (fst x);;
(* curried variant, in fact identical to ex8 *)
let e4q1v = fun (x:'a) (f:'a not) : empty -> f x;;
(* only shown as an implication; last step's easy w/ natural deduction,
* and in any case one can't construct a suitable assumption for any inhabited type
* since it would then allow to prove false by evaluating the function on one of its elements? *)
let e4q2 e = contra ex8v e;; (* η-expansion to prevent getting a weak type *)
(* XENS 2024 Info C Q.14 *)
(* version simplifiée ; comme une implication *)
let xens2024cq14s = fun (f:'a -> 'a not) : 'a not -> fun (x:'a) -> f x x;;
(* version complète for show ; comme une implication *)
let xens2024cq14 = fun (f:(('a -> ('a not * 'b)) * (('a not * 'b) -> 'a))) : 'a not ->
let ff = fst f in
fun (x:'a) -> fst(ff x) x
(* ex falso quodlibet (DM inf110-02.56) *)
let efqv = fun (x:empty) -> match x with _ -> .;; (* using match case refutation: the wildcard that catches any inhabitant doesn't catch anything *) (* now only valid for the actual empty type *)
(* exercice 7 q.3 droite à gauche *)
type ('a, 'b) e7t1 = A7n of 'a not | B7 of 'b
let e7q3p1 = function
| B7(b) -> fun (x:'a) -> b
| A7n(a) -> fun (x:'a) -> efq (e4q1v x a)
(* exemple du programme *)
let ep = fun (f:'a -> 'b) : ('a * 'b not) not ->
fun (x:'a * 'b not) ->
let xa = fst x in
let xb = snd x in
xb (f xa)
(* saem, one-liner implem *)
let epv = fun (f:'a -> 'b) : ('a * 'b not) not -> function | (a, bn) -> bn (f a);;
(* saem, without type annotations -> doesn't restrict 'b to be negated -> more general proposition *)
let epf = fun f -> function | (a, g) -> g (f a);;
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