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Last active May 27, 2024 01:33
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Get the Caps – Rich 4Clojure Problem 29 – See:
(ns rich4clojure.easy.problem-029
(:require [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]]))
;; = Get the Caps =
;; By 4Clojure user: dbyrne
;; Difficulty: Easy
;; Tags: [strings]
;; Write a function which takes a string and returns a new
;; string containing only the capital letters.
(def __ :tests-will-fail)
(__ "HeLlO, WoRlD!") := "HLOWRD"
(__ "nothing") :=
(__ "$#A(*&987Zf") := "AZ")
;; To participate, fork:
;; Post your solution below, please!
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szalai1 commented Aug 23, 2021

(fn [s] (apply str (filter #(Character/isUpperCase %) s)))

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str (re-seq #"[A-Z]" %)))

Had to edit (tests 2 to
(__ "nothing") := "", cant think of any way to return no action for "" or nil?

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ghost commented Nov 2, 2023

(def __ #(loop [el (seq %)
                res ""]
           (if (nil? el)
             (str res)
             (recur (next el)
                    (if (Character/isUpperCase (first el))
                      (str res (first el))

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jsebdev commented May 27, 2024

(def __ (fn [s]
          (->> s
               (filter (fn [c] (Character/isUpperCase c)))
               (apply str)

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