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Created July 29, 2015 19:50
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import numpy as np
import astropy.wcs as wcs
import as fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import scipy.stats as sps
from astropy.table import Table, Column, vstack
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Distance, Angle
from astropy import units as u
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
def compute_completeness(data_file, orig_cat, realobj_sep=2.5, mag_tol=1, make_plots=True):
input: data_file: results of fake object insertion: RA, Dec, X(arcmin), Y(arxmin), x(pix),y(pix),mag_in,mag_out
orig_cat: RA/Dec of objects in real catalog
realobj_sep: minimum distance from a real object for a fake obj to be considered detected (arcsec)
mag_tol: absolute value of magnitude difference to be considered matched.
art_results =, format='ascii.commented_header')
orig_cat =, format='ascii.no_header')
rgc = np.sqrt(art_results['Major']**2+art_results['Minor']**2)
art_results.add_column(Column(rgc, name = 'Rgc'))
# find objects in artificial results list that are close to real objects in image
matched_art_orig = filter_cat(art_results['RA'],art_results['Dec'], orig_cat['col1'],orig_cat['col2'], sep=realobj_sep)
n_pos_filt = len(matched_art_orig)
print '{} objects filtered with separation {:.2f}'.format(n_pos_filt, realobj_sep)
# find objects in artificial results list whose magnitudes are too different from input
nmag_filt = np.logical_and(art_results['mag_out']>0, np.abs(art_results['mag_in'] - art_results['mag_out'])>=mag_tol).sum()
print '{} objects filtered with delta mag {:.2f}'.format(nmag_filt, mag_tol)
# now make a detection mask
art_results['mag_out'][matched_art_orig] = 0 # mark the too-close ones as undetected
detected = np.logical_and(art_results['mag_out']>0, np.abs(art_results['mag_in'] - art_results['mag_out'])<mag_tol)
art_results.add_column(Column(detected, name = 'detected'))
if make_plots:
xedge,yedge,top, bot = compute_histos(art_results, 'mag_in','Rgc', 'detected')
def fancy_2d_plot(xedge,yedge, top_hist, bot_hist):
'''plots 2-D and associated 1-D completeness histograms
(ratios of top_hist/bot_hist per bin)
xedge: bin edges in x-direction
yedge: bin edges in y-direction
top_hist: numerator histogram
bot_hist: denominator histogram
nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels
# definitions for the axes
left, width = 0.1, 0.65
bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65
bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.02
rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height]
rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2]
rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.15, height]
# start with a rectangular Figure
f = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
ax2d = plt.axes(rect_scatter)
axHistx = plt.axes(rect_histx)
axHisty = plt.axes(rect_histy)
# no labels
# the 2D plot:
df = top_hist/bot_hist
# note the all-important transpose method!
plot2d = ax2d.imshow(df.T, interpolation='none', origin='low',\
extent=[xedge[0], xedge[-1], yedge[0], yedge[-1]],aspect='auto',cmap='gray')
ax2d.set_xlabel('Input magnitude')
ax2d.set_ylabel('Galactocentric distance [arcmin]')
# the histograms
xhist = top_hist.sum(axis=1)/bot_hist.sum(axis=1)[:-1],height=xhist, width = xedge[1:]-xedge[:-1])
axHistx.set_xlim( ax2d.get_xlim() )
axHistx.set_ylabel('Detection fraction')
axHistx.set_yticks([0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0])
yhist = top_hist.sum(axis=0)/bot_hist.sum(axis=0)
axHisty.barh(bottom=yedge[:-1],width=yhist, height = yedge[1:]-yedge[:-1])
axHisty.set_ylim( ax2d.get_ylim() )
axHisty.set_xlabel('Detection fraction')
axHisty.set_xticks([0.2, 0.5, 0.8])
def compute_histos(art_results, col1, col2, mask):
''' computes two 2-D histograms, using the bins from the first one for the second
art_results: astropy table with relevant data
col1: name of column for 'X' quantity in the 2-D histogram
col2: name of column for 'Y' quantity in the 2-D histogram
mask: name of mask column for making the second histogram
hist_2d_all, xedge, yedge = np.histogram2d(art_results[col1], art_results[col2], bins=8)
hist_2d_det, xj, yj = np.histogram2d(art_results[col1][art_results[mask]], art_results[col2][art_results[mask]],\
bins=[xedge, yedge])
return xedge, yedge, hist_2d_det, hist_2d_all
def filter_cat(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, sep=2.5):
'''find objects in cat1 that match positions in cat2
input: RA/Dec pairs for catalog1 and catalog2
output: indices into cat1 for objects that are near objects in cat2
cat1_coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra1*u.deg, dec=dec1*u.deg)
cat2_coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra2*u.deg, dec=dec2*u.deg)
# find the objects in cat1 which are near objects in cat2
# match: see
idx1,idx2,sep,dist = cat2_coords.search_around_sky(cat1_coords, sep*u.arcsec)
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