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Created October 18, 2019 09:21
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script used for comparing mldata datasets to openml datasets
import arff
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import openml
import os
import pandas as pd
import sys
def load_arff(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as fh:
return arff.load(fh)
def get_metafeatures(data):
name = data['relation']
instances = len(data['data'])
features = len(data['data'][0])
missing = len([v for row in data['data'] for v in row if v is None])
return name, instances, features, missing
def compare(data_features, characteristics):
""" Compares `characteristics` to the `data`.
:param data: dict. arff data
:param characteristics: dict. OpenML dataset description
:return: Tuple[bool, int, int, int].
True if dataset name of A is contained in B or vice versa.
Difference in number of samples.
Difference in number of features.
Difference in number of missing values.
name, instances, features, missing = data_features
return (name in characteristics['name'] or characteristics['name'] in name,
abs(characteristics.get('NumberOfInstances', float('nan')) - instances),
abs(characteristics.get('NumberOfFeatures', float('nan')) - features),
abs(characteristics.get('NumberOfMissingValues', float('nan')) - missing))
def create_df_matches(dataset_folder=None):
oml_datasets = openml.datasets.list_datasets()
comparisons = []
arff_files = [filepath for filepath in os.listdir(dataset_folder) if filepath.endswith('.arff')]
for i, file_path in enumerate(arff_files):"[{:3d}/{:3d}] {}".format(i+1, len(arff_files), file_path[:-5]))
new_data = load_arff(os.path.join(dataset_folder, file_path))
new_data_metafeatures = get_metafeatures(new_data)
for did, oml_dataset in oml_datasets.items():
name_match, d_instances, d_features, d_missing = compare(new_data_metafeatures, oml_dataset)
if name_match or sum([d_instances, d_features, d_missing]) == 0:
comparisons.append([file_path[:-5], did, name_match, d_instances, d_features, d_missing])
return pd.DataFrame(comparisons, columns=['name', 'did', 'name_match', 'd_instances', 'd_features', 'd_missing'])
def move_bad_files(folder):
sub_folder = 'bad/'
arff_files = [filepath for filepath in os.listdir(folder) if filepath.endswith('.arff')]
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, sub_folder)):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(folder, sub_folder))
for i, file_path in enumerate(arff_files):
load_arff(os.path.join(folder, file_path))
except arff.ArffException as e:"[{:3d}/{:3d}] Moving {}, reason: {}".format(i+1, len(arff_files), file_path[:-5], str(e)))
os.rename(os.path.join(folder, file_path), os.path.join(folder + 'bad/', file_path))
def get_matches_per_dataset(df, fn, exclude=[]):
matches = defaultdict(list)
for i, row in df.iterrows():
if row['name'] in exclude:
if fn(row):
return matches
def row_print_dict(d):
max_len = max([len(k) for k in d])
for k, values in d.items():
print('{}: {}'.format(k.ljust(max_len), values))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# sys.argv[1] is to be the path to a folder with .arff files."Checking .arff files for correctness. This can take a while."
"Bad files will be moved to {}bad/".format(sys.argv[1]))
move_bad_files(sys.argv[1])"Checking for matches against OpenML.")
df = create_df_matches(sys.argv[1])"Aggregating results...")
matched_datasets = []
def perfect_match(row):
return row['name_match'] and row['d_instances'] == 0 and row['d_features'] == 0 and row['d_missing'] == 0
perfect_matches = get_matches_per_dataset(df, fn=perfect_match, exclude=matched_datasets)
matched_datasets += list(perfect_matches)
print("The following datasets have matching names (A contained in B or B contained in A),"
" and have the same number of instances, features and missing values:")
def close_match(row):
return row['name_match'] and sum([row['d_instances'] == 0, row['d_features'] == 0, row['d_missing'] == 0]) == 2
close_matches = get_matches_per_dataset(df, fn=close_match, exclude=matched_datasets)
matched_datasets += list(close_matches)
print("The following datasets have matching names, but differ in either instances, features, or missing values:")
def name_match(row):
return row['name_match'] and sum([row['d_instances'] == 0, row['d_features'] == 0, row['d_missing'] == 0]) < 2
name_matches = get_matches_per_dataset(df, fn=name_match, exclude=matched_datasets)
matched_datasets += list(name_matches)
print("The following datasets have matching names, but differ in more than one way:")
def shape_match(row):
return (not row['name_match']) and row['d_instances'] == 0 and row['d_features'] == 0 and row['d_missing'] == 0
shape_matches = get_matches_per_dataset(df, fn=shape_match)
matched_datasets += list(shape_matches)
print("The following datasets do not have matching names,"
"but have the same number of instances, features and missing values:")
all_datasets = df['name'].unique()
no_matches = [name for name in all_datasets if name not in matched_datasets]
print("The following datasets do not match any of the above criteria:")
for no_match in no_matches:
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