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Last active May 20, 2018 13:55
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Simple tikz block schemas
%% Author: Thomas Schouten
%% 05-03-2018
% Preamble
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows.meta, shapes.geometric}
% Default arrow length: (length right, length up)
% Default arrowhead.
% Document
\node[left] (one) { One };
\draw[\standardarrow] (one.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (two) { Twoooooooooooooo };
\draw[\standardarrow] (two.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (three) { Three };
\draw[\standardarrow] (three.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (four) { Four };
\caption{ cap }
\node[left] (one) { One };
\draw[\standardarrow] (one.east) -- ++(1.5,0) node[above, pos=0.5] { asdf }
node[right] (two) { Two };
\draw[\standardarrow] (two.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (three) { Three };
\draw[\standardarrow] (three.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (four) { Four };
\caption{ cap }
\node (one) { UpOne };
\node[below of=one] (two) { DownOne };
\draw[\standardarrow] (two.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (three) { Twoooo };
\draw[\standardarrow] (one) -- (three);
\draw[\standardarrow] (three.east) -- ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (four) { Threeeeeee };
\draw[\standardarrow] (four.east) to [bend left=30] ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (five) { Four };
\caption{ More levels}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw, circle}]
\node (g) { G };
\draw[\standardarrow] (g) to [bend left=\standardbend] ++(\standardlength)
node[right] (m) { M };
\draw[\standardarrow] (m) to [bend left=\standardbend] (g);
\caption{ Circles }
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