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Last active November 8, 2019 16:55
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  • Save PCfromDC/7573841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PCfromDC/7573841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a PowerShell script that grabs all users from AD and puts them into a SQL table.
# Array of Domain Controller Server Names
$DCs = @("DC01","DC02","DC03")
# Database Server
$dbServer = "sql2012-03"
# Database Name
$databaseName = "pcDemo_Personnel"
# Production System User Table Name
$activeTableName = "pcDemo_SystemUsers"
# create out file location
$saveLocation = "c:\psOutputs\"
# Days to Keep Synchronization File History
$daysSaved = 6
# Saved File Name
$date = Get-Date -Format s
$fileName = "synchedUsers_" + $date + ".txt"
$fileName = $fileName.Replace(":","_")
# Saved File
$file = $saveLocation + $fileName
# Verify Folder Exists else Create It
if ((Test-Path $saveLocation) -eq $false)
# **************************
# * Create Functions Below *
# **************************
#region *** Function Definitions ***
function Get-Type
$types = @(
if ( $types -contains $type ) {
Write-Output "$type"
else {
Write-Output 'System.String'
} #Get-Type
Creates a DataTable for an object
Creates a DataTable based on an objects properties.
Any object can be piped to Out-DataTable
$dt = Get-psdrive| Out-DataTable
This example creates a DataTable from the properties of Get-psdrive and assigns output to $dt variable
Adapted from script by Marc van Orsouw see link
Version History
v1.0 - Chad Miller - Initial Release
v1.1 - Chad Miller - Fixed Issue with Properties
v1.2 - Chad Miller - Added setting column datatype by property as suggested by emp0
v1.3 - Chad Miller - Corrected issue with setting datatype on empty properties
v1.4 - Chad Miller - Corrected issue with DBNull
v1.5 - Chad Miller - Updated example
v1.6 - Chad Miller - Added column datatype logic with default to string
v1.7 - Chad Miller - Fixed issue with IsArray
function Out-DataTable
param([Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject[]]$InputObject)
$dt = new-object Data.datatable
$First = $true
foreach ($object in $InputObject)
$DR = $DT.NewRow()
foreach($property in $object.PsObject.get_properties())
if ($first)
$Col = new-object Data.DataColumn
$Col.ColumnName = $property.Name.ToString()
if ($property.value)
if ($property.value -isnot [System.DBNull]) {
$Col.DataType = [System.Type]::GetType("$(Get-Type $property.TypeNameOfValue)")
if ($property.Gettype().IsArray) {
$DR.Item($property.Name) =$property.value | ConvertTo-XML -AS String -NoTypeInformation -Depth 1
else {
$DR.Item($property.Name) = $property.value
$First = $false
Write-Output @(,($dt))
} #Out-DataTable
try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop}
catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo"}
try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop}
catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo"}
function Get-SqlType
switch ($TypeName)
'Boolean' {[Data.SqlDbType]::Bit}
'Byte[]' {[Data.SqlDbType]::VarBinary}
'Byte' {[Data.SQLDbType]::VarBinary}
'Datetime' {[Data.SQLDbType]::DateTime}
'Decimal' {[Data.SqlDbType]::Decimal}
'Double' {[Data.SqlDbType]::Float}
'Guid' {[Data.SqlDbType]::UniqueIdentifier}
'Int16' {[Data.SQLDbType]::SmallInt}
'Int32' {[Data.SQLDbType]::Int}
'Int64' {[Data.SqlDbType]::BigInt}
'UInt16' {[Data.SQLDbType]::SmallInt}
'UInt32' {[Data.SQLDbType]::Int}
'UInt64' {[Data.SqlDbType]::BigInt}
'Single' {[Data.SqlDbType]::Decimal}
default {[Data.SqlDbType]::VarChar}
} #Get-SqlType
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO.
$dt = Invoke-Sqlcmd2 -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubs "select * from authors"; Add-SqlTable -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubscopy -TableName authors -DataTable $dt
This example loads a variable dt of type DataTable from a query and creates an empty SQL Server table
$dt = Get-Alias | Out-DataTable; Add-SqlTable -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubscopy -TableName alias -DataTable $dt
This example creates a DataTable from the properties of Get-Alias and creates an empty SQL Server table.
Add-SqlTable uses SQL Server Management Objects (SMO). SMO is installed with SQL Server Management Studio and is available
as a separate download:
Version History
v1.0 - Chad Miller - Initial Release
v1.1 - Chad Miller - Updated documentation
v1.2 - Chad Miller - Add loading Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo
v1.3 - Chad Miller - Added error handling
v1.4 - Chad Miller - Add VarCharMax and VarBinaryMax handling
v1.5 - Chad Miller - Added AsScript switch to output script instead of creating table
v1.6 - Chad Miller - Updated Get-SqlType types
function Add-SqlTable
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerInstance,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Database,
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [String]$TableName,
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [System.Data.DataTable]$DataTable,
[Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Username,
[Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Password,
[Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$MaxLength=1000,
[Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$AsScript
try {
{ $con = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection") $ServerInstance,$Username,$Password }
{ $con = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection") $ServerInstance }
$server = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $con
$db = $server.Databases[$Database]
$table = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table") $db, $TableName
foreach ($column in $DataTable.Columns)
$sqlDbType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlDataType]"$(Get-SqlType $column.DataType.Name)"
if ($sqlDbType -eq 'VarBinary' -or $sqlDbType -eq 'VarChar')
if ($MaxLength -gt 0)
{$dataType = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType") $sqlDbType, $MaxLength}
{ $sqlDbType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlDataType]"$(Get-SqlType $column.DataType.Name)Max"
$dataType = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType") $sqlDbType
{ $dataType = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType") $sqlDbType }
$col = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column") $table, $column.ColumnName, $dataType
$col.Nullable = $column.AllowDBNull
if ($AsScript) {
else {
catch {
$message = $_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message
Write-Error $message
} #Add-SqlTable
Writes data only to SQL Server tables.
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance.
You cannot pipe objects to Write-DataTable
Produces no output
$dt = Invoke-Sqlcmd2 -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubs "select * from authors"
Write-DataTable -ServerInstance "Z003\R2" -Database pubscopy -TableName authors -Data $dt
This example loads a variable dt of type DataTable from query and write the datatable to another database
Write-DataTable uses the SqlBulkCopy class see links for additional information on this class.
Version History
v1.0 - Chad Miller - Initial release
v1.1 - Chad Miller - Fixed error message
function Write-DataTable
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerInstance,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Database,
[Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableName,
[Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] $Data,
[Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Username,
[Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Password,
[Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$BatchSize=50000,
[Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$QueryTimeout=0,
[Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [Int32]$ConnectionTimeout=15
$conn=new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
if ($Username)
{ $ConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};User ID={2};Password={3};Trusted_Connection=False;Connect Timeout={4}" -f $ServerInstance,$Database,$Username,$Password,$ConnectionTimeout }
{ $ConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout={2}" -f $ServerInstance,$Database,$ConnectionTimeout }
$bulkCopy = new-object ("Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy") $connectionString
$bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = $tableName
$bulkCopy.BatchSize = $BatchSize
$bulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = $QueryTimeOut
$ex = $_.Exception
Write-Error "$ex.Message"
} #Write-DataTable
function writeStartTime($string)
# add start time/date to outfile
$startTime = Get-Date
$string + " started: " + $startTime | Out-File $file -Append
} #writeQueryStartTime
function writeFinishTime($string)
# add finish time/date to outfile
$endTime = Get-Date
$string + " finished :" + $endTime | Out-File $file -Append
# add duration time to outfile
$queryDuration = ($endTime - $startTime).duration()
$string + " duration: " + $queryDuration | Out-File $file -Append
} #writeQueryFinishTime
# Validate Servers #
Function validateServer ($s)
$alive = $true
if(!(Test-Connection -Cn $s -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet))
"Problem connecting to $s" | Out-File $file -Append
ipconfig /flushdns | out-null
ipconfig /registerdns | out-null
nslookup $s | out-null
if(!(Test-Connection -Cn $s -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet))
$alive = $false
"Resolved problem connecting to $s" | Out-File $file -Append
$alive = $true
} #end if
} # end if
return $alive # always a good sign!
} # Validate Server Alive
# **************************
# * Create Functions Above *
# **************************
# *************************
# * Synchronize AD to SQL *
# *************************
# Create Out-File and add start time/date
$PoSH_startTime = Get-Date
"Synchronize AD to SQL PowerShell started: " + $PoSH_startTime | Out-File $file
# Validate Domain Controllers
$OUs = @()
foreach ($DC in $DCs)
$a = validateServer($DC)
if ($a)
"$DC is alive: " + $a | Out-File $file -Append
$OUs += $DC
$counter = 0
foreach ($OU in $OUs)
# Get current OU Server Name
$ouServer = $OUs[$counter]
# Create Table Name
$tableName = "temp_" + $ouServer + "_Table"
# Drop table if it exists
$query1 = "IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.$tableName', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.$tableName"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query1 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# add AD query start time/date to outfile
$startTime = Get-Date
"Query AD " + $ouServer + " started: " + $startTime | Out-File $file -Append
# Set AD Properties to return
if ($counter -lt 1)
$properties = ("sAMAccountName","displayName","mail","telephoneNumber","physicalDeliveryOfficeName","department","userAccountControl","company","title","lastLogon","manager","givenName","Surname")
$properties = ("sAMAccountName","lastLogon")
# Get Users and their properties out of AD where the displayName is not blank
$users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Server $ouServer -Properties (foreach{$properties}) | Select (foreach{$properties})
# $users = Get-ADUser -Filter {displayName -like "*"} -Server $ouServer -Properties (foreach{$properties}) | Select (foreach{$properties})
# add AD query finish time/date to outfile
$endTime = Get-Date
"Query AD " + $ouServer + " finished :" + $endTime | Out-File $file -Append
# add duration time to outfile
$queryDuration = ($endTime - $startTime).duration()
"Query AD " + $ouServer + " duration: " + $queryDuration | Out-File $file -Append
# Clean up lastLogon values
foreach ($user in $users)
if (!$user.lastLogon)
$user.lastLogon = 0
$user.lastLogon = [datetime]::FromFileTime($user.lastLogon).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')
# SQL Write start time/date to outfile
$sqlStartTime = Get-Date
"SQL Creation started: " + $sqlStartTime | Out-File $file -Append
# Turn $users into DataTable
$dt1 = $users | Out-DataTable
# Create SQL Table
Add-SqlTable -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $databaseName -TableName $tableName -DataTable $dt1
# Write DataTable into SQL
Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $databaseName -TableName $tableName -Data $dt1
# Clean up new table from NULL error work around
$query2 = "UPDATE [dbo].$tableName SET lastLogon = NULL WHERE lastLogon = '0'"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query2 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# SQL Write finish time/date to outfile
$sqlEndTime = Get-Date
"SQL Creation finished :" + $sqlEndTime | Out-File $file -Append
# add duration time to outfile
$sqlQueryDuration = ($sqlEndTime - $sqlStartTime).duration()
"SQL Creation duration: " + $sqlQueryDuration | Out-File $file -Append
$counter ++
} #Synchronize AD to SQL
# **********************************************************************
# * Move Last Logon Times to Temp Table If Multiple Domain Controllers *
# **********************************************************************
if ($OUs.Count -gt 1)
# Drop table if it exists
$query3 = "IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.temp_lastLogonTimes', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.temp_lastLogonTimes"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query3 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# Create temp_lastLogonTimes Table
$query4 = "CREATE TABLE temp_lastLogonTimes (sAMAccountName varchar(1000))"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query4 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# Add a column for each OU
foreach ($OU in $OUs)
# Create OU Columns
$columnName = $OU + "_lastLogon"
$query5 = "ALTER TABLE temp_lastLogonTimes ADD " + $columnName + " varchar(1000)"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query5 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# Insert and Update Times Into Temp Table
$counter = 0
foreach ($OU in $OUs)
if ($counter -lt 1)
# Insert Names and Times
$query6 = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[temp_lastLogonTimes]
,[" + $OU + "_lastLogon])
temp_" + $OU + "_Table"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query6 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# Update OU lastLogon Times *** Adjust Query Timeout Accordingly ***
$query7 = "UPDATE [dbo].[temp_lastLogonTimes]
SET " + $OU + "_lastLogon = lastLogon
FROM temp_" + $OU + "_Table
WHERE temp_lastLogonTimes.sAMAccountName = temp_" + $OU + "_Table.sAMAccountName"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query7 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer # -QueryTimeout 600
$counter ++
# ***************************
# * Get Max lastLogon Times *
# ***************************
# Get Table and Update Last Logon Value
$str_OUs = @()
foreach ($OU in $OUs)
$str_OUs += "ISNULL(" + $OU + "_lastLogon, 0) as " + $OU + "_lastLogon"
$str_OUs = $str_OUs -join ", "
$query8 = "SELECT sAMAccountName, " + $str_OUs + " from temp_lastLogonTimes"
$arrayLLT = @()
$arrayLLT = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query8 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
$arrayLLT | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "lastLogon" -Value ""
$arrayLength = $arrayLLT[0].Table.Columns.Count - 1
$counter = 0
foreach ($sAM in $arrayLLT.sAMAccountName)
$max = $arrayLLT[$counter][1..$arrayLength] | Measure -Maximum
$arrayLLT[$counter].lastLogon = $max.Maximum
# $arrayLLT[$counter].lastLogon = [datetime]::FromFileTime($max.Maximum).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')
$counter ++
# Drop table if it exists
$tableNameLLT = "temp_lastLogons"
$query9 = "IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.$tableNameLLT', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.$tableNameLLT"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query9 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# Turn $users into DataTable
$arrayLLT = $arrayLLT | Select sAMAccountName, lastLogon
$dt2 = $arrayLLT | Out-DataTable
# Create SQL Table
Add-SqlTable -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $databaseName -TableName $tableNameLLT -DataTable $dt2
# Write DataTable into SQL
Write-DataTable -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $databaseName -TableName $tableNameLLT -Data $dt2
# Clean up new table from NULL error work around
$query10 = "UPDATE [dbo].$tableNameLLT SET lastLogon = NULL WHERE lastLogon = '0'"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query10 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# ********************************************
# * Update Current Users In $activeTableName *
# ********************************************
$tempTableName = "temp_" + $OUs[0] + "_Table"
$query11 = "UPDATE active
active.UserLogin = LOWER(temp.sAMAccountName),
active.UserFullName = temp.displayName,
active.UserLastName = temp.Surname,
active.UserFirstName = temp.givenName,
active.UserCompany =,
active.UserOfficeLocation = temp.physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
active.UserTitle = temp.title,
active.Manager = temp.manager,
active.UserPhone = temp.telephoneNumber,
active.UserEmail = temp.mail,
active.lastLogon = CONVERT(DATETIME, temp.lastLogon),
active.userAccountControl = temp.userAccountControl,
active.Department = temp.department
FROM " + $activeTableName + " active
inner join " + $tempTableName + " temp
on active.UserLogin = temp.sAMAccountName
WHERE LOWER(active.UserLogin) = LOWER(temp.sAMAccountName)"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query11 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# *********************************************
# * Insert New Accounts Into $activeTableName *
# *********************************************
$query12 = "INSERT INTO [" + $databaseName + "].[dbo].[" + $activeTableName + "]
[System_Role] = 'User',
[ReadOnly] = 'Y',
FROM " + $tempTableName + " AS temp
WHERE sAMAccountName <> '' and not exists
FROM " + $activeTableName + " AS active
WHERE LOWER(active.UserLogin) = LOWER(temp.sAMAccountName)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query12 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# ***************************************************************
# * Update lastLogon Time In $activeTableName IF more than 1 DC *
# ***************************************************************
if ($OUs.Count -gt 1)
$query13 = "UPDATE [dbo].[" + $activeTableName + "]
SET " + $activeTableName + ".lastLogon = temp_lastLogons.lastLogon
FROM temp_lastLogons
WHERE LOWER(temp_lastLogons.sAMAccountName) = LOWER(" + $activeTableName + ".UserLogin)"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query13 -Database $databaseName -ServerInstance $dbServer
# Write Number of People Found in AD
"Total number of users imported from AD: " + $users.count | Out-File $file -Append
# Clean Up Old Files
Get-ChildItem $saveLocation -Recurse | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysSaved)} | Remove-Item -Force
# add PoSH finish time/date to outfile
$PoSH_endTime = Get-Date
"Synchronize AD to SQL PowerShell finished: " + $PoSH_endTime | Out-File $file -Append
# add PoSH duration time to outfile
$queryDuration = ($PoSH_endTime - $PoSH_startTime).duration()
"Synchronize AD to SQL PowerShell duration: " + $queryDuration | Out-File $file -Append
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This script works beautifully. I have a question. I want to capture the mobile number instead of the telephone number. I replaced the field in the script but I get an error on line 477 saying "unable to cast object" What am I doing wrong here?

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I want to confirm my understanding of this script. Does it make one INSERT for every user it finds?

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mk2k commented Dec 27, 2017

I want to use this script. Does it remove users if they got removed from active directory when running the script again?
With other words, does the script keep the sql and ad in sync when running scheduled?

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