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Created April 23, 2017 01:26
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Hey folks,
I'm PeeGee and I've been working on custom terrain generation mods TerrainControl (TC) and Minecraft Worlds (MCW) for the past couple of years. MCPitman and LordSmellyPants are TerrainControl's foremost content creator and have made Biome Bundle, the biggest custom biome collection out there with over 450 different biomes and 2000 custom objects. A few months ago we decided to join forces to make a new version of TerrainControl, solving nearly all known bugs, mod compatibility issues, adding tons of usability stuff and lots of new features and customisation options. We aim to create a terrain generator that can be completely customised and can create any kind of world or dimension including procedurally generated trees, structures, ores, mobs, chests, villagers, bosses, you name it. Today we're proud to release the first version of OpenTerrainGenerator, 5 different pre-set worlds and a new version of Biome Bundle with lots of new biomes and improvements. Without further ado here's the official mod description, links and pics!
Open Terrain Generator is an advanced world generator which allows you to generate any world you like without any knowledge of Java. OTG is a fork of Terrain Control that solves the instability and basic mod compatibility issues of Terrain Control while maintaining compatibility with its world packs and adding lots of new features and fixes. New things include Biome Dictionary support, a new in game UI allowing simpler single player world creation and multiple worlds with the same preset, a built in map pre-generator with in-game UI, mob inheritance (improves compatibility with mob mods) as well as the ability to spawn entities in structures.
Multi-worlds (dimensions) are also supported and it is possible to travel between OTG world packs via a quartz portal ignited with flint and steel (must have 'DimensionsEnabled: true' in main world's Worldconfig.ini). For more details on this feature and other more advanced features visit /r/openterraingen.
What do you mean, any world you like?
Here are some examples of custom presets (created using only OTG functionality):
Mod Page: The base mode, you'll need this.
- Biome Bundle v5 [Screenshots:] [Download:]
- Skylands [Screenshots:] [Download:]
- Flatlands [Screenshots:] [Download:]
- Void [Download:]
- Dimensions [Download:]
- Cartographer (WIP) [Download:]
Here's a list of recent changes, for a comprehensive change log visit the Github project page []
- Fixes for all known crashes including ones caused by mods (excluding other biome mods which remain incompatible), including:
- Dimension switching/mineshaft crash
- Forge biome dictionary crash
- Java preconditions crash
- Fixed compatibility issues with a number of mods including Pam's Harvestcraft, IC2, Quark, Recurrent Complex, Roguelike Dungeons and more.
- Added working Forge biome dictionary support for all biome types, added BiomeDictId option in BiomeConfigs (Forge Only)
- Added new in game UI allowing simpler single player world creation and multiple worlds with the same preset (Forge Only)
- Added a built in map pre-generator with in-game UI, configurable via world creation screen and WorldConfig (Forge Only)
- Added world borders configurable in the WorldConfig
- Basic multi-dimension support (more features and improvements will follow) (Forge Only)
- Added Cartographer world mapper, a work in progress feature that adds a miniature map of the world that spawns in its own dimension and can be used to teleport around the world and explore quickly. (Forge Only)
- Added InheritMobsBiomeName for BiomeConfigs and implemented mob inheritance (improves compatibility with mob mods) (Forge Only)
- Fixed new worlds not generating dirs or default bc's, also tweaked default bc's to be more like vanilla Minecraft
- Added Entity() function
- Forge and Bukkit versions merged into a single .jar file
Mod Page:
Official Website:
Subreddit: /r/openterraingen
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