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Jeff's Blog 3 - Responsive design & Javascript
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Jeff's blog
Part 3: Responsive design & Javascript
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Our Mission:
In this lesson, we'll cover three main things:
1. Give the content a responsive design
2. Learn about advance colors
3. Make our own "like" button in Javascript
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Let's get started
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1. Responsive Design
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The goal of responsive design is to make your website look great no matter which device you're on
** image of Jeff's blog on a PC, tablet, and phone **
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In order to do this, we'll learn some special CSS tricks that let us make our content adapt gracefully to different screen widths.
Let's start by improving the structure of our content.
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Write an <article> tag around each blog post, like this:
<h2>VHS umami pop-up trust fund</h2>
<p>Marfa church-key kitsch bicycle rights, 8-bit mixtape cardigan gentrify Echo Park. Street art swag brunch, next level roof party Schlitz hella organic keffiyeh selfies. You probably haven't heard of them polaroid hashtag +1, meggings biodiesel Portland High Life cray tumblr retro.</p>
The article tag let's us group together multiple HTML elements that form a single piece of content.
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Checkpoint #1
Wrap an <article> tag around each of the three blog post's <h2> and <p> tags
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Great! There's just one problem: Jeff's posts stretch the whole width of the page.
Let's make them narrower and centered so they're easier to read.
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Make a new style for the article tags, then set the width and padding
article {
width: 500px;
padding: 20px;
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Checkpoint #2
Make a new style for the article
Set the width to 500px
Set the padding to 20px
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Looks much better, but the posts are still aligned to the left of the screen :(
Let's fix it with a simple trick...
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Add margin: 0 auto; to the article's style
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Wait, what just happened?
We already learned that the margin controls the amount of space between the outside of an element
and the other elements around it. So when we set margin to "0 auto", it has zero margin on the top
and bottom, and "auto" margin on the left and right.
Since both the left and right's margin stretch all the way to the edge of the page (that's what auto
means), the effect is that the blog post is centered on the page.
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Web designers use the margin: 0 auto; trick all the time. It's a good one to remember!
Now, let's give it a responsive twist...
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Checkpoint #4
Replace "width: 500px;" with "max-width: 500px;" for the article
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Using "max-width" instead of "width" means our article elements can be smaller than 500px, but not any larger.
To test this out, resize your browser and see what happens to the blog post when it get's smaller...
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There's just one problem...
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When the browser is really small, the title and navigation look kinda messed up
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We can fix this using a media query, a technique that allows us to set CSS styles that only activate
when the browser is a certain width.
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The syntax for media queries looks like this
@media (max-width: 500px) {
body {
background: red;
The "@media (max-width: 500px)" part is basically setting a condition - in this case the browser
should be smaller than 500px -- and when that condition is true, the CSS inside it gets activated
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Checkpoint #5
Make the body's background red if the browser width is smaller than 500px.
Look to the last slide if you need a hint.
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Great! Let's test it out: make your browser narrower than 500px and watch the background turn red.
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Now let's add some styles that will make the page look better at narrower widths
(and mobile devices)
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The heading font should be smaller when the browser is small
The navigation links should sit on top of each other rather than inline
@media (max-width: 500px) {
h1 {
font-size: 36px;
li {
display: block;
padding: 5px;
Slide 26:
Checkpoint #6
In the media query, set the h1's font-size to 36px
Also in the media query, set the list items to display: block;
Still in the media query, give the list items 5px of padding
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** two images showing narrow width page with arrow pointing to the new version **
This looks much better!
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2. Advanced COlors
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Until now, we've been working wih color keywords like white, black and red.
Keywords are simple to read and understand but severely limit the palette of colors you can use.
Let's spice up Jeff's Blog with some hex color codes!
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Checkpoint #7
Change the unordered list (ul) element's background from black to #f00
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Anatomy of a Hex Color Code
Hex colors always start with a hash like this
** arrow pointing to the # in #F00 **
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Anatomy of a Hex Color Code
The first character controls the amount of redness.
It ranges from 0 (no red at all) to F (100% red).
** arrow pointing to the F in #F00 **
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Anatomy of a Hex Color Code
The second character controls the amount of green-ness.
It ranges from 0 (no green at all) to F (100% green).
** arrow pointing to the first 0 in #F00 **
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Anatomy of a Hex Color Code
The third character controls the amount of blueness.
Together they are RGB.
** Arrow pointing to the second 0 in #F00 **
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Hex codes work by virtually "mixing" the three primary colors.
This also happens to match the way LCD screens work!
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For example, #000 is black because there is no color, and
#FFF is white because all the colors are present. #F00 is red
because red is 100% and the other two colors are at 0%.
Experiment with mixing colors! Try to make purple.
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Hex codes aren't the only way to do color in CSS.
Another popular method is rgba(). This lets you add
alpha (transparency) to the mix.
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Checkpoint #8
Change the unordered list's background to rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
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RGBA colors are a lot like hex colors with a slightly less
confusing syntax:
rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
Instead of a 0-F scale, RGBA colors use a 0-255 scale, and
the last digit (transparency) uses a 0-1 scale. The example
above would make white.
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** Image of Jeff smiling **
"Looking good! I love the responsive mobile friendly design.
Just one more thing ... can you stick a 'like' button in
there somewhere?"
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3. Javascript!
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Now that you're starting to get the hang of HTML and
CSS, we're going to throw you a curveball and
introduce you to Javascript so you can make your
webpages interactive!
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Our goal is to make a "like" button for Jeff's blog, so he
can easily gauge the popularity of each poem.
For now it won't actually save any data -- we'd need to
program a back end server* to do that -- but we will make
a button that reacts when clicked.
* This is where frameworks like Ruby on Rails come in handy
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Before we write any javascript to add interactivity,
let's make the button itself using HTML.
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Checkpoint #9
Inside each article at the bottom, right before the closing </article>
tag, write this <button>Like</button>
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We can include Javascript in our site similar to the
way we include CSS, by using a special tag.
Instead of style, we use a <script> tag.
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Write <script></script> at the bottom, just above the </body> tag
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To check and make sure Javascript is working,
let's write a simple script to pop up an alert
when the page loads
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Checkpoint #11
Write alert("Javascript works!") in your <script> tag, then press
"Run Javascript"
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Great! Now let's try to make that happen when
you click one of the buttons.
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Every time you move your mouse, click something,
mouse over something, press a key or scroll, your
browser fires off an "event".
By default, these events go unnoticed. But we can use
Javascript to "listen" for specific events and take action
when they happen. In this case, we want to listen for
the "click" event on the "button" element.
Slide 52:
Here is an example of some Javascript* that
would listen for a click event on a button element:
$("button").on("click", function() {
* This code uses jQuery, a popular library of useful javascript code that,
among other things, makes it easy to select elements and listen for events.
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Before we explain how exactly this code works, write
it out inside your script tag exactly as it appears in
the previous slide. Remember: if even one character
is wrong it will mess up the whole thing!
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Checkpoint #12
$("button").on("click", function() {
in your script tag, then click "Run Javascript" and click one of the buttons
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How this Javascript works
First we select the element(s) whose events we want to listen to. This part
is very similar to the way we select elements in CSS, except the selector
goes inside quotes and parentheses with a $ to the left of it
For example, you could select paragraphs with $("p") or headings with $("h1")
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This is how Javascript works
Next we call the on() function, which sets up an event listener for our
button element. Inside it's parentheses are two options -- sometimes
called parameters or arguments.
$("button").on("click", function() {
alert("A button was clicked!")
Notice how the basic format is $(element).on(event-type, thing-to-be-done);
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This is how Javacript works
The first parameter is he type of event to listen to. In this case it's "click",
but we could also listen for hover, scroll, etc. It must be in quotes*.
$("button").on("click", function() {
alert("A button was clicked!")
*This is because it's a string, which basically means it's text (as opposed to
numbers, or lists, or functions). We'll learn more about these data types later.
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This is how Javacript works
The second parameter is a function* containing the thing to be done when
our event happens. In this case, we'll pop up an alert with the text "A
button was clicked", but you can put any text you like inside there.
$("button").on("click", function() {
alert("A button was clicked!")
*Functions group together chunks of code and allow them to be executed at a later time.
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All together now!
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The selector chooses the element to listen to
The on() function sets up an event listener for the element we selected
The first parameter to the on() function is the type of event we're listening for
The second parameter to the on() function is the action to take when the event happens
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It's ok if you don't feel like you totally understand how that worked.
Many beginners hit a wall when they try to learn javascript -- it's hard!
We'll keep learning more about javascript in future projects.
If you feel like it, try playing around with javascript by selecting
different elements or using different event types
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Slide 63:
Here's what you learned:
1. How to use max-width and @media queries to create a responsive design.
2. How to use advanced colors with hex and rgba
3. How to listen for events and react with Javascript
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** image of Jeff smiling **
"You're a genius! This is great!
Ever since the redesign my poetry has gone viral!"
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You're done -- Great job
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