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Created March 1, 2011 16:03
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Save PEM-FR/849344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[enhancement] - dijit.form.ValidationTextBox : MorphTextBox with an example of textArea
// morphValidationTest : function
// prends en paramètre une fonction utilisée pour effectuer un test
// particulier non géré, ou difficile à gérer en regExp.
// En général il faut lui préférer regExp ou regExpGen.
morphValidationTest : null,
validate: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
// summary:
// Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress.
// description:
// Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.
// tags:
// protected
var message = "";
var isValid = this.disabled || this.isValid(isFocused);
// here we add the morphValidationTest
if(null != this.morphValidationTest){
// il faut tester si la propriété est une fonction ou pas
isValid = (this.morphValidationTest(this.textbox.value) && isValid);
if(isValid){ this._maskValidSubsetError = true; }
var isEmpty = this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value);
var isValidSubset = !isValid && !isEmpty && isFocused && this._isValidSubset();
this.state = ((isValid || ((!this._hasBeenBlurred || isFocused) && isEmpty) || isValidSubset) && this._maskValidSubsetError) ? "" : "Error";
if(this.state == "Error"){ this._maskValidSubsetError = isFocused; } // we want the error to show up afer a blur and refocus
dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "invalid", isValid ? "false" : "true");
if(this.state == "Error"){
message = this.getErrorMessage(true);
message = this.getPromptMessage(true); // show the prompt whever there's no error
this._maskValidSubsetError = true; // since we're focused, always mask warnings
return isValid;
setStateClass : function(/*string*/state){
this._state = state;
[dijit.form.ValidationTextBox, widget.custom.MorphBox],
[widget.custom.MorphTextBox, dijit.form.Textarea],
validator: function(/*anything*/value, /*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/constraints){
// summary:
// Overridable function used to validate the text input against the regular expression.
// Modified to accept \n and g line returns
// tags:
// protected
value = value.replace(new RegExp( "\\n", "g" ), " ");
return (new RegExp("^(?:" + this.regExpGen(constraints) + ")"+(this.required?"":"?")+"$")).test(value) &&
(!this.required || !this._isEmpty(value)) &&
(this._isEmpty(value) || this.parse(value, constraints) !== undefined); // Boolean
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YaPeL commented Mar 2, 2011

Well, I'm using your code, it works flawlessly, thanks :).

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PEM-FR commented Mar 10, 2011

Also for dates, you could make checks like that :
var newDate = new Date(valeur);
return ('' != valeur && !isNaN(newDate.getYear()));

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YaPeL commented Nov 30, 2011

I'm having troubles under IE9 with your widget, and some custom accordions, it makes the explorer to close... :-/ any idea?

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PEM-FR commented Dec 2, 2011

Hello YaPeL, what version of dojo are you using ? Because IE9 is not supported before 1.6.1 (which only "starts" supporting IE9, not fully).
Also I have not tested my code against dojo 1.7 yet, there might be some patches to do.
So :

  1. what version of dojo are you using ?
  2. what error / problem do you have ?

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