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Geodesic distance triangulation: Find two locations that are at given distances from two fixed points, using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid
#! /usr/bin/env python
''' Geodesic distance triangulation
Find two locations that are at given distances
from two fixed points, using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid
First approximate using spherical trig, then refine
using Newton's method.
Uses geographiclib by Charles Karney
which can be installed using pip.
Written by PM 2Ring 2015.06.20
Converted to be compatible with both Python 2 & Python 3 2016.09.29
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, getopt
from operator import itemgetter
from math import degrees, radians, sin, cos, acos, atan2, pi
from random import seed, random
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
Geo = Geodesic.WGS84
from geographiclib.constants import Constants
#WGS84_a : equatorial radius of the ellipsoid, in metres
#WGS84_f : flattening of the ellipsoid
#WGS84_e2: eccentricity squared of the ellipsoid
WGS84_a, WGS84_f = Constants.WGS84_a, Constants.WGS84_f
WGS84_e2 = WGS84_f * (2 - WGS84_f)
#60 international nautical miles in metres
metres_per_deg = 111120.0
# Tolerance in calculated distances, in metres.
# Try adjusting this value if the geo_newton function fails to converge.
distance_tol = 1E-8
# Tolerance in calculated positions, in degrees.
position_tol = 5E-10
# Crude floating-point equality test
def almost_equal(a, b, tol=5E-12):
return abs(a - b) < tol
def normalize_lon(x, a):
''' reduce longitude to range -a <= x < a '''
return (x + a) % (2 * a) - a
class LatLong(object):
''' latitude & longitude in degrees & radians.
Also colatitude in radians.
def __init__(self, lat, lon, in_radians=False):
''' Initialize with latitude and longitude,
in either radians or degrees
if in_radians:
lon = normalize_lon(lon, pi) = lat
self.colat = 0.5 * pi - lat
self.lon = lon
self.dlat = degrees(lat)
self.dlon = degrees(lon)
lon = normalize_lon(lon, 180.0) = radians(lat)
self.colat = radians(90.0 - lat)
self.lon = radians(lon)
self.dlat = lat
self.dlon = lon
def __repr__(self):
return 'LatLong(%.12f, %.12f, in_radians=True)' % (, self.lon)
def __str__(self):
return 'Lat: %.9f, Lon: %.9f' % (self.dlat, self.dlon)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Spherical triangle solutions based on the spherical cos rule
# cos(c) = cos(a) * cos(b) + sin(a) * sin(b) * cos(C)
# Side calculations use functions that are less susceptible
# to round-off errors, from
def opp_angle(a, b, c):
''' Given sides a, b & c find C, the angle opposite side c '''
t = (cos(c) - cos(a) * cos(b)) / (sin(a) * sin(b))
C = acos(t)
except ValueError:
# "Reflect" t if it's out of bounds due to rounding errors.
# This happens roughly 1% of the time, on average.
if t > 1.0:
t = 2.0 - t
elif t < -1.0:
t = -2.0 - t
C = acos(t)
return C
def opp_side(a, b, C):
''' Find side c given sides a, b and the included angle C '''
sa, ca = sin(a), cos(a)
sb, cb = sin(b), cos(b)
sC, cC = sin(C), cos(C)
u = sa * cb - ca * sb * cC
v = sb * sC
num = (u ** 2 + v ** 2) ** 0.5
den = ca * cb + sa * sb * cC
return atan2(num, den)
def opp_side_azi(a, b, C):
''' Find side c given sides a, b and the included angle C
Also find angle A
sa, ca = sin(a), cos(a)
sb, cb = sin(b), cos(b)
sC, cC = sin(C), cos(C)
u = sa * cb - ca * sb * cC
v = sb * sC
num = (u ** 2 + v ** 2) ** 0.5
den = ca * cb + sa * sb * cC
# side c, angle A
return atan2(num, den), atan2(v, u)
def gc_distance(p, q):
''' The great circle distance between two points '''
return opp_side(p.colat, q.colat, q.lon - p.lon)
def gc_distance_azi(p, q):
''' The great circle distance between two points & azimuth at p '''
return opp_side_azi(p.colat, q.colat, q.lon - p.lon)
def azi_dist(p, azi, dist):
''' Find point x given point p, azimuth px, and distance px '''
x_colat, delta = opp_side_azi(p.colat, dist, azi)
x = LatLong(0.5 * pi - x_colat, p.lon + delta, in_radians=True)
return x
def tri_test(*sides):
''' Triangle inequality.
Check that the longest side is not greater than
the sum of the other 2 sides.
Return None if triangle ok, otherwise return
the longest side's index & length and the excess.
i, m = max(enumerate(sides), key=itemgetter(1))
# m > (a + b) -> 2*m > (m + a + b)
excess = 2 * m - sum(sides)
if excess > 0:
return i, m, excess
return None
def gc_triangulate(a, ax_dist, b, bx_dist, verbose=0):
''' Great circle distance triangulation
Given points a & b find the two points x0 & x1 that
are both ax_dist & bx_dist, respectively, from a & b.
Distances are in degrees.
# Distance AB, the base of the OAB triangle
ab_dist, ab_azi = gc_distance_azi(a, b)
ab_dist_deg = degrees(ab_dist)
if verbose > 1:
print('AB distance: %f\nAB azimuth: %f' %
(ab_dist_deg, degrees(ab_azi)))
# Make sure sides of ABX obey triangle inequality
bad = tri_test(ab_dist_deg, ax_dist, bx_dist)
if bad is not None:
print('Bad gc side length %d: %f, excess = %f' % bad)
raise ValueError
# Now we need the distance args in radians
ax_dist, bx_dist = radians(ax_dist), radians(bx_dist)
# Angle BAX
bax = opp_angle(ax_dist, ab_dist, bx_dist)
if verbose > 1:
print('Angle BAX: %f\n' % degrees(bax))
# OAX triangle, towards the pole
ax_azi = ab_azi - bax
if verbose > 1:
print('AX0 azimuth: %f' % degrees(ax_azi))
x0 = azi_dist(a, ax_azi, ax_dist)
# OAX triangle, away from the pole
ax_azi = ab_azi + bax
if verbose > 1:
print('AX1 azimuth: %f\n' % degrees(ax_azi))
x1 = azi_dist(a, ax_azi, ax_dist)
return x0, x1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Geodesic stuff using geographiclib & the WGS84 ellipsoid
# default keys returned by Geo.Inverse
# ['a12', 'azi1', 'azi2', 'lat1', 'lat2', 'lon1', 'lon2', 's12']
# full set of keys
# ['M12', 'M21', 'S12', 'a12', 'azi1', 'azi2',
# 'lat1', 'lat2', 'lon1', 'lon2', 'm12', 's12']
def geo_distance(p, q):
''' The geodesic distance between two points '''
return Geo.Inverse(p.dlat, p.dlon, q.dlat, q.dlon)['s12']
# Meridional radius of curvature and Radius of circle of latitude,
# multiplied by (pi / 180.0) to simplify calculation of partial derivatives
# of geodesic length wrt latitude & longitude in degrees
def rho_R(lat):
lat = radians(lat)
w2 = 1.0 - WGS84_e2 * sin(lat) ** 2
w = w2 ** 0.5
# Meridional radius of curvature
rho = WGS84_a * (1.0 - WGS84_e2) / (w * w2)
# Radius of circle of latitude; a / w is the normal radius of curvature
R = WGS84_a * cos(lat) / w
return radians(rho), radians(R)
def normalize_lat_lon(lat, lon):
''' Fix latitude & longitude if abs(lat) > 90 degrees,
i.e., the point has gone over the pole.
Also normalize longitude to -180 <= x < 180
if lat > 90.0:
lat = 180.0 - lat
lon = -lon
elif lat < -90.0:
lat = -180.0 - lat
lon = -lon
lon = normalize_lon(lon, 180.0)
return lat, lon
def geo_newton(a, b, x, ax_dist, bx_dist, verbose=0):
''' Solve a pair of simultaneous geodesic distance equations
using Newton's method.
Refine an initial approximation of point x such that
the distance from point a to x is ax_dist, and
the distance from point b to x is bx_dist
# Original approximations
x_dlat, x_dlon = x.dlat, x.dlon
# Typically, 4 or 5 loops are adequate.
for i in range(30):
# Find geodesic distance from a to x, & azimuth at x
d = Geo.Inverse(a.dlat, a.dlon, x_dlat, x_dlon)
f0, a_azi = d['s12'], d['azi2']
# Find geodesic distance from b to x, & azimuth at x
d = Geo.Inverse(b.dlat, b.dlon, x_dlat, x_dlon)
g0, b_azi = d['s12'], d['azi2']
#Current errors in f & g
delta_f = ax_dist - f0
delta_g = bx_dist - g0
if verbose > 1:
print(i, ': delta_f =', delta_f, ', delta_g =', delta_g)
if (almost_equal(delta_f, 0, distance_tol) and
almost_equal(delta_g, 0, distance_tol)):
if verbose and i > 9: print('Loops =', i)
# Calculate partial derivatives of f & g
# wrt latitude & longitude in degrees
a_azi = radians(a_azi)
b_azi = radians(b_azi)
rho, R = rho_R(x_dlat)
f_lat = rho * cos(a_azi)
g_lat = rho * cos(b_azi)
f_lon = R * sin(a_azi)
g_lon = R * sin(b_azi)
# Generate new approximations of x_dlat & x_dlon
den = f_lat * g_lon - f_lon * g_lat
dd_lat = delta_f * g_lon - f_lon * delta_g
dd_lon = f_lat * delta_g - delta_f * g_lat
x_dlat += dd_lat / den
x_dlon += dd_lon / den
x_dlat, x_dlon = normalize_lat_lon(x_dlat, x_dlon)
print('Warning: Newton approximation loop fell through '
'without finding a solution after %d loops.' % (i + 1))
return LatLong(x_dlat, x_dlon)
def geo_triangulate(a, ax_dist, b, bx_dist, verbose=0):
''' Geodesic Triangulation
Given points a & b find the two points x0 & x1 that
are both ax_dist & bx_dist, respectively from a & b.
Distances are in metres.
ab_dist = geo_distance(a, b)
if verbose:
print('ab_dist =', ab_dist)
# Make sure sides of ABX obey triangle inequality
bad = tri_test(ab_dist, ax_dist, bx_dist)
if bad is not None:
print('Bad geo side length %d: %f, excess = %f' % bad)
raise ValueError
# Find approximate great circle solutions.
# Distances need to be given in degrees, so we approximate them
# using 1 degree = 60 nautical miles
ax_deg = ax_dist / metres_per_deg
bx_deg = bx_dist / metres_per_deg
ab_deg = degrees(gc_distance(a, b))
# Make sure that the sides of the great circle triangle
# obey the triangle inequality
bad = tri_test(ab_deg, ax_deg, bx_deg)
if bad is not None:
if verbose > 1:
print('Bad gc side length after conversion '
'%d: %f, excess = %f. Adjusting...' % bad)
i, _, excess = bad
if i == 1:
ax_deg -= excess
bx_deg += excess
elif i == 2:
bx_deg -= excess
ax_deg += excess
ax_deg += excess
bx_deg += excess
#bad = tri_test(ab_deg, ax_deg, bx_deg)
#if bad:
#print 'BAD ', bad
#print (ab_deg, ax_deg, bx_deg)
#print a, ax_dist, b, bx_dist
x0, x1 = gc_triangulate(a, ax_deg, b, bx_deg, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
ax = geo_distance(a, x0)
bx = geo_distance(b, x0)
print('\nInitial X0:', x0)
print('ax0 =', ax, ', error =', ax - ax_dist)
print('bx0 =', bx, ', error =', bx - bx_dist)
# Use Newton's method to get the true position of x0
x0 = geo_newton(a, b, x0, ax_dist, bx_dist, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
ax = geo_distance(a, x1)
bx = geo_distance(b, x1)
print('\nInitial X1:', x1)
print('ax1 =', ax, ', error =', ax - ax_dist)
print('bx1 =', bx, ', error =', bx - bx_dist)
# Use Newton's method to get the true position of x1
x1 = geo_newton(a, b, x1, ax_dist, bx_dist, verbose=verbose)
return x0, x1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def rand_lat_lon(maxlat=90.0, maxlon=180.0):
lat = 2 * maxlat * random() - maxlat
lon = 2 * maxlon * random() - maxlon
return lat, lon
def test(numtests, verbose=0):
for i in range(1, numtests+1):
if verbose:
print('\n### Test %d ###' % i)
# Generate 3 random points
alat, alon = rand_lat_lon()
blat, blon = rand_lat_lon()
xlat, xlon = rand_lat_lon()
# Skip if any points are too close to each other
if ((almost_equal(alat, blat, position_tol)
and almost_equal(alon, blon, position_tol)) or
(almost_equal(alat, xlat, position_tol)
and almost_equal(alon, xlon, position_tol)) or
(almost_equal(blat, xlat, position_tol)
and almost_equal(blon, xlon, position_tol))):
a = LatLong(alat, alon)
b = LatLong(blat, blon)
x = LatLong(xlat, xlon)
ax = geo_distance(a, x)
bx = geo_distance(b, x)
if verbose:
print('A: %s\nB: %s\nX: %s\nax = %.15f\nbx = %.15f\n' %
(a, b, x, ax, bx))
x0, x1 = geo_triangulate(a, ax, b, bx, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
print('X0', x0)
print('X1', x1)
if (almost_equal(x0.dlat, x1.dlat, position_tol) and
almost_equal(x0.dlon, x1.dlon, position_tol)):
print(' %d Warning: only 1 solution found\n'
'x0 %.15f, %.15f\nx1 %.15f, %.15f'
% (i, x0.dlat, x0.dlon, x1.dlat, x1.dlon))
# Verify that one of the computed x's is (almost) in the
# same position as the original x
if not (
(almost_equal(x0.dlat, xlat, position_tol) and
almost_equal(x0.dlon, xlon, position_tol)) or
(almost_equal(x1.dlat, xlat, position_tol) and
almost_equal(x1.dlon, xlon, position_tol))):
print(' %d Warning: Bad x\nx %.15f, %.15f\nx0 %.15f, %.15f\n'
'x1 %.15f, %.15f\na %.15f %.15f; b %.15f %.15f\n'
'ax %.15f, bx %.15f' % (i, x.dlat, x.dlon,
x0.dlat, x0.dlon, x1.dlat, x1.dlon,
a.dlat, a.dlon, b.dlat, b.dlon, ax, bx))
# Calculate the distances
ax0 = geo_distance(a, x0)
ax1 = geo_distance(a, x1)
bx0 = geo_distance(b, x0)
bx1 = geo_distance(b, x1)
if verbose:
print('ax0 = %.15f\nbx0 = %.15f' % (ax0, bx0))
print('ax1 = %.15f\nbx1 = %.15f' % (ax1, bx1))
# Verify the distances
if not almost_equal(ax0, ax, distance_tol):
print(' %d ax0 error: %.15f, %.15f' % (i, ax0, ax))
if not almost_equal(ax1, ax, distance_tol):
print(' %d ax1 error: %.15f, %.15f' % (i, ax1, ax))
if not almost_equal(bx0, bx, distance_tol):
print(' %d bx0 error: %.15f, %.15f' % (i, bx0, bx))
if not almost_equal(bx1, bx, distance_tol):
print(' %d bx1 error: %.15f, %.15f' % (i, bx1, bx))
if not verbose and i % 10 == 0:
sys.stderr.write('\r %d ' % i)
if not verbose: sys.stderr.write('\n')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def usage(msg=None):
s = 'Error: %s\n\n' % msg if msg != None else ''
s += ('Geodesic distance triangulation.\n'
'Find two locations that are at given WGS84 '
'geodesic distances from two fixed points.\n\n'
'Print this help:\n'
' {0} -h\n\n'
'Normal mode:\n'
' {0} [-v verbosity] -- A_lat A_lon A_dist B_lat B_lon B_dist '
'[X_lat X_lon]...\n\n'
'Test mode: run tests using sets of 3 random points\n'
' {0} [-v verbosity] [-s rand_seed] -t num_tests\n\n'
'In normal mode, position arguments are in decimal degrees '
'(N/E +ve, S/W -ve), distances are in metres.\n'
'The end-of-options marker -- should precede the position arguments '
'so that negative latitudes or longitudes\n'
'are not misinterpreted as invalid options.\n\n'
'This program generates initial approximate solutions using '
'spherical trigonometry.\n'
'These solutions are then refined using Newton\'s method to '
'obtain geodesic solutions.\n'
'Alternatively, any number of approximate solutions X_lat X_lon '
'may follow the A & B positions & distances.\n\n'
'In test mode, if no seed string is given system time is used '
'to generate a random seed string.\n'
'This string is printed to simplify repeating such test series.\n\n'
'The verbosity option is a number from 0 to 2.\n'
'A non-zero verbosity tells the program to print various significant '
'parameters; the higher the verbosity, the more gets printed.\n'
'Please see the source code for details.'.format(sys.argv[0]))
def main():
# Default args
verbose = 0
numtests = 0
rand_seed = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hv:t:s:")
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-h": usage()
elif o == "-v": verbose = int(a)
elif o == "-t": numtests = int(a)
elif o == "-s": rand_seed = a
# Test mode
if numtests > 0:
if rand_seed is None:
rand_seed = str(random())
print('seed', rand_seed)
test(numtests, verbose=verbose)
# Normal mode
numargs = len(args)
if numargs < 6 or numargs % 2 != 0:
usage('Bad number of arguments for normal mode.')
args = [float(s) for s in args]
except ValueError as e:
a_lat, a_lon, ax_dist, b_lat, b_lon, bx_dist = args[:6]
a = LatLong(a_lat, a_lon)
b = LatLong(b_lat, b_lon)
args = args[6:]
if not args:
# No initial approximations given; (try to) find 2 solutions
# via great circle geo_triangulation.
x0, x1 = geo_triangulate(a, ax_dist, b, bx_dist, verbose=verbose)
for i, x in enumerate((x0, x1)):
print('X%d: %s' % (i, x))
ax = geo_distance(a, x)
bx = geo_distance(b, x)
print('AX=%.15f, BX=%.15f\n' % (ax, bx))
#Collect X latitude, longitude pairs into points
args = list(zip(*[iter(args)] * 2))
xlist = [LatLong(*t) for t in args]
#Process each given initial approximation.
for i, x in enumerate(xlist):
print('Initial X%d: %s' % (i, x))
x = geo_newton(a, b, x, ax_dist, bx_dist, verbose=verbose)
print(' Final X%d: %s' % (i, x))
ax = geo_distance(a, x)
bx = geo_distance(b, x)
print('AX=%.15f, BX=%.15f\n' % (ax, bx))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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