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Last active September 13, 2021 22:24
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  • Save PJColombo/4d4536b87fbae6beece427f0d7de8bb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PJColombo/4d4536b87fbae6beece427f0d7de8bb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Disputable Voting and Tollgate installation
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { EVMcrispr, toDecimals } from "@commonsswarm/evmcrispr"
async function main() {
const signer = (await ethers.getSigners())[0];
const evmcrispr = await EVMcrispr.create(signer, gardensDAOAddress);
const encodedAction = await evmcrispr.encode(
evmcrispr.installNewApp("", [
"0xc7ad46e0b8a400bb3c915120d284aafba8fc4735", // fee token (DAI)
toDecimals(1), // fee amount
"0xc125218F4Df091eE40624784caF7F47B9738086f", // fee recipient
evmcrispr.installNewApp("", [
"0x1b00535443885342c903d009676e5fbda867c4bb", // token manager token
3600, // vote duration
toDecimals(0.02), // min. support required (in percentage)
toDecimals(0.01), // min. quorum required (in percentage)
1800, // delegated voting period
900, // quite ending period
900, // quite ending extension
900, // execution delay
evmcrispr.addPermission([evmcrispr.ANY_ENTITY, "", "CREATE_VOTES_ROLE"], "voting"),
["token-manager", "voting"]
const txReceipt = await (
await signer.sendTransaction({
gasLimit: TX_GAS_LIMIT,
gasPrice: TX_GAS_PRICE,
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {;
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