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Created November 16, 2017 16:01
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Pyfreebilling CDR import thingy
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# PyFreeBilling v2.0
# v1.21
use strict;
use DBI();
use File::Copy;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use POSIX;
use Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
#require "/usr/local/venv/pyfreebilling/freeswitch/script"
#use MyConfig qw($dsn $pg_user $pg_pwd);
# set variables
my $host = hostname();
my $addr = '';
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ quote_char => '"', always_quote => 1 }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();
my $pg_table = "cdr";
my $pg_user = "pyfreebilling";
my $pg_pwd = "YOURPASS";
# this commands HUPS fs, she creates new cdr.csv files, so we can load the old ones up
# debian package : /usr/bin/fs_cli
my $command = ("fs_cli -x 'cdr_csv rotate'");
system($command) == 0 or die "$0: system cdr_csv rotate failed: $?";
# Connect to database
#print "Connecting to database...\n\n";
my $dsn="DBI:Pg:dbname=pyfreebilling;host=localhost;port=5432";
my $dbh=DBI->connect($dsn,$pg_user,$pg_pwd)or die "$0: Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
# Copy file
my $mode = 0777;
# this is the standard location of the cdr-csv
my @LS = `ls -1t /tmp/cdr-csv/Master.csv.*`;
#my @LS = `ls -1t /usr/local/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/Master.csv.*`;
foreach my $line (@LS) {
chmod $mode, $line;
# print "Successfully connected to $dsn\n";
open cdr_log, "< $line" or die "Cannot open cdr_log_file\n";
while (<cdr_log>) {
if ($csv->parse($_)) {
my (@fields) = $csv->fields();
if (!$fields[7]) {
$fields[7] = "NULL";
$fields[7] = "'".$fields[7]."'"
if (!$fields[14]) {
$fields[14] = "NULL";
$fields[14] = "'".$fields[14]."'"
if (!$fields[21]) {
$fields[21] = "NULL";
$fields[21] = "'".$fields[21]."'"
if (!$fields[22]) {
$fields[22] = "NULL";
$fields[22] = "'".$fields[22]."'"
if (!$fields[23]) {
$fields[23] = "NULL";
$fields[23] = "'".$fields[23]."'"
if (!$fields[35]) {
$fields[35] = "NULL";
$fields[35] = "'".$fields[35]."'"
# duration, total sell and total cost calculation
# effective duration
my $effectiveduration = 0;
my $billsec = 0;
my $totalcost = 0;
my $totalsell = 0;
# print " effectiv_duration : $fields[31] \n\n";
if (!$fields[31]){
$effectiveduration = 0;
$effectiveduration = ceil($fields[31]/ 1000.0);
# print " effective_duration : $effectiveduration\n\n";
# billed duration
# print " block_min_duration : $fields[20] \n\n";
if ($effectiveduration != 0 and $fields[20] ){
if ($effectiveduration < $fields[20]){
$billsec = $fields[20];
$billsec = ceil($effectiveduration / $fields[20]) * $fields[20];
$billsec = $effectiveduration;
# print " billsec : $billsec \n\n";
# total sell 18 -15
# print " sell rate : $fields[18] \n\n";
# print " init block rate : $fields[19] \n\n";
if ($fields[18] and $fields[18] != 0){
$totalsell = sprintf("%.6f", ($billsec * $fields[18] / 60.0));
$totalsell = sprintf("%.6f", 0);
if ($fields[19] and $billsec != 0){
$totalsell = sprintf("%.6f", ($totalsell + $fields[19]));
# print " total_sell : $totalsell \n\n";
# total cost
# print " cost_rate : $fields[15] \n\n";
if ($fields[15]){
$totalcost = sprintf("%.6f", ($billsec * $fields[15] / 60.0));
$totalcost = sprintf("%.6f", 0);
# print " total_cost : $totalcost \n\n";
my $insert_str = "insert into $pg_table (customer_id, customer_ip, uuid, caller_id_number, destination_number, chan_name, start_stamp, answered_stamp, end_stamp, duration, read_codec, write_codec, hangup_cause, hangup_cause_q850, gateway_id, cost_rate, prefix, country, rate, init_block, block_min_duration, lcr_carrier_id_id, ratecard_id_id, lcr_group_id_id, sip_user_agent, sip_rtp_rxstat, sip_rtp_txstat, bleg_uuid, switchname, switch_ipv4, hangup_disposition, effectiv_duration, sip_hangup_cause, effective_duration, billsec, total_sell, total_cost, sell_destination, cost_destination) values ( \'".$fields[0]."\', \'".$fields[1]."\', \'".$fields[2]."\', \'".$fields[3]."\', \'".$fields[4]."\', \'".$fields[5]."\', \'".$fields[6]."\', ".$fields[7].", \'".$fields[8]."\', \'".$fields[9]."\', \'".$fields[10]."\', \'".$fields[11]."\', \'".$fields[12]."\', \'".$fields[13]."\', ".$fields[14].", \'".$fields[15]."\', \'".$fields[16]."\', \'".$fields[17]."\', \'".$fields[18]."\', \'".$fields[19]."\', \'".$fields[20]."\', ".$fields[21].", ".$fields[22].", ".$fields[23].", \'".$fields[24]."\', \'".$fields[25]."\', \'".$fields[26]."\', \'".$fields[27]."\', \'".$host."\', \'".$addr."\', \'".$fields[30]."\', \'".$fields[31]."\', \'".$fields[32]."\', \'".$effectiveduration."\', \'".$billsec."\', \'".$totalsell."\', \'".$totalcost."\', \'".$fields[33]."\', \'".$fields[34]."\');";
# print $insert_str."\n";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($insert_str);
} else {
my $err = $csv->error_input;
# print "Failed to parse line: $err";
close (cdr_log);
system("cat $line >> /var/log/freeswitch/cdr-csv/Master.csv"); # we do this to maintain a single FULL file if needed
unlink $line;
exit 0;
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