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Created May 28, 2017 23:14
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// Game rules for worlds used as dimensions with Forge // TODO: Apply to overworld too?
public String commandBlockOutput = "true"; // Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands
public String disableElytraMovementCheck = "false"; // Whether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra. Often helps with jittering due to lag in multiplayer, but may also be used to travel unfairly long distances in survival mode (cheating).
public String doDaylightCycle = "true"; // Whether the day-night cycle and moon phases progress
public String doEntityDrops = "true"; // Whether entities that are not mobs should have drops
public String doFireTick = "true"; // Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish
public String doLimitedCrafting = "false"; // Whether players should only be able to craft recipes that they've unlocked first
public String doMobLoot = "true"; // Whether mobs should drop items
public String doMobSpawning = "true"; // Whether mobs should naturally spawn. Does not affect monster spawners.
public String doTileDrops = "true"; // Whether blocks should have drops
public String doWeatherCycle = "true"; // Whether the weather will change
//public String gameLoopFunction = "true"; // The function to run every game tick // TODO: Implement for 1.12
public String keepInventory = "false"; // Whether the player should keep items in their inventory after death
public String logAdminCommands = "true"; // Whether to log admin commands to server log
//public String maxCommandChainLength = "65536"; // Determines the number at which the chain command block acts as a "chain". // TODO: Implement for 1.12
public String maxEntityCramming = "24"; // The maximum number of other pushable entities a mob or player can push, before taking 3 doublehearts suffocation damage per half-second. Setting to 0 disables the rule. Damage affects survival-mode or adventure-mode players, and all mobs but bats. Pushable entities include non-spectator-mode players, any mob except bats, as well as boats and minecarts.
public String mobGriefing = "true"; // Whether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, and villagers should be able to change blocks and whether villagers, zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigmen can pick up items
public String naturalRegeneration = "true"; // Whether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough (doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the Regeneration effect, etc.)
public String randomTickSpeed = "3"; // How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick. 0 will disable random ticks, higher numbers will increase random ticks
public String reducedDebugInfo = "false"; // Whether the debug screen shows all or reduced information; and whether the effects of F3+B (entity hitboxes) and F3+G (chunk boundaries) are shown.
public String sendCommandFeedback = "true"; // Whether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat. Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output text
public String showDeathMessages = "true"; // Whether death messages are put into chat when a player dies. Also affects whether a message is sent to the pet's owner when the pet dies.
public String spawnRadius = "10"; // The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player will spawn in when first joining a server or when dying without a spawnpoint.
public String spectatorsGenerateChunks = "true"; // Whether players in spectator mode can generate chunks
// World provider settings for worlds used as dimensions with Forge : TODO: Apply to overworld too?
public String welcomeMessage = ""; // A message to display to the user when they transfer to this dimension.
//public boolean isHellWorld = false; // DoesWaterVaporize sets this
public boolean hasNoSky = false; // A boolean that tells if a world does not have a sky. Used in calculating weather and skylight. Also affects GetActualHeight(), hasNoSky = true worlds are seen as 128 height worlds, which affects nether portal placement/detection.
public boolean isSurfaceWorld = true; // Returns 'true' if in the "main surface world", but 'false' if in the Nether or End dimensions. Affects: Clock, Compass, sky/cloud rendering, allowed to sleep here, zombie pigmen spawning in portal frames.
public boolean canCoordinateBeSpawn = false; // Will check if the x, z position specified is alright to be set as the map spawn point
public boolean canRespawnHere = true; // True if the player can respawn in this dimension (true = overworld, false = nether).
public boolean doesWaterVaporizeSet = false;
public boolean doesWaterVaporize = false; // True for nether, any water that is placed vaporises.
public boolean doesXZShowFog = false; // Returns true if the given X,Z coordinate should show environmental fog. True for Nether.
public boolean fogColorSet = false;
public double fogColor1 = 0.20000000298023224D;
public double fogColor2 = 0.029999999329447746D;
public double fogColor3 = 0.029999999329447746D;
public boolean isSkyColored = true; // Is set to false for End (black sky?)
public boolean averageGroundlevelSet = false;
public int averageGroundlevel = 0; // Affects spawn point location and village spawning. Should be equal to sea level + 1(?)
public boolean horizonHeightSet = false;
public int horizonHeight = 0; // Returns horizon height for use in rendering the sky. Should be equal to sea level(?)
public boolean cloudHeightSet = false;
public int cloudHeight = 0;
public boolean canDoLightningSet = false;
public boolean canDoLightning = false;
public boolean canDoRainSnowIceSet = false;
public boolean canDoRainSnowIce = false;
public boolean canMineBlockSet = false;
public boolean canMineBlock = false; // If set to false players are unable to mine blocks
public boolean isNightWorldSet = false; // Sky is always moon and stars but light levels are same as day, used for Cartographer
public boolean isNightWorld = false;
public boolean voidFogYFactorSet = false;
public double voidFogYFactor = 0.03125D; // A double value representing the Y value relative to the top of the map at which void fog is at its maximum. The default factor of 0.03125 relative to 256, for example, means the void fog will be at its maximum at (256*0.03125), or 8.
public boolean shouldMapSpinSet = false;
public boolean shouldMapSpin = false; // Determine if the cursor on the map should 'spin' when rendered, like it does for the player in the nether.
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