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Created March 4, 2014 21:16
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Computes deprojected galactocentric distances
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS, Galactic, Distance, Angle
from astropy import units as u
import math as mt
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, Column
# inspired by
def correct_rgc(coord, glx_ctr=ICRS('00h42m44.33s +41d16m07.5s'), glx_PA=Angle('37d42m54s'), glx_incl=Angle('77.5d'), glx_dist=Distance(783,unit=u.kpc)):
'''computes deprojected galactocentric distance for an object at coord,
relative to galaxy at glx_ctr with PA glx_PA, inclination glx_incl, distance glx_distance'''
# distance from coord to glx centre
sky_radius = glx_ctr.separation(coord)
avg_dec = 0.5*(glx_ctr.dec + coord.dec).radian
x = (glx_ctr.ra - coord.ra)*mt.cos(avg_dec)
y = glx_ctr.dec - coord.dec
# azimuthal angle from coord to glx -- not completely happy with this
phi = glx_PA - Angle('90d') + Angle(mt.atan(y.arcsec/x.arcsec),unit=u.rad)
# convert to coordinates in rotated frame, where y-axis is galaxy major axis
# have to convert to arcmin b/c can't do sqrt(x^2+y^2) when x and y are angles
xp = (sky_radius * mt.cos(phi.radian)).arcmin
yp = (sky_radius * mt.sin(phi.radian)).arcmin
# de-project
ypp = yp/mt.cos(glx_incl.radian)
obj_radius = mt.sqrt(xp**2+ypp**2) # in arcmin
obj_dist = Distance(Angle(obj_radius, unit=u.arcmin).radian*glx_dist,unit=glx_dist.unit)
# don't really need this but compute it just for fun
if abs(Angle(xp,unit=u.arcmin))<Angle(1e-5,unit=u.rad):
obj_phi = Angle(0.0)
obj_phi = Angle(mt.atan(ypp/xp),unit=u.rad)
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