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Created May 16, 2019 03:20
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My bad implementation of the FRC DCMP division algo
import gen
import math
import numpy
import random
import statistics as stat
def chunk(l, n):
Splits a list l into a list of n new lists
return [list (i) for i in numpy.array_split(numpy.array(l),n)]
def snr(inList):
Signal-to-Noise Ratio of a list of ints
return 10 * math.log(stat.mean(inList) ** 2 / stat.stdev(inList) ** 2)
def distributeTeams(quartiles):
Takes a list of four quartiles to be distributed into divisions
Returns list of two acceptable divisions
allowedAvgStrDiff = 1.0
allowedStrDistDiff = 1.0
allowedTopStrDistDiff = 1.5
divA = []
divB = []
for teamSet in quartiles:
splitSize = int(len(teamSet) / 2)
divA += teamSet[:splitSize]
divB += teamSet[splitSize:]
aPts = sorted([team['points'] for team in divA], reverse=True)
bPts = sorted([team['points'] for team in divB], reverse=True)
meanA = stat.mean(aPts)
meanB = stat.mean(bPts)
passesMeanCheck = abs(meanA - meanB) <= allowedAvgStrDiff
passesStrCheck = abs(snr(aPts) - snr(bPts)) <= allowedStrDistDiff
topA = chunk(aPts, 4)[0]
topB = chunk(bPts, 4)[0]
passesTopStrCheck = abs(snr(topA) - snr(topB)) <= allowedTopStrDistDiff
if passesMeanCheck and passesStrCheck and passesTopStrCheck:
return [sorted(divA, key= lambda k: int(k['team'][3:])), sorted(divB, key= lambda k: int(k['team'][3:]))]
return distributeTeams(quartiles)
if __name__ == "__main__":
tba = gen.setup()
year = 2019
dist = 'chs'
dcmp = '2019chcmp'
distRanks = tba.district_rankings(str(year) + dist)
preDCMPstandings = []
for team in distRanks:
preDCMP = 0
for event in team['event_points']:
if event['event_key'] != dcmp:
preDCMP += event['total']
preDCMPstandings.append({'team': team['team_key'], 'points': preDCMP})
Sort the pre-DCMP rankings, choose 80 top to send to DMCP, split into quartiles, find acceptable divisions
preDCMPstandings = sorted(preDCMPstandings, key= lambda k: k['points'], reverse=True)[0:80]
quartiles = chunk(preDCMPstandings, 4)
divA, divB = distributeTeams(quartiles)
divs = []
for idx, i in enumerate(divA):
divs.append({'A': i['team'][3:], 'B': divB[idx]['team'][3:]})
gen.listOfDictToCSV(dcmp + ' Simulated Divisions', divs, ['A', 'B'])
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