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Created August 1, 2016 00:08
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memcache.lua setup for replicated fusionpbx
--monitor custom memcache event and clear memcache on remote servers
--protect xmlrpc using a firewall on the server to limit access by ip address
--install mod_curl freeswitch module
--uncomment mod_curl from modules.conf when compiling freeswitch
--open port xmlrpc port for other master server IP addresses
--change the password for xmlrpc in system -> settings
-- <param name="startup-script" value="memcache.lua"/>
-- /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 8080 -s x.x.x.x/32
-- ubuntu: service iptables-persistent save
--define the servers running freeswitch do not include local
servers = {}
x = 0;
servers[x] = {}
servers[x]['username'] = "yourusername";
servers[x]['password'] = "yourpass";
servers[x]['hostname'] = "secondserverip";
servers[x]['port'] = "8787";
--subscribe to the events
--events = freeswitch.EventConsumer("all");
events = freeswitch.EventConsumer("api");
--define trim
function trim (s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
--prepare the api object
api = freeswitch.API();
--get the events
for event in (function() return events:pop(1) end) do
--serialize the data for the console
--freeswitch.consoleLog("notice","event:" .. event:serialize("xml") .. "\n");
--freeswitch.consoleLog("notice","event:" .. event:serialize("json") .. "\n");
--get the uuid
local api_command = event:getHeader("API-Command");
if (api_command ~= nil) then
api_command = trim(api_command);
--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE","api_command: "..api_command .. "\n");
if (api_command == "memcache") then
local api_command_http_host = event:getHeader("HTTP-HOST");
if (api_command_http_host == nil) then
memcache_updated = false;
local api_command_argument = event:getHeader("API-Command-Argument");
if (api_command_argument ~= nil) then
api_command_argument = trim(api_command_argument);
api_command_argument = api_command_argument:gsub(" ", "%%20");
if (api_command_argument ~= nil) then
if (api_command_argument == "flush") then
memcache_updated = true
if (string.sub(api_command_argument, 0, 6) == "delete") then
memcache_updated = true
if (memcache_updated) then
for key,row in pairs(servers) do
--cmd = [[ssh ]]..row.username..[[@]]..row.hostname..[[ "fs_cli -x 'memcache ]]..api_command_argument..[['"]];
--freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO", "[notice] command: ".. cmd .. "\n");
url = [[http://]]..row.username..[[:]]..row.password..[[@]]..row.hostname..[[:]]..row.port..[[/webapi/memcache?]]..api_command_argument;
response = api:execute("curl", url);
freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO", "[notice] ".. url .. " "..response.."\n");
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